Too Early

Chapter 779: Bad old man is also cute

Red Lianzi looked at the blood pollution of Qin Haoxuan and felt that it was unsightly. So he said, "Oh, let's go back to the natural hall and rest, and let Bizhutang give you some good things to make up."

Qin Haoxuan thought about it and said: "Is this not urgent, is it back?"

The red scorpion looked around at no one, and he said to him low: "No, you don't know, the teacher is crazy in the sacred springs. He can't do it now. It is said that it will be especially lively. I think it is not easy to go out and teach, I definitely don’t want to come back."

Qin Haoxuan sounded funny, but he could understand that he was the one who was war-torn. The faucet of the faucet must be more suitable for him than the throne of the early teaching.

"Hey? What are you looking for?"

Qin Haoxuan said to the red temper: "Since the teaching has not come back, then call the main lobby staff to follow the law, the elders."

The red scorpion squinted at Qin Haoxuan and his expression was very unexpected. What happened? Why come back not only with injuries, but also with high-level people?

However, he did not ask much, saying: "Well, let's go to Huangdi Peak."

What Qin Haoxuan thinks about, the blue smoke behind him: "I went to Huangdifeng to handle some things, you first go back to Nature Hall."

Blue smoke knows what Qin Haoxuan said. She is an outsider. It is really inappropriate to appear there. So she smiled at him and said, "Know, you are going."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and came to Huangdi Peak with a mixed Tissot and a red man.

Qin Haoxuan stood in the main hall, and the red temper was to knock the bell of the early teaching.

The bells spread out in a row, and they were thick and steady.

The four light and shadows were shot from the four peaks of the early teachings. On other peaks, several light and shadows of different colors were also shot very quickly, all of which rushed toward the Huangdi Peak.

Halfway, the four lobby owners met.

"How is the clock ringing? Is it back to teach?" Su Baihua asked with doubts.

Bizhuzi smiled: "There is nothing to blame when you come back."

Even Xia Yunzi of Xia Yuntang did not figure out what was going on, and his arithmetic did not show that he was coming back.

"No matter, go check it out." Su Baihua said first.

Four people soon came to the Huangdi Peak, and it was only a matter of time before they hit the bell.

They saw a large hall in the Huangdi Peak. Only Qin Haoxuan stood reluctantly in the center of the main hall, and the red man was just coming from the clock.

Four people walked into the hall and sat in their usual seats.

They frowned and looked at Qin Haoxuan’s look. After a while, the six guardians and the elders of several management affairs all came. Then came the madness and Murong Chao, everyone was seated.

Qin Haoxuan has been looking at the door. Seeing that there is no Xu Yu, there are some losses in my heart, but I quickly get a good spirit.

Su Baihua looked at the blood pollution of Qin Haoxuan and the blackness of the face when he was hiding. He thought that this person was Xu Yu’s sweetheart. If something went wrong, it would definitely cause trouble to Xu Yu, so he asked: “Qin Tangzhu What happened to this? Not only was it hurt, but it also sounded the bell?"

Zhou Tiansheng also protects the law. He looks pale, and there is a bit of concern in the appearance of Qin Haoxuan, which has a black mist. But the tone is still yin and yang. "It is best for Qin Tang to have something big. Otherwise, it is a crime." The rules of the early teachings."

The bell that has just been knocked on by the red temper is really not able to ring, unless there is something big, it can be ringing. This ring is not only called to the four lobby owners, but the major guardians and elders will also be called by the bells. There are also a few purple and gray species that have great potential among the martial art.

Qin Haoxuan faced the enquiries and even questions of the people. Without saying a word, he looked at the people present here and frowned slightly. These people were not enough. You must ask a larger person to be present.

Zhang madly looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was paler and paler. He was upset and said badly: "You are not good at recuperating, what do you want to do here?"

Although the original intention of Zhang Mania is Qin Haoxuan, you feel that you have a good wound, and this uncle still wants to kill you.

But this sentence with the expression on his face, fell in the eyes of everyone, very surprised, this madness is not against Qin Haoxuan? How do you feel that you care about Qin Haoxuan? Is this caring about him?

Qin Haoxuan was very weak and shook his head. He said with a weak voice: "Hao Xuan has something important, a major event... Since the teaching is not there, can you give me the deputy or the elders?"

When Xia Yunzi heard Qin Haoxuan’s words, he frowned. Why is it true? “This is really not good. The deputy has been retreating for a while. It is said that it is the key moment of impact repair. It should not be able to bother him. As for the elders... ”

Xia Yunzi looked at other people, Su Baihua went on to say: "The elders are hiding the heavens, in order to prevent the five people from failing, and it is easy to show up."

Zhou Tiansheng frowned, and he hated Qin Haoxuan from the heart. Because of this kid’s relationship, he was extremely miserable by his master’s teachings. But this kid seems to be very stable on weekdays, but I don’t know what else is needed this time. Was it too elder to be an elder?

Although Gu Yunzi was dissatisfied with Qin Haoxuan, he was as solemn as he was in his tone, so he frowned and asked: "Qin Tangzhu, what are you looking for in the elders? Can you make it clear?"

Qin Haoxuan sighed and said: "Hao Xuan killed the elders of a fairyland in the West Pole on the way back to Taichu."

Gu Yunzi’s eyes jerked and looked at Qin Haoxuan incredulously: “ are a weak species. In a few years, can you kill an elder in a fairyland?!”

Bizhuzi glanced at Gu Yunzi, thinking, this ancient Yunzi is looking for the wrong focus. He said with a heavy face: "We are too close to the West Pole. So you really killed them. Fairyland elders? Hao Xuan... What are you doing? This is not a trivial matter!"

It is necessary to know that the elders in the fairyland must be repaired by a few hundred feet, and some sects, even when some of the sects have achieved the fairyland, they will even have a banquet.

Compared with the simple surprise of the four lobby owners, Murong Chao looked at Qin Haoxuan's eyes more complicated, he really couldn't figure out, Qin Haoxuan district is a weak species, how can it always be so powerful! With his current cultivation, if he is really a master of the last fairyland, he is really unable to beat.

Looking at such an understatement, he said that Qin Haoxuan, who killed a fairyland monk, was not willing, really unwilling!

He is very happy, but this kid, he said, how can a small person usually hurt him? It turned out to be a fairy tree elder of the Western Puppet, and it was enough to make Qin Haoxuan injured.

Qin Haoxuan did not pay attention to the complicated eyes when everyone looked at him. He heard the questions of the two church owners and said faintly: "After I killed the elder, they sent another elder of the fairy wheel to chase me, but I was killed by me too."


After Qin Haoxuan said this sentence, the hall suddenly calmed down!

Everyone used them to freeze the same expression in an instant, watching Qin Haoxuan, this kid just said?

Say it? Killed a... fairy wheel! ?

If the fairyland is the support of the martial art, then the fairy wheel is the cornerstone of a martial art!

If it is true as Qin Haoxuan said, he is a very early-teaching natural master, killing a family of Western Princesses to teach a fairy wheeled elder, then, the two sects of this hatred, the big!

Xia Yunzi swallowed his throat and said: "Qin Tang Lord, you, you, are you really?"

Qin Haoxuan nodded.

Everyone has changed their face and can be said to be colorful.

What is Qin Haoxuan's guy so strong? This is so abnormal!

He is now also doing the cultivation of the fairyland, and it is not too high. It is impossible to kill a fairy wheeled elder.

However, this impossible thing was actually done by him.

The four lobby owners, even if they have been watching Qin Haoxuan's dissatisfied ancient Yunzi are shocked, watching Qin Haoxuan's eyes can not tell the complexity.

The strength of Qin Haoxuan has made them feel shocked. The strength of his heart is unheard of. He can even kill a fairy wheel master with a repair that has just entered the fairyland. It is enough to make many immortals chill.

Oh, unfortunately he is a weak species, otherwise...

However, is the weak species really inferior?

Seeing Qin Haoxuan today, they could not help but ask themselves.

Murong Chao saw Qin Haoxuan’s eyes turned into horror by direct hatred. Even though he was so unwilling, he could only bear the sorrowful intention of facing such a powerful Qin Haoxuan. Otherwise, it is possible that the dead one It is him instead of Qin Haoxuan!

If the red scorpion is not hindered by the presence of so many people, he has already rushed to shoot the shoulders of Qin Haoxuan and kill a fairy wheel. This is like a word! real man!

As for Zhang Fan, he has been watching Qin Haoxuan in a bleak manner. Although he heard a singular light in his eyes when he killed a fairy wheel, he quickly disappeared.

He is very satisfied with Qin Haoxuan in his heart. Only such a person can match him!

After a long time of surprise and shock, remembered the talents in the field, to deal with the consequences of this incident, Qin Haoxuan killed a fairy wheeled elders more shocking, the trouble afterwards!

The Antarctic and the Taichu religions have always been good, even when they are strangling, the two religions are also the same. Now Qin Haoxuan first killed a fairy tree elder, and destroyed a fairy wheel elder, West Pole. Teaching is definitely not good!

Su Baihua said: "You, you are really important, you can ask the elders to discuss what should be done, and think of a way to resolve the grudges."

"Qin Haoxuan!" Zhou Tiansheng looked gloomy, and there was anger between the eyebrows. He glared at Qin Haoxuan: "Are you not a fool? Killing the fairy wheel? You are doing it by sneak attack? What do you do to attack the West Pole?" If the West Pole joint repairs deal with me too early! How big is the trouble, have you considered it? How do you do the natural master?"

Zhou Tiansheng said that he would reach out and grab Qin Haoxuan: "You must go with the old man to hide! The people in the West Pole are afraid that they will go to the door in a few days! You go to the retreat! Before this matter is finished, you go to the retreat! Off! The rest of the things, let's deal with it! Come and give you resistance! Wait until this thing has passed, and then punished you! Now, you hide first..."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the anxious look of Zhou Tiansheng. The old man couldn’t wait to slaughter himself. But when the West Pit happened, his first reaction was not to hand over himself, but to hide himself... now He... is really a little cute...

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