Too Early

Chapter 318: 浑天对上零刃剑

Bai Zhan Yue looked at Qin Haoxuan like a **** person. He felt mixed in his heart. If Qin Haoxuan did not give up, the bomber Xu Yu would have been seriously injured if he died. This Qin Haoxuan had a bit of true feelings for Xu Yu, but this time it was blown up. Seeing that he is covered in blood, he will be killed if he is true.

"Hao Xuan brother, Hao Xuan brother, are you okay? You are okay..." Xu Yu climbed up, and refused to take care of himself. He watched the explosion of Yu Wei, the **** Qin Haoxuan, and was scared and afraid. The tears dribbled, and the voices were filled with the vibrato of the crying: "Hao Xuan brother, you wake up..."

He was called a few words by Xu Yu, and Qin Haoxuan, who was in a slight coma, opened his eyes very sharply. He looked at Xu Yu’s pear with rain and moved his heart. In order to prevent Xu Yu from worrying, he tried to make his voice sound like gas. Full: "Nothing, I am fine."

Looking at Qin Haoxuan waking up, and the sound of the full look, Xu Yu's heart is a little relieved, stunned: "Hao Xuan brother, you are stupid, you should not be so impulsive, look at whether there is any injury... ”

Qin Haoxuan smiled and shook his head to confirm that he was really not injured. He did not tell lies, because he was only stunned by the explosion of Yu Wei, and he was not injured. However, his punishment for protecting his armor was injured. Blood is a punishment.

After the punishment was eaten, the strength was much stronger, but the attack was just that the white exhibition of the 40-leaf of the fairy seedling could not be stunned. The power could be imagined. Even if he had a body, he only became the first. The layer, even if it is one of the top ten defensive exercises in the secluded spring, can the strength of the first layer be strong and limited.

"I fucked, I died, and I was hurt." The sentence that became the armor was in the ear of Qin Haoxuan, but he did not complain, and the old man in the expansion was moved again. This time he showed up. A low-level spiritual method.

In an instant, the hundred-edged sword turned into a rainy day, and almost any space was filled with fierce and sturdy rain.

When Qin Haoxuan saw that the old man was working again, he squatted at Xu Yu and rushed to the blue smoke. He kept the two girls behind him with his own body. At the same time, he crushed several amulets and then allowed the punishment to be displayed.

"I fuck... Qin Haoxuan, you put me in the dead!" The sentence felt the overwhelming sword, his eyes were straight, and he wanted to condemn Qin Haoxuan for a few words. He closed his mouth and tried hard to push. He knew if I am not motivated, not only Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu, blue smoke, even if he has a powerful magic body, it will die.

Light from the old man, this spiritual method was expanded by the power of the expansion of the power of the speculation, its attack power is comparable to the strongest of the forty-two leaves of Xian Miaojing.

As the name implies, it consists of one hundred swords. The power of each blade is weaker than the opening of the sword, but the number is more.

If it is in the past, this white show can easily be followed, but now it is different.

The 30-leaf sect of Xian Miaojing is fully deployed, and after the expansion of the squad, the power is expanded ten times. When the hundred swords appear in the air, each blade emits a radiant sensation, and the murderous force makes him reveal the spine. A cold, can't help but be scared.

"Death!" The old man screamed and saw that the spiritual power of the expansion of the squadron was madly captured. Finally, the spiritual power of the expansion of the squad was finally broken, and the old man opened his hands and the more powerful swords Crazy rotation, the hundred swords rotate at the same time to shake the surrounding space, and emit a humming sound like a boring thunder. The old man has a suffocating face and a wave of his hands: "kill!"

Hundreds of swords roared and threw the night sky, as if the speed of the electric light was extremely fast, and the five rounds of the circle were placed within the scope of the blade attack.

In the face of the strongest indiscriminate blow of the old man, all the disciples of the early teachings changed their face and looked more dignified than before, and at the same time exerted their most powerful means of life.

The previous fireball, the white show hops were slightly injured, but Yu Weibo let other early-teacher disciples wolf, and even a few serious injuries and coma, now this hundred swords no difference attack, if not to show their strongest The means of body protection, maybe you will die here.

For a time, all kinds of defensive light curtains, defensive spirits were lighted up in the early teaching disciples, and some disciples made a slap in the face, and they wanted to stop the hundred swords.

However, they attacked the past killings, and the beast had just touched the blade of the head, and was easily shredded by the blade. Except for the slight attack of the blade, there was no use.

Bai Zhanyue also displayed his own strongest defensive spirits and crushed a bodyguard. He saw Xu Yu, who was protected by Qin Haoxuan behind him, and looked at Qin Haoxuan’s several defenses with significantly lower defense power. The curtain, the heart of the dark road is over, Xu Yu may not be able to escape this time.

However, even if he wants to protect Xu Yu now, he is powerless because he himself is difficult to protect, unless he uses the one he has spent a lot of energy to refine!

The Tao Fu is made by the master of cultivation and the real thing. It is extremely powerful and extremely precious. The conditions of refining and the materials needed are also very demanding. This is also his talent, and he is very popular with Master. Master He sent the materials for refining the Taoist symbols to him. Baizhan took a full five years to refine this.

Once used up, Master will not give him a second material.

Just in the white show, hesitantly, suddenly screaming...


Standing at the forefront, the body of the disciples, the bodyguards, and the swords of the disciples were all gone, and his body was shredded by the second blade that followed.

Bai Zhan yelled his brows and couldn't help but feel distressed. His thoughts turned: "You can't hesitate any more. The disciples here are all loyal to me. It is not easy to cultivate one. Every death is a huge loss, and if Xu The feathers are dead, I will not think of the head in the early days, and I will even be tempted to go out of the wall!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he pulled off the road sign. This is the treasure that he personally refines and can block the singer's forty-two leaves.

Injecting a spiritual power into the dynasty, this original symbol is no different from the ordinary yellow velvet paper, suddenly bursting out of the glare, a large umbrella with numerous quaint patterns suddenly appeared in front of the early teaching disciples.

The large umbrella slowly rotates and exudes hundreds of characters of the Vatican. These words collide with each other to produce a sweet sound. The fairy sound forms a circle of voices visible to the naked eye, enveloping everyone.

At the beginning of the great spirit!

"Puff puff……"

A hundred-handed blade, constantly hitting this huge quaint umbrella, made a sudden and dull rain and clicked on the umbrella.

The quaint umbrella blocked the 80-point blade, and finally couldn’t stand the horrible power of the sharp blade. It’s a bang... still broken...

The Tao Fu Ling method is broken, it is a one-time item, but the problem is that there are still more than ten swords that have not been blocked! Each of these dozens of swords is equivalent to a singer of the 40-leaf master of the seedlings. No matter who is hit, it is capable of killing people.

Bai Zhanyue's face is pale, his most powerful means of life has disappeared, he can only listen to his fate!

"Ah! Ah!" There were four screams, and four of them taught their disciples to die.

Four swords murdered, four swords fell, and three swords hit the white show leaping body, and he was crushed by several bodyguards and bodyguards. On the occasion of the millennium, he applied, one hand and one knife, attacking Broken to his last blade.

At the same time, he also noticed that there are three swords directed at Qin Haoxuan, Xu Yu and Lan Yan.

Bai Zhan Yue has a bleak face and bitter pain in his mouth. Although he wants to save Xu Yu, although Xu Yu is related to his future, although the alien blue smoke is his fastest hope to break through the fairyland, he is indeed powerless. Can watch both of them for Qin Haoxuan to be buried.

As for Qin Haoxuan, who is in front of these two girls, in the eyes of Bai Zhan, he is nothing more than a clown who is not aware of it. Can he block his own hard-hitting blow with his fragile flesh and blood?

"Hey!" Bai Zhan yelled and sighed. In his eyes, Xu Yu and the blue smoke will die, and his wishful thinking will be lost. Now he only waits for Qin Haoxuan to die, and finds his way to make his one million pieces of the next three spirits. To find out, this will also save a little Xu Yu and blue smoke death to his loss ~ ~ three swords torn open Qin Haoxuan, Xu Yu, blue smoke and his three in a hurry The Taoist amulet, the defensive spirit, the three swords shattered two, this is still Su Baihua distressed Xu Yu, for fear that Xu Yu was in danger when entering the red dust, deliberately gave her a few good amulets, this is Block two swords, otherwise, with Qin Haoxuan and the blue smoke's defensive power, even a blade will stop.

This is so, a blade is enough to kill them three.

Everyone thought that when the three of them were sure to die, Qin Haoxuan suddenly moved. He jerked forward two steps and blocked the blade alone.


The blade was hit on the helmet of Qin Haoxuan, which looked like a mortal soldier. The blade was broken and Qin Haoxuan was also shot.

"Hey!" Bai Zhanyi originally thought that the blade would cut Qin Haoxuan's body, and then he would kill Xu Yu and the blue smoke, but did not expect this to be comparable to the sword of the 40-leaf strong attacker of Xian Miaojing, and even Qin Haoxuan. The body armor collided directly and shattered. What made Bai Zhan jump was that Qin Haoxuan’s half-runner had no mortal armor that was not crushed. People were not split in half, but they were hit by more than a dozen feet.

Although he was not cut off by the sword, Qin Haoxuan who was hit by flying was not easy. The armor on his body was badly broken, and there was no bleeding in his mouth, but his body seemed to have been opened with countless blood holes. The blood was sprayed from the armor. come out.

The blood sprinkles the sky and is spectacular.

Xu Yu and the blue smoke body trembled at the same time, and both of them screamed incomprehensibly: "Hao Xuan brother, are you okay?"

"Qin Haoxuan, are you okay?"

Under the protection of Qin Haoxuan, Xu Yu and the blue smoke ran at the same time. They saw that Qin Haoxuan’s armor was ruined and ruined. Xu Yu’s heart was like a knife, but there was no more tears.


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