Conquer the stars!

It looks so good too!

Han Jue discovered that the three fortune-telling selections all end with stars. Could it be related to his star Hongmeng body. These fortunes were all systematically evolved from the stars of the final world?

Han Jue began to calculate Han Yao.

Han Yao came from the descendant of Li Yao's son Han Yunjin, and was born in the direct line of the Han family in the immortal world. This kind of starting point is much higher than that of Han Ye.

Treating Han Yao is not the same as treating Han Ye. Han Ye starts at the very end and needs someone to lead him to practice, but Han Yao is different. He was born rich, and it is not difficult to embark on the path of cultivation. Han Jue only needs to be recruited when he grows up. Cultivation, upright cultivation.

Han Ye, Han Yao…

Han Jue couldn't help but smile when he thought of the good point.

Han Ling asked, "Father, what are you thinking about?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "The Han family has another good seedling."

When Han Ling heard this, her pretty face suddenly sank.

Seeing this, Han Jue laughed and continued to travel around the world with Han Ling.

Immortal world, Buzhou Mountain.

All forces gather here, and the mountains and plains are filled with practitioners of various races, countless.

On the top of the mountain, two figures face each other, one is the leader of the Feitian Sect, and the other is the head of the Han family. In the distance, Han Yu meditated under an old tree and watched quietly.

The disciples of the Han family and the disciples of the Feitian Sect were watching from the sky outside the top of the mountain.

The leader of the Feitian Sect took the lead and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, the beginning of this cause and effect lies with your Han disciple. Do you want the disciples of the Feitian Sect to swallow their anger?"

The head of the Han family hummed: "It really depends on my disciples of the Han family, but your disciples can teach you a lesson. Why do you want to kill them all?"

The leader of the Feitian Sect said: "How to teach a lesson and ruin my disciple's chances, such a situation has to be endless in all cultivation circles. Why is your Han family so powerful?"

"Then in the world of practice, you still pay attention to retribution of grievances and grievances. If you beat the young, the old will take action. Why do you want to ask the sage to relax? Besides, the opportunity did not belong to your disciple. No one knew the specific situation at that time. A group of juniors Competing for the chance, your disciple has no chance, and you blame my Han family disciple?"

The head of the Han family sneered, making the atmosphere instantly stalemate.

The face of the leader of the Feitian Sect was instantly cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The head of the Han family is even more fearless, and the disdain on his face is even worse.

Han Yu had no choice but to say, "The two of you, this time is to solve the problem, let's talk about what conditions each needs to give up."

Hearing this, the head of the Han family had to restrain his expression and give face to the saints of the same generation.

The two Immortal World powers began to bargain.

at the same time.

Halfway up the mountainside of Buzhou Mountain, Han Jue and Han Ling were also watching.

Han Ling said: "Our Han family is really domineering."

Han Jue smiled and said, "The theory of cause and effect is difficult to determine."

For this matter, he did not intend to intervene, the Han family was already strong enough, not to mention Han Yu, Han Tuo, Han Huang, Han Qinger and others could also be their backers.

While watching the excitement, Han Jue asked in his heart:

"I can now know the origin of the system!"

As long as he becomes the creator of Dao, he can understand the origin of the system. Han Jue has already guessed before, so he is not anxious about this answer.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. At his level, he still can't feel the existence of the system, which can only explain one point, the system has nothing to do with the nine great chaos, only the Hongmeng Demon God who once opened up Hongmeng.

That Hongmeng Demon God is the oldest known existence.

[Whether to trace the system's contacts, please choose carefully]

so scary?

Choose carefully?

"Will it die?"

【Will not】

"Will it cause real harm to me?"

【Will not】

Han Jue was speechless.

He silently chose to continue.


Han Jue's thoughts entered the illusion of evolution.

A purple glow dispelled the darkness, forcing Han Jue to open his eyes.

He found himself in a void filled with countless purple qi, and there was an incomparably huge sun in the distance, illuminating this void, and he could even feel the heat.

Han Jue squinted to see a figure hidden in the huge sun in the distance.

This is Hongmeng, and there can only be Hongmeng Demon God in the sun.

"You finally came."

A voice floated, and the tone was indifferent.

Han Jue asked, "Hongmeng Demon God?"

The indifferent voice replied: "No, the Demon God of Hongmeng is just like you, and he is only the heir, but he is on the road of inheritance."

Han Jue was moved, isn't he the Demon God of Hongmeng?

What is that?

"Then who are you?" Han Jue asked in a deep voice.

He was inexplicably uneasy.

This is an instinctive feeling in the face of the unknown.

"My existence has no name. If you insist on giving me a name based on your perception, then I am the will to create everything."

Create will?

This time * Zhang Si. The indifferent voice sounded again: "Before everything was born, there was nothing, even imagination could not imagine, until creation appeared, how it appeared, I don't know, it created a world, and with the formation of the world, I was also born. But this world is too small, I want to help it grow, but I can't intervene in the creation of the world, I can only turn my will into a big opportunity and throw myself into the world. Before the birth of the Hongmeng Demon God, dozens of existences got I, unfortunately failed. UU reading"

"Hongmeng Demon God is the first semi-successful person. With the help of me, he opened up Hongmeng, but he can't improve any more, but before he fell, he created Hongmeng beings, and there was existence in Hongmeng beings who created chaos."

"After Hongmeng Demon God, in the endless years, I have assisted countless beings, the number of which is far beyond your imagination. There are also my inheritors in the nine great chaos. Because of arrogance, he fell into a place of eternal doom."

"Until I met you, I existed in the way you liked to help you become stronger. You are different from other creatures. Even though I helped you to be invincible, you have always been cautious. If you can't provoke cause and effect, you will never provoke it. Cut the grass and remove the roots, so you become the creator of Tao."

Han Jue frowned and asked, "Since you create the will, then your goal is to let me help all this develop better?"

Is this my destiny?

Han Jue was thinking about it, and suddenly countless pictures appeared in front of him, which quickly circulated.

Some inheritors were born rich, proud and arrogant, and died under the siege of powerful enemies.

Some inheritors were born alone, and they were fond of killing, which caused the backlash of the rules.

Make a big tyrant. Some inheritors were born in poverty and practiced cautiously. After proving the Dao, they felt invincible, acted indulgently, and were brutally suppressed by the great power.

There are inheritors who rely on great opportunities to make friends with great luck, and have enormous power, but because their disciples turned against them, they got into endless trouble, and they were finally killed by their disciples.

There are inheritors who act cautiously like Han Jue. When they ask about the chance and risks in advance, as his cultivation reaches the supreme Dao, he feels that chaos is invincible, so he acts arrogantly. Over time, he forgets to ask about the risks. , realized that he was dangerous, and executed him.

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