Too Early

Chapter 1469: 1 worship 2 worship and 3 worship

Yang’s father Yang looked at the two children and laughed and cried. Yang’s father said with gratitude: “Thanks to the immortals, thanks to the immortals, our village can survive from the bandits.”

Haishu tightly held Yang Yue’s hand, and some of them looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was still indifferent.

"When the bandits entered the village, you have already got my big heart magic, and everything you see afterwards is nothing but an illusion." Qin Haoxuan said.

Haishu looked at Qin Haoxuan, he could not understand how this person can be so confident.

The massacre that was a few years ago was a nightmare that entangled him for hundreds of days and nights. Every time I think of it, it will be like a knife, and the sadness and despair that permeate my heart are all illusions?

"What do you rely on?" Haiyan asked softly.

"Your talent is too strong, but your heart is cool. If I want to accept you as a disciple, I must first fill in a blood for you, let you know the feelings of the world, and let you have your heart."

Haishu took his left chest and asked Qin Haoxuan: "So you know, how painful it has been these years?"

"It hurts, your heart will live." Qin Haoxuan looked at his young disciple and said.

Haishu re-emerged Yang Yue into his arms. His eyebrows in the mountains were a little raised: "If I knew that my heart would hurt so much, I would rather be myself forever."

"Your heart will take you to a height that you can't imagine." Qin Haoxuan looked at him, his eyes wide and tolerant.

Haishu no longer cares about Qin Haoxuan. He took Yang Yue’s hand and said to Yang Jia Er Lao, who is not far away: “I will take you away. I will take you home, don’t stay here.”

"Little?" Yang Yue looked at him, full of doubts, "What happened?"

Yang Jia Er Lao was also anxious, and immediately said: "Xiao Hai, you don't want to play temper, the immortal is really good for us."

Haiyan chuckled, and he looked at Qin Haoxuan coolly and said: "If he is really kind, he will not die so many people."

The 107 bodies of Ling Yumen were burned by his own hands. Those people are really dead and will never resurrect.

And so many people's lives, in the mouth of Qin Haoxuan, is just a deal.

"He just wants to accept me as a disciple, and it is a good thing." Haishu regained his gaze and said to the Yang family, "Let's go."

Yang Jia Er Lao looked at the determined sea otter, and looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was indifferent, with a sly look on the face, and for a time did not know how to be good.

"Where are you going to take them?" Qin Haoxuan looked at Haishu, just like watching a younger temper.

"As long as I leave you, big and big, I can take them everywhere."

"How long can you take them with you?" Qin Haoxuan asked again.

The sea otter frowned. "What do you mean?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the clouds floating in the sky, and the light was long: "Look at these two old people, even if you have your blessing, how long can they live? The life of human beings is short, so long-lived, for us, It’s just a short time."

Haishu looked at the old face of the Yang family and the old wrinkles, and silenced.

Qin Haoxuan walked over the boulder in the mountains, sat down in a robe, and his eyes gazed through the clouds in the sky and looked straight at the distant nine days: "What is your cultivation?"

A sea otter, he never thought about this problem, as the body of the half demon, purple talent, will be born to cultivate immortal, as to why to repair, but never considered.

"I was chosen by the monks in the past, and I entered the early days. I don't know why I am going to cultivate the immortals. I just thought that this is a great thing. I can repair it when I have the opportunity to cultivate it. Later, I gradually understand it and why. "Qin Haoxuan looked at Haishu and said, "The purpose of my cultivation of immortals is to be able to lift my family and let the people I love, to avoid the suffering of the old, sick, and dead, and to rise to the bliss."

The sea otter's body was slightly shocked, as if something was coming out of his chest, hot and hot.

Let the people I love, be free from the sorrows of life and death, and succumb to bliss.

Every word that Qin Haoxuan said was beaten in the heart of Haishu, and it continued to echo.

"And I did it. I sent my parents and relatives to the fairy world."

Haishu looked at him with some doubts. Qin Haoxuan is now in the realm of Taoism. He himself has not risen to the immortal. How can he send mortals to the fairyland?

"Remember Xiaoxian Road?"

The sea suddenly remembered that the news that had been rumored in the past, Xiaoxian Road opened, but it was not Xiaoxian Wang who went up, but two mortals and a peerless powerhouse.

Qin Haoxuan is a small fairy king, and it is his parents who will be sent away.

The sea otter was in a state of turmoil. He decided to look at the Yang family and the old man. After thinking about it, he asked Qin Haoxuan: "How long has your parents lived?"

According to the time to calculate, when Xiaoxian Road was opened, Qin Haoxuan had been practicing for a hundred years, and his parents should have died.

Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly: "I can freeze their vitality, let their time stay in the ice, and then unblock them when I can send them into the fairy world."


A cold light shot from Qin Haoxuan's fingertips, and the coldness filled the air. In a moment, a yellow flower was placed next to him.

The sea otter stared at the small yellow flower covered by white frost, and found out a touch of knowledge. He was surprised to find that it was still alive, but the vitality was imprisoned at this moment. If the ice is cold, it seems to survive forever. Go on.

"I didn't completely ban it. Its life is flowing, but it is much slower than the normal form." Qin Haoxuan finger gently licked over the small flowers, the cold frost, a little bit Ablation, the yellow flower swayed slightly in the breeze.

"So you have extended their Shouyuan in this way, until the opening of Xianlu, until you have enough confidence to send them to the fairy world." Haishu looked at the Yangjia three mouths that whispered in the distance, if any Thoughts.

Qin Haoxuan did not speak any more.

Haishu regained his gaze and revisited Qin Haoxuan: "How do you want me?"

Qin Haoxuan got up from the boulder, and this move also attracted others to look at him.

"Your Majesty, worship me as a teacher."

The sea otter hangs down and slams the robes in front of him. He slams down and slams down. Like the day at Lingxiaomen, he squats in front of the stone statue under the guidance of the squad, and he is willing, no regrets in this life.

One worship, two worship, three worship.

The teacher and the teacher are both married, and the men and women of the two are determined.


Haishu looked up and looked at Qin Haoxuan and called.

Qin Haoxuan looked down at his apprentice: "With your current ability, it is impossible to take them up."

Haitang bowed his head and said, "Please teach me."

"Let your knowledge go, I will pass on your exercises."

Letting go of the knowledge of the monks is tantamount to giving the other's weakest life to the other person. It is a gesture of complete trust.

Haicang did not hesitate, and opened up his own knowledge.

The Yang family of three was sent away by the body of Shinto. Qin Haoxuan and Haishu sat cross-legged, and the golden gods passed between them. This is the fastest and most accurate way to teach, and Qin Haoxuan has no reservations. Learned all over the life.

Even with the knowledge of the teaching of Haoxuan, I also taught for a full year.

A year later, Qin Haoxuan slowly opened his eyes, the sky was shining, the breeze was drifting, and the tired bird came home. He looked at his disciples who closed his eyes in front of his eyes. He smiled slightly and waved his fingertips. In the cave, at the same time, a defensive formation was set up outside the cave. After doing all this, he asked the opinions of the Yang family, and after they got their consent, the three were frozen.

When the sea otter has the ability to send three people to the immortal, it is when they are unsealed.

"Old ancestors, there are visitors, saying that there is an urgent need to see." The waiter rushed and said.

Qin Haoxuan looked up at the direction of the fairy battlefield. Is there finally a movement in that place?

When Qin Haoxuan came to the reception room, he was seeing Ling Yue’s ancestors while giving himself a big mouthful of spiritual tea, while talking to He Donghua.

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