Too Early

Chapter 466: The narrow road meets the brave

"Teach the teacher, the disciple went up."

A burly, full-faced horse face youth, respectfully walked to the front of Huang Long.

"If the disciple... is defeated, I... I am also willing to accept the punishment of the teacher." The young man in the face of the horse paused, his face was red, and he bowed his head.

This honest and honest horse face is called Nong Changshan. Among the eight people who were selected to play in the early days, the strength is not the weakest, but it is the most honest and honest.

No matter what you do, you are well-behaved and never hesitate.

This kind of honest man, Huang Longzhang originally wanted to encourage more than two sentences. He did not think that Changshan was honestly open, and he first put the punishment on his head.

Obviously, seeing the previous few brothers and sisters who are stronger than him, they have experienced rapid defeat and greatly affected the confidence of the farmer.

Huang Long’s face was darkened and he looked at the farmer’s mountain. He was speechless and secretly said: “Is it too much?”

At this time, Qin Haoxuan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly came over and patted the shoulders of Nongchangshan: "The farmer brother, the next one, you will win." The voice is very determined.

Nong Changshan glimpsed a little, smashed his head, did not understand the meaning of Qin Haoxuan, there is still a trace of sorrow in his eyes.

The little fat man Ge Ducan quickly answered the words: "Qin Tangzhu, how do you say this?"

Qin Haoxuan secretly appreciatively looked at the little fat man, waiting for this sentence!

He tightened the shoulders of Nongchangshan. "Agricultural brother, wait for the opponent you want to fight against, the guy who is like a skinny monkey, right?"

Qin Haoxuan spoke while secretly pointing to the thin youth who was about to play in the camp of the Zhenyue faction.

Nong Changshan followed the direction of Qin Haoxuan's finger, fixed his eyes and then nodded. "Yes, it is him."

"He is the weakest of the people who played the Zhenyue faction." Qin Haoxuan confidently filled.

Huang Long’s teaching was heard next to him, and his eyes were amazed. “Qin Haoxuan’s kid, even this can be seen... It’s getting simpler...”

“How did Qin Tang’s master see it?” Nong Changshan listened to this and his spirit rose. Although there is no bottom in his heart, but after all, it has been killed in the Spring of the Springs for many years.

It is the weakest part of the Zhenyue faction that I heard that I have to face myself. I can’t help but look up.

"Among the eight people, his breath is the most scattered." Qin Haoxuan seriously said.

Although the farmer’s mountain is awkward, it is not stupid. I heard a lieutenant.

The more immortal, the more cultivated into the depths, synchronized with the sun and the moon, and with the heavens and the earth. The breath is more and more restrained, and it does not reveal.

The more scattered the breath, in general, is the performance of poor strength.

"And, as long as the farmer brother is not afraid of death. Can definitely win him." Qin Haoxuan patted the shoulders of Nongchangshan.

“Not afraid of death?” Nong Changshan gave a slight glimpse.

"Injury and injury, quick battle." Qin Haoxuan smiled lightly.

After listening to this, the farmer often smashed his eyes and thought about it. He was slowly thinking of a vague doorway, and his eyes were brighter and brighter.

Immediately rushed Qin Haoxuan and smiled: "Hey, I... I probably know how to do it."

The farmer Changshan floated a strong sense of war, looking to the young people who were opposite to the Zhenyue faction.

"Well, just talk to Qin Tangzhu... Go out!"

After that, the farmer Changshan went up to the downfall.

"...this kid, it’s really good." Seeing the farmer Changshan so fast, he went out from the frustration and the lack of self-confidence.

Huang Long Zhang Jiao looked at Qin Haoxuan, and he nodded secretly. Qin Haoxuan’s actions have become more and more like a master.

The seventh game begins.

The thin disciples who fought in the Zhenyue faction rushed to the stage with great arrogance.

"You still jumped down the platform yourself, lest I start... It’s ugly when I get there."

With the six-game winning streak of the front of the Zhenyue faction, the whole Zhenyue faction was like a rainbow. Even the disciples of the Zhenyue faction who came to power on the stage felt that they would win. They looked at the horse face in front of them and taught their disciples too much.

Did not think, the horse face disciples snorted, actually bowed, figured like electricity, rushed to him quickly.

"How? You... you fouled!" As soon as the disciples who saw the early teachings rushed over, the Zhenyue sent the disciples to the disciples and was shocked.

Seeing that the horse-faced disciple came to him a moment away, he felt his amazing momentum and determination. The shocking disciples of the Zhenyue faction did not know why, suddenly there was some confusion, and they rushed to make a defensive spirit.


A flash of lightning fell from the sky, and a thick lightning net was laid in front of the thin youth.

Didn't think about it, the horse-faced disciple who was too early to teach didn't evade, and got into the lightning net, getting closer to the thin young man.

At the same time, the palm of your hand shot a dazzling golden light...

Suddenly, the horse face youth was bombarded by the lightning net into African chicken, the whole body was black, and the body played a few times.

But in front of him, the Zhenyue faction was a thin young man, and his body was pierced through the blood hole.

Hey, a few steps back, the body is surging, and the wounds will heal the wounds. But his face was pale, and it was obvious that he had suffered a lot.

The people of the Zhenyue faction saw this scene, all of them. They wanted to call the young man who was too young to cheating, but the young man clearly did not cheat.

Because his fist is still a half-width wide from the opponents of the Zhenyue faction, he only used the golden sword to practice the hard-skinned youth of the Zhenyue faction.

And the horse face youth, the body was stunned by the lightning net like a frog, the muscles of the legs twitched and licked, and it was obviously not hurt.

Obviously, the goal of this very first-time teacher is very clear - to hurt by injury!

No one has hoped for the seventh inning of the early education.

But from the beginning, this seventh game was completely different from the previous ones.

Although the disciples who came up in the early days of teaching were still the same spiritual methods, this time they were very hot.

There is a benefit to the straight people of Nongchangshan. As long as you identify the things, you will definitely do it.

When he figured out the words of Qin Haoxuan, he went down to the stage and began to find the skinny youth of the Zhenyue faction desperately.

This desperate, the ending is completely different.

Greatly out of the Zhenyue faction, but also out of the beginning of the early education.

boom! boom! boom!

On the platform, the spirit of the law is very fierce and cruel.

Nongchangshan is like a skeleton, and it is always close to the person. I don’t defend at all, it’s all about you, I’m gonna blame you.

The Zhenyue faction’s thin disciple was completely shocked by the play of the farmer’s unwillingness to kill, and he began to run around the ring.

The narrow road meets the brave.

When the momentum is weak, the combat power will be greatly reduced. Coupled with the weakest disciple of this Zhenyue faction, the strength was originally not as good as that of the farmer's mountain. Although there are endless spiritual laws, it is forced by the simple set of techniques of the farmer Changshan.


Nongchangshan was covered with blood, and it was also a "earth cage". The thick soil thorn was drilled from the platform and the two were completely covered. The Shenyue sent thin disciple was temporarily stopped and went back.

Nong Changshan played a killing, sneer, and there was a fire in the hands...

In the narrow earthen cage, there is a bang, and the sounds of various spiritual methods are endless.

Blood smashed inside, and the thick **** taste filled the audience.

Seeing this scene, the people who were just ecstatic, the Yueyue faction suddenly stunned. Through the gap between the dungeons and the spiritual law, they can clearly see the disciples who are like the beasts in the wild, and they are using the spiritual method to scream the Zhenyue faction. disciple……

This is of course not a foul, after all, there is no melee. The Zhenyue disciples have nothing to say.

After a while, the cage was dissipated.

The figure of Nongchangshan burly stands on the platform, and it is as tall as a gun. There is no good meat in the whole body.

At his feet, there is still a thin disciple of the Zhenyue faction. It is like a muddy mud, **** and full of fainting.

Some people were shocked at the place, actually... the early teaching actually won!

"Hah, I won them a game. But I see this fool, I want to play seven, it is impossible."

"Is there a kid in the early days? But it is estimated that it is also a loss. This seventh kid can win, and he has been seriously injured. Hey, this money is ready."

On the peaks of the mountains, some gamblers sneaked in their hearts, and they did not care about winning the early education. In their view, this simply cannot change the ending of the failure of the gambling in the early days.

More and more people who are secretly misbehaving in the early days are a little shocked: "The people under the Huanglong madman are really killing..."

In the early education camp, the face of a disciple finally showed a hint of excitement, and finally... finally won a game.

Some of the other disciples who lost in the past, some regretted, why did they not use this style of play at the beginning? As long as they don't fight, it's in line with their fighting style that the spirits in the close range are in the same way.

In the seventh game, Lingbao real people solemnly announced in the ring, the beginning of the teaching victory!

"Qintang master... Sure enough, that person is very weak. Thanks to the Qintang master pointing me." Nong Changshan came, the fierce air on his face converges cleanly, went to Qin Haoxuan, his face was full of smiles, very I am grateful to see Qin Haoxuan.

Other Taishi disciples, of course, also know that the farmer Changshan won this time, largely because Qin Haoxuan’s guidance played a role, and also stimulated the confidence of the farmer Changshan.

For Qin Haoxuan, it is even more impressive.

"Qin Tangzhu, you are here...but in the second round, but there are seven opponents, do you support it?" The little fat man got some sly to Qin Haoxuan, and there was some concern in the question.

In his heart, Qin Haoxuan has been automatically sent to the second round of He naturally feels that Qin Haoxuan and other opponents below, there is no possibility of losing.

"It will let you win." Qin Haoxuan uttered a light smile.

The strong self-confidence in his body has a kind of inexplicable appeal, and the little fat man is suddenly hot.

"The Qin Tang master will win!" The little fat man yelled at the sky.

The sound reached the opposite side of the Zhenyue faction, and Zhenyue sent everyone to look at it.

Finally condensed into Qin Haoxuan.

"The little boy, the mouth is finally your turn. I will kill you later!"

"Haha, I finally saw him on. What else will win... Wenjun’s younger brother, I will call you later."

"Wen Jun, the younger brother, but I sent Xian Miao to the top five in strength, and I will win! The younger brother, I will unload the bones of the man later. This person is abominable!"

Some of the disciples of the Zhenyue School did not forget the words of Qin Haoxuan, and encouraged the young man Wen Jun, who had a white face and a sinister color.

Wen Jun’s gaze is being looked at in unscrupulously on Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan also showed no signs of weakness, and the sharp eyes of the knife greeted him.

Both eyes are in the void as if they are stirring up the electric light.

"Give me a way to kill him. I don't think he is uncomfortable." At this time, I saw that the white-skinned middle-aged Wang Shou went to Wen Jun and stood shoulder to shoulder and quietly said.

The cold eyes shot to Qin Haoxuan.

"Good." Wen Jun had a word in his mouth and had a strong confidence.

Qin Haoxuan smiled a little at this time, but he turned to Wang Shou.

"Don't worry, if you want to be embarrassed, you should come slowly." The words are mean and sharp, and the top of the head is Wang Shou straight eyes.

Wen Jun is also murderous.

After Qin Haoxuan said this, the figure has already floated into the ring.

The eighth inning.

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