Too Early

Chapter 592: See also Tongtian Sanxian

County Grandpa...

The appointed official of the court.

In this Qingshi County, he has always been who he died, who can never live.

But now... an official appointed by the emperor is so dead... and the death is so simple that it is difficult for the servants who are in the four places to accept the facts at hand.

"Bold, even dare to kill the court official!" Some of the Shantou Qing dynasty pulled out the knife, jumped up on the spot.

There are a few old servants who are kneeling beside them. The method of the Xu family was just a god...

At this time, they saw Liu Ming pleading forward, "Hey, the gods are adults. You also saw it, this is my uncle's self-satisfaction, it is not my business, what you told me, I can I have recruited it. Can... can you live around me?"

Smell the smell of blood in the air, Liu Ming's legs trembled, his face strong smile.

"Why do you spare your life?" Qin Haoxuan took Liu Ming's head in the counter-question.

Such a **** scene, before mentioning the servant that Park knife wants to rush up, scared the upper and lower teeth creaking. The knife in the hands is pinched and unstable, and it falls. How can this be killed? You can kill people at your fingertips, such as pinching dead ants...

correct! The person in front of him, watching him look like a murderer, killing and robbing the momentum, this... must be a god.

The middle-aged man who had just left the backyard and kept the three-inch rat, saw this scene, scared his buttocks, and just about to leave.

Suddenly there was only one thing to call from the sky, and a slam, blood splashed. Looking down and looking at it, it was actually the dead head of the county.

The man suddenly had a sore leg, and then he was light, only feeling bound by the invisible big hand, and the whole person was lifted.

The next moment, directly fell to the front of the lobby, and rolled into a group with several servants.

"Xu family is the relative of my master, I am not for the public, only for private. Those who have participated in the occupation of Xu family, come out. This seat only kills the people involved, and now they can spare their family, if the seat personally find out When you are out of the door, the emperor’s old man does not dare to complain."

The servants of the squadron, together with the middle-aged man, and the fierce celestial beings in their hearts, are in the presence of immortals, and they seem to be killing, but they are not good roles.

Biting his teeth, finally a person stood up - a person who died, is better than the whole family to die?

At the end of the day, there were more than a dozen people in the whole Tuen Mun, and only four of them were still standing.

The rest of the people who stood up, if they were ashamed, squatted on the ground and screamed and asked for mercy.

"Da Xian spared, we just put them in prison, Xu family is not dead."

"Da Xian, I blame the Liu dog thief for greed, I am just a small servant, I have to listen to orders..."

Qin Haoxuan's index finger was evenly stroked in the void. The head of the ground and the cockroaches rolled over the ground, and the blood spewed out, like a stream.

The **** scene scared the remaining four servants into pale, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe - this is really a big fairy that can't be provoked!

"A few of you are still good, but I am not embarrassed, I am a book, and you send it to the prefect of Nagata, let him come to see me."

Qingshi County is under the jurisdiction of Longtian.

Qin Haoxuan faintly ordered, his eyes swept from the faces of the four servants.

At the moment, the servants are standing in the blood that is gradually solidifying. The courage is scared. Where can you say that you are not half a word.

And the other party is a fairy, what is the use of any means in front of the immortals?

These four servants, at this moment, are completely succumbing to Qin Haoxuan's murderous.

At the moment, after the servant took the paper from the case, Qin Haoxuan repeatedly put his hands on the virtual point, branding a few spiritual words, and left an ancient rune on the way.

As long as the prefect of Long Tianfu received this letter and the runes were untied, his voice would appear.

After all, it is a matter of arbitrariness. As a cultivator, he should not take care of it. It is always convenient to let a prefect.

In a winter rain, Qingshi County has changed.

However, in this Qingshi County, the county has been ordered by Liu County, and there is no one who dares to go to the county.

The county magistrate, the prince, and the cadres of the county are almost dead, and no one knows.

The other four servants have lost their lives. The words of Qin Haoxuan are from the same, and they dare not have a little falsification.

At the moment, under the command of Qin Haoxuan, several servants took the mentor and took the knife and gun to surround the entire Liufu group.

Frightened to see the door of the doorway, the fart rushed into the inward house to escape.

After a while, there was an obese middle-aged woman who panted out.

"Zhao Yong, have you eaten the bear heart and the leopard? Do you dare to go to my Liu House to make trouble?"

The voice of the middle-aged woman had just fallen, and suddenly she bumped into the face of a young green shirt. The spit of the mouth was just about to spit out. I suddenly saw the young man in the green shirt raise his hand and gently stroked it.

The voice in the throat of the middle-aged woman suddenly stopped, and the head fell to the ground, and the headless body fell backwards.

"Don't let a person get rid of it." Qin Haoxuan followed Zhao Yongdao, who was behind him.

"Yes." Zhao Yong Shen said, the heart is more afraid of Qin Haoxuan.

Just a few listened to the movement, wanted to come out to see the hustle and bustle, suddenly saw the scene of the murder, shocked and screamed again and again, fleeing in the corridor.

A few nursing homes were not clear, and thought it was a thief who broke in, and the imposing hand held steel forks and blades, just smashed into the courtyard, directly murdered by Qin Haoxuan on the spot.

In the three-in-one deep house compound, it suddenly became murder.

Finally, some people in Liufu knew the means of Qin Haoxuan. Is this still a person?

The gods came to kill in the morning!

In the backyard west house of Liu Fu, several middle-aged women’s groups are surrounded by a thin and unneeded old man.

Although the old man's eyebrows are white, but the skin is warm and jade, the whole person looks quite awkward, and there is a purple flash in the pupil.

Sitting there, the momentum is extraordinary.

"Live gods, what can I do now? It seems that the immortal of Xu family has come to the door..." Among them is a middle-aged woman from Liu Fu, who is a shrewd character. When she thinks about Qin Haoxuan’s means, she immediately associates them with swallowing. The Xu family house is coming.

If there is a **** to kill, it is only the old **** of Xu family.

However, their Liu family is not so bullied, and there are also gods guarding. This is also one of the courage they dare to do with Xu.

"Live the gods, when they occupied the Xu family's house, you said that there would be nothing." Another rich woman with a baby, crying.

The old man said nothing, his face was a bit gloomy. In his palm, a lake-like mirror appeared, which clearly reflected the situation in the outside courtyard.

At a glance, he saw Qin Haoxuan who killed those fierce family members on the spot, and the pupils were shrunk, and there was no tremor in the heart.

"It turned out that this killing came... This is a very difficult name in the early generation of the younger generation. No, you have to run!" The old man turned his mind and suddenly raised his hand, and he blew a black gas in his robe.

In the heads of the beautiful women, all the people who had attracted the black gas, one by one, suddenly became faint and soft.


Suddenly, a strange black light rose from the ground, shot more than ten feet high, and turned out of the courtyard from the backyard, like the meteorite, leaping and fleeing to the distance.


Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but be surprised. At first glance, I saw that the black light was actually a loose repair. I was wearing the clothes of the former Tongtianguan Alliance. I thought that there was no reliance on the back, and it was really true for a long time!

Obviously, this person has not yet cultivated into the fairyland, and does not have his own flying sword. Even so, the strength of this person is quite good in the fairyland.

“Where is it going?” Qin Haoxuan’s eyes flashed in the eyes. Originally, he came to Liufu. He just wanted to check if there was any fish that was involved in Xu’s family.

Unexpectedly, I really caught a big fish.

Inside the back of Qin Haoxuan, the inscriptions appeared in pieces, and the huge light wings swelled in the void, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

A group of people who followed Qin Haoxuan were even more awed.

The old messy few flashes, has escaped a few miles away, and the heart just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, there was a hand behind him with a ghostly charm on his shoulder.


The scattered heart panicked, and a black light rune was shot inside the palm of his hand, and the skull covered his face and went behind him.

His black light is poisonous, and he can't prevent it. I don't know how many people who are too early to teach die under this haze.

But the dark rune was flashed by Qin Haoxuan's eyes, and the gloss was faint and gradually disintegrated.

"Since it is here, don't leave." Qin Haoxuan's voice is cold and cold, and his spiritual power is like a thunderstorm. The magical mans that are shot out are like a kind of spiritual mans, and they are entangled in the scattered body in front of them.

This trick is that he recently cultivated the spiritual method brought out from the sinister poisonous valley - the dragon hand.

Qin Haoxuan seized the scattered repairs in the escape, and only used a slight means of exertion, and then used the confession method to set out all the intelligence information he needed.

This old mess is indeed the Tongtianguan alliance that was defeated by the Taichu in the battlefield of the Qizhangyuan.

He fled all the way to Qingshi Town. He originally wanted to escape from the border. However, he needed to recuperate because of the internal injuries. In order to escape the pursuit of the early education, he investigated the power of Qingshi Town. Now this Qingshi Town is actually an excellent place. Rest place.

Because there is actually a family of ancestors who have been cultivated by immortals, and they are still the cultivators of the early teaching.

The so-called black light, the most dangerous place is often the safest place, and after he studied it, he speculated that the cultivator of this ancestor may have died, and it is particularly safe to hide here.

"It turns out that..." After all the things were asked clearly, Qin Haoxuan’s eyes burst into a slap in the eye, and suddenly rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness.


The old scattered repair only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was like a catastrophe, and his mind was full of snoring, and then immediately fainted.

"And shut him up first, see if he has any secrets?"

Qin Haoxuan has been plucking the geese and scrutinizing the enemy. It has become a good habit and instinctive reaction.

Anyway, he has seriously injured the sea of ​​consciousness, even if he wakes up because the sea of ​​consciousness has suffered heavy losses, there is no spiritual power to escape, no different from mortals.

Just locked the firewood door, the servant Zhao Yonggong eagerly went forward: "The gods, the Xu family have been released from the prison, and now they are eating in the hall, we are special please Qingqingju in Qingshi County The cook is cooking." There is a lot of pleasing in the voice.

"Well, well done." Qin Haoxuan slightly nodded, randomly shot on Zhao Yong, the transmission will pass a weak spiritual power.

Zhao Yong only felt as if he had poured into a warm current, and walked in the limbs, and suddenly there was a stinking liquid in his ears and nose.

He was shocked first, and immediately felt that he was so eager to sing, and there was an endless stream of energy, and now he was overjoyed. This is the **** Shi Xianfa who gave him a body. I used to have some stubbornness in my legs and feet. Now I am also flexible and have a lot of feelings of lightness on my body.

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