Too Early

Chapter 538: Blood is recurring and weird

At the same time, the elite disciples of the four churches have sent the magic bullets and the beautifully crafted beasts. They are all good things that are hard to see on weekdays. They provoke the secrets of the natural disciples. The four halls are also for their elite disciples. It’s really bleeding! Just don't know... How will the church respond?

Qin Haoxuan handed his chin seriously and thought that it was not so long to mention the detention of his disciples. It seems that it should be for the number of waterhouses. Well, we must master this degree well. After all, in order to do things in the future... The blood-skinning team can’t push these few things too urgently, but we can’t just agree with it. Let them know that today’s nature hall is no longer Yesterday was a natural hall.

degree! Qin Haoxuan suddenly found out that this is really not very well grasped. He can enter the experience of the water house. For the disciples who are less than the twenty-leaf in the early days of the immortal education, it is a big chance.

Moreover, the rumor of the water house is the true immortal, and the place that is now open is just a small corner of the Shuifu Palace. I don’t know how many Yanshou spirits, how many treasures remain in the water house, as long as they can get some The merits, if you get the spiritual law left by the baby or the true fairy, are used endlessly.

The four people put the baby in the hall, and for a time, the medicine was bursting and the spirits were soaring. In addition to the ancient Yuntang people, their three disciples have a proud color on their faces. The things they bring are only those who can make such a good baby. They all think they are more precious than other things. .

Qin Haoxuan secretly grateful for his teaching. If the non-teaching is to let the outside wind out, the Shuifu token is his contribution, so the number of people is also fixed. The four halls may not be so active.

Although the delivery is not as good as the other three halls, the face of Gu Yuntang is thicker than them.

"The owner, I heard that I have to open the water house recently? It’s really a blessing in my early teachings... We have a lot of qualified disciples under the 20-leaf scent of the Miaoyun Temple, which is very good for us. I don’t know how many places are given to Gu Yuntang?” The elite disciple led by Gu Yuntang looked to Qin Haoxuan, who was sitting high, and asked directly.

The other three listened to one, and the heart stunned a shamelessly. I immediately threw away the restraint of the three halls and rushed to talk: "Qin Tangzhu, Baihuatang recently wanted to train a few female disciples, these young disciples for the early teaching It will be very helpful in the future..."

"Qintang master, Xia Yuntang has not been a newcomer for a long time, our church owners are extremely anxious, can the quota of the water house be given to us more? Xia Yuntang must remember the kindness of the Qin Tang master..."

These people said that the more they were said, the more naked they were, and even the last fig leaf was thrown away. It was almost necessary to clearly mark the price and buy the quota of the water house from Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan was very helpless when he sat in the position of the head of the church. The four halls came up to grab this... It seems that I have to remind them of the elite disciples who were detained. They should not let these disciples stay in the natural hall and continue to stay. If... I am afraid that everyone will be evil in the future.

Gradually, the four lobby disciples of several knives and knives also noticed the strange atmosphere, stopped talking, and looked straight to Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan coughed and said a little bit on his face: "The things that go into the water house, this seat still needs to discuss with the real person, just... before this... I want to ask you... Didn't find out... there are fewer disciples in my own church?"

Qin Haoxuan said something awkward, and what about the disciples in the four halls? Everyone knows this thing, running the natural hall to grab the blood-stained team, and the result is that the meat buns hit the dog... no one went back.

At the beginning, when Qin Haoxuan sent people to go, the four lobby owners wanted to marry again and took a shelf! What kind of retreat is used as an excuse to hide people.

Then later... The four lobby owners are not fools, but still know what happened.

Just... know that you know! Run to take the initiative to apologize? This is not very suitable! Waiting for the natural church to send someone again? The problem naturally has not happened since then, no one has ever been sent, the four lobby owners are also very depressed, privately also explored the tone of the church, the resulting tone is not very ideal, it seems impossible to come back It is best for the blood-stained team to take this opportunity to solve the problem.

Blood coat team! That was originally a big fat!

The four lobby owners had planned to talk to Qin Haoxuan on the blood-stained team. Nowadays...

Before the disciples came, they could feel the lack of interest of the church owners in the blood-coating team. They took advantage of the water house and repaired it with the natural church, and then found time to return the person.

Now I heard that Qin Haoxuan hinted that the elite disciples of the four halls had been detained. Xia Yuntang, Sun Ming, and Bizhutang, Li Guang, and other disciples were awkward and somewhat unnatural.

"Tang...owner!" Suddenly a disciplinary hurriedly slammed into the hall.

"The owner, dead again!"

When the disciples were kneeling on the ground, sweating and looking at Qin Haoxuan with horror, the whole hall suddenly fell into a dead silence. Everyone looked at the natural disciple who came forward to report.

Qin Haoxuan’s calm expression has changed slightly. After a glimpse, his brows are locked and he jumps up. "What do you mean? What does it mean to "dead people"?" There was an ominous premonition in his heart.

The other people in the hall face each other, and there are some strange fears on their faces. Only Qin Haoxuan and several gray robe disciples are confused.


At this time, Ye Yiming, standing at the head of Qin Haoxuan, coughed and cried, and gathered in Qin Haoxuan's ear, whispering a whisper. Qin Haoxuan listened very carefully. The more he heard the back, the deeper the brow wrinkled. He finally clenched his fist slightly and smiled.

It turned out that before Qin Haoxuan returned to the early education, there were several **** and strange things in the early teaching. On several nights, several disciples who went out in the middle of the night did not come back. The next day, they were found lying on the ground, and the whole body was empty, and they were sucked into dry bodies!

The teachings were furious, and the five lobbies were all heart-warming. The patrol team was set up to conduct inspections. The Demonstration Department of the Law Enforcement Hall also acted positively, blocking the hills and carefully checking them. As a result, nothing was found.

When Qin Haoxuan returned, the incident of human blood being sucked was suddenly silent. It is only today that news of someone being sucked up is heard.

"This kind of thing, the tactics are very similar to the blood demon I encountered in the past?" Qin Haoxuan immediately thought of the blood demon, I feel a little strange, is it that Ye Yiming and others have forgotten the blood demon?

Shortly after Qin Haoxuan had just joined the early education, after returning from Shuifu, there was a similar **** incident in Taichu, and the blood of several disciples was cleaned up. Later, when the early teachings were like the enemy, they searched day and night, only to discover the traces of the blood demon, and he also made a contribution. Now, when he heard the strange things that were exactly the same as the **** demon in the past, Qin Haoxuan immediately thought of the blood demon.

"The martial art has been looking for a few months, and no blood demon can be found at all." Ye Yiming smiled and shook his head: "The Huanglong, who has always had a good temper, has sent a few tempers because he could not find the blood demon. Hey, that thing. Not the same as in previous years, every time you only sucked up human blood, when the patrol arrived, it disappeared without a trace, as if the human world evaporated."

Qin Haoxuan asked after suspiciously: "Is there any clue?"

Ye Yiming shook his head honestly: "There is no clue."

Qin Haoxuan's brow wrinkled deeper, and thought it was impossible. How could there be no clue? Like the blood demon event of a few years ago, how **** the demon is so savvy, and finally it was not carefully set up by the sect of the sect?

"Things are too weird, how can there be no clues?"

The elders of the early teachings and even the teachers are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. It is not an exaggeration to say that their wisdom is superb. It is impossible to find a clue when the blood-sucking demon is so embarrassed. .

Qin Haoxuan turned his eyes to the penalty not far away. The punishment of the incarnation of the work immediately gave Qin Haoxuan a look. Then the eyes said, ‘What do Laozi do? If Laozi eats people, can you leave bones for you? Less kidding! ’

Qin Haoxuan smiled bitterly. He originally wanted to ask the other party what he thought. I didn't expect this sentence to be so sensitive. I thought I suspected him the first time.

When Qin Haoxuan frowned, the natural disciple next to him blinked, and he stopped talking. He suddenly noticed the disciple's look and wondered: "What's wrong? Do you have something to say?"

This disciple looked at Qin Haoxuan and said: "The owner, in fact... In fact, in addition to the blood demon, there is another thing that will **** blood, and it can also be sucked into this."


The disciple’s eyes didn’t dare to look at Qin Haoxuan. After a while, he took up the courage of Nie Wei: “ fact...the monster is also...this will be...”

Qin Haoxuan was a glimpse first, and then he understood why the disciples were so swallowed, monsters? Isn't that alluding to Xiaojin and the group of monkeys he led?

Nowadays, Xiaojin is the monster's thing. In fact, it was an open secret at the beginning.

However, Xiaojin did not make a mistake, and secondly... In the beginning, who did not rely on Xiaojin’s group of hands to work? Three...Nature Hall is not the former nature hall.

Four... I have never known why, I have given Xiaojin a peach to eat.

Although it is the most common peach, but after all, it is something that is taught!

The teachers are all giving Xiaojin peaches to eat Who dares to say that Xiaojin is a monster?

For a long time, everyone has long been accustomed to the existence of Xiaojin, but now... when there is such a strange thing, someone naturally thinks about it.

In the hall, the disciples who came to the other four halls to give gifts to Qin Haoxuan’s eyes became a bit embarrassed. These disciples thought that the monkey monkey Xiaojin and a group of vigorous apes are all good helpers of Qin Haoxuan. Now Xiaojin and the vigorous ape are suspected of being a blood-sucking monster. Hey, the recent arrogance of the natural hall is a major headache.

Sensitively aware that this group of gift-giving disciples glared at their own eyes, and then looked at the unnatural look of other natural disciples, Qin Haoxuan sighed, knowing that this is really suspect. It is no wonder that the disciples who had just supported me, the disciples of this gang of nature also suspected Xiao Jin and the gang of great monkeys.

"Impossible, Xiaojin and the gang of great apes could not do this kind of thing." Qin Haoxuan pondered for a moment, sat on the sandalwood chair of the hall, and shook his head and decided to deny it.

Qin Haoxuan’s denial was Xiaojin’s, and the disciples of Nature Hall looked at each other and bowed their heads. The other four people in the lobby face each other, but it is hard to say anything. They come here to ask for help, and dare to offend people.

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