Too Early

Chapter 825: 1 sound is enough to show pride

As soon as this was said, he was immediately given the attachment of several elders of the immortal tree. They all had the intention of killing them. They waited for a command to rush out of the mountain gate and annihilate the group of flies.

Xia Yunzi frowned at the disapproval, saying: "What is the use of rushing out now? You are going out and they ran away now. Do you still have to chase them to kill? The days are looming, time is precious, and no waste is allowed."

"Teaching, what we have to do now is to step up the protection of the mountain guards and all kinds of protection. As long as we have survived the ravages, God will drop the rain, and after the baptism of the catastrophe, the early teaching will usher in a great development. Is it easy to kill them when it is time to kill them?"

Su Baihua nodded and said: "The Xia Tang master is right, why should everyone fight for this moment?"

A few disciples who were still in the wrong heart glanced at each other. The group of rabble in front of the mountain gate made them surprisingly angry. Even though the words of the lord were justified, their anger was nowhere to vent.

An elder sighed: "It was nothing but a group of squadrons that were chased by us to rogue around, but dare to scream at me to teach the looting of the sky, smashing fire, smashing the water and fish! These little villains really make the old man unable to swallow this breath! ”

"Is that all right?"

"Yeah, it’s because they are arrogant outside and there is no action. Why am I too preaching the majesty?"

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is also angered, nowhere to vent.

As soon as he thought of the punishment lying in the medicine pool, Qin Haoxuan’s whole body was as uncomfortable as roasting on the fire, and Li Jing, who was blindly sending people to the dark, was still alive! Although... now it’s not as good as a dog... the whole person is disabled! And being imprisoned... More coaching and promised that Li Jing will not leave this scourge!

but! The fact that Li Jing is still alive is like a fishbone in the throat of Qin Haoxuan, which is hard to ignore.

The people who were full of resentment to the outsiders were still screaming at the despicableness of that kind of person. Qin Haoxuan listened to his ears, and his anger was also rushing to the clouds. If it weren't for this group of scattered religious teachings to stop me from going, if it wasn't for the Western Preachers to make a big man to kill me, the penalty would not hurt like this!

This group of people is the source of the torture, unforgivable!

Qin Haoxuan took a deep breath and asked his disciples in a tone: "Is there a lot of people down the mountain?"

"Returning to the elders of Qin, the number of disciples and disciples found in the mountains is less than 100. The team leader is a master of four hundred feet in the fairyland."

After listening to Qin Haoxuan, he looked faintly: "Know it."

Huang Long listened to this, could not help but turn to look at Qin Haoxuan, this eye will understand, this kid is playing a bad idea.

"Qin Haoxuan's character is really like when I was young. He wants to rush out and kill it. The courage is commendable." Huang Long’s eyes glimpsed, and at the same time he thought with some sighs: "If not Because now I am teaching as a teacher in the beginning, everything must be based on the overall safety of the early education, and I can't do whatever I want, otherwise how can I allow these wastes to sway before the teaching?"

I am a teacher, I can't act impulsively, but this kid is not, this kid can!

Huang Long had a smile that no one could check, and did not speak.

Qin Haoxuan’s mind is indeed calculating. He thought very seriously: "There are only a hundred people in the process of dispersal. If I am going to sneak past, I will take the time to eradicate them all and then fly back to Islam. It should not delay major events."

Just when Qin Haoxuan thought about it carefully, an old man with a white head under the awning wing asked a hoarse voice: "Qin elder, what is the situation now?"

Qin Haoxuan did not hide it at all. In fact, he said: "If I remove the Tianyi wing, you... you should soon be discovered by the robbery, and the five failures of the heavens will happen immediately."

The old man paused and asked for the exit again. There was a hint of hope in the voice: "When we want to shoot, can we let us recover again?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the old man. His white hair was gone, his face was creased, his eyes were a little muddy, but he still thought about the sect of the sect.

Qin Haoxuan looked at him seriously, and he couldn’t bear it. He said very hard: "With my understanding of the Tianyi wing, if you let your time go backwards for a hundred years, and you still have to practice the spiritual law... It will be discovered by the robbery. At that time... then your five-day failure will be faster and more powerful, and there may be no way to remedy it..."

After listening to Qin Haoxuan’s words, all the old men under the sky were not worried, but they were relieved. The old man who spoke sighed and smiled, as if he said to Qin Haoxuan, but he was just muttering: "This is enough... this is enough."

This is enough.

Everyone knows what the old man said is enough.

I can play my last role when the robbery comes, even if I die immediately afterwards, it is enough.

"Zhuzu! I..."

Su Baihua’s tears fell in front of a female elder, the old man’s body, old-fashioned dragon, a pair of skinny bones, no trace of flesh and blood, but still gently caressing the back of Su Baihua’s trembling Whispered: "Stupid child, what are you crying? The wife has lived for so many years, and finally can teach some strength for the beginning, but it is enough."

Several juniors also fell on their respective masters or grandfathers, suppressing the hard throat.

These old people are high-ranking people on weekdays. Even if they are facing their own direct descendants, they are unsmiling and stern, but at the moment, they are like ordinary people who are old in their homes, and their mouths are full. For the embarrassment of my own juniors, the face of the half-life is serious for the determination of life and the faint resignation of his children and grandchildren.

An old man looked at his disciples who couldn’t cry in front of him. Half of them were appeasing and half-jokingly said: "We have long been going to the Yingling Mountain for these old things. It’s for the sake of the arrival of the robbery. After teaching the power, after entering the Yingling Mountain, I can finally explain to our ancestors."

After hearing this, the old men under the sky were smiling at each other, and then they continued to talk to their juniors.

Even if they have long been ruined and killed, they are not afraid of reincarnation, but there is always a concern in their hearts, which is concerned with the future of the early education and the future of their disciples.

Yihua real people saw this scene, and looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was standing on the side, and seemed to have knocked over the five-flavored bottle in his heart. He didn’t know what to say for a while.

Am I old? Yihua real people ask themselves in their hearts.

I have only been retiring for decades. In the past, I have not even asked about the sects for hundreds of years, and nothing has happened!

Yihua real people think about his retreat for decades to know things.

In the past few decades, I know that I have received three Supreme Purple species in the teaching. This is the most happy thing for me, because as long as they can train them to be strong enough, the early teaching will definitely be great! As for Qin Haoxuan...

Thinking of this, the deputy teacher also looked at Qin Haoxuan.

Yes, every time Qin Haoxuan’s news came to me, it always made me very impatient. why? The deputy teaches himself.

Because there is news about this guy, it is not Huanglong because this kid has cut the gray species, because this kid has squandered the purple species, but I am full of heart and mind that the purple species can grow well without any setbacks. It can be seen that my impression of Qin Haoxuan has been bad for a long time.

So the first time I saw him, I was full of anger and even thought about killing it. But now it seems...

The deputy teacher thought of Qin Haoxuan's reincarnation Dafa, and thought of Qin Haoxuan's cover of the sky, and also thought of Qin Haoxuan's forehead to teach the elders to teach the life of the fortune method, desperately want to keep more youthful time for those elders and the forehead of the blue veins With the sweat drenched in the back...

Yihua real people sighed softly, and secretly said: "I really didn't think Qin Haoxuan, this kid is really dedicated to teaching, and can do so much for the early education! If it can make him with purple How good it is to get along with each other! It’s not good, go back... The old man personally taught the heart of the purple species to do it... no longer ask for a breakthrough... concentrate on educating the next generation...”

The words of several old people gently appease the juniors are still ringing in the mountain belly. Qin Haoxuan only feels that his throat is tight, and the anger in his heart is mixed with the sadness of seeing this scene at this time, making him eager. I want to find a vent.

Qin Haoxuan did not say a word, just looked at Huang Long.

If I am rushing now, I don’t know if the church will not...

From the very beginning, Huang Long fully understood what he wanted to do. When Qin Haoxuan looked over, he blinked his eyes and nodded slightly.

I really understand me!

Qin Haoxuan’s heart moved, and when he saw no one’s attention, he turned to the Huangdi Peak. As soon as he left the eyes of the crowd, he came out.

At the beginning of the teaching, there were dozens of miles outside the gate.

A team of scattered and scattered repairs here, their faces are all about the pleasure and cruelty of revenge.

A small captain-like character is leaning against a towering ancient wood, sitting on the ground in a very leisurely manner, standing around dozens of disciples.

The middle-aged man sitting on the ground, wearing a blue robe, was full of arrogance. He glanced at the direction of the early teaching of the robbery cloud, and his eyes were disdainful.

"Captain Li, we have been monitoring here for so long, when do you start? Brothers can't wait!"

The middle-aged man, who is known as Captain Li, laughed and said: "What is the urgency? At the beginning, I taught a group of chickens and chickens, and I was beaten by the sky. It’s the end of the road! When the orders come down, the brothers can Don't be soft."

When the words came out, dozens of people around them made a sneer.

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