Too Early

Chapter 1468: Life and death is nothing but a transaction

A few disciples of the Tao dynasty, such as Meng Dazhen, hurriedly stood up, and regardless of their own wolf, they would run out.


Just at the moment when those people turned around, they heard the voice of Qin Haoxuan. They turned their heads unbelievably, and they were uneasy on the face. What happened? Could it be that Qin Haoxuan wants to repent?

Qin Haoxuan slammed their lips and smiled: "Leave things on your body."

Haiyan watched Qin Haoxuan really search all the belongings of the three monks, looked at the several Qiankun bags that he had turned upside down, and sighed: "It should not be so heavy, cut later." The head is fine, you have to leave the good things in the four people."

Haitang even saw the expression on the faces of the three people who fled quickly, and combined with shock and relief...

After all, the legendary Qin Haoxuan is such a geese who have been plucking hair.

Looking at the three people running fast, Haishu looked back to Qin Haoxuan: "Why don't you kill them?"

Qin Haoxuan said faintly: "Kill them, that is your business."

The sea licked his lips and turned to look elsewhere.

"Let's go, we have to go back."

Haishu smiled coldly: "Why should I go with you?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at him slightly and smiled. "You first worshipped me as a teacher, and then learned my law. Why don't you follow me?"

Hai Yan’s smile: “How can I worship you as a teacher?”

Qin Haoxuan held his hand and said: "You didn't worship Master at Lingxiao, did you learn the exercises?"

Haiyan brows, he suddenly looked up to see Qin Haoxuan: "You?"

"It's me, I borrowed their hands to let you learn the world, borrowed their hands to let you worship me as a teacher, and learned my law. You said, what is our relationship?"

Worship him as a teacher? His law?

Haiyan’s face was suddenly white, and Qin Haoxuan’s sword had just been re-appeared in the brain!

No wonder, no wonder that the sword is familiar...

It turned out that it was the same, but his swordsmanship was much better than himself, and he was too much.

Haishu clenched the sword in his hand. When a sword came out, he could clearly feel the gap between himself and Qin Haoxuan. It was like a banyan tree. I thought I could kill Qin Haoxuan before, how ridiculous.

Qin Haoxuan ignored the huge waves in the chest of the sea otter, his fingertips in his eyebrows, impeded all the ability of the sea otter, long sleeves, placed it in the sleeves of the dragon, flew to the devil world.

In the darkness, the sea otter has been squinting, his body can't move, his thoughts are more active than ever, and so many experiences seem to have returned to the brain in an instant.

Yang Jiacun was attacked and he escaped with Qin Haoxuan. Later, Yang Lin, who had met the road, was taken back...

Until the whole Lingxiaomen sacrificed to seal the seal for himself...

The corpses of the land, the sadness and anger of the full body, are all designed by Qin Haoxuan? So many people, what is it?

Bright, without warning, appeared in front of you.

The sea otter was irritated and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, he found that he had returned to Qin Haoxuan’s residence.

It is still the hill, and the Lingtian on the mountainside is lush and green.

Qin Haoxuan stood on the boulder, and the breeze blew his black hair and robes on his shoulders.

"It's you." Haishu looked at him and suddenly spoke. His voice was slightly hoarse and turned from low to high. "It turned out to be you, everything is designed by you. Yangjiacun was slaughtered. I am living outside. Yang Lin will be me." Is it your design to bring back the door?"

Qin Haoxuan turned to look at him, his eyes were not hiding, and he was frank and open: "Yes."

The sea suddenly clenched the Ling Xiaojian in his hand, and the scene of the death of hundreds of people in Lingxiaomen appeared again in front of him. He stared at Qin Haoxuan and asked one word at a time: "From the moment I entered Lingxiaomen, Have you already set a stage for them to end up?!"

There is no slight change in Qin Haoxuan's expression. He does not evade the recognition: "Yes."

Facing the sea bream full of anger, hate and murderous eyes, Qin Haoxuan whispered: "The martial art disciples after the catastrophe, man-made disaster, although some people survived, but the number of robbing has already entered, they are born, Shouyuan Not much, even without me, there are only two years of time, even if it is me, I can’t go back to heaven.”

A sigh is hidden in the words, and when it comes out, it is scattered with the wind.

"So they **** it?" The sea otter's forehead was looming, and he almost couldn't restrain his anger.

"This is a deal." Qin Haoxuan's voice did not change in half.

The sect who is clearly supporting, but still laughing, is always a happy teacher who works with his disciples. Those disciples who only know how long their life is only a little bitter smile...

Qin Haoxuan remembers that he remembers the joys of those people who can keep the genre of their martial art. The joy is even beyond their life and death. They are willing to use their lives to exchange for the only hope of the martial art to survive. s future.

"They chose to use their own lives in exchange for the survival of Jiang Yue." Qin Haoxuan said to Haishu.

The sea bream is full of surprises: "The ash is not dead?"

"Not dead, the day is in front of you, but it is illusion. Jiang Yue is here, and the people in Lingxiaomen have fulfilled their promises, and I will fulfill my promise and protect him."

The anger between Haiyan and Meiyu was gradually replaced by the icy coldness. He looked up to Qin Haoxuan: "So, Yangjiacun was captured by the robbers, you know?"

Qin Haoxuan looked calmly and nodded: "Know."

"Well. When the villagers of Yangjia Village were killed, do you know?"


"Well. When the bandits are arbitrarily looting and killing people, do you know?"


"Well. When Ling Xiaomen disciples are being bullied, do you know?"


"Well. When everyone in Lingxiaomen untied all the seals in my body, do you know?"


"Good, good, good!" Looking at the look of indifference, there is no such thing as Qin Haoxuan, Haishu squeezed out three good words from the teeth. These three good words are lower than one sound, as if with a skyrocket The suffocating, "Qin Haoxuan, I tell you, I will never be your disciple in this life!"

Haishu chin slightly lifted Meiyu between the arrogant color: "Even if you learn your law? This body repair, I am abolished, you are!"

Qin Haoxuan’s fingertips bleed, stopping the sea otter that agglomerated aura should be abolished: “Wait a minute, you can see them and make a decision.”

After a stream of light faded, three figures appeared in front of the sea.

Haitang suddenly stopped, and the person who thought he would never see it appeared in front of his eyes. His mouth moved: "You..."

"Little!" Yang Yue's tears flowed down, and she flew over and hugged the sea otter.

Haiyan’s hand was slowly placed on Yang Yue’s body. It was warm, a living person, and the joy of his recovery made him incoherent: “No death, you are not dead, still alive!”

Wonder House

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