Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 1010: 20 million years old, Han Yunjin

Under the seven supreme rules, the Supreme Punishment God brought Han Huang here.

"This is the eternal reward, enjoy the baptism of the supreme rules."

The Supreme Punishment God said with a smile, hearing this, Han Huang showed a look of anticipation.

He has already heard about the supreme rules. In the chaotic event, Huang Zuntian and Dao Supreme's avenues of luck and divine power impressed him deeply.

Especially Huang Zuntian, but for some reason, he suddenly lost his strength and suffered a disastrous defeat.

The Supreme Punishment God Venerable began to mobilize the power of the highest rules, and a rainbow of light descended and landed on Han Huang.

Han Huang was bathed in the supreme rainbow light, feeling his mana begin to boil, very comfortable.

The Supreme Punishment God looked at the Supreme Rule, and one of the Supreme Rule burst out with a beam of light connected to his body.

"Is this the supreme rule?"

The Supreme Punishment God was secretly excited and deeply grateful to Han Jue.

He is very smart, knowing that without Han Jue, how could he be rewarded by the Lord of Chaos.

Now that he has truly become the head of the gods, the Supreme Punishment God is very excited. He feels that he can finally develop his grand plans. He has too many ideas for the construction of chaos. The chaos event is just one of them. In his grand plan It's just the beginning!

In the next thousand years, the top ten masters of chaos and the peak of eternity have spread to all corners of chaos, and even Wanqiang, Qianjun, and Hundred Zun will be a big shock. The complete success of the chaos event has made more and more creatures look forward to the next session.

After prosperity, there is peace, especially in the boundless chaos.

Chaos is ignorant, invisible, invisible, and detached. The great **** was suppressed by the ninth chaos. In one hundred million years, there should be no trouble for Han Jue. Since the Supreme Punishment God and the Holy Mother of Order are there, his children and direct disciples Should be fine.

He can practice with peace of mind.

Time flies by.

In the depths of Han Jue's soul, the end-prime world has been transforming, with more and more end-prime qi, and more and more chaotic demon gods have begun to absorb the end-prime qi to cultivate.

Han Jue is looking forward to what kind of changes these chaotic demon gods will have, will they transform into the ultimate demon gods?

The Final Origin Realm is higher than Hongmeng, and Hongmeng is higher than Chaos. Only when the Final Origin Realm is complete, Han Jue has the most powerful capital.

In a blink of an eye.

Half a million years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and Han Ling, who was beside him, was still cultivating.

He thought about it for a while, and started a simulated trial to challenge the great **** of detachment.

The result was smashed.

What a **** bullshit.

Han Jue didn't feel frustrated either, but looked forward to the creator of Dao even more.

This is the creator of the Dao, the world is separated from one another, the world is different, and it is not something that cultivation, supernatural powers, and all external forces can make up for.

No matter what, only by crossing this border can we wrestle each other!

Afterwards, Han Jue looked at the email, and in 500,000 years, there wasn't much that interest him.

He continued to devote himself to practice.

This time, he intends to retreat for a long time.

More than four million years later.

A line of words appeared in front of Han Jue's eyes:

There is not much choice.

Han Jue directly chose the second option.

Before I knew it, the Chaos Festival had ended for a long time, and Han Jue felt like it was yesterday.

He stood up, walked out of the Taoist temple, and went to visit the three daughters of Xing Hongxuan, Qing Luan'er, and Xuan Qingjun.

After a few chats, and having been together for decades, he came to the second dojo again and saw Wu Dao Jian and Li Yao.

This time, he decided to have children with Li Yao to expand the basic pool for the good fortune.

Twenty years later, Han Jue and Li Yao's son Han Yunjin grew up. When he became an adult, Han Jue sent him to the fairy world and let him wander alone, which was also his desire.

Han Yunjin is naturally optimistic, smart, and curious about everything.

Li Yao is also very reassured about Han Yunjin, thinking that her children should be independent when they grow up, just like her back then.

The news about Han Jue giving birth to the fifth son also spread to the ears of all the direct disciples through the Myriad Realms Projection, and many disciples became curious about Han Yunjin.

And Han Jue himself returned to the third dojo and continued to practice.

Han Ling was pulled into the Myriad Realms Projection long ago and learned about it.

"Father, why didn't you bring the fifth brother back to take a look?" Han Ling asked.

Han Jue said, "He's grown up, and if he wants to go out, I won't bring it back. To avoid trouble, if you want to see him, you can go out if you have a chance."

Han Ling thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, I'll continue to practice. I'm not far from the Great Dao. Hehe, father, let's discuss it later."

Han Jue smiled and didn't say much.

He clicked on the email to check.

After so many years, the circle of friends has naturally accumulated a large amount of information. For him, time has passed quickly, but in the eyes of all beings, it is several times in the past.

Many of Han Jue's direct disciples have taken care of themselves.

After Huang Zuntian became the **** of the Dao, UU read www. ordered the forces to dominate one side and build the world, like the way of heaven.

Han Huang has also joined the divine punishment now, and his status is higher than that of the Great Dao Spirituality.

Han Jue noticed that Li Daokong was very active in these years.



He clicked on Li Daokong's avatar to check, and found that this guy had already achieved the supremacy of the Dao.


Li Daokong has existed for a long time and has already exceeded 100 million years old, so he is not qualified to participate in the Chaos event. His aptitude was considered the top in the previous Heavenly Dao, but in today's Chaos, it is nothing, but in the past ten million years, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

Huang Zuntian was challenged by Li Daokong several times and was seriously injured once.

Han Jue thought for a while, and asked Li Daokong to dream.

Although Li Daokong's affection for him hasn't declined yet, it's not good if he hasn't been in touch for too long.

The dream is Baiyue Xianchuan.

When Han Jue saw Li Daokong, he was dressed in white and black, his hair was black and white, his face was vicissitudes of life, and his eyebrows showed a cold and fierce aura.

Li Daokong opened his eyes, and when he saw Han Jue, he was immediately excited and hurriedly knelt down to salute.

For Han Jue, he has always respected him. In addition to saving his life, he also has the grace of knowing.

In the long years, he roamed the chaos, and because of his identity as the great protector of the hidden door, he received a lot of care. Even if he joined the life force, Han Jue did not declare that the great protector betrayed the sect, nor did he support the new great protector.

Han Jue asked with a smile, "Get up, how have you been all these years?"

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