Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 1011: Transcendental rules, at ease

"Reporting to the sect master, it's not bad..."

Li Daokong began to talk about his experiences over the years, and his face unconsciously showed pride.

After a long time, Han Jue sighed after listening to it, "It's very good, as expected of the person I'm most optimistic about."

Hearing this, Li Daokong flushed with excitement, he knelt down again, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your attention."

Han Jue asked, "Do you want to hear the Dao?"

Li Daokong nodded immediately. If it was other great powers, he would not listen to it, but Han Jue was different. This is the strongest Chaos.

Without knowing the creator of Dao, Li Daokong felt that Han Jue was the pinnacle of cultivation.

Han Jue sat down and meditated, and Li Daokong followed.

This preaching dream lasted for hundreds of years.

When the dream was over, Han Jue opened his eyes and was very emotional.

A new era is really coming.

The generation that was once sheltered by him has now become a powerful person who stirred up the chaos.

very nice.

Han Jue smiled and continued to practice.

The Qi of the Final Yuan in the Final Yuan Realm has already taken up 80 to 90%, and it will not be long before there will be only the Qi of the Final Yuan in the Final Yuan Realm, and there will no longer be the Qi of Hongmeng.

The spirit of those demon gods also gave birth to Chaos demon gods, with a total of 2,947 gods, and the rest are in the second dojo.

Han Jue decided that the period of retreat in the future would be calculated as five million years.

Millions of years later, the Qi of Yuan Yuan will be filled with Qi of Yuan Yuan, and there will be no Qi of Hongmeng anymore.

Every one million years, new creations emerge in the Yuanyuan Realm, making Han Jue's cultivation level continue to improve.

In a blink of an eye.

The five-million-year retreat period has come.

Han Jue opened his eyes, a glint of light flashed in his red pupils.

Although the final realm is still deep in his soul, he feels heavy.

In addition to the three thousand avenues that make up the order, Han Jue found that the final world itself also has its own transcendental rules. This rule is related to the entire final world, and even he is not easy to control it. If he interferes with this rule without authorization, the final world will broken.

This is only for him, the creator, if it is a foreign enemy, he will not be aware of the existence of this transcendental rule.

Inexplicably, Han Jue thought of the transcendental rules of chaos, the rules that limit talent and fortune in the dark, making it impossible for his blood to be 100% inherited.

Both have the same effect.

For the time being, Han Jue couldn't figure out what the detachment rule was.

"Father, you are awake, come and learn from each other? I have already proven that the Dao is supreme, and I am really strong now!"

Han Ling said excitedly, and Han Jue raised his eyebrows.

Previously, when this girl became a sage of the Dao, she understood a million imperial soldiers, but now she is not a million emperors?

Han Jue became interested and said, "Come on, try it out."

Han Ling smiled and said, "You have to be careful. In the mock trial, even the second brother during the chaos event was easily swept away by me."

Han Jue smiled.

The father and daughter entered the mock trial.

Sure enough, Han Ling directly summoned thousands of imperial soldiers, all of them possessing her mana, which is equivalent to the supreme avenue of thousands.

Han Jue directly used the ultimate spirit to suppress Han Ling.

The whole process takes less than a breath of time.

Han Ling opened her eyes and wailed, showing her daughter's attitude.

Han Jue smiled and said, "You still have to practice."

"Hmph, my father is really competitive and never lets me."

"This is the goal of your cultivation. If one day my father can't suppress you, I'm afraid you won't be by my side either."

Han Jue said with a smile, hearing Han Ling pursed his lips and denied it.

Han Jue asked with a smile, "Linger, you have practiced for thousands of years, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Han Ling shook his head and said, "I have been there before, and I knew that I had no relationship with Chaos."

Hearing this, Han Jue didn't force it.

"By the way, your fifth brother has inherited dozens of generations in the Immortal Realm, do you want to go and see?" Han Jue turned to ask.

Han Ling looked at Han Jue and said, "Is father going?"

"I still have to continue to practice, I don't know how many years it will take to get out of the border."

"Then I will accompany father."

"You girl, okay, wait for your father to break through, and then personally take you to travel through the world and meet the descendants of our Han family."

Han Jue laughed and said, very satisfied with Han Ling's attitude.

Among the many sons and daughters, only Han Ling has the same temperament as him, and has always been devoted to penance.

Han Jue got up and went to visit the girls. After all, they were his Taoist companions, so how could he be left out in the cold.

decades later.

Han Jue left the second dojo, and came to Baiyue Xianchuan by ghosts and gods.

He came to Fairy Xixuan's Taoist temple. Under the management of Han Tuotian and Li Xuan'ao, Baiyue Xianchuan had changed batches of disciples, and Fairy Xixuan and Chang Yue'er had become the most powerful men here.

On weekdays, no disciples came to disturb them, because Li Xuanao and Han Tuotian felt that they had a close relationship with Han Jue, and they strictly ordered their disciples not to be rude.

"Fellow Daoist, I can come in and talk."

Inside the Taoist temple, Fairy Xixuan, who was meditating on the futon, heard this. At first, she didn't care, thinking it was a hallucination. After Han Jue repeated it, she suddenly opened her beautiful eyes and hurriedly said, "Come in."

The door opened, Han Jue stepped in, and the door closed.

Looking at Han Jue, who was as handsome as a fairy, Fairy Xixuan's eyes were a little dazed.

When Han Jue saw her, he was also very emotional.

Once she was the teacher and he was the apprentice, that period of youth has become extremely distant.

Fairy Xixuan regained her composure, as cold as when Han Jue first saw her, like a holy and perfect lotus, which cannot be desecrated.

"Please take a seat."

Fairy Xixuan waved, and a futon appeared in front of her.

Han Jue sat down and asked with a smile, "I haven't seen you for thousands of years, how are you doing recently?"

Fairy Xixuan replied, "In the dojo, it's naturally good. UU reading doesn't have any worries now, but feels that longevity is a bit boring."

"Why, fellow Daoist Xixuan wants to go down to earth to experience the sufferings of this world?"

"You're joking."

Fairy Xixuan shook her head and laughed.

She stared at Han Jue and asked, "Why haven't you come back for thousands of years, I thought you had forgotten Baiyue Xianchuan."

Han Jue said, "For you guys, 10,000 years is a long time, but I only retreated twice, like having two dreams."

When Fairy Xixuan heard this, she felt emotional.

What she sighed was not Han Jue's view of time, but Han Jue's cultivation attitude, which was the same as when the two first met and had not changed.

The two continued to chat, plain as water, but not embarrassed. Anyway, Han Jue felt very comfortable.

Fairy Xixuan, like an old friend of his, did not change her attitude because of Han Jue's cultivation.

Looking at Han Jue's side, Fairy Xixuan was just like that. She seemed to be like this forever, with no desires or desires.

After chatting for a few hours, Han Jue was about to leave. Looking at Fairy Xixuan's pretty face, his heart moved inexplicably and said with a smile: "Do you have any wishes or needs, I will satisfy you, what do you want from me now? I can help you get it, this is a goodbye, I will continue to retreat, and the next time I come again, it may be another ten million years."

When Fairy Xixuan heard this, she was stunned.

Han Jue was not in a hurry, waiting for her request.

He noticed that Chang Yue'er in the Taoist temple next door was not there. Judging from the remaining breath, he had been away for tens of thousands of years.

He secretly figured out that Chang Yue'er had already become Han Yunjin's master, and he was still guarding the Han family.

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