Too Early

Chapter 824: Reincarnation 1 spring cover

Yihua really frowned at all the elders who were exposed to the black air. At this time, all the resentment against Qin Haoxuan in his heart was deeply shocked. If these people really couldn’t stand before the advent of the robbery, then the beginning The burden of teaching the heavens is much heavier!

Everyone feels a little helpless at this moment, even if the ordinary five people are coming down, there is no solution to the problem, not to mention the fact that these people are facing more dangerous situations.

Qin Haoxuan also frowned at them, this is the backbone of the true teaching of the true beginnings! Seeing the black silky face of this group of people, Qin Haoxuan took a breath and knew that he could only take a chance.

"Teaching, disciples have a way, although they are not sure whether it works, but still want to take a chance to try... Please teach everyone to take a few steps back."

Huang Long first took a look at Yihua real people, only to see Qin Haoxuan said: "Hao Xuan, despite trying to ..."

Yihua real person was glanced at by Huang Long, and his heart was also uncomfortable for a while. While looking forward to Qin Haoxuan’s method, he thought about it. If it really works, how can he apologize to Qin Haoxuan, or promise, even what benefits? In exchange for him let go of Li Jing.

Many years of life experience, Yihua real people know! As long as it is a good atmosphere, most people will be taught by the atmosphere. Many people are not good at a young age, but when they are older, they will become better...not a common saying: the tree is straight!

Yihua real people do not want to give up the purple species...

Everyone who followed did not know what Qin Haoxuan was going to do. His eyes were all staring at Qin Haoxuan. Even the black-eyed people looked at Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan looked flat and went forward. Although he was questioned by the deputy teachings, he was watched by everyone, but there was no embarrassment. His face was calmly released and his own fairy trees were released. The cold air then spread in the cave.

"What does he want to do? Will these people be frozen?"

I know that Qin Haoxuan’s fairy trees have the power of ice and ice, and they can carefully speculate on them.

"What is the use of ice? When the sky is looming, if these forces are frozen, they will not help the early teaching!"

In the whispers of everyone, Qin Haoxuan's fairy trees bloomed with countless quaint and mysterious runes, faintly exuding the breath of Xianwang Avenue, so that everyone's heart is shocked, like the spring breeze, refreshing.

With the operation of Qin Haoxuan's spiritual power, the brilliance of the runes is more prosperous, and the "啪" is hit by the people who will do hundreds of Shouyuan, and the time of these people will be reversed for one hundred years!

Those who are bathed in the golden light shine only feel that their dry body is becoming flesh and blood, smooth and radiant, and the celestial trees that are dying are also full of vitality.

"Ah, my hand, my arm and arm..."

An old man whose hair is gradually turning into a black, surprised to see that he is returning to the smooth and fleshy arm, can not help but smile.

"God, what is this? How can you control the time!"

“It’s amazing! My body is really young!”

All the old people were all happy, and they looked very happy at themselves and became a strong and powerful body again.

Is this a hundred years of retrogression? My cultivation has not weakened at all. The almost dead cedar tree has revived. My flesh and blood, the skinny body has become so powerful again. This time is back, the feeling of power returning to the body. It's amazing!

Not only are the old people in the power of reincarnation full of joy, but the disciples of the crowd are also a strange eye.

"What is this? How have you seen it before?!"

"Qin elders' tactics are scattered in the gust of avenues, even if they are only far from the feelings, they can make people feel shocked and benefit a lot!"

An elder who came from the rune of the 诩 通 , , , , , , 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 仔细 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦Wen.; It seems to be a rune that was only available in ancient times? It is hard to understand!"

Huang Long’s eyes are even more amazing. When he was traveling for a long time in his youth, he has seen many mysterious methods. Qin Haoxuan’s lifeline method should not be complete now. It is precisely because I understand that the method of Qin Haoxuan’s release is just a broken legal array. Huang Long is more surprised than everyone watching Qin Haoxuan, and at the same time secretly surprised.

Qin Haoxuan’s life-threatening method is not complete yet. The ability demonstrated is so bizarre and exquisite. It can control the reincarnation of hundreds of years, and it will be a powerful force when it is fully engraved one day!

No wonder he would have carved it early...

I remembered that when I was in the magical spring, I still sighed and said that it was a pity that Qin Haoxuan’s lifeline method was the most powerful. I thought of it here, Huang Long felt that his old face was red.

Yihua real people looked at the hand that Qin Haoxuan showed, and he was shocked and slightly opened his mouth.

What kind of formation is it so magical? Can control the time of others! Is this the card of Qin Haoxuan? If I have just started with Qin Haoxuan, how many winning percentages can I have?

No wonder, no wonder this kid just looked at me, I will feel the whole body cold, the original bloodthirsty eyes are not his outfit, if this kid is attacking me... very dangerous!

If I just insisted on working with him... Yi Huazhen couldn’t help but assume in my heart, but the consequences were shocking.

This kid... Yihua real people look at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes full of complexity, this kid is really not simple.

Qin Haoxuan smiled and looked at the excitement and the disciples around him who were so excited that he was exhausted and said: "I can't keep your current state for too long, so please don't be too happy for your predecessors."

Qin Haoxuan felt that his whole body's spiritual power was like a raging river, and it was passing through the waves. No, you can't support it!

Seeing that all the elders in the formation had retired for a hundred years, all of them recovered their appearance in the prime of the year. Qin Haoxuan’s "brushing" began to cover the sky and cover the sky!

The ability to cover the sky to cover the sky can be said to be nothing, even the blue smoke mother's hand used to shield the sky, may not be able to match the sky. Therefore, when the Tianyi wing came out, Qin Haoxuan exhausted the method of life.

Although the flesh of hundreds of people is getting old, there is no blackness that overflows from their bodies, and they are temporarily stabilized, and they are free from the danger of the five evils.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Huang Long’s live-action three-way sound is good, and the eyes of Qin Haoxuan are full of excitement.

Qin Haoxuan has left a group of backbones for the early education!

"It’s a rising star of the early education!" An old man with a happy face looked at his body, which was no longer black and sullen. He shouted loudly: "There is a hand. Just now, we are the old guys who will do this life." They are still deploring, but they are only able to live in this mountainside and deplore! We are not afraid of death, we are afraid that we cannot contribute to the early teaching!"

"Yeah, we all want to thank you guys! Everything you just did, let us see life again!"


Hundreds of old people said with full gratitude to Qin Haoxuan.

"Although the flesh has recovered in an instant, the terrible five-day decline of the heavens and the humans has been effectively restrained by us. We have never thought of regaining our youth. We can maintain the present and then contribute to the early teaching. It is already our last. Wish!"

"Yeah, Qin Haoxuan, you made a big contribution to the early education!"

"We all these old guys are grateful to you, you have not been in vain for the years we have been supporting, or we will really die!"

One of the old men said with a smile in tears: "Teaching the last force for the beginning of the Taiji, under the Jiuquan, you can also have an account with the ancestors!"

Qin Haoxuan has a heart to speak, but his throat is hard to swallow. Although the group of seniors will do their best, but each has already set aside life and death, only the catastrophe of the early education is left in their hearts. How many people have been struggling to support the present, just want to resist the catastrophe for the early education, even fearless to teach!

This great meaning made Qin Haoxuan feel infinitely moved.

Huang Long lived to Qin Haoxuan’s side and patted Qin Haoxuan’s shoulder with his palm. He said to everyone in the mountain’s belly: “Thank you for your attention...”

Although Huang Long’s words are simple, they are steadily printed on everyone’s heart.

After stabilizing these people, the teacher turned and looked at the piece of clouds, and the thunderclouds in the sky became more and more prosperous. Under the pressure of layers, you can clearly feel the terrible power that contains the destruction of the earth. It is not at all that two cultivators can easily compete.

Two dark red lightnings slammed from the clouds, dark red blood, with an ominous breath, cut through the sky from nine days, straight down to the Yellow Emperor Peak.

The sacred mountain glory is full of glory. It seems that countless suns have risen in various directions in the early days, and they have pierced the eye mask.

After a loud bang, the Huangdi Peak swayed twice.

The heavy atmosphere that seems like two mountains fell so that everyone breathed a stagnation, and the heavy pressure seemed to hit the heart of everyone directly through the body. Uncomfortable.

The thunderclouds of the head of the early education gradually became violent, and the mighty power could crush a mountain into a flat land in an instant. The golden lightning raged in the thundercloud, and it would fall to the beginning of the teaching.

Everyone's heart is raised, no one knows what will happen after this moment.

Unknown, it is the most terrible.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart trembled, the end of the day... really came!

He looked up and looked at everyone. Everyone was pale and his eyes were full of fear that could not be covered. Their bodies were trembling slightly, some clenched their teeth, and some clenched their fists, all of them were uneasy and uneasy. Even Huang Long’s face is a prudent and silent silence that Qin Haoxuan has never seen before.

In the silent silence of the mountains, even the breathing became cautious.

It turned out that the horror of heaven was so terrible that it was so easy to provoke the fear in the hearts of those who were strong in the cultivation of the immortals.


At this time, a sudden voice came from the mountain, and the voice shivered slightly, conveying his fear.

“Reporting to teach, from the place where the early teaching was less than three thousand miles, found an alliance of dispersal and cruelty!”

Huang Long’s face was more heavy. He said slowly to the crowd: “This... man-made disaster... The day of the robbery has not yet begun, and the man-made disaster has followed.”

After the ancient Yunzi listened, he was full of anger, and he taught to the palm: "This group of small people is extremely mean, it is better for us to rush out and fight with them!"

“The old master is right!”

"Teaching! We are too early to teach, even if the day is looming, we can't allow this group of people to smash at the gate!"

Ps: The fifth more today! Don't worry about the damage of the lord! In addition, the owner of the North Snow built a group of Taichu. The group number is 634737487. I am staying in the fully subscribed group. Friends who are fully subscribed can add it, and everyone will talk about it occasionally. Many people who like to discuss the story are dragging their voices inside.

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