Too Early

Chapter 833: Cruel teaching robs 30%

Close to the sinister Poison Valley, Qin Haoxuan is trying to maintain the magical overflow of the body and the speed of the rapid, the spiritual power almost dried up, which makes Qin Haoxuan's speed can not help but a slight meal - this is the moment, it is a magical flutter Come up.

On the back of Qin Haoxuan, it seems that he was caught by a poisonous iron claw. He was so painful that he was half-body, and the fairy tree in his body quickly lost a lot of life under this grasp. Qin Haoxuan snorted, forcing the pain on his back, and continued to accelerate and continue to fly toward the front of the sinister poisonous valley.

Near the entrance to the fabulous poisonous valley, Qin Haoxuan's skin has been slightly painful. He can feel that the poisonous gas that wants to ruin everything in the world is not far away.

It's now!

Qin Haoxuan suddenly had a burst of blue-colored light on his body. A sapphire villain who was circulated around him was forced to throw it into the sinister poisonous valley. The magical spirit of the whole body was transferred to the villain.

At the same time, Qin Haoxuan slammed into the soil, and in the blink of an eye he fell into the ground for dozens of miles.

All of this is done between the rest!

The sapphire villain is a substitute for Qin Haoxuan's practice of sapphire avatar. This is the first time that Qin Haoxuan used this secret technique of Qingyufang. Qin Haoxuan, who was hiding in the depths of dozens of miles, could not help but pray. The little man could deceive the demon of the demon.

The magical gas chasing Qin Haoxuan’s place, only stayed in the same place for a moment, and flew directly toward the sapphire villain who was full of the same magical spirit.

How can a sapphire avatar resist the poisonous gas that is enough to ruin everything?

Upon entering the sinister poisonous valley, the sapphire avatar was turned into a pile of ash powder under the poisonous corrosion. When it was blown by the wind, it was scattered invisible, and the magical spirit that spread all over the body also dissipated.

After a trace of the will of the demon, he found that he had lost the target, and the extremely dangerous hunch was filled. At this time, the magical temper wanted to withdraw, but it was completely out of reach, and the overwhelming venom quickly came, and in an instant This magical gas dissolves away.

The nine-day upload of the scream of the wrath of the demon, like the gongs that can split the earth, the robbing clouds that shook the head of the early teachings trembled three times, even Qin Haoxuan, who had been attached to the snake and drilled into the venerable poisonous valley. Almost stunned by this roar.


He was surprised to find that the dissipated magic gas has turned into a nutrient for the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the golden scent. After a dark branch, nourished by the melting magic, it gave birth to pale gold, such as the size of a baby's fist.

This magic is really a good nourishment! Qin Haoxuan secretly hid.

In the sinister toxic valley, the formation of each elixir takes more than ten years, even decades, some extra rare and even need hundreds of thousands of years, but now there is nourishment of magic, this piece of elixir It is very likely that it will mature in half a year. For the early education, it is definitely a blessing!

It’s just a magical demon of the demon. You can do this. If there is a little more magical power, there will definitely be a potion in the venomous valley.

Qin Haoxuan looked at these elixir with enthusiasm. Although he knew that the demon couldn’t compete with himself, this time he was lucky enough to escape, but he couldn’t help but imagine it.

From the top of the mountain where the early ten days of teaching.

"The voice that has just come out of the early teachings..." An elder of the Western Puppet has a clear color of surprise, and he wants to stop.

A few of the lower-level repairs were shocked by the screaming, nose and nose, and whispering.

The teachings of the Antarctic are too learned by real people. Looking at the magical power that is rapidly disappearing on the Nine Heavens, slowly said: "The gods who should be rumored to be in the fairy world."

"The devil?"

"How can the devil teach at the beginning?"

"Is there any treasure in the early teachings that provokes the devil?"

"Yes! It must be like this! There must be a baby in the early teachings, and the gods are sighing!"

"God, what kind of treasure can make the devil of the fairy world appear?"

"It must be a very bad baby!"


Devil! That is the rumor that exists like a fairy! Tianmo, Tianxian!

The more excited the several elders are, the more they will be, the more they will be able to rush in and the robbing of the baby.

Taixue real people listened to the arguments of several elders, nodded lightly, and the eyes showed greed, and the face was a killing color.

"Since this treasure is seen by the devil, it will not be broken in the robbery. When we get into the early education, we will grab it!"


In the sinister poisonous valley, Qin Haoxuan carefully looked at a few elixir, and his heart was even more joyful.

With the nourishment of the magical spirit, the medicinal properties of all the elixir have also been greatly improved. Even though these elixir are now just a flower, the faint glimmer of light and the overflowing scent of the medicine show that after maturity, It will shine a lot.

Unfortunately, we can't pick it now, we can only wait for all the elixir to mature and come again. Qin Haoxuan sighed slightly and carefully remembered all the elixir positions that were about to mature. He left here.

In the next six months, the early teaching disciples died 30%, and 10% of the people were healing and unable to fight again.

There are countless graves on the Yingling Mountain that cover the new soil.

The disciples of the early teachings did not even have time to do a funeral for their brothers and sisters. They were always rushed to bury themselves and immediately went to the next battle.

In the eleven months, the green hills are melodious, and the great changes in the early days of the green waters have long ceased to exist. Now, the traces of natural disasters can be seen everywhere.

The collapsed temple floor, the burnt land, the red-stained ground, the delicate mountain road was pulled out one after another, and even a mountain was cut off from the mountain. Every inch of land in the early teachings tells the tragic years of this year.

All the disciples have been baptized by the robbery, experienced the horror that passed by the death god, and experienced the sorrow of the death of their brothers and sisters. Their faces have long been without the original fear. Resolutely dissatisfied.

No one gave up, and no one collapsed under the power of daybreaking.

In the last few months, every day seems to be fighting for death, and closing your eyes and closing is a very extravagant thing.

The catastrophic natural disasters, whether it is the skyfire or the thunder, whether it is hail or hurricane, each is as big as an adult. The early teachings no longer use human to crush the natural disasters, but instead sacrificed a mysterious tortoise method. The array is hard against the sky.

The mysterious tortoise method implies the change of the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth, the shape of the ancient tortoise, the dragon and the tail of the snake, and the mountain. Everyone joins forces to infuse the aura of the big river, and the green light shines out. Like the real turtle of the same head, it has been coming from ancient times for thousands of years. It is calm and steady, and its momentum is compelling. It seems to break the sky.

The exquisite flash of the gossip method, the change of each place is very mysterious, the golden rune of the golden swaying from time to time, pulling the power of the heavens and the earth, the stars above the robbery cloud resonate with it.

After the robbery and the fall of the mysterious tortoise, it still could not be completely eliminated. Some of them were scattered down. At this moment, everyone’s speed was almost the same, and they went all over to eliminate the fallen natural disasters.

In the last few days of the eleventh month, the terrible horror of the day is like to crush the Taichu teachings! Almost every moment there will be a day of robbery, not giving them a chance to breathe.

Qin Haoxuan has never been so tired, and even met with death several times.

Once, a thunder that had hardly been weakened went straight to the natural hall, and he was shocked by his spirit.

In nine days, the power of the Thunder was so terrible that he shattered all his protective spirits and directly hit him. At that moment, Qin Haoxuan only felt that the bones of the whole body were broken under the thunder, and the skin split open. Blood is coming out.

At the moment when the infinite darkness invaded, Qin Haoxuan thought about a turn, used the sapphire for his body, and then watched his fake body become blood.

Xu Yu, who is full of broken face and despair, After seeing Qin Haoxuan, who had thought that he had died, went out of his way, he collapsed instantly and cried into tears.

It’s ruthless, and if you don’t pay attention, you may be buried in it. Everyone is nervous every day and dare not relax.

In a few months, it’s been a long time.

The cultivation of all the disciples of the early teachings has skyrocketed in these months.

After Gu Yunzi entered the roadland, there are already five fruit trees in the fairyland. Every one of them shines brightly and radiantly, flashing the atmosphere of the avenue.

Huanglong’s fairy baby is up to nine feet. After the towering fairy tree, it is a light and shadow of the Taoist palace.

Every time the landing of the robbery, in the early teachings, the immortal trees were filled with clouds, and the clouds rose like a boiling sea.

On the Huangdi Peak.

After a day of looting, Huang Long took a few people to stand on the Huangdi Peak, and was repairing the damaged part of the mysterious tortoise.

Xia Yunzi just came down from the altar. He quickly came to Huangdi Peak and said to Huang Longdao: "Teaching, three times, the elephants will show that the robbery will last for a month."

When Xia Yunzi’s words came out, many people’s faces changed.

Sun Wei protects the law and frowns: "The days of the robbery have become more and more dense, and the mysterious turtles are somewhat unbearable. If it is another month..."

Su Baihua shook his head and said: "In the last month, the robbery will definitely be more rapid, and the power will increase..."

"Oh, the sect of the sect of 5,000 years is so terrible."

Several people's brows were crumpled.

After Huang Long’s restoration, he held his hand and stood on the peak of the robbery cloud, and his look was deep.

"Teaching..." Bizhuzi looked at Huanglong’s two white hairs, but he still bite his teeth. "Teaching, the drugstore’s medicinal herbs are not much, I am afraid... I am afraid I can’t support this last month."

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