Too Early

Chapter 1435: 1 to the message of human feelings

The Sifang Palace is located in the middle of the Sifang City. There is a guardian guarding the city. There are arrays of methods in the interior. It is luxurious enough to see the wealth of the Sifang City. It is more than a general education.

Qin Haoxuan sat in the upper position, and the Sifang City was divided into the lower ranks, surrounded by their chosen successor and Sifangcheng Guest.

The disciples selected by the Sifang City, each young and prosperous, can also be seen as young talents, more cultivation, and will be able to become a weapon in the future. The guest who came to accompany me is also very polite. Although she is curious about Qin Haoxuan, no one dares to look straight.

Roughly, there are more than a dozen people in this palace that is commonly used to handle government affairs.

After a simple greeting, Qin Haoxuan opened the door and asked: "I came here to think of four city owners and help find a scattered organization."

The main road of Donglong City: "What is the command of Qin Xiaoxian Wang, though."

Qin Haoxuan recalled the organization of Cao Qinghua and said slowly: "The scattered organization appeared several decades ago, and the name of the fraternal alliance was the first one named Cao Qinghua. It once appeared in the sphere of influence of the North Mangge."

After that, Qin Haoxuan looked at other people in the palace and asked: "I don't know if anyone has heard of them, or knows where they are, it doesn't matter. Cao Qinghua is a disciple of mine. Now I want to see you. he."

The city owners of Sifang City pondered for a while and determined that they had not heard of it.

They don’t blame them. There are hundreds of organizations that have been established every year. Such organizations are extremely unstable. They are composed of scattered training from the beginning. Generally, there are no effective regulations, or they follow the strong and are not The people outside are swallowing up, that is, they are engaged in civil strife by themselves, and they will not last long.

"This, we have never heard of it, who do you know?" Donglongchengzhu asked the people below.

An old man wearing a blue robe and a white-haired shawl stood up from his seat and rushed to Qin Haoxuan. He said: "The brother alliance, I have heard it. When I passed through Lushan, I met several Scattered flight."

Before Qin Haoxuan’s eyebrows had not had time to bring a happy color, they sank: “Escape?”

"Yes, Xiaoxian Wang did not know, the Brother League later did have a tendency to grow bigger, because their allies have always claimed to be the early disciples, so outsiders also call this organization a small beginning."

"Little too early." Qin Haoxuan whispered, then looked up at the old man, "later? Who are they?"

The old man was stunned by the eyes of Qin Haoxuan, and the cold sweat brush fell. He was able to hold his heart and said: "Later, this organization was destroyed."

The last few words, the old man said that the battle, Qin Haoxuan face a little cold, his thin lips lightly: "Destroyed? Who was destroyed."

The old man was inadvertently revealed by Qin Haoxuan, and for a time, even the words were unclear.

A young man behind the main body of Donglongcheng came out. Although his age was young, he was very graceful. He rushed to Qin Haoxuan and said: "When you meet the predecessors, you will hear about this thing. The younger generation also heard about it. It is said that the organization is out. The traitor, who did not want to follow the lord’s days of hiding in Tibet, sold his brothers to a 10,000-year-old mission, which seemed to be the North Mangge."

Some old people who had just been shocked and could not speak out gradually returned to God. He said: "Yes, it is the North Mangge. The North Mangge seems to have any hatred against this brotherhood. They will kill them in one day."

Qin Haoxuan had a pain in his heart. He had a slight awkwardness in his body: "What about the brothers in the fraternity? And, Cao Qinghua?"

Liu Yan slightly looked up and looked at Qin Haoxuan, his mouth glimpsed, and finally said: "The younger generation heard that the brothers and the Alliance have died and wounded, and they can escape. There are very few. As for their lords, there is no news after the war."

After World War I, there is no news!

"Good, good, good." Qin Haoxuan sat in the upper position, his left hand gently gripped the chair around him. He said three times in a row, the killings were like waves, but they were gone, but they disappeared. Finally He whispered, "Is it the North Mangga? I remember."

Thinking of Cao Qinghua’s face, and his persistent desire to go with himself, and wanting to revenge with himself for the first time, Qin Haoxuan seems to have been hammered by heavy hammer.

just in case……

At the thought of the worst possibility, Qin Haoxuan's internal organs were slightly painful, but the more painful in his heart, the more cloudy and light the face was on his face, and the corner of his mouth even outlined a three-point smile, but it was cold and cold in the middle of the mouth. Shocked.

Qin Haoxuan got up from the seat indifferently and rushed to the square city master: "Thank you all."

After all, Qin Haoxuan took a step outside, and suddenly disappeared, even a light breeze did not provoke.

But everyone in the room feels the murder of the hidden in the air, thrilling.

"Qin Xiaoxian Wang, who has reached such a level when he is young, is really terrible." Beiwu Xingjun looked at the disappearance of Qin Haoxuan and said.

When Qin Haoxuan first came to Sifang City, although the front has been revealed, in the eyes of these city owners, it is just a young man with a little bit of skill. But after so many years, the young people who were lightly watched by them have grown up in the same time. For even the existence that they are unable to match.

Really, it is too strong.

Others looked at each other and sighed: "After all, it is a figure that has shaped countless legends."

Liu Yan returned to his master and whispered: "The North Mangga is going to suffer."

"It’s just because of the embarrassment." Nan Zhu Xingjun sneered with a smile. "I think they have to break even the inheritance. When the North Mangge Pavilion took advantage of the fact that there was a great education, the Fengfeng Pavilion was blessed and arrogant, I have long been accustomed to it."

After the end of the South Zhu Xingjun, he lowered his eyebrows and didn’t know what he was thinking about. He said: “Congratulations to Pingguang’s friends.”

Pingguang's ancestors looked like they were in their early thirties. He was tall and straight, and he was handsome and handsome. Hearing that Nan Zhu Xingjun had no brains, his face with no expression was still calm: "Congratulations?"

Everyone else has also seen it.

Nan Zhu Xingjun said with a smile: "Others may not know, but I know."

Pingguang's ancestors looked at him and looked at him. He raised his eyebrows slightly, and the stars were the same, and there was a flash.

"What are you selling?" Donglong Xingjun swept away.

Nan Zhu Xingjun said leisurely: "When the small day was destroyed, our Pingguang Taoist friends had helped each other. As far as I know, there are two young disciples who are now in his home. Now Qin Haoxuan returns and sees Qin Haoxuan. It looks like it’s ironhearted to be a little too early, can I disappoint?"

Pingguang's ancestors sat in their chairs, facing the shocked and curious eyes around them, and there was nothing to panic. They only smiled a little: "Hands over."

"You can do it with a little effort. You can help Qin Haoxuan to protect the people he wants to protect. It is also the incense of the early days, even though the two people have no use for the beginning, but for Qin Haoxuan, that But God is a big man."

South Zhu Xingjun said a word of truth.

Pingguang’s ancestors listened to this and knew that his motives had been thoroughly explained. He did not tweak. He said broadly: “It’s true. When I learned about the nicknames of my brother’s allies, I’ve been paying attention to them everywhere. Being annihilated is beyond my expectation. What I can do is to save the next two people. This is a risk-free investment. Even if I don’t know that there is no reason to blame me, I will not be with Qin Haoxuan in the future. Enemy, as for other things, look at it."

"I don't know who is saved by Pingguang's ancestors?" Liu Yan stood behind Donglong Xingjun and asked with a modest gesture.

Pingguang’s ancestors smiled lowly: “It’s just a poor man who escaped from the massacre. If it’s not South Zhu Xingjun’s attack...”

Nan Zhu Xingjun immediately smiled and said: "Don't leave it, I am not envious of Pingguang Taoyou, do you think about it?"

"Indeed, I admire the eyes of Pingguangdao friends." Donglong Xingjun said with a smile.

Others look at Pingguang real people, but also with envy, if it really makes Qin Haoxuan owe the human condition, it is a good thing.

If the South Zhu Xingjun is broken, everyone will not know that there is such a strategy in the ordinary people who do not show the mountains and dew on weekdays.

After a brief shock, there was a surprise silence.

Pingguang real people got up and bowed their hands to everyone: "Since Qin Xiaoxian Wang has left, he will leave in the next, and we will have a chance to reunite in the future. Today, Pingguang wants to invite you to keep secrets for me."

"It will be." Others also got up and said with a smile.

Pingguang nodded and left.

The other guest clerk who came to accompany them also continually quit their words. There are only a few of them, and there are only four square city owners and their disciples left in the palace.

The smile on the face of Nan Zhu gradually disappeared and sighed softly.

"Pingguang is also a talented person from the Great Education. I am willing to come to our Sifang City as a guest. It is a chance for each other." Donglong Xingjun lifted the tea on the table and took a sip.

Nan Zhu shrugged his shoulders: "I know, it's just a bad thing. He is hiding alone, making a big fortune."

"Even if you say it, people still take advantage of it." Donglong Xingjun fainted Nan Zhu.

"It's not a big deal. At the very least, let us know that Pingguang is definitely not the harmless ancestor on weekdays." Beiwu Xingjun inserted a sentence.

"No matter how Haoxuan wants to avenge the young Taichu, the North Mangga is not alive, and in the future, Pingguang can follow the two people in his hands and lead Qin Haoxuan, or how they will be, It’s not known, don’t forget, the ups and downs of Qin Xiaoxian’s road is doomed to be not a good person.”

"We Sifang City just follow our own principles, do not provoke, sit and watch them fight." Donglong Xingjun put down the spirit tea in his hand, summed up.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.


A road that was mixed with thunder and thunder crashed down from the sky, and the North Mang’s Pavilion stabilized the tens of thousands of years of mountain gates bursting into bursts, making a shocking sound!

At the same time, the North Mangga Guard Hill was forced to open, and the disciples of the entire sect were all horrified. They taught the real people to be angry, and they took the case and rose to the air. They screamed: "Which thief dared to commit me to the North? Be killed!"

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