Too Early

Chapter 318: The expansion crisis is 10 times higher

Bai Zhan leaped to see the old man's proficiency in carving inscriptions, can not help but tighten the pupils, and then think of the old-fashioned ancestral elders and the defensive array that they can not see through, and suddenly understand, this old man is the master!

This kind of crisis in the fight between the two sides, the old man can still engrave the inscription without hesitation, and the array that wants to come to him must be extremely powerful.

Can't let him succeed! It is not good to let Xu Yu and himself fall into a trap.

Bai Zhan yelled a gesture, and a red diamond appeared on his hand. This red diamond was thrown into the air and he was greeted by the wind. Finally, the red diamond ignited and turned into a burning flame. With the white show, the attack gesture was pointed. He sighed: "burning!"

A flame that resembles the thickness of the water tank is turned into a towering tree, and the defensive enchantments that the temporary repairs have temporarily put together are burned out.

"Ah!" The savvy people were shocked: "Fighting!"

The distractors were horrified, and the old man in the array was sculpting his hands faster. After carving fifty of the next two spirits, he carved each of the inscriptions and began to pinch. Promote the array.

Bai Zhan glimpsed the distractors who were horrified, but they did not see a distraction and escaped. They were still desperately trying their best to display their means of fighting against the fire. They suddenly became angry, and he opened his mouth and spit, and a gust of wind spurted out of his mouth.

"Call!" The fire borrowed from the wind and burned more vigorously.

"Look, you still can't come out!" Bai Zhan jumped coldly.

The younger brother standing beside him praised: "The white brother's brother is scared by the daring of a loose man. A piece of red diamond is really so hard to cultivate. If they dare not come out, they will have to burn alive!"

"The means of Bai Shixiong now, I am afraid not to take long, we must break through again, the younger brother here congratulates the brothers!"

"Senior brother, I have time to tell me about Hongling really fire. I have been practicing for several years and have not made progress."

The white exhibition, which was smothered by many younger brothers, smiled softly and smiled. "There is nothing more than a sneak peek." I will talk to you about the main points of Hongling's real fire!"

Just as Bai Zhan Yue was surrounded by many younger brothers, when he was full of enthusiasm, the blue smoke gathered in Qin Haoxuan’s ear and whispered: “The old man is not weak in the formation. I guess he will have a very powerful attacking method. You have to be careful!"

I was reminded of the blue smoke. I originally thought that the repairs would not be stupidly burned and still not escape. There must be a strange Qin Haoxuan who was waiting for him. He made a look at the punishment. He looked at him with impunity, but eventually changed. Become a set of armor, protect Qin Haoxuan.

Bai Zhan, who was shot by many younger brothers, took a look at Qin Haoxuan and put on a armor. It seems that this armor is only worn by mortal soldiers. He smiled: "Qin Shidi, these scattered repairs will soon be burned, you don't have to be so nervous. Hey, where did the flower teacher go?"

When the punishment was used, there was no leakage of spiritual power, and the speed was so fast that the white exhibition did not feel it.

Qin Haoxuan also pretended to turn around and then said: "Hey, I was still here, and I went there all the time! The younger brother of Huashidi has always been greedy and afraid of death. Is this hiding again?"

Bai Zhan sighed with a sigh of relief, a look of worry: "Hua Shi's eyes are good, but he is not daring! How to cultivate the immortality when you are afraid of death? You must talk to him when you return to Qin."

The punishment for becoming a set of armor is only the voice that Qin Haoxuan can hear: "You are afraid of death!"

Just when they were chatting easily, it was estimated that the time for the repairs would not be able to stand up. Bai Zhan Yue deplores how these devastations are so persistent, rather than being burned to death and not rushing out, so that it is impossible to kill by knife.

However, Bai Zhan Yue did not sigh, the original red fire that suddenly burned suddenly exploded, and then extinguished.

An attackable and defensive array will protect the wolves, and the white-haired old man in the 30th leaf of Xian Miao is standing in the eye and controlling the entire array.

After he extinguished the red fire of Bai Zhan Yue, he did not stop. He saw that he stood on the line of eyes and applied the spiritual method. The original spiritual method of his fairy seedlings should not be too Strong, at least Qin Haoxuan can barely block with the help of the punishment of the body, let alone the white show Yue this immortality of the 40-leaf cultivation of the immortal strong.

But he stood in the eye, just showing the fastest method of condensation.

The refinement of the 30-leaf of Xian Miaojing, a move Qin Haoxuan is absolutely able to take over, but after this array of methods is enlarged, the original knife is only more than ten feet, suddenly became two hundred feet, very fierce, tearing space So that the light is a little distorted.

Standing in front of the white exhibition jumped out of a cold sweat, he shouted: "broken!"

In this emergency, he also condensed, but his knife was only a hundred feet long, far less than the scattered repair of the 30-leaf of Xian Miao.

"Ziz!" The knife hit the gas and made a ugly sound.

Bai Zhanyue's knife gas was directly smashed, and the knives of the scattered repairs were only a short one hundred feet, or the slashing of the sky to the white show.

Seeing this scene, the blue smoke masked and exclaimed: "Expanding the spirits! It is actually the ability to stand in the middle of the line to cultivate the spiritual power of the immortals, expand the tenfold expansion of the spiritual array!"

Hearing the blue smoke, and watching the knives screaming at his own white show, his face was white. He did not expect that a splendid 30-leaf scent of the saplings could arrange such a horrible array.

If this formation falls in its own hands, the spiritual power of the 40-leaf of the fairy seedlings is expanded tenfold. Isn't it the strongest of the forty-nine leaves of the fairy seedlings? "Hey!" The Baizhang Goshawk, which was transformed by a spiritual force, flew straight into the sky and greeted the road. The two sides collided. The Goshawk was smashed into two halves, and the knife was short by 50 feet. The next fifty-footer's knives are all standing on the white show leaping body. Bai Zhan Yue's precious armor of the body is a big hole by this knife, which will make him feel bad.

"Git!" has been angered by the white exhibition that has been forcing, red face, red mouth swearing.

But his anger is also useless, and a fireball bigger than the power hits him and Xu Yu.

This low-level spiritual method was originally sent out in the hands of the 30-leaf cultivator of Xian Miaojing. Baizhan Yue can hardly resist the next problem, and can be expanded ten times to expand the power of the spiritual law by ten times. Did not dare to pick up.

Can be a white show and can not retreat, because as long as he retreats, the absolute loyal younger brother behind him, and Xu Yu about his future status will be dead!

When Bai Zhan was smashed by the knife, Qin Haoxuan asked the blue smoke: "How is this array broken?"

"No way to break!" The blue smoke answered very decisively: "Only when the spirit stone that supports the expansion of the spirits is used up, it will be broken automatically. From his hasty time, this expansion array supports up to three open-sky genres. Spiritual law."

Qin Haoxuan was relieved. After the low-level spiritual method was expanded ten times, the power was also amazing, but it was not as strong as it could not be blocked, but if the other party exerted a slightly more spiritual method, these People are dead.

Fortunately, this expansion of the array is hurriedly arranged, only supporting three spiritual methods.

Regarding the aspect of the law, the blue smoke is a professional who is more professional than the criminal. Qin Haoxuan absolutely believes in her judgment. After all, she is not only unhelpful if she dies. Even the hope of returning home is ruined - no place to find one willing to Ten million of the next three products Lingshi, send her home for free.

When the second fireball was fired, the volume of the fireball did not become larger, but the temperature and power were far less than the normal fireball.

The power of this fireball is comparable to the white exhibition of the 40-leaf of the fairy seedlings. Even if it is a white show, it does not dare to pick it up.

If only Bai Zhan jumps in this fireball, Qin Haoxuan avoids the power of the fireball, and may not rush to it, but Xu Yu is also within the scope of this fireball attack. Although Xu Yu is supremely purple, but after all, the cultivation time is short. There are very few magic weapons on the body. How can I hold this fireball? If Bai Zhan Yue can't eat, Xu Yu can be dangerous.

Qin Haoxuan didn't think much, he flashed and rushed up.

Before Qin Haoxuan rushed, Bai Zhanyue had already crushed a few plaques in succession, and hardened to break the But a cultivator who is comparable to the 40-leaf scent of the saplings is so easy to attack. Broken.

Bai Zhan Yue knows that he can't retreat, but even if he doesn't retreat, he will hit the fireball with hard body, but Yu Wei of the fireball will still hit Xu Yu. Although he really wants to protect Xu Yu, there is no way.

"Hey!" The fireball finally hit the white show and then blasted.

The body of the white body leaps and muscles is broken, and the body is similar to the line of the bodyguards of the soft silk armor, and there is a golden light that will sway the white show.

Bai Zhan jumped out and flew out. Although he was beaten, he was not injured.

But the younger brothers behind him were bombarded by Yu Wei, who was exploding by fireballs. Several of the weaker realms were heavier and heavier. Others were more or less injured.

After the white exhibition of the wolf, the eyes fell on Xu Yu.

Just now Xu Yu was closest to him. If he hadn’t had time to use any amulets, it would be very likely that he would be killed by the explosion.

Bai Zhan's face is white, and if Xu Yu has an accident, he will definitely not escape.

Just after the explosion Yu Wei was about to blow up to Xu Yu, Xu Yu felt strong and violent, as if to tear her, suddenly she felt the center of gravity unbalanced, a figure threw her down on the ground.

"Call!" The explosion Yu Wei will rush Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu far away.

Most of these Yuwei fell on Qin Haoxuan. In the fire explosion Yuwei, no one noticed that Qin Haoxuan’s seemingly ordinary armor had a slight faint light, protecting Qin Haoxuan’s vitality.

When Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu landed, Xu Yu did not seem to be injured except for the gray face. Qin Haoxuan, who had blocked her attack, was different. His body was covered with blood, and the blood was still dripping. Obviously this The injury is not light.


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