Too Early

Chapter 1434: Death and resurrection

Qin Haoxuan carefully watched the costumes on them through the ice layer, which is different from the current monks: "It is not a person outside the mainland, it is a long time."

I can only guess what I guessed. Qin Haoxuan recalled the way to save Huayi’s real people. He first took his own aura into the bodies of the three people, protected their blood and fairy species, and then protected their knowledge. This is a little bit unblocking for these people.

The coldness is scattered, the ice layer is ablated, and the faces of the three people gradually become clear.

The only female in the trio, looks beautiful and beautiful, the hair is braided into a playful little scorpion, hanging in front of her, the palm of her palm-sized face is a slender eyebrow like a tender willow, eyelids still Closed, but the eyelashes are black and long, the roots are sharp, and the skin is white and snowy. Because of the ice, the lips are pale, but it adds a bit of a weak and morbid beauty to her.

The other two men repaired, looking at the appearance, but also quite pleasing to the eye, one person is tall and straight, the five senses are sparse, and there is a king in the eyes closed; the other person is tall and thin, combing neat hair is behind the head Long eyebrows and high nose, there is a temperament that floats out.

A little bit of time passed, Qin Haoxuan has used 18 nine-petal golden lotuses that are hard to find, to stabilize the body that they have been wilting for many years. These three breaths are indeed a little stronger than when they just came out of the ice. , but still intermittent.

When the real person of Huayi was able to wake up for hundreds of years, it was completely because the first time he was fully rescued, and the countless heavenly treasures were not poured out. The elders and deputy teachers were always away. The Huayi ancestor was saved from the edge of sudden death.

Qin Haoxuan carefully invaded the bodies of the three monks with the knowledge of God. He was able to get the response from the three people. They were alive, but they were frozen and couldn’t help but slow down. Hard to say.

The wind and snow drifted outside, and Qin Haoxuan sat cross-legged, with one person's power, to convey the aura to the three strangers who had been frozen for a long time.

The first one who had his own consciousness and began to wake up was the one who was savvy and heroic, and the best among the three, but the golden fairy.

When he shivered and opened his eyes, he was full of confusion, and there was a long time. His eyes were blank, like a soulless body, sturdy and stiff.

Qin Haoxuan screwed his eyebrows: "I won't save a fool?"

Although the heart spit, Qin Haoxuan sent more aura to the person's body.

The man’s eyes slowly glimpsed, and the eyes turned, the whole person moved, and the spirit of God returned a little. He lived.

The blood began to flow in the body, and the spontaneous source of absorption of the sinensis for many years continued to enter the aura of the body. He took a long sigh of relief, his eyes smashed, and all his memories returned to his mind. He remembered It is here, this is the white world that made him taste the danger of death for the first time, his last memory.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the man with great interest, and looked at the look on his face from the blank, to the colorful, unspeakable.

I noticed the gaze of Qin Haoxuan. The man slowly turned his head and looked at Qin Haoxuan. He was obviously shocked. But he was frozen for too long. He even forgot how to do this action. He could only stay alone. Look at him, and then use the throat that has been vocal for a long time, said: "Is it you, saved me?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled and admitted.

The man seemed to want to thank him, but when he moved, the bones in his body made a screaming voice. He smiled and tried to say in a hoarse voice: "Thank you."

Qin Haoxuan did not speak and continued to nourish his body with aura.

When Lu Weize, the monk who was awakened, was able to speak smoothly, it had already passed three days. Qin Haoxuan also learned from his intermittent narrative that this talented golden fairy was frozen. It turned out to be 3,000 years ago, and he used to be the godson of the Supreme Masters.

With such an amazing talent and a fascinating identity, Lu Wei Ze was used to it, and he did not know how many ancient ruins he had survived. He survived. Genius, once it’s too smooth, it’s uneasy, and I always want to challenge it. So one day before 3,000 years ago, Lu Weize accidentally passed the fairy valley, and some of them couldn’t help.

At that time, Lu Weize has been stagnant in the peak of Xianying for hundreds of years. He thought that if he did not break, he would not die, and he would find his own way by going to this desperate situation. I have become a dead person.

If there is a rare Qin Haoxuan who wants to save lives, then after a few decades, his vitality will be completely cut off.

"Thank you for your help, my life is Lu Zeze. It is yours." Lu Weize smiled heartily, but because his body was frozen for too long, even if he survived, he was still weak. So for three days, he couldn't do it even if he stood up.

However, compared to the other two people who have not even opened their eyes, Lu Weize is enough to call it a miracle.

Qin Haoxuan didn’t think too much about saving them. It’s quite hard to see Lu Weize’s speech now. In the principle of saving lives, the three people were placed in the fairy land that was once recovered from Wanjiaxian. Inside, and then leave them with countless spiritual medicine fairy grass, let them slowly recover, and finally can be restored to what, can only rely on the three people's own chances.

After finishing all this, Qin Haoxuan, who was accidentally delayed, was left from the transmission method that he had left.

Leaving from a world of ice and snow, I came to another place that was frozen.

At the beginning.

Qin Haoxuan stood in his own hand-wrenched Taixue teaching, and there was a moment of blankness in his expression.

I am back.

The frost icyly sealed the appearance of the last battle of the early days. There were broken temples everywhere, the mountains were cracked, the earth was broken, and a dark red blood was scattered on the ground, occasionally from the ice. Seeing the disciples who had died in the beginning, they even maintained a fighting stance.

Qin Haoxuan is like a returning home from a distant journey. Feng Xue dyed his robe into white. He did not use any spiritual method, let him be ravaged by the cold wind. He came to Yingling Mountain step by step.

A frozen body is displayed here, Huanglong, red-strength...

"I am back."

Qin Haoxuan’s voice was hoarse. He leaned back against a collapsed roof beam, knees down, and his hair was blown away. Qin Haoxuan looked up at them and stopped talking. He closed his eyes quietly. .

Life is alive, it is a blessing to have one or two confidants. You can talk loudly and honestly. You can be honest, but there are some pains and thoughts that cannot be declared. Any language that faces such deep bones is pale and powerless. It is better to say that it is better for a person to sit quietly, silently thinking, to bear the passing time alone.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes, and the surrounding area was dark, and the stars shone in the sky, and occasionally a flash of light flashed.

He stood up and looked at the quiet night, and felt a little unbelievable. In addition to being a mortal, he had not really slept for a long time.

Perhaps this is the place that gives him the most peace of mind.

Qin Haoxuan rushed to his front and bowed slightly, whispering: "I am leaving."

Sifang City is still prosperous. I heard that the four major city owners have broken through, and Shouyuan has once again improved, and they have re-selected their successors for themselves.

Qin Haoxuan sat in the largest restaurant in Sifangcheng. He wrapped the whole restaurant and sat down at the window, watching the four light and shadows coming from afar, and gently hooking the lips.

The news that Qin Haoxuan died and resurrected has spread throughout the Xiuxian world. Although he re-appeared in the cultivation of the immortal world, he was deliberately smeared by the interested parties. However, some people did not believe it before they saw Qin Haoxuan himself. of.

After all, Puguangge had spent a lot of effort to get the best from the ancient religion. The big battle, hundreds of miles around it turned into ashes, and within a hundred years will be a wasteland, it is impossible to regain its vitality, such a powerful opponent. In such a fierce battlefield, Qin Haoxuan can live even if he is against the sky again?

To know that Qin Haoxuan at that time did not enter the Taoist palace, the foundation is not necessarily stable, what to fight against?

The four major city owners of Sifang City also held a dubious attitude towards Qin Haoxuan. Until today, the guards came to report and Qin Haoxuan reappeared in the city, and they were really shocked.

A few people did not dare to neglect at the moment of receiving the news, they flew to the restaurant.

"See the seniors."

When you look at the people sitting by the window, the four major city owners are completely convinced that it is Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan turned to look at them and smiled faintly.

The four major city owners suddenly had no idea what they thought. Just a glance, they just saw that Qin Haoxuan was not the same today, but in just a few years, this person has grown to the point where they have to look up. I know that Qin Haoxuan was even weaker than them.

It’s a legendary legend. The city owners sighed in their hearts.

"I don't know that Qin Xiaoxian Wang is coming, this place is simple, please move to the Sifang Palace."

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