Too Early

Chapter 363: 1 leaf barrier does not see the mountain

The next day, Qin Haoxuan in the room of Luo Maoxun officially taught them the unique magic of the natural hall "take the Yuanshu".

At that time, Qin Haoxuan learned the unique magical spell of the natural hall in Pu Hanzhong's brother, and he could take out the essence of the sacred dan, and refine the scent of qi, qi and dan, and let the purple disciples see the baby.

He taught Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua to take Yuanshu. First, because they are natural disciples in the future, the resources are definitely not as rich as the four halls, and they need to be more frugal. They learn to use them from the waste Dan early. Second, they also have the skills to practice the gods. The effect of knowledge, although this training effect can be neglected for him with strong knowledge, but if Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua are to learn, then they can slowly grow their knowledge without knowing it. After all, in the fairyland of Xian Ying Dao, if it is not his perversion, there seems to be no magic spell that can be used to practice God's knowledge. Therefore, learning to take Yuanshu is a good thing.

Qin Haoxuan is teaching Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua to take the Yuanshu, guiding them little by little, watching them fail once and for all, this fashion morning snow and Lu Shi came.

The two men's handsome and proud, full of sense of superiority, a pair of heavenly arrogant appearance, the woman's beautiful and lovely, the body reveals a strong youthful atmosphere, the face with a fascinating smile at any time.

After Shang Chenxue and Lu Shi went to the Xianyun parking lot in Lingtian Valley, Lu Shi reluctantly said to Shangchen Xuedao: "Morning snow sister, you are not very interested in Bu Yi, have you wanted to learn? You can go to Xia Yuntang, too early It’s very famous to teach Xia Yuntang’s Liuyi. If you go to consult, Xia Yunzi’s owner will teach you some. Right, are you not interested in alchemy? You just got purple heart, but it can be refined. Oh, the elixir of good medicinal herbs, we can go to Bizhutang, the alchemy of Bizhutang is compared with our Dayuanjiao, don’t have a unique place!”

Shang Chen Xue took the **** and brushed a white eye to the brothers. He said: "You don't think that Qin Haoxuan was very interesting yesterday? More fun person, how good it is to find him, why are you going to find the four?" What a boring church owner? Do we have similar churches in the Great Yuan Dynasty?"

Yesterday, but only a short contact with half an hour, Qin Haoxuan's performance made Shimei very interested in him, and suddenly let Lu Shi feel the sense of crisis and anger. He has always been with this younger sister on weekdays, that is, he hopes to cultivate his feelings bit by bit, and later become a double monk with her. Moreover, he is a gray fairy, and he is a high-ranking person. He did even the grandfather of Shang Chenxue. The Yuanyuan teacher’s teacher, Huiyang, did not say anything.

Therefore, Lu Shi has long regarded Shang Chenxue as his imprisonment and hostile to everyone close to her.

Shang Chenxue went into Lingtian Valley. Because he did not know where Qin Haoxuan was, he found a young monk who seemed to be a new disciple and asked: "Where is Qin Haoxuan of your sect?"

The new disciple was just getting started, and his heart was far less sturdy than Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua. Suddenly he saw a beautiful girl talking to herself, and her eyes were straight. However, when he heard that this beauty was actually asking himself about Qin Haoxuan’s news, he thought to himself: “She came to Qin Haoxuan’s brother, but she is Qin’s brother...”

Thinking of this, the indulge in the eyes of this new disciple suddenly disappeared, and his face was full of reverence: "Qin brother, he is in the third room of the row after turning right."

Shang Chenxue said with a sweet smile and did not notice the expression on the face of this disciple. However, Lu Shi saw the discerning eyes and the worship on his face when he mentioned Qin Haoxuan. His heart suddenly became uncomfortable and at the same time more disdainful: "What was wrong with the early teaching, a weak disciple, Even if no one in the nature hall can take over the position of the owner, it is the turn of Qin Haoxuan to take over, do not have to admire him so much? It seems that this disciple is just getting started, there is no point of knowledge, they are too young to teach a disciple in the four lobby. I am afraid it will be stronger than this Qin Haoxuan?"

After the teaching of the disciples in the early days, Shang Chenxue successfully found the location of Qin Haoxuan.

When the morning snow came, Qin Haoxuan was doing a demonstration and took out the essence of the Dan Dan one by one. It took a long time to fill up several bottles.

Seeing that a worthless waste Dan can be turned into a treasure, Shang Chenxue’s eyes are bright.

After Qin Haoxuan’s demonstration, Shang Chenxue also walked in. After greeting with Qin Haoxuan, the big, watery eyes looked at him with surprise: “Yeah! What kind of spell are you, the general medicine is abolished? But your spell can extract essence from the waste, it is amazing, too great, can you teach me?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled and looked at the innocent morning snow. From the brief contact yesterday, he also saw that this lovely girl had no bad thoughts. How can the unique magic of the natural church be circulated?

He apologized to Shang Chenxue: "Sorry, Miss Chen Xue, this spell is the original creation of our natural hall. The ancestral rules are explained and cannot be circulated."

"Can't be rumored!" Shang Chenxue's beautiful face flashed disappointment, but then he thought of a good way, excitedly said to Qin Haoxuan: "Otherwise, I used the spell we taught to change with you. The martial art and the martial art are also able to communicate with each other. You use this to change the spiritual method you want with me. You don't lose money."

Qin Haoxuan smiled a little and didn't talk. At this time, he had been frowning with Lu Chen of Shang Chenxue. He said with disdain: "You can't do this with your sister. This kind of Taoism used to rub rubbish, there is nothing to learn, we are big yuan. How profound is the teaching of the spiritual law, and it is not worthwhile to change the useless garbage for a rubbish."

Looking at Lu Shi, who was obviously directed at himself, Qin Haoxuan smiled indifferently, and did not put it in his heart. He thought: "This Lu Shi does not know what medicine to take wrong, and always treats me, always has a superior and proud face. It seems He is a good man, but his heart is not very good, and his future achievements are very limited. Anyway, you are not my disciple, I don't have to wake you up."

Qin Haoxuan, who has a strong heart and a strong heart, can't figure it out, but his two younger brothers can't figure it out.

Although Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua are both strong and strong, the level of sophistication is even better than that of Qin Haoxuan. But the sturdiness of the road is one thing. They are still sixteen-year-old children. The temper of the teenager is still there, and the heart is not stable enough. After all, the heart and the heart temper are two different things.

Both Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua regard Qin Haoxuan as the goal and idol of his life. Especially in these days, what Qin Haoxuan taught them is something that other brothers can't learn. Moreover, the legends of Qin Haoxuan, since Qin Haoxuan came back again, began to fall into the dust, and naturally fell into their ears, naturally more worship.

Now some people look down on their brothers, they will take Yuanshu as a method of evaluating the high in the mouth of the brothers. It is said to be a rubbish. It seems to be worthless, and despise his brother, which makes them Two people are indignant.

The firstborn is not afraid of the tiger, Luo Maoxun does not know that these people are the guests of the Great Yuanjiao, he sneered: "Your Taoism is not so much better? You can now lick your nose here, a high-profile appearance, But if you have been practicing for a few years, you will be able to win my brother.

Cao Qinghua, who has always been quiet and seldom talks, and only concentrates on training, also said: "There are too many people who look down on my brother, but these people have proved their stupidity with miserable end."

Lü Shi sneered and sneaked away from Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua, and looked disdainful. Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua did not really make him angry. He thought in his heart: "Two new tips Third, a leaf blindness does not see Xianshan, every day followed by Qin Haoxuan has become a frog at the bottom of the well. Also, Qin Haoxuan, a weak disciple from the natural hall can teach them something? If I care about them, is it not plainly smashed my identity?"

Lu Shi did not look at Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua. In his eyes, these two people and the ants were not much different. They were not qualified to let him speak to the strong ones of the 41st leafy environment. They just continued to use cold eyes and disdain. Looked at Qin Haoxuan.

Although Qin Haoxuan does not intend to have a general knowledge of the surname Lu, but sees his own enrolled younger brother so powerful, the heart is still a little more refreshing, secretly nodded, these two boys are really too early, any outside Attacks are hard to give back! interesting.

Just... Qin Haoxuan is now the owner of the natural church, and is the one who entertains the Yuanyuan religion. He can’t really praise the two children in front of everyone. As an elder, you still have to say A few words of the scene, talking about his own children do not say, he just wanted to open the round field, Luo Maoxun's door suddenly ringed again.

Cao Qinghua just walked over to open the door, and suddenly there was a golden light flashing, and it was steady in the arms of Qin Haoxuan.

Needless to say, this golden light is naturally Xiaojin who has just returned from the spiritual land. Xiao Jin is in the arms of Qin Haoxuan, and his delicate body is full of spiritual and cute movements. Not only does it not appear abrupt, but it becomes more and more lovely.

Seeing Xiaojin, Shang Chenxue also forgot the embarrassment, but also forgot that he just wanted to say a few words from the brothers to play the round field. A pair of eyes stared straight at Xiao Hao in Qin Haoxuan’s arms, and he sighed in his mouth: "A cute little monkey, can you touch me?"

Shang Chenxue's attention is concentrated on Xiao Jin in Qin Haoxuan's arms, and Lu Shi notices that after Xiao Jin comes in, there are still a few heads higher than ordinary people, and the vigorous and full-bodied giant ape also walks. Come in.

These vigorously ape monkeys carry sackcloth pockets, which have elixir, spiritual valley and even stone.

After they walked in, they placed their heavy woven bags on the ground, making a few squeaking noises, and they were shocked by the morning snow that focused on Xiaojin.

Shang Chenxue turned his head and looked at the Lingu Valley, the elixir and the Lingshi, which were full of bags, and his face changed. He asked in amazement: "How can these monkeys send so many resources to cultivate immortals! Why do they help you? Send it?"

Although Lu Shi did not ask, but his heart was also very surprised, his eyes were a little straight.

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