Too Early

Chapter 832: The devil will come again

Listening to everyone's congratulations, Huang Long always has a full smile on his face.

"Report!" came a message with a clear crying voice.

Everyone heard it afterwards.

"There is a report on the teachings. In this wave of catastrophe, there is a lightning falling from the big squad. Brother Feng Yuan is trying to save his younger brother, body and body..."

This disciple is full of wolverines and complains about this news several times.

"Feng Yuan? Could it be Feng Yuan of Bizhutang? I remember that he was seventy feet in the fairyland..."

"Reporting to the elders, it is this Feng Yuan brother." The disciples of the letter replied with tears in their eyes.


The joy that just appeared on their faces was replaced by heavy weight. A disciple of seventy feet in the fairyland died, which is hard to bear in the early education!

Huang Long’s face is a dark color, and the heart can’t help but feel sour.

So fast, so fast, will it bring blood? Today is a disciple of seventy feet in the fairyland, and what about tomorrow?

The catastrophe has always been like this. Once the casualties begin, it shows that its power is no longer just the first one. It will be more powerful and horrible, and even more difficult to prevent!

The natural disasters that landed are getting more and more serious. Whether it is a skyfire or a thunder, whether it is a hail or a hurricane, all of it can no longer be crushed by the power of a sword. It is lost from the sky that cannot be intercepted in the mountainous array. It will also be more difficult to withstand large chunks, and the energy it contains will be more dangerous.

In addition, Qin Haoxuan also thought that the pressure that enveloped the early teachings became more and more powerful, and even some of the elders who were on the verge of being declining to the heavens and the celestial, some even could only enter the sky to temporarily resist. .


In the hall of Huangdifeng, there was a thick layer of thick and heavy clouds covering the hearts of everyone. They forced themselves not to think about what happened next, but the **** facts were placed. In front of them, they have to think about it.

In a heavy atmosphere, a gray-haired elder said with difficulty: "Teaching, there are not many remaining spiritual valleys in the grain store. If this is the case, I am afraid, I am afraid I will not be able to reach the end..."

Huang Long's brow was so deep that his brow had not stretched since he heard the death of his disciple.

"Teaching." Bizhuzi is also a face of a dilemma: "Not just Lingtian, because in recent times, the number of disciples injured is more serious, and we are not in the Chinese medicine. More, and the corresponding elixir has not yet reached maturity... I am afraid that the drug in the medicine cabinet can only last for another month."

The original heavy atmosphere suddenly became more depressed.

Qin Haoxuan also frowned, thinking: "It’s already terrible to come here. If the supply of Linggu is insufficient, the disciples of Taichu will definitely be hit hard."

"What should I do? There are not many elixir in my body. Even if it is not enough to go to the Xianxian Valley, and most of the elixir is deeper, I still can't reach it now..."

Huang Long stood in front of the temple and slowly closed his eyes. His mind turned and his thoughts flew in his heart: "Lingtian elixir is the guarantee that all disciples in the early days should resist the robbery. If there is no Linggu, where do they come to resist the sky? If you are injured, if you don’t get it in time, will you delay their lives?"


A disciple ran in sweaty face, full of joy.

"Let's report on the teachings, Ling Tian, ​​who was too early to teach, began to mature on a large scale. The first-grade corn was almost all cooked, and the second-class rice was matured!"

"What? Doesn't corn mature in three months?"

"In the past, rice was not harvested at this time!"

Everyone heard the news and they all looked shocked. The unbelievable face was full of surprises.

The face of the disciple was also very excited. He said with a grin: "The elders in charge of Lingtian said that this is because the catastrophe is so heavy that the aura is all gathered, and Lingtian is full of aura, so it will mature in advance. !"

"Good! Good! I am too early to teach!"

Huang Long has a good channel. With these Linggu, the meals of the disciples can be guaranteed!

"But, because the corn paddy in Lingtian is too mature, there is not enough manpower in Lingtian, and it will not be fully harvested at one time."

When this was said, everyone’s eyes all looked at Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan smiled and sent a message to Xiaojin, so that Xiaojin immediately took his monkey army to harvest Lingtian.

"Haha, fortunately, there are the monkeys of the elders of Qin! Otherwise, it is really a big mistake!"

"Yeah, yeah, Qin Chang is really a great fortune in my early education!"

Huang Long also looked at Qin Haoxuan with a smile and patted his shoulder: "Yes, good!"

Qin Haoxuan was praised by everyone, scratching his head, and did not say anything. He saw Jiang Zhao, a disciple who was taking care of the punishment in Butiange, rushing in, and his face changed.

Jiang Zhao ran out of breath, but he still finished the words in one breath: "Qin elders, the state of the prisoner is not good, the disciples are not willing to care, deliberately report!"


When Qin Haoxuan was in shape, he went to the Tiange Pavilion as lightning.

"what happened?"

Qin Haoxuan rushed to the edge of the medicine pool, and the face of the sentence was even weaker. The original temperament that could have spilled out was already cut off.

He has a pain in his heart. If you can replace the punishment for it, let me pay for it!

The **** is like a hot fire, every inch is so painful that it can't be self-contained, and the body surface is trapped in the cold ice, and the chilly skin hurts. After experiencing the pain of such a double fire, it wants to scream but has no strength.

too painful……

The punishment saw the panic of Qin Haoxuan’s face, and slightly pulled the corner of his mouth. He said with a sigh of relief: "Oh, you... you will let me free."

Qin Haoxuan can't stop shaking his head. As long as he is alive, there is hope. As long as he is alive, there is hope!

Qin Haoxuan did not say anything at all. He just panicked and took out all the elixir from the dragon scale sword. But there are dozens of all the elixir in his hands.

Too little, go to the sinister Poison Valley and take some points!

Qin Haoxuan shocked a body of a splendid fruit with a white radiance into the powder and slowly sent it to the body.

Under the nourishment of this elixir, the pain of the whole body is almost reduced, and the breath is also stable.

Qin Haoxuan was so scared that he was about to jump out of his heart before he returned to its seat to calm down.

so far so good.

His movements continued unabated, and all the 10 medicines were shattered, and the pure medicine was sent to the body of the penalty.

The punishment pulled the corner of his mouth and said: "You are so boring... really wasteful."

After Qin Haoxuan finished these things and saw the sentence completely stabilized, he smiled at the pool and smiled at the side of the pool. He asked: "What is interesting? If the person who is seriously injured today and lies in the medicine pool is me, you will How to do it?"

The sentence was silenced for a moment, then he said weakly: "I will eat you, anyway, I will die. You are so strong. If you eat it, you can make up your body, and you will not lose money..." After reading these words, it seems It used all the strength of the punishment, and it slowly closed its eyes and floated on the medicine pot.

Qin Haoxuan smiled, but in his eyes, he said: "You can still bicker with me, saying that you will die in a moment. I will say it again, I will save you, you will never die!"

More than ten kinds of elixir slowly and orderlyly passed the vitality of the punishment, the breathing of the punishment gradually became flat, and the whole body was stabilized.

At this moment, Bu Tiange suddenly appeared in the air in the sky!

These magical whirls of black waves are as if they were life-seeking in the Tiantian Pavilion. They finally found the punishment and rushed down.


Qin Haoxuan was in a hurry.

He instinctively wanted to sacrifice the sky, only to find that the sky is still in the group of elders, and quickly screamed, the ice came out, and steadily covered the punishment.

At the same time, Qin Haoxuan's crazy operation began to work in a magical way, and Tian Tianyi also worked in an instant, but he forcibly stopped the scorpio, leaving only the Mozu sect in his body.

The faint magical spirit overflowed his body surface. He has been with the punishment for so many years, and is the person who is most familiar with the magic of the criminal body. At this time, his body overflows with the magical power and the punishment is almost the same. Qin Haoxuan is betting that the magic of the gambling at this time will not tell who is the punishment!

Sure enough, after a little pause, the magical force went straight to Qin Haoxuan.

Even if the gods of the demon are falling, Qin Haoxuan can't fool it so easily, but because the devil is not willing to make unnecessary sacrifices and annihilation, it is only the next will. And this will, obviously no high wisdom.

Qin Haoxuan was born with the wing of freedom, running the spiritual law, and quickly took the door.

Even if it is just a will without too high wisdom, Qin Haoxuan does not dare to take a nap. After all, it is the will of the great demon god, and his own ability is against the sky, and with the present strength can not compete with it.

Qin Haoxuan, who quickly left the Tiantian Pavilion, looked up and saw that the robbers had just passed. All the disciples were busy taking care of the Taixue after the war. No matter which direction they are going to be very dangerous to them, they must not take such a huge danger. Give the early education!

Where are you going?

Qin Haoxuan suddenly flashed a white light in his head, right, and this place - the sinister poison valley!

There is a strong poisonous atmosphere, even if the strong people in the Taoist palace do not dare to enter, if you want to come, it will be a trace of the magic of the demon, and should not be able to withstand the poisonous gas that has been pervasive for thousands of years.

After selecting the direction, Qin Haoxuan mobilized the whole body to be able to go all the way to the sinister poisonous valley.

In the process of fleeing, he was almost caught by the magic of lightning behind him several times. The gloomy cold always haunted behind him, making Qin Haoxuan back cold, sweaty upside down, just being approached by this silk magic, his always strong body felt a burning pain.

The power of this day is so powerful? No, I must guard my punishment, and I must not let the demon close to punishment!

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