Too Early

Chapter 1419: Blinking

"Mother has got up already." The daughter's little finger pointed out, "Look at you, the sun is so high."

The glaring Huaguang shines straight through the gap in the window, fascinating eyes.

Wang Xueqin stretched out, then moved up from the bed, and played with the children for a while, and went out.

It was so cold in the morning, and the sun shone with the radiance of the sun shining the earth, dyed the sky into a beautiful red, and put a layer of brilliance on the whole mountain.

The outer room is hot and steaming, Miao Fang is preparing food for the family, and her slightly slender figure is busy in the small room.

Wang Xueqin stood outside the house and quietly looked at her for a while. The children’s laughter sounded occasionally. His heart was full of happiness, and the secular shackles had receded. This moment of calm, he Incomparably want to guard.

“People?” Miao Fang turned to see Wang Xueqin and smiled. “Are you up?”

"Yeah, you didn't call me so early." Wang Xueqin stepped into the house and smelled it. "What do you do? It's very sweet."

"Your wild vegetables you picked yesterday, I became a porridge."

Miao Fang opened the lid and let Wang Xueqin look at it. The white rice porridge floated with green vegetables and scented.

"Breakfast is ready, you can eat it after you wash it." Miao Fang said.

"it is good."

After breakfast, Wang Xueqin and Miao Fang came to the field to continue to work, and the two children were playing in a place not far away.

When Wang Xueqin was resting and drinking water, he remembered his dream and looked at his wife. He told him his dream.

After listening to Miao Fang, she asked: "Is the same dream?"

"Yes, I used to dream when I was frustrated in Beijing. I am dreaming now, and it is very frequent."

Miao Fang thought about it a little, and she looked at Wang Xueqin with hesitation.

"what happened?"

"I was wondering if it was a thing in the cave that irritated you and would make such a dream." Miao Fang looked dark and dark. "The heavens and the earth are on the top, you kill people, your heart will naturally fear, or..."

"No, I don't fear, I don't feel fear at all." Wang Xueqin said with a firm voice, "I just regret that I don't have enough strength to kill those people."

Miao Fang lowered her head and leaned on Wang Xueqin: "I know that your heart is bitter, but I want to live in this life, but only our family is safe. Promise me, you don't do those adventurous things, you see, we are now Not too good?"

The coldness of the spring melted, and the sky gradually warmed up. The wicker was green, the earth was green, and the yellow, pink, and white flowers of the various colors all came out, lining the spring and the earth.

The breeze warmed up, Wang Xueqin embraced his wife, stood in a thick spring, and sighed: "Yes, we are also very good now."

Miao Fang is embarrassed, she can see the deep hiddenness of her own eyes, but she can't help.

In the morning of hard work, a piece of soil was opened, and as long as the seeds of the grain were planted, it was harvested in the fall.

"People, I am going to cook, I will call you." Miao Fang handed the water to Wang Xueqin, who was sweating.

Wang Xueqin drank his mouth: "Well, I will do it again."

This land is not close to their house. Miao Fang greets two children. Huaiyu and Huaiyu are like happy deer in the forest. They jump to the side of Miaofang and laugh and talk.

Wang Xueqin smiled and watched the three of them go out of their sights, and after drinking the water in the bowl, they picked up the tools again and started to work.

"Is that you are here? It really makes us look good."

With a voice of deep anger coming from the front, Wang Xueqin looked up and looked at two people he did not know.

"You are?" Wang Xueqin looked at them and asked questions.

Yang Drum and Cai Jiande, these days have almost turned over the entire back mountain, and their clothes have become worn out because of the climbing of these days, describing the wolverine and looking hot.

"You are Wang Xueqin?" Cai Jiande looked at Wang Xueqin's eyes and asked coldly.

Wang Xueqin’s heart was slightly shocked. Didn’t he expose the bully? Are they official differences?

"Don't talk? Is this the default?" Yang drum eyes a sigh, and Wang Xueqin took two steps. His killing was too obvious.

"Who are you? What are you looking for?" Wang Xueqin clenched his hands and asked cautiously.

Cai Jiande and Yang Gu looked at each other: "It is him."

"Not much nonsense, we also take people's money, for people to fight disasters, you go to the palace of the king, don't admit the enemy."


The long sword is squirted, and the Yanggu sword is smashed toward Wang Xueqin!

The sword is cold and cold, and the killing is stunned. You can feel the sharpness of the blade far apart!

Seeing that he was going to be stabbed, in this moment of life and death, Wang Xueqin was strangely calmed down. He lifted his hands to stop the farm tools, and the huge forces collided, and he couldn’t catch the sword. Go out!

At the same time, Wang Xueqin's action picked up the farm implement, and he got it on the belly of Yang Drum and knocked him to the ground!


Yang drum screamed and fell to the ground, his face instantly filled with cold sweat!

Cai Jiande saw the prominence of the change, no longer delayed, waving his own soft whip, and went away. He directly took Wang Xueqin’s back and pulled him to the ground. He took a few steps and picked up the Yanggu’s sword. Wang Xueqin on the ground cut down!


Wang Xueqin, who was originally on the ground and motionless, suddenly rolled sideways. He raised a handful of ash in his left hand and lost Cai Jiande’s eyes. At the same time, his right hand touched the stick scattered on the ground. A stick hit the head of Cai Jiande. He stumbles!

"Say! Who sent you?" Wang Xueqin resisted the pain of the skin on his back and asked loudly.

Yang Drum and Cai Jiande thought that they were dealing with the scholars who had no strength in the hands of the chickens, but they did not expect this contemptuous heart to let them plant a big head!

Yang drum stood up from the ground with his stomach, and Wang Xueqin smiled coldly: "The dead do not need to know so much?"

Wang Xueqin felt a little strange, and the next shocking tremor came from the air. He looked up and looked at him. A figure galloped from the air, and the momentum was amazing!

It is a fairy! Wang Xueqin instantly widened his eyes!


The immortal just waved his hand in the air, and the force that could not resist suddenly came to an end. Wang Xueqin was hit by the power and flew out and fell to the ground!


At the moment when Wang Xueqin was in a coma, a shout of screaming came from afar.

"Lin Zhang Xianren!"

"See the immortals."

Yang Drum and Cai Jiande both rushed to the scene.

Lin Zhang stepped on the flying sword and landed from the air. His eyes swept over the two killers who were lying on the ground. He looked at Wang Xueqin, who was in a coma in the distance, and Miao Fang, who had run away with Wang Xueqin.


Wang Xueqin slammed his eyes open, his hand reaching forward, but he was empty.

He looked at his empty surroundings, the familiar white piece, the familiar huge roulette...

Wang Xueqin stood up from the ground, and he was a little anxious on the face: "What happened? Dreaming again?"

Looking at the roulette in front of him, he clenched his fist: "Why is this dream again? My wife? I want to go back, I want to go back!"

The world is silent, the huge roulette is as silent as ever, and the black seal sways gently, as if waving at Wang Xueqin.

The scene before the coma appeared in front of Wang Xueqin. He held his head with some pain: "Why? Why even my final peace has to be broken? Why do immortals come to kill me? How can I protect them?"

The wind blew gently, and Wang Xueqin’s voice was scattered in the air, and soon disappeared.

"What are you?" For a long time, Wang Xueqin spit out a sigh of relief and looked up at the roulette. "You have branded the reincarnation on your body. Are you heavenly? Is it to punish me?"

No one can answer the doubts of Wang Xueqin.

He was pale, but his eyes became firmer: "If you are heaven, can you help me?"

Step by step, Wang Xueqin came to the wheel and approached like never before.

The black seal seems to feel something, gently swinging, swaying joy.

"Maybe I opened you up, I am no longer me, but even if I take my life, ask you to help my wife and children."

The hand came to the black seal, and the paper was easily removed.

"People! Gonggong, you wake up!" Miao Fang held Wang Xueqin and said with a cry.

"Hey, mother!"

When I saw myself falling to the ground, my mother was crying, and the two children were full of fear and flew toward them.

Miao Fang turned back and saw that Yang Drum and Cai Jiande had already lifted their swords toward themselves. She was full of horror and turned her head to the children who ran towards her: "No, don't come over!"

But how can two small children listen?

"Get it done."

The monk's forest chapter said faintly.

Yang Drum and Cai Jiande looked at each other and they all understood that today, this family of four is destined to be the soul of this knife.


The two children have already ran over and are held tightly in the arms of Miao Fang!

The sword was lifted by the killer, and the cold light was glaring, and the heavy fall!

The sound of breaking the air rang in the ear, Miao Fang closed her eyes, tears fell on her face, and the two children looked at the swords that they had cut through their mother's arms and ignorantly.

The monk's forest chapter looked indifferently, and several lives like ants were about to disappear, and there was no fluctuation on his face.

Just when the sword was less than a foot away from Miao Fang, Wang Xueqin slowly opened his eyes.

Void tremor ~ ~ grass and wood are shocked. Even the breeze blowing in the surplus is stagnation, as if surrendering has subsided.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth, quiet to the point of trepidation, as if a sleeping king, wake up from a dream, and everything, all feared and bowed his head.

The aura that could not be seen was gently wandering and wrapped around the two swords.

Yang Drum and Cai Jiande only felt that for a moment, they were completely unable to move. They were more powerful than the mountains and the sea. They became ants that could be crushed at will, full of fear and inexplicable.


Lin Zhang suddenly turned back and looked at Wang Xueqin who opened his eyes in disbelief. He couldn't understand why this person would use the spiritual method!

PS: There is still an hour later.

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