Too Early

Chapter 277: Do not bury the bones

Out of the sermon, the scorpion felt like he was ten years younger.

In the past, he was always worried that after he sat down, he would lose his natural hall and even decline. He even went to the church, but now he is full of confidence in the future of Nature Hall.

"Han Zhong, you have chosen a good seedling." The blind man looked up at the blue sky. The white clouds in the sky seemed to transform into the appearance of Pu Hanzhong, which made him cry: "The teacher has been worried about the future of the nature hall, but you can choose Hao Xuan. I am completely at ease, the natural hall is in his hands, not only will not decline, it will be more prosperous! Unfortunately, I may not see that day!"

The face of the scorpion face is slightly dim, but the eyes are shining with the light that has never been seen before.

Into his room, the nephew walked back and forth in the room, and finally made up his mind, talking to himself: "Hao Xuan practice so fast, [Ji Haishu] after the whole article is practiced to the fifth floor, repair The speed of training will slow down. No, saying nothing can make Hao Xuan repeat my mistakes. Natural Hall is not easy to produce such a good seedling, and can not be sorry for the pleading of Han Zhong before his death."

"With the speed of Hao Xuan's training, once you get to the fifth floor, the speed of the training will drop, and it will be late to take the ancestors of the ancestors!" The scorpion took out a jade bottle from his arms. This jade bottle is just a few pieces of burning shoudan that he bought a lot of Lingshi. After taking the burning shoudan, he can cooperate with the ban, and can be upgraded to the 30th leaf of Xianmiao in a short time. The price is three times per burning. Moon Shouyuan, at the same time withered a piece or even a few cents.

After making up his mind, Xunzi turned to open the secret room and walked into the underground secret room along the dark secret road.

In the secret room, the ancestors of the natural church were seated in the spirits, and the three jade slips were placed in front of the ancestor's body. They were shrouded in three layers of ban, and the faint spiritual fluctuations spread from the forbidden surface.

If it is speculated from this faint spiritual fluctuation that the prohibition is very good, then it is a big mistake. This prohibition requires at least the strength of the 30-leaf of the Miao, and it must be accompanied by a special ban, no matter If the strength is weak or if the ban is not correct, they will not open the ban.

Of course, a strong man of the immortality can still forcibly unblock the ban, but at the same time that the ban is also banned, the jade slips that record the ancestors of the natural princes are also ruined.

The nephew respectfully respected the ancestor's body, and then squatted before the ancestor's body. He said: "The ancestors, the disciples are incompetent, and they have not been able to break through the relationship of the thirty leaves of Xianmiao, but they have received a talented and intelligent Apprentice. On him, the disciples saw the hope of the prosperity of the natural church, and did not want him to repeat the mistakes of the ancestors of the natural dynasty, and did not want the natural hall to decline. For this reason, the disciple decided to take the burning shoudan and impose a ban on forcing to rise to Xianmiao. Thirty leaves, open the ban, pass the line for the disciples!"

"The disciples are offended!" The scorpion licked nine more heads, and then took a burning shoudan from the jade bottle and swallowed it.

Burning Shou Dan into the mouth, suddenly turned into a stream of heat into the scorpion of the Dantian gas sea, the scorpion Dan Tian gas in the sea of ​​some of the suffocating saplings, after the influx of burning Shoudan, suddenly revived vitality.

Burning Shoudan drug power is overbearing, it is like a fire, all the spiritual power in the body of the scorpion is ignited. Since the breakthrough of the twenty-nine leaves of Xianmiaojing twenty years ago, there has been no new breakthrough in the realm of Xunzi. The original green and vigorous seedlings have gradually become bleak and become paralyzed until This burning life is in the belly.

"Hey!" The scorpion sighed and quickly converges his mind and began to mobilize the ban to temporarily raise the realm.

A **** squirt from the mouth of the scorpion, the red blood squirting from his mouth, floating in the air in a strange place, these blood beads gradually merge into a big blood ball.

The scorpion opens its mouth again and squirts a scent of the spirit of the spirit. This scent of the spirit is unprecedentedly rich, like a flame, quenching blood beads.

In the secret room, a cold wind was blown up, and the dust was flying and flying. The fire of the torches on the wall was also swaying, and suddenly and faintly, the shadow of the scorpion was high and low.

The blood beads wrapped in the spirit of the spirit are gradually shrinking, and the impurities inside are burned by the rich spirit of the fairy spirit, and finally a drop of deep red blood essence of the nail size.

The scorpion squirted a large mouth of blood, and spewed out a scent of the spirit of the body. At this time, the face of the scorpion was pale, and the face that had originally been wrinkled by Qin Haoxuan was again wrinkled deeper by Qin Haoxuan.

A drop of blood is not enough. After all, the scorpion is barely promoted to the 30th leaf of Xianmiao by burning Shoudan. His spiritual quality is not the 30th leaf of Xian Miao, and the scorpion can't dare to make jokes with the ancestors. In the event that the ban was not opened and the ban was ruined, the ancestral Taoist syllabus in the ban was also ruined, and the sin was greatly sinned.

Therefore, after the scorpion squirted a bit of blood, it spurted out another scent of scent, and continued to condense blood.

This time, the spirit of Xianling did not have the richness of the first mouth. In order to ensure the purity of blood, the scorpion constantly motivated the body's spiritual power, and the strong spiritual fluctuations blew out the torch on the wall.

The entire secret room fell into a darkness, and only the three-layered ban that protected the ancestors' body appeared a faint glow.

A chain of seven blood essences, the scorpion at this time not only pale face, but even the lips are pale as paper, there is no blood in the body, the eyes are dull, look stunned.

Under the ban on the glory, the scorpion walked in vain, the look was determined, and the weak body was strong. The ten fingers danced steadily, and the spiritual power of the fingertips weaves a spiritual network, and the seven blood floating in midair. Wrap it up.

The banned light illuminates the old body of the scorpion, and his pale face shows a pale and unyielding look, which looks sad and tragic.

After the ban was completed, the scorpion's hands were combined and the mouth was moved: "Explosion!"

Seven blood essences were silently merged, and a faint violent **** sputum came out. The blood of the thumb-sized synthetic blood slammed into the first layer of the ban.

The blood beads were broken, the first layer of the ban was violently shaken, and then the light illuminates. Numerous golden inscriptions emerged, and the blood of the blood was exhausted, but the ban was not broken.

"Failed! A little bit... but it still failed!" Originally thought that at least the first layer of the ban on the jade of the jade, the expression of the unspeakable disappointment: "It seems that one more time to open the first A layer of ban is imposed. However, this ban can only be applied once a month, otherwise it will cause the saplings to wither and die..."

"Three bans, at least six months, six bans." The scorpion quietly counted, thinking that he only has two or three years of life, and each time he burns shoudan, it will be reduced by three months. Shou Yuan.

If the six bans are applied, the three bans will be opened, and the three ancestral sects will be taken out to Qin Haoxuan, and they will die without regret.

The forceless scorpion sat down on the ground and gasped. At this time, he not only lost three months of life, but also the body became more gray, and even more terrifying is the twenty-nine leaves on the fairy seedling. There are also twenty-eight pieces left, and the top one is completely withered.

The scorpion fell from the twenty-nine leaves of Xian Miaojing to the twenty-eight leaves of Xian Miaojing.

The present nephew is the old man of Xishan, who is weak and looks at the cracks that are still cracked but still does not break open. He converges his mind and meditates on his knees.


Qin Haoxuan communicated with the teachers and brothers for a long time in the evangelistic altar. The brothers rushed back to meditate and meditate, so they said goodbye to Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan did not go directly to the room of the blind man, but went alone to Yingling Mountain to find the grave of Pu Hanzhong’s brother.

Looking at the name of Pu Hanzhong on the tombstone, Pu's brother and the face of Guan Guan's face floated in front of Qin Haoxuan. As if he still heard Pu's brother coughing, he called himself affectionately: "Cough, Qin Shidi............"

Qin Haoxuan sat in front of the tombstone of Pu's brother, and began to talk to Pu Hanzhong's tombstone through the faint moonlight.

"Pu Shixiong, have you had a good time under Jiuquan? I am very good now, now it is Xianmujing Jiuye, you are very surprised? Unfortunately, you did not see me into the fairy road into the red dust............ Pu Puxiong, I have seen it in your hometown. The descendants of your family are doing well now, just swearing. But I have taught you on your behalf, should you not mind?"

"You haven't been back home for a long time. I told you about the changes in my hometown. Your home is no longer a thatched house. Now it is called Puxian Town..."

Sitting in front of Pu Hanzhong's tombstone, Qin Haoxuan talked and talked about everything in Pu Hanzhong's hometown. Then he said that he had entered the red dust and the feelings of many brothers who saw Nature Hall today.

"Pu Shixiong, I will leave the sect again tomorrow. If I have to go to Master, I will not accompany you any more, and I will talk to you next time."

Qin Haoxuan stood up and looked deeply at the tombstone of Pu Hanzhong. The corner of his eyes swept over the tombs of the mountains and mountains in the mountains of Yingling Mountain. These are the places where the emperors of the early dynasties taught the emperors, and buried the bones here. Individuals have been arrogant to the sky, do not succumb to life, do not succumb to the sky, but after all, did not fight the sky, always buried here.

"This is not the place where I will bury my bones. I want to be a fairy, and I will be promoted to a fairy in my parents' life!" Qin Haoxuan looked around and secretly vowed: "Nothing can stop me, and heaven can't."

Qin Haoxuan returned to the unknown peak and walked into Master's room. He saw Master's nephew sitting on the futon and meditating. His face was pale and very unsightly. He didn't even have a trace of ruddyness. On Master's bed, he was posing. In today's sermon class, the brothers gave him all kinds of herbs.

"Master." Qin Haoxuan was slightly stunned and asked with concern: "Your face is very unsightly, is it uncomfortable?"

"Oh, today is a little tired, people are old, the body is poor." The blind man opened his eyes, the original bright eyes were murky at the moment, just like the ordinary old man who walked on the wood, the face wrinkles were deeper. It’s just that the smile is as kind as ever.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the pile of herbs on the bed and said: "Master, do you want your disciples to take medicine for you?"

"No." The blind man looked at the various herbs on the bed and shook his head. "These herbs are the things that your brothers have worked hard to find and buy, and what the teacher really wants." I am old, and everyone who is going to die as soon as possible will be ruined."

The scorpion pointed to a cabinet covered with black cloth behind Qin Road: "Open the black cloth, put these medicines under the brand name of your brothers, wait for the teacher to sit down." Now, you will give them back to the teacher. Now give them, they will not want it."

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is secret. He guessed that he was right. Master took the gifts of the disciples and only made the disciples more reassured. He would not actually eat these medicines.

Qin Haoxuan did not say much. According to the words, he walked in front of the cabinet and opened the black cloth. There are more than 300 small drawers on the two-person cabinet. Each drawer is engraved with the name of a natural disciple.

"This strain of Polygonum multiflorum is white and often." The eyes of the scorpion fell on the Shouwu, and then look at Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly, then picked up the strain of Polygonum in the drawer engraved with the name of Bai Qianchang.

When the nephew said who the thing was, Qin Haoxuan put the things into the drawer of the disciple. This pile of things took a fragrant time to finish.

After doing this, the nephew let Qin Haoxuan sit on the futon in front of him and said: "What is the harvest of this red dust, can you talk to the teacher?"

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