Too Early

Chapter 1454: 1 read too early 1

After all, Lao Yangtou is old and weak, and he can’t catch up. He sees the sea otter disappearing in the mouth of the village. He is full of fear: "Well, it’s over, the little fairy ran away, and the immortal will definitely sin against us!"

Yang Yue saw his father fall and ran over. Yang Laotou grabbed his child's hand: "Come, go and chase the immortals back."

Yang Yue has no choice but to say: "Hey, go back first, I will chase."

After the sea otter got on the avenue, he was full of joy and pointed to the sky and said: "Qin Haoxuan, you are waiting for me, waiting for me to re-cultivate back to the peak, I will peel you off and bone!"

After releasing the rumors, Haiyan looked at the square and frowned. "How can I let my mother pick me up?"

When I thought of my mother looking at myself as a waste, I didn’t even take a shot. The look of Haiyan was darkened: “If it’s not Qin Haoxuan, how can I be so supreme?”

After a while, Haishu looked and looked up.

At the end of this official road is a forest, numerous figures swaying inside, shouting and killing, and far away can smell the **** smog from the woods.

Haitang looked at the scene of the killing, rubbed his eyes, and then stepped back and forth, ready to stay away from this battlefield.


"Where did your kid come from?" The rough voice came from behind.

The sea otter was pushed by a beggar, almost fell, and finally stood firm, and he heard the voice behind him: "Sneaky, uneasy, slaughtered him!"

Haitang lived for more than 100 years, and no one dared to say that he had slaughtered himself in front of him. When he was angry, he turned his head and looked at the people. The result was a shivering chopping knife, and the cold light was shining. Murderous!

The sea scorpion shrinks, although he realizes what he should do to avoid it, but the body can't keep up with it. Although he hides, his arm is cut open by a machete, and the blood is sprayed out instantly!


Didn't wait for the sea otter to feel the burning pain, the second knife smashed down!

The sea otter rolled on the ground and avoided the machete. As soon as he looked up, he hit a piece of stone that was half a person high. The forehead suddenly became blue and swollen!

"Bad boy, die."

The rough voice came from behind, but the head of the sea otter was just the one that was faint, and the chopper fell over, but the strength of getting up from the ground was gone.

Will not die like this? It was too suffocating... Haiyan was not willing to look at the machete that had come to him, and was soaked in cold sweat.


The three stones were suddenly thrown out by force, just to the face of the soldier holding the machete, and I was caught off guard!


At the moment of the sea god, a small arm was extended from the pit around him, and he dragged him down with his clothes.

"You..." Haiyan’s words were just exported, and the little girl licked her mouth. Then he was dragged by the little girl and ran away with a quick bend.

When he left the battlefield, Haitang turned his head and looked at it. It was just that they were in a small hill, just the dead corner of the fighters above, and the soldiers who were just about to kill him had already fallen into the battle.

There is no trick in the fight of mortals. It is the most real and fierce battlefield to slash and slash.

Feeling that the little girl was pulling her hand, Haishu didn't know why, and suddenly felt that her palm was a little hot.

After returning to the village, Yang Yue looked at the injured arm of Haitang and was silent for a while.

The setting sun hangs on the horizon, the orange glow of the clouds dyes the clouds in the sky, and the sea otter is also looking at the little girl who saved herself from the hands of death.

Yang Yue, wearing a patch of clothes, can see that it is a small change from the adult clothes, wearing a thin and small Yang Yue body is still fat, neatly edited two small scorpions have been scattered because of running, she slaps big The face also carries the dusty soil that I don't know when it is smashed.

Even with such awkward appearance, she can still see the foundation of Yang Yuemei. She has a fair complexion and a brow like a willow leaf. Her eyes are clear and translucent. When I look over it, I can think of the autumn stream. What is even more rare is that the bridge of the nose is straight. Lip color is blushing. If it grows up, it looks like it, and it is better than the female practitioners who cultivated the fairyland.

Haicang also did not think that there are even small beauty in such a remote mountain village, and I couldn’t help but look at it.

At this moment, the two hands were released, and Yang Yue saw the sea otter looking at himself, his cheeks reddish, glanced at him, and then silently took him to Langzhong’s house in the village.

Haiyan can feel the rejection of this little girl, so the obvious rejection is to make him play a little bit of fun, no longer thinking about running away, followed her away.

When Yang Yue and Haishu came home, the night had already arrived, and the whole village was surprisingly quiet, only the sound of the wind swept over the treetops.

"Hey, mother, we are back." Yang Yue ran for a day, and the crisp scorpion was also hoarse.

The sea otter's face is still calm, his arms are wrapped in a circle of white cloth, the wound is burning pain, but the more unbearable than the wound is the hunger in the belly.

The cultivation was abandoned, the immortality was sealed, the sea otter could not absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth, and there was no way to open up the grain. Now only the same food as normal people can guarantee the needs of the body.

After running for a day, I was tired and hungry, and I got a full body injury. Haishu’s heart sighed countless times. He didn’t want to toss it now. He just wanted to eat a meal and then slept.

Re-entered the broken yard, the sea otter looked at it with a rare look. There were only four rooms, one kitchen and one main house.

The oil lamp in the main room flashed with dim light. The two old people heard the voice of their daughter and immediately went to the door. After seeing the sea otter, they finally let go of the heart.

"Small immortals please, Xiaoxian people please."

The sea otter was greeted into the room.

Yang Yue hit the water in the yard and gave it to the sea in the middle of the basin: "Please."

Haitang is frowning at the food on the table.

On the dilapidated table, the rough stone bowl contains rice porridge, and there are two stone dishes with fried vegetables and steamed buns.

"Just like this? How is there no meat?" Haishu looked at the food very disgusted.

Yang Yue’s action on the basin was slightly stunned, and Yang’s old face was stunned, and there was a sense of embarrassment that there was nowhere to let go.

"My family is poor and there is no meat." Yang Yue put down the basin and looked up at Haitang.

Haishu’s original anger was renewed, but he looked at the two old men and the little girl. He said nothing, silently washed his hands and sat down to start eating.

Yang Yue dumped the water and walked in after a simple wash outside.

"Hey, mother, you can sit down and eat." Yang Yue knows that the second old man will never eat before he comes back with this little fairy.

"No, no, let Xiaoxian people eat first." Lao Yangtou quickly waved his hand.

The sea otter ate a meal and frowned slightly: "You can eat without eating."

"No, no, you must eat the little fairy."

Haiyan’s white eyes turned over and did not care for them. He took care of the **** and porridge in his hand. Even if there were three people around him, there was no discomfort. He was born from a small age, and there were many people around him on weekdays. I am used to being the star of the stars.

After eating the meal, Haishu got up and looked at the three people.

Yang Yue thought for a moment and said: "Is the little fairy to rest?"

"Don't call me a little fairy, my name is Haishu."

"..." Yang Yuedao, "Please come here."

Haishu entered the room and closed the door. He looked at the only wooden bed in the room, rolled his eyes, and sat up in disappointment. After a while, he could not support it and slept.

"Hey, mother." Yang Yue's family sat on the table and ate the rest of the meal. Yang Yue couldn't help but say, "When the immortal is gone, I want to let this person be a family. How do we live? How can he live, you don't have to be so careful."

Yang’s father shook his head. “That’s not okay. After all, he is a person who is told by the immortals. If there is a good deed, we can’t afford it. Today he is injured, and he doesn’t know if the immortal will blame.”

"Yeah yeah, if the immortal blame, we still have a way to live." Yang mother wiped her tears and whispered.

Yang Yue can't see his parents being wronged, but the person who actually lives in his own home has no choice but to temporarily endure it.

Taking care of the parents to sleep, the full moon has moved to the hollow, Yang Yang cleaned up the room, then returned to his hut to sleep.


After the sea otter was sent away, Qin Haoxuan reopened.

In the wide cave, Qin Haoxuan sits cross-legged. He is full of Huaguang, Zhan Zhanruhong, extremely smashing, shining the cave like a fairyland, surrounded by three fairy palaces, the surge of tides lurking in every inch of the void Among them, he was firmly in control, and the power of reincarnation circulated in the three fairy palaces. The center of Qin Haoxuan’s cave was centered for dozens of miles, and the flowers blossomed and thanked him.

Outside the clear sky, the sun is splendid, but there are thunder and lightning hidden in nine days, with amazing danger.

Qin Haoxuan's eyes are gently closed, and the posture is peaceful and quiet. The whole body is shrouded in the light of the rainbow. It seems that the mysterious secrets pour out from his gods, and then reunite, a little bit of dissipating, can be scattered in the void. Indestructible, only the Taoist sects and the laws of the beginning.

In a blink of an eye, the Taoist magical Dafa turned into a golden star, and once again fell into the Qin Haoxuan consciousness, the vast void, only the beginning of the mind left.

Qin Haoxuan opened his It seems like a child who first entered the immortal world. He read the primordial method of imagining in the void.

This is the first method of cultivation after he entered the cultivation of the immortal world, helping him to absorb the first aura, helping him to grow roots and long leaves, which is the cornerstone of the long-term step by step.

"Too early."

When he really said these two words, he found that it was easier than imagined Chinese medicine.

He was chosen as a disciple in the early days. Every day after that day, he existed in Qin Haoxuan’s mind for a long time. He also experienced the rise and fall with the beginning.

"In the beginning of the centuries, it was like a human life. The law of the beginning is the law of inheritance. After all, the time for the existence of the world is too short, and it is impossible to really study the road, and it is impossible to develop the first and last phase. Therefore, in addition to the law of the beginning, I still need to constantly learn other methods of cultivation."

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