Too Early

Chapter 276: The natural hall is beginning to flourish


"The disciple's question is a slogan on "The Heart of the Heart"." The disciple said: "Faith, law, and law. The law that cannot be said is the law. Why can't the law be the law?" ”

After the disciple finished speaking, he sat down after a ceremony. The blind man looked around again and asked other disciples: "Who can answer this question?"

Many of the disciples in the evangelistic circle met with each other and whispered, but no one stood up and answered. Qin Haoxuan listened to them whispering and heard that they also had a smattering of the meaning of this verse.

[Light Heart Sutra] is an excellent Taoist book. Although it is not a practice method, it is a thousand years ago. It is a very high-level cultivation of immortals. The heart of the heart, recorded his full understanding of the fairy.

For the immortal, the value of the immortal sentiment of the exquisite is not lower than an unpredictable Daozhen Fa-rectification, the Daoist Fa-rectification is valuable, and the immortal sentiment is priceless.

[Lightheart Sutra] was accidentally informed by the early priests of the Taishan ancestor, and immediately revealed to the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect. [Light Heart Sutra] Mysterious and inexplicable, as deep as he can not fully understand, let alone other people.

This [Light Heart Sutra] was enlightened by the Taixu teachings of the early dynasty, but even if it was the first teaching of the early education, Huang Long lived, and did not dare to say how much he had penetrated, so it is normal for the natural disciple to understand.

Qin Haoxuan saw no one standing up to explain the meaning, he raised his hand: "Master, the disciple is willing to throw bricks to attract jade."

The nephew smiled and said: "You said."

Qin Haoxuan recalled the narrative of the sentence, and after combining his own feelings and sorting out his thoughts, he said: "The literal meaning of this passage is that the law is the law of cultivation, the law of rules, the law of nature, the law of heaven. The law can be tangible and invisible; the tangible method can be a powerful method, but the invisible method is the real supreme method!"

Qin Haoxuan paused and continued: "This passage comes from the first sentence of the "Xin Xin Jing", which is the general purpose of the whole article. I personally feel that it is the most essential part of the "Xin Xin Jing", followed by thousands of words. Scriptures, such as the singularity of the singularity, the singularity of the singularity, the sorrowfulness of the mind, the heart and the void; and the qi and the direct cultivation and harmlessness, the strength of the music and the shackles Inscribed in the heart, the spirit of the inner solid, the externality of the ease, the change of the real thing, etc., these are just the law that cannot be done, that is to add and explain the law."

"When I want to come, [Light Heart Sutra] actually has only eight words, that is, "the law that can't be done, that is to the law," but these eight words are profound and profound, and the disciples can't understand the fur.!"

After listening to Qin Haoxuan’s explanation, the people in the natural hall, including the scorpion, once again stunned. They did not think that Qin Haoxuan had explained this uniquely, and his interpretation was a direction he had never dared to think about.

There have been thousands of cultivators who have studied the "Xin Xin Jing", and many people will not be able to refer to the law as the general outline of the "Light Heart Sutra", but they will not think that this sentence is the most quintessential part of the full text; Now listen to Qin Haoxuan's explanation. They think that Qin Haoxuan is very reasonable. It is impossible to say that it is the law. Perhaps it is the essence of the "light heart".

It can be said that Qin Haoxuan's interpretation has not only opened a door for many disciples of the Natural Hall, but also dialed the dice to varying degrees. After Qin Haoxuan finished, the scorpion sitting on the lotus porch had not returned to God for a long time. He was still savoring the incomprehensible law that Qin Haoxuan said.

Although Qin Haoxuan only said that the law cannot be said to be the general outline of the "light heart", it is the essence, but this interpretation, for the study of the "light heart" for more than 100 years, the scorpion pointed to a clear road, [light heart] Many inconsistencies in the following texts are no longer a roadblock to puzzle the blind.

"The law is impossible, it is the law!"

The blind man stared at Qin Haoxuan deeply, and was deeply gratified. He said: "If I am younger and younger, I might swear his understanding and heart. Qin Haoxuan will definitely lead the natural hall to a more brilliant future!"

Although excited, but the scorpion did not lose his mind, he set the gods, and looked at the disciples underneath, said: "There is doubt to continue to ask!"

The sermon altar returned to silence again, when another disciple stood up and raised a question about the practice of the Daoist.

This time, the blind man did not ask, the eyes of all the disciples in the evangelistic altar were subconsciously concentrated on Qin Haoxuan, looking forward to his answer.

Even Xunzi subconsciously looked at Qin Haoxuan.

Starred at more than three hundred eyes, Qin Haoxuan secretly shame, this question himself has also asked the sentence, the sentence also explained to himself, but not as clear as other questions, some ambiguous.

If it is not stared at by these three hundred eyes, Qin Haoxuan will never raise his hand to answer the question this time. However, under the eyes of many teachers and brothers and the expectation of Master, it is imperative to resign, so he must not Do not take the courage to stand up and explain the interpretation of the sentence and combine some of your own understanding.

After listening to Qin Haoxuan’s explanation this time, Xunzi said with a smile: “Hao Xuan, there is nothing wrong with the general direction of this question, but there are still a few small places that are not very clear. I will help you to add some points for the teacher.”

Immediately, Xunzi added some explanations to Qin Haoxuan’s omissions.

After listening to Master's meticulous explanations, Qin Haoxuan also benefited a lot. Other teachers and brothers were even more intoxicated. Even some of the brothers were meditation on the spot. They are now selling and learning.

Next, there are other teachers and brothers who separately raised doubts about the practice. Originally, it was the evangelistic course that Xunzi absolutely dominated. In the amazing performances of Qin Haoxuan, many teachers and brothers and even the nephews were happy to listen to Qin Haoxuan’s opinions first. Even the original brothers who were afraid to give up their ugliness, under the influence of Qin Haoxuan, also spoke out their own opinions.

For a time, the sermon became a commentary.

After the nephew threw a question, he sat very comfortably on the lotus road altar and watched Qin Haoxuan and his brothers and enthusiasts discuss it enthusiastically. If the direction of their discussion is biased, the blind man will sound a reminder.

Simple evangelism is definitely not as hot as the argument. Xunzi likes this kind of environment very much. Only by participating in the discussion can the impression be more profound and the benefit effect more obvious!

Before the sermons and lectures, each disciple raised a question, and the blind man would first ask other disciples if they could answer the question. However, in addition to Ye Yiming, his disciples did not even dare to stand up and express their opinions.

However, I did not expect to bring Qin Haoxuan to the first time. Under his influence, the disciples of the Natural Hall dared to speak.

It’s really unintentional! The blind man smiled with satisfaction.

This time, the class continued until the night fell, and the nephew waved his hand. He ended the evangelism this month and got up and left the evangelistic altar. He told Qin Haoxuan and other natural disciples: "Hao Xuan, the natural brothers and brothers It’s rare to get together so much. You are close to your brothers. If you have any doubts, you can continue to ask the teachers, and then come to my room to find me."

Qin Haoxuan respectfully said: "Yes! The disciples obey."

The disciples of the Natural Hall are also unfinished. They look at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes and enthusiasm and admire. Obviously, all of the talks today have benefited a lot, and they can be seen from their surprise and inexplicable expression.

And they can see from the eyes of Qin Haoxuan from the blind, if there is no accident, Qin Haoxuan must be the next owner of the Natural Hall. Although Qin Haoxuan is also a weak species, his performance is not inferior to the gray fairy!

The natural disciple in the sermon altar even whispered under the whisper: "The vision of the master is really good. Even if you find such a good talent as Hao Xuan's younger brother, we can hope for it!"

Although they know that the natural master is the bag of the new introductory younger brother, they can’t find a bit of hatred on their faces, because in the short evangelistic exchanges, they all feel that Qin Haoxuan is a human being. The potential is strong, and it is not hidden. In the previous talks, they all benefited a lot!

If the natural hall can lead to glory under the leadership of Qin Haoxuan, let the natural disciple can stand tall and stand up, no longer look down on the other four lobby disciples, no one will object to Qin Haoxuan as the owner!

In fact, it is not only the brothers of Nature Hall but also Qin Haoxuan himself who have benefited a lot in the talks.

Qin Haoxuan has been practicing Daomen Zhengfa for less than two years. The reason why he can have the surprising insights now is that he is indifferent to ask for punishment, and the punishment has to be Qin Haoxuan’s cultivation of immortality under Qin Haoxuan’s sweet words and coercion. teacher. However, after all, the punishment is the demon of the secluded spring. The practice is not the Taoist Fa-rectification but the Magic Gate Fa-rectification. It explains the Taoist method to Qin Haoxuan. It is entirely based on his profound spiritual mastery and broad knowledge, although the road is the same. However, there are still many differences in the details, so the principle of the interpretation of the sentence cannot be completely correct.

No matter which door is righteous, it is a accumulation of tens of thousands of years. The generations of the immortals in the process of cultivation are interested in the immortality, and the repair of the martial arts. Even if the genius is such a genius, even the qualifications are good. The depth of practice is deep, and it is impossible to understand all kinds of doorways in the Fa-rectification.

Therefore, Qin Haoxuan also took advantage of this opportunity to point out the places where the punishment was vaguely explained, as well as the places that he did not understand, and got the guidance of the brothers and the master.

After the scorpion left, a natural disciple surrounded Qin Haoxuan and asked with concern: "Hao Xuan, younger brother, are you not in the red dust now? Why are you coming back alone, is there any trouble? ?"

"Hao Xuan's younger brother, what troubles you have encountered, even though we, our brothers and sisters think together!"

"That's right, our natural hall is a family, don't see it, don't be polite!"

Qin Haoxuan was moved by the various cares of the brothers and sisters, but he couldn’t say why he came back. He had to play a sloppy eye. At the same time, Qin Haoxuan, who was practicing the magic, felt sensitive. He also heard the brothers who were far away. They talk.

"Seeing the meaning of the teacher, Qin Haoxuan is definitely the owner of the natural hall!"

" Shizun’s eyes are really good. He even chose such a good successor. Even Ye Yiming’s brothers are not as good as Qin Haoxuan. Qin Haoxuan’s performance is so colorful. Presumably, Ye’s brother will not make Master’s decision. Do you have doubts?"

"You don't know? Ye Shixiong has long revealed that if the natural hall is handed over to Qin Haoxuan, it will definitely be able to reach unprecedented glory!"

"Pu Shixiong is Qin Haoxuan's enrolled brother. If you let Pu Shixiong know Qin Haoxuan's achievements today, he will be very pleased! Before the death of Pu Shixiong, let us take care of Qin Haoxuan!"

"Well, Pu brother also asked me! If Pu Shixiong knows it, he will be happy for Qin Haoxuan."

"Our nature hall finally came out with such a potential figure as Hao Xuan's younger brother. I don't know if I can live to see the day when the natural hall shines in his hands!"

The arguments of these brothers are so warm and lovely in Qin Haoxuan’s ear. It is necessary to know that the change of the power of the other four lobby owners, and even the change of the position of the church, will lead to the dark battles in the invention, and even the life of the people. They are so convinced that they are not even envious of the tone.

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