Too Early

Chapter 584: Ancient cloud injury

At this time, Xu Erpeng of the blood-stained team walked into the hall with dissatisfaction and said to Qin Haoxuan, "The owner, I just found someone sneaking around the drug field. It is really hateful! I used to go, the watcher left, I chose to leave. They will come back again."

"Do you know what to do?"

The blood-stained team continued the routine in the demise of the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang. Several disciples were arranged to patrol nearby. This arrangement has also been recognized by Qin Haoxuan. After all, the natural hall is in the ascendant, and everything needs to be carried out in an orderly manner. With these blood-stained teams patrolling, the natural cousin did not dare to be lazy.

Now I heard Xu Erpeng’s report that Qin Haoxuan’s original inner disappointment turned into a burning dark fire. Of course, he understands what is going on. It must be suspected that Xiaojin and the gang of great apes are the chief culprit in sucking people into corpses, so they secretly monitor and look for evidence.

"Let them monitor." Qin Haoxuan waved his hand, this is a bit of a hassle, but Xiaojin and a bunch of vigorous apes are definitely not a problem.


Suddenly, Qin Haoxuan felt that there was a familiar atmosphere in the distance, and the momentum rushed over. He gave a slight glimpse and looked up at the front door. He usually looked like a harmless, lively and intelligent monkey. He was so red-eyed at the moment, with a rare anger on his body and a strong anxiety in his eyebrows.

The two natural disciples on duty were originally at the door, and when they saw the tall golden monkey, they quickly came forward and stopped. However, the two seemed to be in front of what a huge beast, and under the huge impact, they were squeezed to both sides. The monkey, Xiaojin, broke into the hall in such a powerful manner.

There were accidents on the disciples of the four lobbies. Over the years, I have never seen a monkey who dared to swear the temple of the immortals. It was a daring day.

Qin Haoxuan is busy getting up and approaching Xiaojin. The character of this monkey is still known. It is very gentle on weekdays. Even if it is a rabbit, it will not hurt. What is wrong with today?

After the monkey Jin Jin came in, as soon as he saw Qin Haoxuan, a pair of monkey eyes suddenly became red, his face was both sorrowful and aggrieved, and there was a violent anger that was suppressed.

At this time, only a few exclamations came from outside the hall. It was actually four powerful sorrowful apes who carried a **** giant monkey. The coffin was so badly wounded that the pupils were enlarged, the blood was inside, and the wounds on his body were shocking.

"What happened?" Qin Haoxuan's heart took a moment. Although these giant apes were not humans, they were all Xiaojin's men. They were hardworking and hard-working in the early days. It can be said that these vigorous apes are already their own people in Qin Haoxuan's heart. Now that I saw a strong ape monkey hurt so much, he couldn't help but clench his fist.

As soon as Qin Haoxuan asked with concern, Xiaojin screamed indignantly and yelled at Qin Haoxuan. He pointed to four disciples and made a series of actions for a while. It seemed to be a sneak attack during labor, stumbling...

Qin Haoxuan and Xiao Jin have a tacit understanding, and its gestures gradually form a picture in his mind - this injured giant ape is actually being attacked while working!

At this time, a natural disciple who came in behind the giant ape was also angry: "The owner, we followed Xiaojin's vigorous monkeys to work, and met the Longshan brother of Guyuntang in the public medicine area. The brother at that time As soon as he saw the vigorous ape, he was furious. He insisted that he had a younger brother who was sucked into a corpse. He was beaten by a strong ape, so he played a strong ape. We wanted to stop, and the ancient Yuntang disciples who were next to us seized us. , don't let us go!"

Xiaojin was also on the side, and he yelled at Qin Haoxuan loudly. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied. He said that while he was still wearing a Guyuntang robe in the hall, he was angrily beaten by the disciples, protesting, and the ancient cloud The disciples of the church are all looking sad.

"Hey, originally we came here to ask the Qintang master to give a little more to the water house. I didn't expect to encounter so many things." As the leader of the ancient Yuntang, Wang Chen stood on the side, only looking I feel like a big fight.

Wang Chen’s most hope at this time is that Qin Haoxuan will not anger to these people...

Qin Haoxuan worked hard to calm his anger. As a young disciple, if his own brothers and sisters encounter such things, I am afraid that they can do similar things. That is the relatives of the day and night!

It’s just... I’m not the one myself, at the same time... my own monkey! It’s the same now! If there is no evidence, then this is the case... Whether it is as the owner of Xiaojin or the owner of the nature hall, there is no way to endure it.

"Guo Yuntang's..." Qin Haoxuan said to Wang Chen: "These things, you still take it back. The water house quota, my Qin Haoxuan will certainly be open to business, definitely not less than you should have. Just... My aunt's aunt, this thing can't be counted like this..."

Wang Chen listened to the urgency and quickly said with fear: "" Qin Tangzhu, you really misunderstood. This...The Longshan of our church is a little punk. It often does some things like shit. It doesn’t mean that we can’t represent our ancient Yuntang. We all believe that Xiaojin and these powerful monkey brothers are innocent...”

Other ancient Yuntang disciples also have some panic: "" Qin Tangzhu, or we will take Longshan to the monkey to pay for it, how do you see it? There are also great remedies for the healing of monkeys, we are all out! ”

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and sighed. This thing made him very tired. He just waved his hand and even talked too lazy to say that he was indifferent.

Wang Yun, headed by Gu Yuntang, is also ugly. He thought that Qin Haoxuan’s decisive decisiveness after he became a natural lord was obviously a very different role. Since Qin Haoxuan did not listen to their explanations, I am afraid that what is said is useless now. .

"Hurry to go back to the church to discuss the matter, the things in the water house are very important... There are also elite brothers and brothers in the hall are kept here... continue to lie on his face and stay here with no fart." Wang Chen shook his head helplessly, and made a look at the disciples of Gu Yuntang.

"Move things, let's go."

The disciples of Gu Yuntang can only listen to Wang Chen’s words. They are both depressed and unwilling. They packed up the things in front of the hall of the natural hall and moved them back. The heart was even more annoying and wanted to kill. This was a smooth thing, and suddenly a monkey emerged. Was beaten, what is this called? Can you not always drag your legs at a critical moment?

The other three people saw this scene, if they were timid, the attitude was very respectful, and they feared that Mao Haoxuan would be provoked. The end will be the same as that of Gu Yuntang.

"You are slow," Qin Haoxuan greeted the other three lobby disciples, seriously watching the injury of the great apes, and several monkeys around the giant monkeys were swearing and screaming. I hope Qin Haoxuan will rescue the injured ape monkey.

Qin Haoxuan nodded, and his heart was a bit heavy. He reached out and directly explored a blood hole in the chest of the injured ape. The hole didn't know what was insinuated by the sinister spirit, but it still continually braved the stench of aura.

As soon as I saw Qin Haoxuan’s hand, I was surprised to see that the injured giant monkey was shocked. I fear that Qin Haoxuan’s hand would be eroded by the secret law, and the “唧唧” in his mouth would stop it.

"Reassured." Seeing that the great ape was still worried about his safety in the case of injury, Qin Haoxuan was moved by himself, and his thoughts flashed. The black fairy leaves in the greenery of Dantian Zhongying Ying were trembling, a cold aura. Come out, pour into the wounds of the great apes, and swallow this strange poisonous power like a dragonfly.

For a while, the chilly aura that originally eroded the surrounding muscles was sucked clean, and the stinky wounds showed a tender color such as the baby's fresh meat color. Seeing this scene, Xiao Jin was happy to scratch his ears, and other vigorous apes also showed their joy.

Qin Haoxuan reached out and examined other wounds, and the cockroaches remaining in the great monkeys were removed. Then Qin Haoxuan took out the treasures of the collection and carefully sent them into the mouth of the giant monkey.

"Serve this medicinal herb, carefully refine it, and if you don't overdo it, you can recover your injury within a few days."

This sacred light can smell a strong spiritual power, and the entrance is instant. Vigorously, the monkey swallowed the remedy, and the eyes had shed tears.

The other powerful apes are also very pleasant, although they are monsters ~ ~ but also know that this is a rare drug, have expressed their gratitude to Qin Hao Xuan Shantou.

"You are all my people, what are you polite? Get up." Qin Haoxuan took a picture of Xiaojin's head.

Qin Haoxuan was in the presence of a disciple in the third lobby to treat the great monkeys. The whole process did not look at the disciples in the lobby. The female disciples, including Baihuatang, were depressed. Everyone came to explore the things that went into the water house. Now, in order to help a monkey to see a doctor, the head of the church will leave them to the side. This is in addition to the fact that the owner is concerned about monkeys. At the same time, it is too light to look at other halls.

But everyone did not know what to do. After all, there was a demand for others. Qin Haoxuan was also a temperamental lord. He couldn’t afford it. He could only continue to watch Qin Haoxuan’s look and look for opportunities to interject.

After Qin Haoxuan treated the injured giant ape, this stood up and looked at Xiaojin solemnly. Xiaojin was very happy at the moment, and finally revealed the kind of silly smile of the human and animal that Qin Haoxuan used to.

"Xiao Jin, today's Gu Yuntang people hurt your hand, I will talk to the ancient churchlor about this matter. Like the disciples of these nature halls, you are my Qin Haoxuan people, they did not find out before. It’s really too much to be bold enough to attack you."

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