The latest website: "Then you can preach for me. In the past million years, my cultivation has made no progress."

Fairy Xixuan pondered, hearing this, Han Jue nodded, feeling a little lost for some reason.

Han Jue began to preach, and Fairy Xixuan listened carefully.

This sermon lasted for thousands of years. After Fairy Xixuan broke through a small realm, Han Jue quietly left.

Back in the third dojo, Han Jue threw himself into the practice.

He has a feeling that he is close to the creator of Tao.

He yearns for this real immortality and immortality, and the creator of Tao is not the ultimate goal he pursues.

Ten thousand years after ten thousand years in the past, the star universe where the third place is located has become full of life, and the wind of cultivation has also flourished.

Just like the original fairyland, all races rose together.

In a blink of an eye.

Another five million years have passed.

It's almost the same as when I was 20 million years old, except that the second option has one more treasure.

Han Jue silently chose the second option.

The ultimate Daobao, not bad!

To be able to shatter the Great Dao world is very fierce!

It's just the last comment that makes him dissatisfied, this uniqueness doesn't suit him.

Keep it for now, it doesn't matter if you use it or not. With his strength, as long as there is no obstruction from the creator of the Dao, it is not difficult to destroy the Dao world.

Han Jue did not take out the magic weapon, but continued to practice.

The creator of Tao is right in front of you!

At this moment, the entire Qi of Ultimate Primordial is red, and countless galaxies are dotted in this vast ocean of Qi of Ultimate Primordial, which is extremely stable.

The End Yuan Realm began to breed life autonomously, which surprised those Chaos Demon Gods who tried to create life but failed.

Han Jue had a hunch that he would make a breakthrough, and said, "Linger, go out and stay for a while."

Han Ling was stunned for a while. After so many years, it was the first time that her father asked her to go out.

She didn't ask much, and immediately got up and left.

There was only Han Jue left in the Taoist temple. A red line appeared between his eyebrows, as if his flesh was torn apart, and a black-red light ball flew out.

Final Origin Realm!

The black-red light ball began to solidify and became a real existence.

Han Jue held it in his palm and continued to comprehend.

The Dao world will be completed, and the creator of Dao is in front of you!

These years of comprehension, let him know what the transcendental rule is.

Every Dao world has transcendental rules. This rule contains three thousand Dao principles and the mystery of self-governing Dao world. It can allow any existence to be born, and it can also eliminate the unstable factors in the Dao world. It is almost omnipotent.

This is the rule of creation!

When the gods of creation of the final world are completely condensed, control the final world, and then merge with Han Jue, he will be able to enter the long-awaited realm of Taoist creators!

It seems to be very close, but it will take some time.

After nearly 100,000 years, the creation of the divine rule was successfully condensed!

One million years later, the gods of creation will control the final realm and connect the three thousand avenues!

After 500,000 years, Han Jue merged to create a divine rule!

Start breaking through!

After 100,000 years, Han Jue's breakthrough was successful, and his mana began to change qualitatively, both in his body and in his soul.

This transformation process also took 100,000 years.

Han Jue was in a state of extreme sublimation, and his consciousness covered the entire final world.

Although the final world is not as big as Chaos, it is already very vast, and everything in every corner is reflected in his field of vision. In an instant, he can pay attention to countless corners, or pay attention to it at the same time. This kind of vision is extremely magical, not a dual purpose. , but billions of dollars.

With the help of the creation of the gods, Han Jueju's control of the final world is far more than before. The final world seems to have become a part of his mana, and he can change everything in the final world with a single thought.

No wonder the Ninth Chaos can easily revive all beings in Chaos!

I don't know how long ago.

Han Jue opened his eyes, his body had turned into the form of ultimate energy, like a red and black shadow.

That's it?

Han Jue was very disappointed, but the first option was too dangerous, and if he took it out, he would likely be suppressed by the Ninth Chaos.

Maybe he has been able to fight against the ninth chaos, but in that case the trouble will continue, UU reading www.uukanshu. How can com cultivate? As for the selection of good fortune, he can rely on time to accumulate.

Han Jue silently chose the second option.


The ultimate treasure!

Han Jue's heart beat faster, this wave of blood earned!

The strongest defensive power is just as impressive!

Han Jue didn't take out this treasure, but started to consolidate his cultivation base and check the attribute panel at the same time.

The lifespan is so long, so cool!

Han Jue was too lazy to calculate how many, he only knew that he could live a long time.

This is the original lifespan. When only one year old is left, Han Jue can use the rules of time to extend this age indefinitely, which is like immortality.

The meaning of the original lifespan lies in cause and effect, and there are many ways to damage the original lifespan.

It took fifty thousand years for Han Jue's cultivation to stabilize.

After consolidating his cultivation, the first thing Han Jue did was to challenge the great **** of Wuxiang and Wuxiang.

As for those kendo supernatural powers, he is too lazy to improve, relying on Shenwei Datian Palm, Zhongyuan Tianxi, and Zhongyuan Shenyan, it is enough!

as expected!

Instant kill!

There is no suspense!

In the same realm, Han Jue has no reason to lose to the great **** of Wuxiang and Wuxiang!

But this is just a simulated trial, it can only be judged his victory. In reality, the creator of Tao is immortal.

The gods of creation are immortal, and the creators of Tao exist forever.

Only the master of the Great Dao Realm can perceive its existence, and it can be separated and separated from the Dao Realm, so it is impossible to target it.

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