Too Early

Chapter 320: Xianmo power blooms at first

Blue smoke saw Qin Haoxuan's miserable appearance, and there was a slight demise in his eyes. Qin Haoxuan was seriously injured in order to save himself and Xu Yu. It is reasonable to save himself.

As a different kind of blue smoke, nature is more aware of the different species than the average person. If she is willing to condense the blood in her body, the heterogeneous species is comparable to the essence of the heavenly treasure, which has the ability to resurrect the long bones of the bones.

But only the alien can extract the blood in his own blood. The essence of blood is extremely precious. Only one drop of blood can condense a drop of blood. The blue blood body essence can only condense more than ten drops of blood.

Therefore, when the Yunheshan people seized the blue smoke, the blue smoke did not want to condense the blood, and he only had to take her blood sacrifice by the law to recover his injury.

If the blue smoke voluntarily condenses the blood, it will be enough for Qin Haoxuan to recover from a serious injury to a state of living and living. If the amount of blood is enough, it can even temporarily enhance the realm of strength.

Just as the blue smoke was prepared to take his own blood treatment of Qin Haoxuan, he just watched Qin Haoxuan screaming at the plasma, but he could do nothing. Xu Yu didn’t know what to do. In the end, she did nothing, just biting her lower lip and her tone was firm. Said: "Hao Xuan brother, if you have three long and two short, I must kill the world to repair, to avenge you."

Even the blue smoke was shocked by the murderous murder of Xu Yu’s tone. She wanted to condense her blood for Qin Haoxuan’s healing. She couldn’t help but whisper: “Qin Haoxuan, you will not wake up again, Xu Yu’s sister may be in Xiuxianjie. Set off a **** hurricane."

No one would think that Xu Yu is bragging, and there is no limit to the future of the Supreme Purple, and I am qualified to say this.

In the distance, I heard the expression of Xu Yu’s Bai Zhan Yue’s brow, and my heart secretly said: “This Qin Haoxuan is the best if it is dead. If it is not dead, I must find a way to make up another knife, and then I will find a way to transfer Xu Yu’s attention. Force, Xu Yu is so addicted to him, it is not a good sign."

"Well..." Under the eyes of Xu Yu and the blue smoke, Qin Haoxuan, who was in a short coma, snorted, slowly opened his eyes, sat up, and remembered the horrible blade just now, and then said Let's say a word that makes Baizhan vomiting blood: "Hey, have I survived?"

Then, Qin Haoxuan tried to move his hands and feet, and he said: "It seems like nothing!"

Turned into a helmet, the mouth of the prisoner, angered in the ears of Qin Haoxuan: "Of course you are fine, I help you block all attacks, you are just shocked, Qin Haoxuan, I will treat you as a brother, but you put I am a universal shield. If it wasn’t for the white show, the way to block most of the blade, plus the Xu Yu amulet to block the other two blades, as long as one more blade, you can tear me Broken……"

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is very sorry. The punishment is like exaggeration on the weekdays. But it’s really not exaggerated. The previous blow was not the help of the penalty. It’s enough to die ten times! Strong as a punishment, the same killing almost lost a small life.

"Thank you for your gratitude, I am willing to make any compensation..." Qin Haoxuan whispered.

"I fuck, these blood on your body, you thought it was yours? But it was all flowing down from me!" The voice of the punishment, although weak, still does not forget to bargain: "At least let me eat two loose repairs, otherwise I don't think about it." I will shelter you from the wind next time!"

Qin Haoxuan also felt that he was really sorry for the sentence, but he was still awkward in his heart. He whispered: "Is it better to give you a thousand Lingshi?"

The brain is turning fast, and it is natural to have a stone! As for the repair? Go back and ask for the blue smoke to help steal a few bodies. When the Lingshi body is taken, I still earn it!

"No problem! But, really... I really hurt a lot this time... I have to take a break for the time being, I can't protect you with the dragon magic body. You should be careful. Don't really I am dead here..."

After all, the sentence no longer makes a sound, and he is seriously injured, which makes him temporarily fall asleep.

Qin Haoxuan barely stood up, slightly moved his hands and feet, and had a punishment to help him block the attack. He actually did not suffer any injuries.

"Mom! It's a curse for a thousand years!" Looking at Qin Haoxuan, he stood up again, and after a little activity, Qin Haoxuan was alive and kicking, which made Bai Zhanyue's eyes widen. If the old nest was smashed, it was not destroyed. Kill it.

The old man of the 30-leaf of the seedlings of the squadron of the squadron saw that with the help of his own expansion, the three spiritual laws were broken down, and only five people were killed. These early-teaching disciples were not killed.

He screamed: "Since the early teachings don't leave us alive, we fight with them! Killing these early-teachers, maybe there is still a way to live."

The old man shook his arm, and the spoilers came to the spirit. In particular, they saw that the old man was magnified ten times and killed five early-teaching disciples. He also let the extremely powerful fairy seedlings of the forty-eight-leaf white show leap, almost Injury, suddenly fighting high spirits.

Probably because there is not enough Lingshi in the body, perhaps it is not enough time. This old man has not been deployed again. Instead, he is the first to play with the early teaching disciples.

The cultivators of the two camps, which have been blind to each other, have finally fought together.

Suddenly, all kinds of spiritual methods flew, the beasts were chaotic, the blood was squirting, and some of the nearby dwellings were in the ruins of more than 50 people who were practicing the immortals. Fortunately, the nearby civilians found that there were lovers fighting here. I have long since escaped, and I have not hurt my innocence.

Although there are not many people on both sides, unlike the Qizhangyuan, there are hundreds of people on both sides. However, the spectacular intensity here is far higher than that of the Qizhangyuan battlefield. The Qizhangyuan battlefield is more of a sneak attack and an anti-sneak attack. However, here is a one-time battle of fifty people, and the overall combat effectiveness of the two sides is not inconsistent, on the level of tragic, definitely higher than the battlefield of Qizhang.

Bai Zhan dreamed to kill Qin Haoxuan by hand, and he wouldn’t kill him before Qin Haoxuan’s death, so he always followed Xu Yu’s side, and he occasionally released Xu Yu’s solution, and he was deliberately stalked by several scattered repairs. The deputy exhaustion is unable to break through.

As for the younger brothers of Bai Zhanyue, although they had pretended to be desperately desperate, but under the direction of Bai Zhan Yue, they played some water, and the surface seemed to be playing badly. In fact, it was too early to teach disciples to use their strongest. The killing tricks, and everyone only wrestled with a scattered repair, deliberately to give more than a dozen of the scattered repairs to Qin Haoxuan, blue smoke and punishment.

Are there any reluctance to go to Qin Haoxuan? Bai Zhan Yue deliberately took a shot, and shot him over without hurting him, so that he has enough fighting power to kill Qin Haoxuan.

So really fierce, in fact, Qin Haoxuan that piece.

There are fourteen scattered repairs, the blue smoke is entangled in two, and the remaining ten are scattered under the intentional combination of Bai Zhan Yue and his younger brothers. They are playing Qin Haoxuan, the strongest one is even the 30th leaf of Xian Miaojing. Strong.

Xu Yu saw that Qin Haoxuan was surrounded by a group of scattered, and the oldest of the strongest saplings in the 30th leaf was also besieging Qin Haoxuan. Xu Yu was suddenly anxious. She wanted to help in the past, but under the guidance of Bai Zhan Yue, he The two younger brothers deliberately pretended to be injured, and they withdrew from the battle circle under the protection of others, and vacated the two scattered repairs, letting them drag Xu Yu.


Qin Haoxuan, who was attacked by ten people who were surrounded by scattered training, looked cold and stunned.

In these eyes of distraction, Qin Haoxuan was **** and hurt, killing him was just a matter of raising his hand.

"You, I am too early Qin Haoxuan! I will leave at a speed, this is not a problem! If not... Anyone who wants to leave this place today..."

Qin Haoxuan flows out of the cold voice between the teeth, and a spiritual method is intertwined between them. The whole person is like a beast.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

When Qin Haoxuan’s name came out, more than a dozen scattered collectives shuddered.

There are many disciples in the early days, but the disciple of Xian Miaojing is now the most famous in the Xianglong country. It is Qin Haoxuan, but it is the existence of the nickname of the blood hand Shura!

Everyone did not expect to encounter this killing star here!

At this moment, the masses began to understand why it was impossible to kill this little monk at the beginning, and for a long time, this is the "savage beast"!

"Killing this Qin Haoxuan, it is also a great achievement in Tongtianguan... Brothers! Fight!"

"Yes! He said that let us go? Do you believe it? He is a **** hand repairing Qin Haoxuan..."

Blood hand Shura? This is what Qin Haoxuan is still curious.

The four-headed house-sized beasts rushed to Qin Haoxuan under the command of the scattered repairs, and several other scattered exercises also launched a spiritual attack.

Flame, knife wind! Mix together to form endless fierceness!

Everyone knows that Qin Haoxuan can't keep it! The most powerful and murderous!

Moreover, the old man of Xian Miao’s thirty-leaf environment expanded his spirits and killed five early-teaching disciples. He played a white show and was wolf-stricken. Now he seems to have been injured, and he has been dissected by several fairy seedlings. It’s just that you can’t get away from it, which makes the spoilers’ confidence so big. Instead, they give birth to the thoughts of killing this group of there are hundreds of life-and-death tempering, face this Ten scattered repairs, the most powerful of which is the 30-leaf strongman of Xian Miaojing. Qin Haoxuan will certainly be overwhelmed and directly succumbed to death, but now he is sinking in the water and very calm.

The four-headed beast rushed over. He just used the power of the seven-star to open the sun. He walked on the seven-star body like a catkin, and easily escaped the attack of the four-headed beast. At the same time, the body was like a lightning bolt, and rushed to a scattered front to release the left hand directly. The seal of the devil!

The black singer of the size of the house suddenly appeared out of thin air!


In the twenty-five-leaf situation of Xian Miaojing, the devil’s trick was to explode the head of the twenty-four-leaf scented.

The brain of the white flower, the bright red blood splashed on Qin Haoxuan and the other nine scattered around.

Qin Haoxuan’s mouth took a fierce expression. At this time, the spirit of the old man who was behind the 30-leaf of the seedlings attacked his back. Qin Haoxuan’s back was like a long eye, and he gently turned to the left. The danger is dangerous to escape the spiritual method of the old man.

Other scattered repairs have not stopped, one of the sacred Miaojing twenty-seven leaves around the scattered repair, taking advantage of his own realm higher than Qin Haoxuan, directly condensed a purple-red, sharp knife, screaming to Qin Haoxuan, as if to him Split into two halves.

Qin Haoxuan sneered, he directly displayed, the golden long stick appeared in the hands of Qin Haoxuan, swept the stick and greeted it.

Although the strength of this scattered repair is strong, it is higher than Qin Haoxuan's seventeen-leaf, but the power is far less than that. The physical strength of Xiu Xianren and Qin Haoxuan have no advantage.

more important! The height of the cohesiveness of the genius of the fairy magic is far beyond people's imagination!

In the past two years of cultivation, the power of the fairy magic species began to bloom unconsciously! Just... even Qin Haoxuan did not know.


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