Too Early

: After the fifth and fifth of the five

Today's update is a little later than the previous few days.

This really has to blame my own self-control is not good.

Like everyone, I like to read books...

Yesterday was not to say that I was watching a thousand doors.

Seeing the second episode, this time is a thousand-door swindler, the two sides fight to make money, the liar is going to make a fake concert to swindle money...

Thousands of people count how to sell the house to the scammers. I did not expect a few special reversals to go back and forth.

The last thousand people not only sold the house to the liar, but then turned the fake concert of the liar into a real one. At the same time, they donated all the money earned from the concert, and one of them was set up. , reversing again and again, using human nature, etc., I can’t stop...

The result made me sleep too late... all updates are a little late, sorry...

This book is a bit interesting, not just interlocking, the rivers and lakes are righteous, the rules of the rivers and lakes, etc., let me feel that the taste of rivers and lakes is really interesting. I have seen a lot of thousands of novels. I think the taste of 'the rivers and lakes' is the best. The reverse design of the ring in the bureau is also interesting.

After a long day of scorpion, I mainly wanted to tell everyone that I was overly caused the night to be late.

Finally, something important! Very important! The key part of the plan! Taiyuan teaches the strongest spiritual method! Monthly ticket! come on!

This chapter is updated...

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