Too Early

Chapter 1418: Reincarnation

Shen Weimin looked at Liu Yingying, and gently grasped it in the hand of Liu Yingying's white tenderness. He said in a meaningful way: "In the case of Shen, the Yingying girl is not seen every other day, just after the girl left so long. Shenmou naturally misses a lot."

Liu Yingying lowered his eyes and his long eyelashes left a faint shadow on the white face of the jade. She smiled and poured the wine from the bottle into the glasses of two people, then looked up at Shen Weimin: The nozzle is smooth."

Shen Weimin was even more excited. He seized Liu Yingying’s hand: “There is no falsehood in this official’s statement. I am fascinated by Yingying’s girl.”

Liu Yingying's mouth smiled more and more sweetly. She gently put a beautiful wine glass on Shen Weimin's lips and smiled and said: "Since the adults are so affectionate about Yingying, please drink this bar first."

Shen Weimin relies on Liu Yingying very close, can smell the tempting aroma of her body, compared to the wine in the hands of the beauty, he is more willing to taste the beauty that can be hugged.

In fact, he did the same.

Sitting next to Shen Weimin, Zhuang Yuanlang saw this scene, his heart was like a knife, and he watched the person he liked being held in his arms by other men. He was full of anger and swallowed the glass of his hand.

Originally, on this wine table, Shang Shu Shen Weimin did not take the lead in drinking. According to the rules, Yuan Lang could not drink it first, but he was too angry. Under the impulse, he could only think of borrowing wine.

Liu Yingying was holding back the nausea in her heart because of Shen Weimin. Her smile was still confusing. The white hand held a beautiful wine glass and gently sent it to Shen’s lips: "Adult, let's drink the bar first."

Shen Weimin’s hand touched Liu Yingying’s hand with a restless smile on his face: “Well, good, the beauty feeds me.”

"Ying Ying feeds you..."


Oh la la...

Just as the glass of wine was about to enter the mouth of Shen Weimin, there was a sound of heavy objects coming to the side, which was very horrible in this quiet attic.

"what happened?"

Shen Weimin was shocked, and the intoxicating eyes immediately woke up. He saw the champion Lang Qing Xuanzi lying straight on the ground. After twitching twice, the corner of his mouth overflowed with a lot of blood, and then he stopped moving.


Shen Weimin panicked and forgot his movements. Liu Yingying glanced at him and the glass of his hand came to the lips of Shen Weimin and poured it.


Shen Weimin’s action quickly opened Liu Yingying’s hand, and he stood up and coughed out, while his mouth groaned: “Come on! Come on! Come on!”

The movement of the champion when he fell to the ground has already alerted the officers and men outside, and the shouts of Shen Weimin, the officers and men stationed outside have suddenly come in. When they saw the champion who fell on the ground, everyone was shocked.

After drinking a cup of poisonous drink, Shen Weimin quickly felt the pain in his stomach, as if the cold knife had entered his body and vigorously crossed!

"Adult? What happened to you?"

Obesity, such as the pig's sinking into the face of the people, turned down, and the officers and men suddenly panic.

Liu Yingying did not expect such a situation to occur.

She looked up and looked at the room. The officers and men had a quick movement at this time. They had already controlled the entire attic, and Shen Weimin screamed because the poison was rolling around.

Will you die?

It is not important anymore.

Liu Yingying closed her eyes and turned around. She took a glass of wine for herself and sent it to the entrance. She smiled at the corner of her mouth: "You wait for me on Huangquan Road, wait for me."

"Stop! Stop her!"

Seeing the action of Liu Yingying, the chief of the guards who controlled the scene immediately shouted.


The soldier standing next to Liu Yingying, after hearing the words of the chief of the guard, quickly knocked over the glass in her hand and controlled her.

"Is it important to be an adult?" After the Shen Weimin handed over to the doctor who had rushed, the bodyguard asked Liu Yingying.

The smile on Liu Yingying’s face has completely disappeared. She doesn’t care if the glass in her hand is knocked over. The face she lifted is cold and cold. She stares at Shen for the people: “You have hurt his future, you have harmed him. life."

"What..." The chief of the guard frowned and frowned, and suddenly he understood. He looked at Liu Yingying unbelievably. "You, you actually turned to the waste..."

"He is not a waste." Liu Yingying did not even look at these people again. "You can't even compare one of his hair."

"Doctor, what about adults?" At this time, the guards did not care about Liu Yingying and asked anxiously.

“The situation is a bit critical and needs immediate medical attention.”

"Come, come to the adult and get to the doctor, please go to the doctor!"


"Control the entire Yang Liufang!"


The head of the guard looked at Yingying’s Liu Yingying and said, “Take her down and wait for interrogation.”


"Girl, why are you so stupid!"

Liu Yingying, who was watched as if he was being watched, looked red.

Liu Yingying faded Huayi Huafu, wearing the gray clothing provided by the cell, and quietly stayed in a small cell without talking.

"This kind of place, how can you live habitually..." As the moon sounded with a cry, "Girl, you go to the adults to ask for help, he likes you so much, you will be able to let you go."

"He let me go, I will kill him again." Liu Yingying's cold voice came out of the cell.

"Why are you suffering? Is it worth it?" The tears flowed down like a month.

Liu Yingying's pale face with a smile: "Worth, he is my favorite person."

"But, but..."

"But we are not together, what about it? If he is killed, I will never let anyone who has harmed him."

"Hey! Girl..."

"Let's go, this thing has nothing to do with you." Liu Yingying glanced at her and said softly.

Yang Liufang was confused overnight, and the next day he was arrested. The singer Liu Yingying was even more impetuous and imprisoned.

Three days later, Shangshufu.

"grown ups."

A guard arrived in the bedroom in a hurry and took a gift to Shen Weimin on the bed.

Shen Weimin looked gloomy and looked at the guard: "Is there still news?"


"A group of waste! Even a small scholar can not kill?!" Shen Weimin shouted loudly, but then coughed out, a pain in the body.

"Adult, adults take care of their bodies."

"Wang Xueqin... He must die! No matter how much it costs!" Shen Weimin said with hate.

The guardian thought for a moment, suddenly his eyes lit up and he said a few words near Shen Weimin.

Shen Weimin looked at him with appreciation: "Well, just do what you said."

"Yes, adults."

Wang Xueqin has been moving to the woods for many days. Fortunately, he found a house that has been abandoned for a long time. Although the house is small and worn, it is much better than the cave that he lived in before.

Wang Xueqin and Miao Fang spent two days cleaning up the house and arranging clothes. It was also a place to live.

"If we can live here, we are very happy."

Miao Fang, who has suffered a series of blows, has not become gloomy because of those things, but has become more and more strong. Whether it is for her own husband, children, or life, she has more inclusive love.

Wang Xueqin smiled and looked at her, and Miao Fang was in his arms, whispering promise: "I will not let you live this hard life forever."

"To be honest, our family can be together, I don't feel bitter."

"I know, I know." Wang Xueqin looked at her. "So I also know that I can have you as my wife. How lucky it is to have a wife, how can I ask for it."

Miao Fang licked her lips and smiled, her cheeks were red.

"We are here to avoid this gust of limelight. When the weather is warm, our family will leave here. It will be big and big, and we will always have our place."

"Okay, listen to you."

Wang Xueqin has been a scholar for half a lifetime, and his poems are very good at writing articles, but when he really started to open the land in front of the house with simple tools, he really felt powerless.

One day, my back was sore, my palms were blisters, and the work in the field was still not done much.

In the evening they were in the house, the two children were already asleep, and Miao Fang burned the water in a wooden barrel and was washing her feet for Wang Xueqin.

"I come by myself." Wang Xueqin pulled up Miao Fangdao.

Miao Fang looked at him, smiled, but did not move, and continued to wash for him: "You have worked hard today, I am here to serve you."

Thinking of the day's work today, Wang Xueqin smiled and said: "I didn't know until today that it was so tiring to do farm work. Madame, I used to work hard."

"I don't work hard." Miao Fang replied with a smile.

After the water was poured, the two men embraced each other and Miao Fang said softly: "In fact, I am very satisfied with the present day. You and the children are by my side. They are all healthy. Besides me, nothing else needed."

Wang Xueqin hugged her tightly and did not speak.

The night is like the ink, the wind is cold, and the house is warm and peaceful.

After Wang Xueqin fell into a dream, he was surprised to find that he came to that dream again.

There is a white piece everywhere, a huge roulette stands by his side, and the black seal appears as always in the place where he can reach out and is silently confused.

"You really want to be uncovered by me."

Wang Xueqin stepped back and looked at the roulette quietly. He didn't evade or ignore it a few times ago, but this time, he stood in front of the roulette, watching him quietly, a strange feeling in him and the wheel. I am not satisfied with the flow between the I am very satisfied with my current life. Wang Xueqin looked at the roulette. "I don't know if this is a dream. I don't know what it means. I only have one feeling. I will not reveal me if I reveal the seal." ”

A soft light poured down from the roulette. Wang Xueqin even thought that this was his own illusion. Then he saw the breeze picking up and saw the white clouds floating, magnificent and turbulent. It seemed that the roulette wanted to convey something.

"Hey, hey..."

The child’s voice came, and Wang Xueqin, who was somewhat confused, immediately woke up. When he blinked, he saw that he was still lying in bed. The two children were dressed neatly and were laughing at their side.

"How come up so early." Wang Xueqin sat up from the bed, and his voice was still lazy with no wokes up. He took all the children and children around and smiled and asked, "What about your mother?"

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