Too Early

Chapter 467: The little trick is a big victory.

On all the peaks, everyone’s eyes brushed down to the young people who flew up the ring.

"Is there any mistake? How is the last person to teach the last person, actually it is the 46th leaf of Xian Miaojing? This is not enough to see. Is it really necessary to give up?"

"Up to the battle, at least the fourty-nine leaves of Xian Miaojing. Sending a fairy seedlings to the forty-six leaves, it is simply looking for abuse... Hey, the small pie is a small pie, no one."

On some peaks, some people sighed with sorrow.

"Hey, that kid has finally come out. In the fairy tales that arrogant and slashed our master's face, I have to see how he was miserable."

"Hurry up with the memory of Xianshi, take pictures of his beggars, and admire and appreciate the Nanyan fairy." On one mountain, two Xian Ding excited, and the hand took out a shining and magnificent Colorful brilliance.

On the stone, it is like a mirror, and there is a rune, casting the scene on the opposite side into the Lingshi...

"Hao Xuan, remember my words, don't... just stop, don't go too far..."

On the stage, Qin Haoxuan Yuan Yu Yue's standing, the clothes fluttering, a master of style, suddenly came to the mind of Huanglong.

He couldn't help but look at Huang Long's teachings under the stage, revealing a bitter smile. "Rely, I still don't forget this idea now?"

After Huang Long’s teaching passed the sentence, he looked at the nose and nose and did not look at the platform. It seemed to be closed and contemplative.

"Hey, Huanglong children, even the results are not dare to read." Qing Tianzi secretly has been observing the look of Huanglong, seeing Huang Long this way, the heart is stealing, an inexplicable pleasure flooded the whole body.


In the Zhenyue faction, the warm-faced Wenjun has already plundered.

"Kill him and kill him." In the Zhenyue faction camp, people have shouted.

"Don't be jealous." Lingbao was a real man, and he shouted loudly in the ring. This will suppress the discordant voice.

"A guy in the area of ​​a fairy seedling forty-six leaves, so arrogant. I want to give you a heart-breaking magical obstacle today!" Wen Jun looked gloomy, staring at Qin Haoxuan, with no expression.

His words are very sinister, and he clearly wants to give Qin Haoxuan a sly, so that he can leave his shadow to be invincible.

"Come on." Qin Haoxuan smiled faintly, and Chong Wenjun hooked his hook.

Then, a **** was sitting on the ring.

"How do we compare the spirit of the law, how?" Qin Haoxuan seriously asked: "Use the spiritual method to kill you."

As soon as he said this, Zhenyue sent everyone to laugh.

what? In the early days of teaching, there are still people who are so vocal, and purely better than the Zhenyue faction.

This is a person who is too early to teach, and there is a problem in his mind.

When Wen Junyi saw Qin Haoxuan of Taichu in front of the big thorns sitting in front of the ring, his face was so dark that he had to drop ink, which is undoubtedly naked contempt!

Wen Jun’s pupil flashed a hint of killing, and his eyes stared at Qin Haoxuan, and he sat down with him. After all, he was the hero of the Zhenyue faction, but he could not take advantage of the rookie’s rookie. And the people who played in the early days sat on the ground, and he won't even win if he won.

In the ring, the situation suddenly formed a strange situation. The two contestants were sitting, which meant that they would have difficulty moving, or even not moving at all. Such a spiritual battle can only be based on personal strength.

"That kid is still as crazy as ever." On a mountain near the Chaos Xinghai, two Xian Ding, who watched the battle on the side, looked at the scene in the mouth of the ring.

"I really hope that the boy of the Zhenyue faction will quickly overthrow him."

There are also many discussions on other peaks.

"Is this too early to teach the kid to be dead? After picking up the people of the Zhenyue faction, I think he really has to be killed halfway this time."

"I heard that Wen Jun is also the top three in the Zhenyue faction, and the eighth inning seems to have nothing to look at."

As a cultivator, these people on the mountain peaks are far apart, but they are still listening to the ear.

"This group of people, it is simply a dog's eye to see people low." Little fat man in the early days of teaching the crowd to be filled with indignation.

Others in the early days of the public have gathered their eyes on Qin Haoxuan on the stage. Of course, everyone hopes that Qin Haoxuan will win, but he has just lost six games. The seventh game is also winning, and confidence has been severely suppressed. Now that Qin Haoxuan is so arrogant, it is inevitable that some people will feel awkward.

Qin Haoxuan turned a deaf ear to these arguments, and he secretly calculated: "The requirements for teaching are actually quite have to win, but you have to win ugly, so that other people who are hostile to the early teachings are too light to teach. Some means."

At the head of the mind, the Lingbao real person has announced in the ring: "The eighth game is a test, officially begins!"

"Bad boy, suffer from death!" Wen Jun sat on the ring, his face turned to be awkward, and looked at Qin Haoxuan opposite. Wen Jun is about to display the spiritual law - he suddenly saw that Qin Haoxuan, who was sitting on the ring and did not move, stood up suddenly and his feet were on the platform.


Qin Haoxuan rushed to Wenjun madly at high speed. At very fast speed, even the air was knocked open to the naked eye, and the moment came to Wen Jun.

Wen Jun was shocked, and there was a thought in his heart: "Be fooled!" At this time, he had seen a mocking smile on Qin Haoxuan's face.

"Shameless, it's shameless!" Among the Zhenyue faction camp, some disciples shouted indignantly. Other people in the Zhenyue faction also began to make noises. The big sale was really shameless. It turned out that the early childhood boy had saved this thought from the beginning, and deceived Wen Jun to sit down to facilitate the attack. After all, the masters fight, the difference is a thousand miles, the party with less action will always eat a small loss.

On the other hand, the Taichu teach camp, the little fat man showed a smile on his face: "Hey, I know that Qintang will have a post-action, sure enough!"

Other pre-teacher disciples thought that this was the case, and they also showed a smile.

"This is a very small game for the first time. But this is clearly a performance without confidence." Qing Tianzi secretly stunned, and his face did not have any worried feelings. On the contrary, Qin Haoxuan, who despised the early teachings, was obviously not strong enough to use Small means. Otherwise, if the strength is enough, direct violence will crush the opponent.

When Qing Tianzi was still thinking about it, he suddenly saw Qin Haoxuan approaching Wen Jun, and suddenly there was a sudden burst of light in the palm of his hand, which was extremely glaring.

"This... despicable!" Qingtianzi suddenly said that this kind of spiritual method is a kind of spiritual law that flashes people's eyes.

Generally speaking, this kind of spiritual method is very tasteless and can only be dazzling for a while, and it does not have much effect. The general cultivator will not go to school at all. However, if you close the distance and then use this spiritual method to temporarily take away the opponent's vision, there are unexpected effects in the battle.

Wen Jun was obviously disturbed by Qin Haoxuan's series of actions. When the savage spirits appeared, panic, Wen Jun suddenly took part. A dazzling sword and light spirits slammed down, and the bones and ligaments in Wen’s shoulders were all opened, revealing the forest bones.

"it is good!"

There was a good sound in the camp of the early education. Qin Tang’s master was very resourceful and conscientious, and he had a lot of means.

"Despicable! What kind of heroes are used by small means? Shameless." There are disciples in the Zhenyue faction who are deeply confused and shouted.

Suddenly, after the change of the platform, Wen Jun smashed a sword, and his finger suddenly shot an amber long knife, and smashed out and smashed toward Qin Haoxuan's shoulder.

Qin Haoxuan screamed and there was a **** mouth on his shoulder. Immediately, he looked at Wen Jun with a surprised look. The look seemed to have failed to think that Wen Jun could fight back so quickly. This time, the early people taught everyone to be a little nervous.

The people of the Zhenyue faction breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the brains of the sects of the early sects were really good, but after all, it was only the forty-six leaves of Xian Miao. In the face of absolute strength, everything is a cloud.

"What is the use of small means in the ring? After all, it depends on strength." Seeing Qin Haoxuan's surprised look, Qingtianzi sneaked, and looked at the opposite Huanglong real person.

Huang Long’s real-life look is still very tense, and he is concentrating on the movements on the ring.

"Hey, Huanglong, you are getting nervous."

However, the next battle in the ring did not present a one-sided situation as everyone imagined.

I saw Qin Haoxuan as if he was attached to the bones, and immediately adhered to the Wenjun of the Zhenyue faction, and began to attack completely. You scold me with a knife, I slap you a sword, the battle scene looks **** and bloody. That way, the game is completely wounded and wounded, and life is replaced.

"This... Isn't this kind of play the same as the seventh game?" The crowd on the mountain peak saw this scene stunned, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Weird, it’s just that the seedlings are forty-six leaves, and the ability to fight is not bad..."

"Yeah, that kid who was too early to teach has another spirit law... to fall down... No, it hasn't fallen yet!"

However, after only a few minutes, Qin Haoxuan had several large and small wounds. These wounds vary in depth. If you look closely, you don't even see the bones. Qin Haoxuan's expression is very painful, and his footsteps swing, as if he would fall down at any time.


In the hands of Wen Jun, a fire Wu Ling method was released, and there was a fire bird impact in the raging fire, which instantly hit Qin Haoxuan’s leg. Qin Haoxuan is another awkward, and his thighs are burned dark.

But at the same time, Qin Haoxuan's hand aura condensed into a stick, a stick of squatting, heavy pumping Wen Jun a **** fell to sit on the ground, mouth spit blood.

"You..." Wen Jun was dizzy, his body trembled slightly, staring at Qin Haoxuan in front of him, and his heart was full of incredulity. He couldn't figure out why, why did this too young boy have so much in his mind that he still hasn't fallen? Instead, he felt a burst of weakness and exhaustion.

Wen Jun is full of wounds everywhere, and the immortal species in the body are shaken by the opponent’s bombardment of the spiritual law. Qin Haoxuan’s spiritual method seems to be loose and usual, but the spiritual power contained therein is extremely rich, and it causes trauma especially in his body. The appearance seems to be just some ordinary flesh-and-blood injuries, which makes him suffer, and now even wants to stand up, it is somewhat powerless.

"Ah, how did Wen Jun’s younger brother fall down? Isn’t it just a stick? Well... finally stood up...”

In the horror of the people of Zhenyue, Wen Jun stood up and swayed. Although Qin Haoxuan is just like him, his whole body is shaking slightly and his footsteps are unstable. However, in the face of this opponent of the early education, Wen Jun has no contempt.

"This guy, why didn't you fall down? No, although he seems to be hurt, but the breath is not condensed... How could this be?" At the crucial moment, Wen Jun had some clues.

"Is he wearing it?" Wen Jun suddenly flashed a thought in his mind, but immediately shook his head. "Impossible, how can a disciple in the forty-sixth-leaf sect of Miaojing in the early days of the school be a pig in front of me?"

Suddenly, Wen Jun shouted, and the earth's spiritual power was sucked up by him and condensed in his hands. Every earthly spirit has formed a spear-like thing, and the runes are flashing, and they are shot to Qin Haoxuan.

"Okay, shoot him!" Seeing this scene, the Zhenyue faction camp stood in the mouth of Wang Shouyi under the ring and flashed a touch of pleasure. He thought that the spirit of the earth spirit was the most pleasing spiritual method of the younger brother of Wen Jun. The kid who was opposite to the early education was even unstable. If he was shot, he would definitely die.

The people in the early camps were exclaimed, and they all felt the power of Wen Jun’s spiritual law. Every spear formed by the spiritual power of the earth, I am afraid that even the peaks of the hills can run through, how can Qintang mainly prevent it?

At the crucial moment, the air in front of Qin Haoxuan shines with glare, and a golden knife with a length of three feet appears in his hand.

Open the sky!

Qin Haoxuan clenched the golden knife with both hands and bravely marched forward. This embarrassment, tearing the air, with a shocking weather.

boom! boom! boom!

Countless earthy spears were actually shattered and broken under his armpits.

Brush ─

The golden knife is like It’s crossed on Wen’s legs and the scorpion, and it’s bloody. Achilles tendon is smashed, even if it is a cultivator, it is no different from scrapping his legs. Wen Jun screamed, and 噗 噗 ’ fell to the ground. Even if the body of the cultivator is so severely damaged, it still cannot heal quickly.

Wen Jun screamed on the stage, his legs splattered.

Qin Haoxuan's body is still crumbling, and the momentum that has just been released is so devastating that the knife seems to have consumed his last strength. Sitting on the stage, panting, the wounds of the big and small are also telling the outside world that he is weak at the moment.

"The eighth inning, Qin Haoxuan wins in the early days." Lingbao real people stood on the ring and announced.

The people in the downfall are silent. The people of Zhenyue School can’t believe what they saw, how could they think? The strength of Wen Jun is considered to be a leader among the disciples of Zhenyue’s Xian Miaojing. Actually, he was actually beaten. <(https://) "Taichu" only represents the author's view of the high-rise building. If it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it. https://'s position is only devoted to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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