Too Early

Chapter 339: Silence can be a sacred

When the roots are broken, Qin Haoxuan feels that the body is weak to the limit, the soul consciousness is gradually faded away, the body is not his own, and the blue smoke that wants to open his eyes to see a word can not be done, and then falls to the bed and is unconscious.

The sound of his fall on the bed was very loud, and he was shocked by the punishment and blue smoke. In particular, they looked at Qin Haoxuan’s current appearance, and they were almost as if they were seriously injured and killed.

Look at Qin Haoxuan's appearance like this: "Blue smoke, you see, he fainted again!"

Blue smoke stunned and saw Qin Haoxuan's appearance. He looked at the sly smile and stunned. He asked, "What happened? He fainted and you laugh so happy!"

The apprentice stalled: "Nothing, isn't it normal for him to faint? He should have smashed the broken part of the sacred root all at once, causing a big blow to his life and a lifeline."

"What should I do?" The sentence was light and fluttering, but it scared the blue smoke. The temperament of the cultivator was greatly hurt. The blue smoke knew how serious it was, and the eyes could not help but reveal a little anxiety.

The sentence: "It's very simple. You can eat some natural treasures. If you don't have one, he will be more troublesome and still life-threatening."

"Where is the treasure of heaven here? Look at what he is like now, the early education will definitely not give any elixir, then what should he do now?" Blue smoke, she always felt that the smile of the sentence was very strange. I can't help but be angry. I replied: "Do you know how serious it is to cut off the roots? Why don't you say when he is crazy about breaking the roots? If you say it, I will stop it!"

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. There is no heaven and earth treasure here. Is there still you?" The criminal swayed a shot and smiled. "I see you have been recovering for almost half a year. It is better to contribute a few drops." Blood, be sure to restore it as soon as he ate."

The blue smoke powder face stunned, swearing, and said: "How can you do this?"

"Hey, don't pretend, I know you like him!" The hippie smiled and said: "In fact, I know all these things..."

When the sentence was not finished, she was blocked by blue smoke. Her face was red, and she said: "Don't say, don't say it, I, can't you give him blood?" Can't talk anymore!"

The sentence does not matter, nodded, said: "If you don't say it, don't say it! But the blue smoke, you see that I was hurt, and there is no place to eat the immortal, the recovery is very slow, if there are some Lingshi..."

"You..." Blue smoke smashed the sentence and then calmly said: "I will give you a stone!"

The prisoner smiled, did not speak, took over a thousand of the next three spirits stone handed by the blue smoke, and then flashed aside.

Blue smoke looked at Qin Haoxuan who had fainted in the past. He sighed slightly. After a brow, he extended his right hand. The ring finger and the thumb were opposite each other. The mouth was swaying a few words, and suddenly there was an indifferent blood.

After a while, the blue-stained face of the blue smoke suddenly became pale, but on her slender white palm, a drop of crystal blood was condensed.

She dripped the blood into Qin Haoxuan's mouth, and she sat on the bed of Qin Haoxuan.

The injured Xiangen was cut off, causing a big injury, and Qin Haoxuan, who was almost dying, felt a majestic and powerful force to spread the whole body after eating the blood. The original wounded a lot of energy added back at this moment. It seems that there is an endless force.

The punishment was silently watching Qin Haoxuan's changes, and my heart was extremely surprised: "Different species, this is a kind of power! It is said that the different kinds of immortals are all treasures. It seems that they are all right. Qin Haoxuan just died." ..."

"I... what kind of medicine?" How is it very spiritual now?" Qin Haoxuan, who recovered from the serious injury, opened his eyes. The first thing that was printed was the blue-skinned face.

Qin Haoxuan seemed to understand what was full of anger, as if the eyes of the fire-breathing cast his face on the face of punishment.

The prisoner laughed and said that he was very irresponsible. He said, "Oh, I have not forgotten to say it? Like you, it is more troublesome to get rid of Xiangen, and the damage to the body is relatively large, but one day. One or two roots, for three or five years, there is still no big impact, but I didn’t expect you to be so quick and quick, and you have all smashed the damaged roots from the beginning, so you need something like 九叶金莲, blood lotus, etc. The heavens and the earth treasures to nurse the body, this is not without those things, seeing you fainting past, the blue smoke girl she is very anxious, so take the initiative to take the blood to save you."

"You know at the beginning?" Qin Haoxuan stared at the cold.

"You never asked me, why should I say?" The sentence shook his shoulders easily, and looked up and down Qin Haoxuan frequently nodded: "Not bad, you are already bloody."



On the face of Jun’s face, he punched a fist. The whole face was twisted and twisted. The body flew out and hit the wall. Then it stopped flying. The eyes still flashed with no smile. He raised his hand and rubbed his cheek. Very pleased to say: "This fist is so powerful, it seems that your body is recovering better than I thought."

"You..." Qin Haoxuan flashed in his eyes: "Don't you know the physical condition of the blue smoke? With her blood, Shouyuan can not damage? You are too much!"

"Is it?" The prisoner raised his cheek and said: "First, I am a friend of you. Your life is the first place in me. Second! I did not force blue smoke, that is her. Voluntary! Lao Qin, you are now mad at me, it is better to digest her blood, don't let her down is true. As for me? After you have recovered, it is not too late."

Qin Haoxuan stood in the same place and stared at the punishment. He knew... If the criminal knew that he would tell him the truth, he would definitely not be so sacred in the absence of the elixir. He deliberately refused to tell himself. Vaguely telling myself that he is not going to break the roots of Xiangen quickly. If it weren't for his words that made Qin Haoxuan panic, Qin Haoxuan would once again cut off Xiangen?

In the eyes of the penalty, anyway, there is blue smoke to take blood to save himself, it does not matter, but he ignores the loss of blood from the blue smoke, which will affect the long-lived Shouyuan.

Although it is for his own good, but this kind of caution, Qin Haoxuan is still very disliked. In his heart, blue smoke is also a good friend.

The blue smoke that woke up to Qin Haoxuan said: "Nothing, I have practiced, can quickly replenish the blood."

Qin Haoxuan looked at her with a glance, full of pity, tone and determination. "You can't do this in the future. You lose your blood and will affect Shouyuan!"

The punishment was inserted next to him: "I am still in this Qingqing, I am not rushing to take advantage of the blood of the blood, and quickly adjust the Xiangen, otherwise you have to start practicing again!"

Qin Haoxuan listened to this, and a sigh of relief, apologetic smile to the blue smoke, then closed his eyes and began to luck.

Just running, Qin Haoxuan felt that there was an aura in Dantian. This aura was like rolling snowballs, and he walked through his empty meridians and finally returned to his Dantian.

At this moment, his Dantian only left the fairy magic, as well as a root of the root and a root of the magic root.

Under the influence of this aura's nourishment, Qin Haoxuan discovered that the necrotic Xiangen, which was originally cut off, had a very pure spiritual power during the operation. Later, this spiritual power supported Qin Haoxuan and continued to promote the birth. root.

Qin Haoxuan, who has had a rooted experience, can be described as a light-hearted road. In the past two years, he has also explored a lot of feelings about Xiu Xian. Zha Xiangen does not need to use God to guide him. He knows where to be the best. The role.

Soon, more than 500 sects that had been cut off were completely swallowed up by the exercises, turning into a purely incomparable spiritual power to help Qin Haoxuan take root.

Ten, twenty, thirty...

After five hours, under the nutrients of heterogeneous blood and necrotic roots, Qin Haoxuan's fairy magic species reappeared with 600 cents.

A strip of Xiangen re-wrapped Qin Haoxuan's fairy magic species, layer by layer. If Qin Haoxuan's previous six hundred lateral roots are perfectly rooted, then the new Xiangen is super perfect, which makes Qin Haoxuan who breaks and breaks the blessings. Feeling extremely excited.

However, I was too excited to be After he finished rooting, he lay down on the bed. At this time, he found that the pale blue smoke was sitting quietly on the chair and looking up at the stars in the sky. There are hidden tears in both eyes.

Qin Haoxuan saw his blue smoke saved twice, and he couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of guilt. He sat up from the bed and moved a stool. He sat near the blue smoke and whispered: "Why, you are homesick." Yet?"

"Think." Blue smoke did not look back, still looking up to the stars in the sky.

"I just completed the rooting. After I recover, I must find a way to help you earn the spiritual stone to go home."

Blue smoke gently sighed: "I don't really want to go home now, because when I go back, my parents see my body, they will be very anxious, but what about anxious? I am a different kind, destined to live a hundred years old. Seeing that I am dead, they will be very upset, let me die outside, so they are not so uncomfortable."

Qin Haoxuan did not speak. He saw the faint sorrow in the blue smoke eyes. He said that it is true that he does not want to go home, but she is homesick.

He didn't talk, but he secretly thought in his heart: "Blue smoke has saved me twice. If I don't have her, I am afraid that I will die early! There are so many natural treasures in the Taoxian Valley, I must find a way to get it. Some, maybe it can save the blue smoke, let her break the magic spell that the aliens can't live without a hundred years! In the past, those aliens couldn't live a hundred years old, that is, they don't have so many resources.

Just in Qin Haoxuan's contemplation, the punishment came in from the outer room of the quiet room, holding a bottle of medicinal herbs in his hand, saying: "You are really good at teaching the old man, and you are giving me a remedy."

Qin Haoxuan, who is meditating, has a slight glimpse. This is already the nine months he entered the retreat. He taught the second time to send the medicinal herbs, but he never saw the inner chamber, and quietly left the medicinal herbs in the outer room and left. .

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