Too Early

Chapter 338: Swinging the sword, everything goes from scratch

At this time, the blue smoke that has been in the sense of Qin Haoxuan also opened his eyes, quietly listening to the interpretation of the sentence, listening to the eye.

The sentence continued: "Just like a grass, it died of yellow, and after it was turned into ashes, even if you apply more fertilizer, it would be useless. What should I do at this time? I smashed it and smashed it into the soil to make fertilizer. As long as you keep the rhizome undead, and you will continue to break the ground, you will be born again like a phoenix."

“When is the fertilizer?” Qin Haoxuan stunned. He was born in the mountain village. Datian Town was sparsely populated and barren. When he was young and went to the poor land of the village’s east head, his father would bury the rotten roots of the last year. In the soil, it is said to be fertilizer, so Qin Haoxuan quickly understood the meaning of the sentence: "You mean, let me cut off the current Xianye, Xianmiao, re-emerge, leave the leaves?"

The penalty point nodded: "Your Xianmiao and Xianye are seriously injured, and Xiangen is estimated to be the same. In this case, even if it is restored, it will have a great impact on your future cultivation, and you are so serious, even if you will be heaven and earth. The aura is absorbed, and it is impossible for your fairy seedlings to regain their vitality. It is better to break the seeds and use the seedlings and the scented leaves as fertilizers, go to the dregs, and take the essence."

At this time, the blue smoke also understood the meaning of the sentence, to Qin Haoxuan: "Break and then stand, it is indeed the best way at present, in fact, your fairy seedlings should have died, the reason why there is no withering, it is because of you The genus is still not dead, the core of Xiangen is not injured, and you have been providing the heaven and earth aura for Xianmiao."

Exalted: "Yes, if you are not so wonderful, you can save the dead saplings and die, and change them to others."

Qin Haoxuan sighed and looked at the punishment. He looked at the blue smoke and said: "I understand what you mean, but it is not easy to repair the ten leaves. It is a mourning for a thousand days..."

Blue smoke stared at Qin Haoxuan deeply, and suddenly a black blood spewed in her mouth, and then immediately meditated on the knees.

Soon, the blue smoke was filled with a faint mist, and her body showed a weak taste, just like before the blood was squeezed out, but Qin Haoxuan and the punishment can be seen, after the blue smoke spit out this black blood, The whole person reveals a magnificent life.

Although the blue blood has recovered from the blood of seventy-eight, in fact, the loss of 30% of the blood of the heterogeneous species will leave dark diseases. Before the contact, the blue smoke can only hope to slowly cultivate, and use the heaven and earth aura to digest and cover up. Dark disease, even if someone told her that this piece of dark disease can be removed and come back again, blue smoke must not dare to do so.

However, this magical restoration of the practice made her not hesitate to do it, and after she did it, she discovered that it would not take long for her to recover from a serious problem.

"Good decision, good decisive!" The sentence praised, and then look at Qin Haoxuan, said: "You can do it yourself!"

Then, regardless of whether Qin Haoxuan is used or not, he carefully explained some of the points he had made himself, and then did not speak any more. He also closed his eyes and meditated with blue smoke, and did not know whether it was used or not. There is no black blood in it.

Qin Haoxuan bit his teeth, and he said in his heart: "Without such a distant future, there is no hope, it is better to stand behind!"

In the end, he used the cultivation method of the punishment to condense the remaining spiritual power into a dagger. The sharp dagger headed down to the first fairy leaf on the fairy seedling.


This spiritual dagger was stabbed on the fairy leaf that seemed to wither at any time, but the fairy leaf did not break immediately. It just split a small gap, and a painful pain spread to Qin Haoxuan’s mind, hurting him. A few want to faint, suddenly the sweat of the beans fell.

After half a ring, Qin Haoxuan was relieved. He took a sigh of coolness: "The first piece of fairy leaves is so painful. The ten pieces of celestial leaves are completely smashed, and the saplings must be cut off. Can't you die?"

But now he has no choice, because he has smashed the fairy seed, he has a glimmer of hope, if not, he has no hope in this life.

"I can't get the ball, so I can't let my parents live forever!" I remembered the kind and loving face of my parents, thinking that they would die one day... Qin Haoxuan's heart seemed to be colic. He gnawed his teeth: "No, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I Can't give up!"

Resting for a while, his pale face recovered a little bit of blood, no hesitation, he once again condensed the body's little spiritual power, turned into a dagger, and turned to the cracked fairy leaf!


It took two days to stop and stop. Qin Haoxuan finally smashed the dead leaves.

He was both physically and mentally tired, and his eyes fell straight on the bed and gasped.

He originally thought that Qi Xianmiao was a very simple matter. As long as the roots were smashed, leaving Xiangen and the uninjured part of the sacred roots, it was discovered that it was not directly rooted. Although Xian Miao has withered, but after all, it is born of spiritual power, and has a great connection with Qin Haoxuan's life. So directly destroying Xianmiao, Qin Haoxuan will die, if you want to get rid of the blackened fairy seedlings and fairy leaves, If you don't hurt his life, you have to slowly lick it.

The smashing of a fairy leaf, Qin Haoxuan's momentum in vain vain, the residual spiritual power in the body also dissipated, whether it is his physical condition or mental state, want to continue to squat a piece of fairy leaves, at least to recover for half a month.

Four months later, ten pieces of celestial leaves were smashed in succession. Only Qin Haoxuan, who was bare and bare seedlings, had been badly hurt. His head was just covered with a pillow and he fell asleep.

This kind of slumber has been performed every day for the past four months. The punishment has become commonplace, but every time I see Qin Haoxuan fainting, the blue smoke will flash a feeling of empathy.

After ten pieces of celestial leaves, Qin Haoxuan spent another half a month, and the saplings that were several times thicker than the stalks of the scented leaves were cut off. In the blue smoke, they looked at him again. one day one Night.

After gnashing the seedlings, Qin Haoxuan, who had already suffered from numbness, adjusted for a few days.

When he saw that he had cut off Xianmiao, he was still not determined to sort out Xiangen. He could not help but urge: "After the Xianmiao is cut off, you must sort out the roots as soon as possible and regenerate the roots. You are still very simple now. If you are late, you have to start again from the roots of planting the roots."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the sentence and asked: "Xiangen is the foundation of the cultivation of immortals. If there is damage, it will be troublesome."

"If you have trouble, you can't re-tick it once! When you are jealous, be careful not to hurt the fairy species. That is the foundation of your cultivation. For the dead roots, you should be arrogant." In the eyes flashed a cockroach that no one found, and finally the eyes fell on the blue smoke, staring at the blue smoke and hair.

"What are you staring at?"

"Nothing, I found that you have recovered a lot recently."


Qin Haoxuan was urged by the punishment, and he immediately made up his mind and decided to smash the knife. He is now the same as the waste man. He has to blame and say that there is no worse situation than it is now.

After he made up his mind, he condensed his spiritual power and turned it into a sharp spiritual dagger, breaking into his perfect fairy root and necrotic fairy roots, entangled into the nest.


As soon as the Spiritual Dagger came, a necrotic fairy broke. Although the root was necrotic, it was a hundred times more painful to cut than a finger, and it hurt more than breaking a piece of fairy.

Qin Haoxuan sweated and sweated. The whole person was like a collapse, and he fell softly on the bed, and he was shocked by the blue smoke.

The sentence said on the side: "Nothing, no swearing, cut off a necrotic fairy root."

Qin Haoxuan really wants to jump up and will say that the wind is a slap in the face, and then cut off his magic roots to see if he has anything, but now Qin Haoxuan can think about it, he even moves with one finger. No.

Just cut off a fairy root like this, then his six hundred side roots are cut off, do you want to hurt half and die?

In fact, the sentence is still very conscience. After he said the cool words, he still looked at Qin Haoxuan very sympathetically and persuaded the blue smoke that he was distressed. "Nothing, don't worry too much. Qin Haoxuan is just a weak species~www.wuxiaspot .com~ I don’t feel much pain in breaking the roots. How many roots does he have?"

Qin Haoxuan really wants to jump up and shoot him. He has a root of the root of the root, a root of the root of the magic root, but there are six hundred lateral roots. Five hundred of the six hundred are necrotic.

"It turns out that the roots are too deep and not good!"

This is the last thought of Qin Haoxuan's semi-coma. If you let those who have only dozens of sacred roots know, you don't know if you will die directly.

The next day, Qin Haoxuan woke up and rested for a night. He was energetic, but his head was still very painful.

He thought in his heart: "It’s better to be tortured every day. It’s better to say that it’s a quick knife and a fight. It’s a big deal to fail. It’s better than not to die. It’s better to have a chance to cultivate a fairy life!”

Qin Haoxuan, who made up his mind, did not hesitate. He meditated on the knees, and all the only spiritual powers in the body were mobilized, turned into a sharp blade of spiritual power, and then aimed at the necrotic roots that were intertwined with each other. Go up!

"Oh..." Fifty necrotic roots broke at the same time.

A black blood spouted from Qin Haoxuan's mouth.

Will always pay attention to Qin Haoxuan's blue smoke, even if the sentence is changed, said: "I rely on, how is he playing, suddenly so intense?"

The blue smoke was in turmoil. At this time, Qin Haoxuan also commanded the spiritual decapitation and cut off 50 necrotic lateral roots.


Another **** spurt.

With more than 500 necrotic lateral roots of Qin Haoxuan being cut off, each time dozens of pieces were broken, Qin Haoxuan would spurt a **** blood. At first, black blood was sprayed, and the color gradually became red after several times.

Qin Haoxuan broke the last necrotic Xiangen, and wowed out a few mouthfuls of red blood.

The blue smoke that was originally worried was slightly bright, and he was pleasantly surprised: "His blood has turned red, and it seems that the injuries have been smashed!"

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