Too Early

Chapter 778: Purple cockroach

Mo said that Qin Haoxuan is not in its heyday, it is a state of prosperity! Want to fight against the ambush of six fairy trees, the dragon magic body can be stabbed as pieces! Only death and death!

Is it going to fall here? Qin Haoxuan was unwilling in his heart, and his internal strength suddenly broke out. He no longer suppressed the three disasters and six difficulties, and prepared to join forces with Xiaojin and others to forcibly break the battle!

Wrong! Qin Haoxuan has never been so wronged! If it is not hurt! If the other party is not using the array method, if the non-partners are on the way back, they will be hurt by the body of the fairy wheel. If everyone joins the state, they will have a battle. How can they be resistant to everyone?

But... now...

Today! It is death! Also drag on your celebrities of the West Pole! When Qin Haoxuan took his heart and forth, the moment he was about to release his power, he suddenly felt a pressure from the sky. An indescribable fear came from their hearts. All six people invariably looked into the sky.

People at the beginning!

A young man is wearing a super-looking view, standing proudly above a dragon! The dragon is full of gold, the size of the two bells, the brilliance of the eyes, the more chilling in the dark night, it is dozens of meters long, although it is only a dragon, but it does not Lost to the domineering of the real dragon!

The disciple was tall and straight, and the black hair was only wrapped in a white jade scorpion. It was also the clothes of the disciples in the early days. He wore a domineering domineering on his body, which made people dare not look straight.

The man just glanced down at the bottom, but the six people felt that a tremor that they wanted to surrender rose from the bottom of their hearts.

Qin Haoxuan also looked up hard and looked at it, too early! Purple species! Mad!

The disciple who has been repaired for four hundred feet can master the cultivation of the disciples in the early days, but the cultivation of the five hundred feet in the fairyland. If you secretly fear what you are afraid of, you must kill Qin Haoxuan!

The next moment, the wind suddenly rises!

The original swaying moon seemed to suddenly darken. He looked up with amazement and saw the disciple standing on the dragon. The whole body was shrouded in moonlight. It seemed to be a ghost from the cold, and there was an antiquity on the body. God of War general war!

The shadow of death, the disciple of the Western Preachers is full of fear. He pretends to calmly say: "We are doing things in the West Pole. You should not ride the beasts, don't worry about it, go quickly! Otherwise you will kill you!" ”

In the mad eyes, he was full of disdain. He looked at the Western-style disciple who was screaming like a dead man, and then... he opened his own fairy tree!

Five hundred feet tall fairy tree! Five hundred feet high purple fairy tree? !

All the Western Principal disciples are stunned and watched the madness!

Purple species!

Will it be purple? !

How could it be purple? ! How can there be purple seeds in the early days? !

How can this be? Taichu teaches... How can there be purple seeds in the early days? ! How can this be? !

In the case of a purple species of five hundred feet of fairy trees, all the disciples of the Western Preachers passed through the endless panic and fled, and only the big characters were left in their minds!

However, since Zhang Ye has already revealed the fairy tree, how can he let go of any one?

With one hand stretched out, the gleaming silk of the hollow moon gathered in his palm. After the breath, the white light in the mad hand suddenly became bigger. He waved his hand and formed the three swords. The man came, the majesty and the chilling!

Three swords that were condensed by the radiance of the cold moon, one shot into the eyebrow of this person, and one shot into his heart, the disciple did not even scream, and fell directly to the ground!

Just when the man’s grievance villain climbed out of his head and panicked and wanted to escape, the last sword sighed down and shattered it directly!

At the moment when this person fell to the ground, more than a dozen earth dragons rose from the ground, and the articles were higher than three feet. Just like smashing ants, the remaining five disciples were tightly wrapped around their necks!

Is this the power of purple? Is it so powerful? !

"I beg you, let us go..."

"Please... please... put..."

The Western Christian disciples in a few immortals were completely unable to break away from the shackles of the earth dragons. They desperately shouted, struggling with their struggles, and looked up with the eyes of pleading.

Zhang mad a faint look, standing on the faucet, next to him, is the release of the fairy tree up to five hundred feet, the faint purple lingering on his fairy tree.

There was a disciple of three hundred feet in the fairyland. With his last card, he broke free from the earthen dragon wrapped around his neck. He squatted on the ground and yelled at Zhang: "Don't kill me! I have flying swords, real flying swords! I Can give……"

After he had not finished speaking, a Tulong directly re-entangled his neck and did not hesitate to kill him!

Although the madness is still so cold and proud, the suffocation of the death that is released from the whole body is surging and strong!

All the Western Preachers have understood that Zhang Mania is going to kill all of them here, one does not stay!

Because! he wants! Extinguished!

With full despair and horror, all the Western Christian disciples were killed under the dragon.

Even the two resentful villains who were out of the brain were bitten by the earth dragons on the ground.

After killing the six Western Christian disciples, Zhang screamed and scorned: "Residue."

He glanced at Qin Haoxuan, who was covered in blood, with his eyebrows, and his brows were not wrinkled, saying: "The dog of the family, waste!"

After he finished, he threw down a red jade bottle and then went away. His hair and wide robes were gently floating in the night wind.

Qin Haoxuan reached out to the bottle and looked down at the low eyebrow. The look on the face was slow.

A younger brother who followed the madness came forward and asked lowly: "Boss, why not kill Qin Haoxuan directly? You don't really want him to die?"

Zhang madly looked ahead, arrogantly asked: "The injured Qin Haoxuan is worth killing me?"

The mad younger brother was shocked by the arrogance that he showed out in his tone, and he couldn’t speak for a long time.

The small stone shrunk in the arms of Qin Haoxuan, watching Zhang erect on the top of Fulong, with a group of early teaching disciples to go inside the early teaching, even did not say a word, surprised: "My fairy king is on Ah...just that kid is very strong! During your heyday, I’m afraid I can’t do it too?”

Qin Haoxuan swayed and looked up, and looked at the place where Zhang’s madness disappeared. He regained the unique mentality of the young man. “I can’t do him? You ask him! When I was young, I was shouting at him. parents complain ...... go to my house before I could beat him now as I can ...... "

Although they have gone far, they are still able to clearly understand the madness of their dialogue. When they heard Qin Haoxuan’s response, they turned a look at Qin Haoxuan and turned back: "When you are hurt, you are going to find this seat." Teach the story!"

The small stone is stunned, and the character of the cold male **** who just got on the high is actually broken by the moment Qin Haoxuan gave a sigh of relief... It is restored to the appearance of a young person.

Qin Haoxuan’s response to Zhang’s madness was just a slap in the mouth, and then looked at Shanmen’s road in the beginning: “I don’t know how Xu Yu’s sister is?”

When the blue smoke heard Qin Haoxuan’s words, his face was white, and his body even could not help but tremble, but she hid her emotions very well, forcibly smiled and walked forward, holding Qin Haoxuan and said to him: “Let’s hurry. Go in, your injury..."

Qin Haoxuan also looked at the blood marks of his body, and smiled a bit, this is really not easy!

At this time, the disciples who had already had a primordial hurriedly ran down the mountain. When they saw Qin Haoxuan, they were full of surprises. They shouted from a distance: "What happened to Qin Tangzhu?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled and wanted to say that he was fine, but he spit out a blood!

This time, the disciple was shocked. When he approached, Qin Haoxuan was not only covered in blood, but his hair was messy. What was even more frightening was that his face was black and tangled, as if poisoned.

With a **** smell full of nose, the disciple naturally knows that Qin Haoxuan is not a minor injury!

The disciple was also a clever one. He immediately sent out the crystal to the lobby and passed it on to the nature hall.

“Nature Qintang Xuan returned to the mountain gate! Qin Tang was seriously injured! Please contact the next Bizhutang to get some medicinal herbs for Qintang.”

After hearing the news, the red singer, who was meditation, was shocked and immediately turned into an electric light and rushed down from the mountain.

Qin Haoxuan, who is coughing, only feels a glimpse of his eyes, and a figure has come to him.

He looked up and grinned. The repair of this red sculpt had already entered the 20th round of the fairy wheel. It was amazing. It seems that he is progressing rapidly under the guidance of Xianwang Avenue.

Chi Lianzi carefully observed Qin Haoxuan's body, his brows wrinkled lightly, but his eyes squinted at him, his mouth sighed, saying: "Oh, still can't die."

Qin Haoxuan stood up straight and looked at him with interest and said: " haven't grown up yet."

Qin Lianzi gave Qin Haoxuan a white-eyed saying: "Understand the fart! The world is full of defects, why should people be complete? Tell you, this is what really fits the avenue of the road, from the body to the heart." Learn the rules of heaven and earth, learn something."

Qin Haoxuan really couldn't hold back and smiled.

The red temper also hooked his mouth and said: "I can still laugh, yes, I can't really die for a while."

After that, the expression on the face of the red temper was all gone, his eyes were dark and his face was blank. He had a fearless, bloodthirsty suffocating sigh. He whispered, "Who did it?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the killing of the eyes of the red sculpt, and the heart was warm, and the cloud was light and said: "The man was killed by me."

The red-faced face is a little better, and casually said: "Looking is a small role."

Qin Haoxuan nodded in agreement and sneered: "It's a small role, a fairy-wing elder in the West Pole."

The face of the red scorpion has changed a little, and the brows have been wrinkled, and the Western Pole teaches? The Antarctic and the early education, the countries where the two religions are located are squatting with each other. How dare they do it?

Turning to think about it, forget it, and who is it? If you go out and practice in the future, you will meet the first two kills of the Western Puppets and say that you are angry with this kid.

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