Too Early

Chapter 364: Painting the land

The appearance of Xiaojin immediately shakes the two children! Today, this little gold is not only the pride of Qin Haoxuan, but also the pride of the entire nature hall!

Luo Maoxun proudly laughed. He replied: "These great apes are the men of my brother's spiritual pet Xiaojin. Xiaojin's men are 1,500 strong apes, and they help us to teach disciples too much under the command of Xiaojin every day. When you look at Lingtian, when the crops in Lingtian are mature, you will receive 10% as compensation. These Linggu, elixir and Lingshi are just the rewards received today. Now most of the teachings in Lingtian are under the responsibility of Xiaojin. Take care of it and get a lot of rewards every day."

Qin Haoxuan smiled indifferently, stroking the proud Xiaojin in his arms and said: "This is all Xiaojin's credit."

He explained it in detail.

Hearing the words of Luo Maoxun and the modest explanation of Qin Haoxuan, neither Chen Chenxue nor Lu Shi were sluggish.

Shang Chenxue is more and more pleasant to listen to, but Lu Shi is more and more surprised, and the more he listens, the more greedy he is.

Shang Chenxue couldn't help but walked over and touched Xiaoqin in Qin Haoxuan's arms and praised him: "You are so good at Xiaojin, you can have 1,500 strong monkeys and you can look after Lingtian to help you. Look after it. Lingtian is not an easy task."

Xiaojin slightly raised his cute little head and seemed to be very satisfied with the praise of Shang Chenxue.

Lü Shi thought in his heart: "This Qin Haoxuan, why do you have such a powerful, so clever beast! If you bring it back to the Great Yuan, let it work for me, how much commission can I receive! Although I am a gray species, I have limited resources and I can't let me use it. But if I have such a monkey, I can earn my own cultivation resources on the basis of the original martial resources. It will definitely be twice or three times that of the present, and I will be able to break through to the fairyland faster!"

"If I can get this monkey and earn so many resources to cultivate immortals every year, my future training speed will not be slower than that of Chen Xueshi."

"As long as my cultivation is in a realm of realm and the realm of strength becomes stronger, I am more likely to be a double monk with Chen Xueshi. Chen Xueshi is a granddaughter who teaches real people, but also If I can become a double monk with her, if I can become a double monk with her, the hope of becoming a great Yuanjiao in the future will be even greater!"

After seeing Xiaojin, not only the morning snow eyes were bright, but Lu Shi, who always showed a high expression on his face, could not help but have a strong greed.

Shang Chenxue likes Xiaojin because Xiaojin is cute and human; but Lu Shi likes Xiaojin, but because Xiaojin can earn Lingshi. Xiao Jin is a human being who can command a group of powerful beasts to make money for it. If it belongs to him, how many Lingshi can be earned in a year!

When I think of it, Lu Shi’s heart has become very hot. If he encounters Xiao Jin in other places, he will certainly not be able to take it. But here is the early education, not the land of his uncle Lu Shi, naturally can not come.

Lu Shi, who really wants to get a small gold, thinks in his heart: "After all, now in the site of the early education, you can't move thick, then simply give a price and buy this monkey!"

When I thought of it, Lu Shi thought for a moment, and the eyes that were full of superiority fell on Qin Haoxuan. He glanced at Qin Haoxuan and said: "Since Chen Xueshi likes your monkey so much, you sell this monkey to me. 100,000 pieces of the next three spirits."

The 100,000 pieces of the next three spirits are also a huge number for Lu Shi, the 41st leaf of Xian Miao. When he wanted to come to Qin Haoxuan, the natural stuffed bun, although he was lucky, he got a piece of Tianhua Dibao on the list of flowers. This monkey can make money for him every month, but he should never see 100,000 pieces at a time. Sanpin Lingshi? Maybe the profit will be sold.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Lu Shi like a fool at this moment. On his body, there was a kind of ostentation. If it is not for the disciples of the two sects, Qin Haoxuan really asks if the other party is stupid. 100,000 under the three-pronged stone can buy a small gold that can continue to earn Lingshi, this brain is also repairing what immortal? Did the brain fall into the pit and the brain is broken?

Lu Shi’s brow wrinkled, apparently dissatisfied with Qin Haoxuan’s refusal, but he was too blind to see the monkey, so his arrogant tone rang again: “So, I use the method of cultivation and spiritual practice to follow you. How about changing this monkey? I know that your natural church and the ancestors of the ancestors were all broken. You must have a few martial arts and spiritual methods in your natural church. Although I can’t give you the practice of this door, I also killed it. A few scattered repairs, I got a few good cultivating celestial exercises and spiritual rituals, which are much better than the meditation practice of your natural church, which is enough for you to use."

Qin Haoxuan was very disgusted with Lu Shi’s face, but his face was still calm. He fainted Lu Shi’s eyes, and the voice brought out a bit of impatience: “Xiao Lu, you are not just insulting me, I am natural. It is also smearing the Great Yuan Dynasty to you. As your elder, I can tolerate bear children once and twice, but it is not an excuse to tolerate you hundreds of times. I am not lacking cheats at the beginning, and my natural church is unbroken. You know what you know? If you are talking nonsense, don’t blame this seat for not telling you and kicking you out of the mountain."

Lu Shi was ugly by a lesson, but also reflected that he had just been over-extended. If he really told Qin Haoxuan to teach him, he would have to be punished, and it was the kind of punishment.

No! This kind of thing can never appear! Lu Shi quickly thought about it and suddenly said: "Qin...Uncle...what is..."

Lu Shi’s sentence, Qin Shishu, shouted for export, and almost didn’t give himself a few big mouths. This is really awkward! Just... If you don’t say it now, I’m afraid I have to suffer a big loss.

"It’s just Lu Shi Meng Lang..." Lu Shi continued: "Just just two of your brothers said that you are very powerful and can even win me. This is indeed insulting me and teaching me." Ten people who have been repaired by Ye, win me forty-one leaves? Is it true that my Da Yuan secret method is a decoration? Qin Shishu, is it better? We will make a bet, if you can not beat me, then you must Just give me the monkey."

Qin Haoxuan coldly glared at Lu Shi, knowing that he was fascinated by Xiaojin’s ability to make money and couldn’t wait to take it for himself, but he still had to find an excuse for himself.

Just after Lu Shi’s words were finished, Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua felt unfair for the first time.

Luo Maoxun took a table and suddenly stood up and said: "You are so embarrassed, you Xian Miaojing forty-one leaves, my brother is only a seedlings, and you do not want to take advantage of it?"

Shang Chenxue also frowned and said: "Brother, you are doing this, it is not appropriate..."

Lu Shihaha smiled and said: "The teacher and the girl are relieved, I naturally will not really be distressed by Qin Shishu, I will compress my cultivation to the fairy seedlings, and fight with Qin Shishu to prove that I am big. The Yuanjiao is really not as bad as their mouth."

Shang Chenxue thought about it and said: "Brother, you are the strongest of the 41st leaf of Xian Miao, even if you only play the strength of the fairy seedlings, but your combat experience, combat skills, spiritual practice It’s the level of the 41st leaf of Xian Miaojing.”

Seeing that the teacher who was regarded as a ban was talking to Qin Haoxuan, Lu Shi was full of disappointment, and looked at Qin Haoxuan with a cold look. He said with great confidence: "Then I compressed to the fairy seedlings and he played with him, so that he lost his conviction. Oral. Qin Haoxuan, do you dare? If you win, you can prove that you are really powerful, and your practice of teaching is really very high."

"Senior brother... What if you lose? What do you take to gamble?" Shang Chenxue has long been curious about how strong Qin Haoxuan's strength is. She can't believe that Qin Haoxuan is as weak as he said. So now I am looking at my brother to challenge Qin Haoxuan, she is very excited.

When asked by the teacher, Lu Shi also stunned, he really did not think that he would lose!

Lu Shi sneered with disdain: "If I lose, I will give my belongings to Qin Haoxuan. I have some medicinal herbs, materials and Fuxi, and there are 60,000 pieces of the next three spirits, which add up to at least eleven. , 20,000 pieces of the next three spirit stone?"

Qin Haoxuan listened to Lu Shi's self-confidence, and he sneered in his heart. He thought: "He can practice to the 41st leaf of Xian Miaojing. It is not a foolish stream. I didn't expect it to be fascinated by Xiaojin and Xiuxian resources. With both eyes, the intelligence has been reduced to such a degree."

Qin Haoxuan's look is still indifferent, looking at Lu Shi seriously said: "Xiao Lu ah, thanks to your love, I do not need to defeat you to prove that I am too early to teach the cultivation of the magic, not to defeat you to prove my strength The practice of cultivating immortality in my early teachings is used to cultivate immortality for the sake of life, and to kill the gods, but also to use it to demonize the demon and help justice, instead of using it to do such a senseless sense of arrogance. As for me, too One heart to the road, follow the teacher's elders' teachings, and aim at the immortality of the immortal. Winning you can help me cultivate immortality? As for the qualification to fight with you, or keep yourself, I am in the battlefield of Qizhangyuan, too many people Give me this qualification, but the result is killed by me, I really don't want to kill."

By Qin Haoxuan, this sentence, Lu Shi simply can not kill Qin Haoxuan on the spot, his face is very ugly. He is a cultivator of the immortality of the 41st leaf of the immortality, and he was screaming and killing by a guy from the fairyland. What else do you have to lose?

Lu Shi bit his teeth and angered Qin Haoxuan: "Be careful to bite your tongue. Since you are so confident, I will use all the eleven thousand Lingshi in my hand to gamble that you won't win me; if you lose, Just let your monkey borrow me for three months, can you dare?"

The reason why Lü Shi dared to take all his own homes to find Qin Haoxuan, one is because he is very angry, and the second is because he knows that even if he is pressed to Xian Miaojing Ba Ye and Qin Haoxuan, he will never lose. After all, his rich combat experience and the insights of the 41st leaf of Xian Miaojing are there. The ordinary cultivators will have more or less imperfections when they display the spiritual method, but he will not at all, even the spiritual power will not be wasted. Half a point.

The reason why he is so crazy is that this monkey is so rare that it can earn so many Lingshi in a month, that month, season, year and even life?

Ordinary monkeys have a life span of 20 years. Like Xiaojin, a beast monkey, even if there is no breakthrough, but to live for fifty or one hundred years, the problem is not big?

Qin Haoxuan listened to Lu Shi’s words, and his dislike of him reached a level that he couldn’t add. This person is simply mad at getting a little gold. If you are not in the early days of teaching, but outside, the other party will definitely do something to kill and win.

"Since you have said this, then we are not comfortable to play one game?" Qin Haoxuan sneered, the plain face did not have a lot of emotions, he quietly stared at Lu Shi: "So, you too Don't let me, we both use the fairy seedlings of Shiye, you can break through the ten leaves when you play with me, even if you use the fifteen-leaf power, as long as you can beat me or fight the battle circle, Count you to win!"

Qin Haoxuan is full of confidence, because he has played too many games in Qizhangyuan, and almost every battle is weak and strong. Although Lu Shi is a master of the 41st leafland of Xian Miaojing, he can't win himself as long as he does not display the strength of the 41st leaf of Xian Miaojing.

However, after Qin Haoxuan said this, Shang Chenxue looked at Qin Haoxuan with incredible eyes.

Lu Shi met Qin Haoxuan to accept the challenge. His face flashed a bit of pride. When he looked at Xiaojin, his greed in his eyes was even hotter. He sneered in his heart: "Since you have accepted my bet, Xiaojin will become mine. What's in the bag, even if it only shows the strength of the Eight-leaf of Xian Miaojing? I am the strongest of the 41st leafy land of Xian Miaojing, to deal with the kid of a fairyland in the area, is not the hand to come? Xiaojin came to my hand, and it is difficult for you to get back."

Qin Haoxuan went outside and made a huge battle circle on the ground. Then he stood proudly in the center of the war circle and said to Lu Shi: "Whoever leaves the battle circle first, whoever loses."

"Yes!" Lu Shi was self-confident and showed strong confidence in his eyes.

Qin Haoxuan draws a movement of ten feet to see the square battle circle, and the deep warfare that he and Lu Shi have revealed on their faces. In a short time, many young disciples in Lingtian Valley were attracted.

In Lingtian Valley, Qin Haoxuan is a legend, but most people have only heard of his legendary story, and have not seen him how powerful he is.

This time, Qin Haoxuan’s opponent is Lu Shi of the Great Yuan Dynasty. The realm of strength is the level that Lingtian Valley can only look up to. These are the Qin Haoxuan and Lu Shi’s hands, and the whole preaching disciples of Lingtian Valley are boiling up. lively. This opportunity to watch masters in close quarters is absolutely rare in their mundane career.

Whether it is Luo Maoxun or Cao Qinghua, when Qin Haoxuan draws out the battle circle, both of them also have a fanatical I can't wait for my brother to knock down Lu Shi.

Only the worry on the face of Shang Chenxue, of course, these concerns are not because of Lu Shi, but for Qin Haoxuan.

After Qin Haoxuan demarcated the battle circle, she even walked behind him quietly, pulling the clothes corner of Qin Haoxuan and whispering: "No... no, my brother is very powerful."

Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly and strode to the left side of the demarcated ten-foot battle circle. He generously gestured a gesture to Lu Shi. He turned back and smiled at Shang Chenxue. He said, "No one in your brother, I have learned some lessons from him. There are benefits."

In the face of the generous Qin Haoxuan, listening to his mouth vomiting, in order to get Xiaojin's Lu Shiqiang endured the wrath of the sky, coldly snorted, thinking: "If it is not in the gates of your early teaching, Laozi will take a shot You are dead, but as a guest, it seems that it is not good to kill the ring on the site of the early teaching! Anyway, I will spare you a life today, and I will kill you next time I find a chance!"

In the heart of Lu Shi’s heart, Qin Haoxuan naturally did not know, of course... he did not want to, or was too lazy to know the embarrassing thoughts in the other’s heart. He saw Lu Shi standing with a stern look, and he did not do it. Politely laughed: "Xiao Lu, come from afar, you please first!"

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