Too Early

Chapter 1453: Secular things

When Ling Yue’s ancestors saw him, he did not stop himself. He also believed that this little fairy king would never do the murderous robbery for no reason. Now take out three treasures, and a colorful phoenix glaze protects the whole body. On the top of the Jinhua hood, the star compass was placed on the head, and the fire phoenix dragon rifle was still in the hand. Everything was arranged, and this was carefully entered.

Qin Haoxuan looked at everything that Ling Yue's ancestors had done indifferently. He was not surprised at his magic weapon, but carefully looked at the movement of the void.

At the moment when Ling Yue’s ancestors stepped in, the whole void was shook a little, as if a fierce beast that had been sleeping for a long time was awakened, and the murderer suddenly slammed his claws!

The fierce and swift hurricane has become more and more sharp in the twinkling of an eye. The power to sweep away everything has torn the outer void into pieces, the light and shadow are fierce, the space is distorted, and the ancestors of the ancestors took the first step. Cold, the powerful crisis is stronger than every time you have experienced in the past!


The first thing that was broken was the star compass that was covered by his head. It was a top-quality magic weapon. It had resisted the three Daogong strongmen and made a full blow, but now it has turned into a powder under the tear of the hurricane!

Ling Yue’s ancestors’ face was pale, and no one knew his own crisis better than him. When he made a decision, Ling Yue’s ancestors stepped back!


It’s not so much that Ling Yue’s ancestors quit themselves. It’s better to say that he was bombarded by an extremely overbearing force. His body was made into powder, and he was seriously injured. The wounds in the cracked blood spewed and dyed him. A blood man!

However, Ling Yue’s ancestors also fought from countless times of life and death, and quickly stabilized their injuries, then got up and rushed to Qin Haoxuan’s bitter smile: “It’s the old man who is not self-sufficient.”

Qin Haoxuan looked at the void, and the eyebrows that had always been indifferent also brought a bit of dignity.

The surrounding winds are mad, and the heavens and the earth are filled with the fascinating Mozu atmosphere of the real devil world. Ling Yue’s ancestors sighed a long sigh: “It’s a pity that such treasures, the ancestors, here is the place of the monsters, we also Can't wait for a long time."

The time they have come has greatly exceeded the expectations. If they don't go back, they don't know what people will think.

"Let's go." Qin Haoxuan did not seem to have much interest in the tomb of Zhongtian Khan. He turned and left.

Ling Yue's ancestors sighed for a moment, or said: "Devils, you see, this day, Khan's tomb is a big opportunity that can't be met, wealth resources need not be said, if you can find a few points, treasures, It will also be a lifetime benefit..."

Ling Yue’s old saying is concealed, but Qin Haoxuan is clear in his heart. His eyes swept the past: “You want to hide this news.”

Ling Yue's ancestors nodded: "If only you and I share..."

Qin Haoxuan looked at Ling Yue’s dying man’s white face without a trace of blood. He said without emotion: “Do you think that the strength of the two can open the tomb of this day’s Khan? You just took a step and you were Serious injury to this point, the body still has the power of the monster, if you choose to conceal, how to explain the injury to others after going out?"

Ling Yue’s ancestors were muted by Qin Haoxuan. He looked down and looked at himself with a hurt. He smiled and sighed: "Oh, yes, there are a group of old foxes that are fine, even if we say something." Didn't find it, they won't believe it."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and returned with the Lingyue ancestors.

In the Chamber of Deputies, there are already four people waiting to sit, all of them are strong in the palace. They are looking heavy, or closing their eyes, or playing with their hands, seemingly relaxed, but the atmosphere is stagnate until Qin Haoxuan and Ling The older the ancestors flew into the inside, these strong people who did not seem to know where to go to see God completely returned to God.

"See Devil."

"Hey? Ling Yue, are you injured?"

"But what happened in the gap?"


Listening to the questions that these people seem to care about, Ling Yue’s ancestors couldn’t help but look at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes. After they got the consent, they only said everything they saw in the cracks of the Magic Yuan.

Several people were shocked by the presence.

Although they guessed it would not be ordinary, they did not expect it to be so amazing.

What does the tomb of Tian Khan mean? It means endless wealth and supreme practice!

"With my strength, I can't open that space." Qin Haoxuan glanced at the crowd and ignored the hidden enthusiasm in their eyes. He continued to say indifferently. "Even if it is the power of the people, it is difficult."

Several other people expected that a Tiankhan tomb would not be easily opened. After listening to this, there was not much impact.

"This matter is no small matter, in case the news is exposed, it is bad for us..." The eyes of the fire ancestors drifted from Qin Haoxuan and paused. "You must block this. All those who know the gaps in the magical zone must be strict." Ask them to boo, not to pass."

This sentence has been endorsed by everyone.

"It is the case. There are not many people who know this. It is not difficult to control." Ling Yue's ancestors exchanged a look with the fiery ancestors, and said.

"This time there is a martial arts ancestor and a flaming ancestor. This matter still needs to be considered from a long time. When we have completed the discussion, we have drawn up a plan and will inform the ancestors." Others rushed Qin Haoxuan and Ling Yue's ancestors.

Qin Haoxuan was greatly accepted by the party. He said: "We can find the gap between the magic and the road. The Taoist side can also find it, so from now on, you will send someone who is trustworthy to guard, while monitoring the gap, preventing it from being discovered by others. The possibility of thinking about the solution to the grave."

"The ancestors said very much, I have this idea."

Qin Haoxuan nodded: "I still need to retreat, let's have a look at it."

Others dare not say anything more, and respectfully sent Qin Haoxuan out.

When Qin Haoxuan disappeared in front of his eyes, the atmosphere in the chamber of the church changed slightly. The magical repairs of several Taoist ancestors looked at each other and the faint killings permeated.

A lot of things are actually not in the middle.

"Fire brother, it is not difficult to control the people who know the news, but after controlling them?"

A monk wearing a purple robes, a handsome eyebrow, and a tall and straight figure asked.

The flame ancestor stood in the lobby. He gathered his sleeves and spit out a few words from his mouth: "Kill it."

Very flat words, but with a long-term plan to decide.

Someone glimpsed: "Isn't that control?"

Ling Yue’s ancestor found a position to sit down and healed himself. He said coldly: “The brothers are confused. What does the heavenly Khan’s grave mean? I don’t know why? One more person who knows this news, It means that one more force is going to take a share."

"The safest way to keep secrets is to let those people who are mixed up to shut up forever." The fire ancestor looked at Qin Haoxuan’s direction and said softly: "The method just mentioned is because the demon ancestors are present, although he is now On the side of the magic repair, but after all, the Taoist monk, although we fear him, but do not understand his nature, killing things, quietly do well, do not need to tell him."

Several other ancestors looked at each other and accepted this proposal without any guise.

At night, all the young disciples who had heard about the gaps in the magical zone were all sent to the battlefield, and these people never returned, and the bones were gone.

Half a year passed by.

Haishu suffered a lot in the past six months. Qin Haoxuan told him that the Lingtian faction was wilting, the green was no longer, the sallow was a piece, and the sea otter was like this Lingtian. It was pale and shaped, and the eyebrows were more suffocating. concentrated.

In the past six months, he has never done anything to pick the water and pick up the feces. He is stubborn like a piece of stone. Whether he is cut off from his limbs or beaten, there is no way for the body to succumb to the pain. He swears to the Qin Haoxuan retreat in the cave, he wants to take revenge.

When Qin Haoxuan came out of the cave, he saw the sea otter spread out on the ground and the already ridiculous Lingtian.

Seeing Qin Haoxuan coming out, Haiyan’s eyes suddenly stared at him. It was a raging anger and a full of resentment.

Qin Haoxuan’s gaze was recovered from Lingtian, and it floated on Haitang’s body: “If this is the case, then you are not qualified to be my disciple.”

The sea otter glimpsed, and then the eyebrows suddenly opened up: "I never thought that you are qualified to be my master. Now we look at both idiots. You will untie my genius and let me go back."

Qin Haoxuan did not speak.

Haishu looked at Qin Haoxuan's look. An ominous premonition rose from his heart. He hadn't had time to speak. He heard Qin Haoxuan say, "You are not qualified to be my disciple, nor are you qualified to cultivate immortals. And the seal of your immortality, I don't think anyone in this world will be willing to solve it for you."

“Randing?” The sea otter frowned. “What do you mean?”

Qin Haoxuan did not pay attention to the questioning of the sea otter, body streamer, with the sea otter left the mountain, for a few moments, they stayed away from the fairy battlefield and came to a small mountain village.

In the late autumn, the world is chilling, the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, the land is dry and grassy, ​​all the way, you can see the forest bones on both sides of the road, the sad blood rushes into the air.

The era of turmoil is not only the enthusiasm of the two realms, but also the human world has been affected. The wars of successive years have caused countless people to die in battlefields. Famine and natural disasters continue, and the people are suffering.

In this small mountain village, the village houses are dying, the staff are scattered, and the atmosphere of poverty and poverty is everywhere.

Qin Haoxuan took the sea otter to a civilian house built with stones. As soon as he appeared, the two old farmers hurriedly stumbled into the yard with their young daughters, shivering and screaming.

That is the immortal who descended from the sky. For the villagers who lived in the mountains for the rest of their lives, it was an unpredictable existence that could only be heard in the legend. The villagers did not even have the courage to look at them.

Qin Haoxuan pushed the sea otter forward and said to the villagers: "From today, he is a member of your family. How do you live on a normal day? How can he live?"

Haiyan’s eyes stunned and he just wanted to refute, but found himself snorted by Qin Haoxuan.

Leaving this sentence, Qin Haoxuan’s eyes swept over the four weeks. Even if he did not release his knowledge, he could feel the **** sigh of the soldiers outside, and he paused. Qin Haoxuan said again: "This person first came, I left a little broken. Silver, it is his food expenses."

When the fingertips move, the aura gathers, and it instantly turns into the money of this country, and then Qin Haoxuan is placed next to the old farmer.

When the old farmer saw the money and repeatedly bowed his head and looked up again, he found that the immortal had disappeared. In the empty courtyard, only the sea scorpion was left behind.

The sea otter looks like a 13-year-old, although the torture in the past six months has made him skinny, but the appearance is still beautiful, arrogant, and noble, even wearing the most simple linen clothes, standing in this shabby In the small farmhouses, there is also a domineering spirit in the world.

Looking at the little immortal who is incompatible with his own house, this two old people, a little daughter, don't know what to do.

The war between the Northern Qi State and the Southland has been going on for nearly a More foreign enemies have invaded, the country is in a critical situation, and the young and middle-aged countries have been drawn into the military camp. The ten rooms are nine empty, and the people are not happy.

The old Yangtou family had three sons, and they were all enlisted in the army. The children were already dead. The children and children had not heard the news for a long time. They were still rich families. In recent years, they have become more and more unsuccessful.

Lao Yangtou and his wife spent a long time in the yard before they were helped by the little daughter, and then respectfully asked the little fairy to enter the house.

Haitang looked at the house with contempt and snorted and turned and ran away.

"Where are you going to be a little fairy?" When Yang Yang looked at it, he was shocked and immediately chased. "The outside soldiers are chaotic, the bandits are rampant, dangerous, dangerous!"

The sea otter ran fast, and when he slid, he ran out of the village and went straight to the outer avenue.

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