Countless system inheritors were destined to fall into Han Jue's eyes, and he saw waves in his heart.

Han Jue was terrified.

He has also faced the problems these inheritors have faced, but fortunately he has kept the bottom line.

But then again, those inheritors are only facing external bewitching, he is different, the system will bewitch him every time he chooses.

Just abominable!

The will to create replied: "No, you represent the unknown, and the unknown represents hope. In the process of waiting for the successful person to appear, I encountered all the backlash from existence, which has long since disappeared. What you are facing is what I have left in the system. Cannian, I will not constrain you, and I will not interfere in how you act in the future, I am looking forward to what kind of existence you will become."

Han Jue did not fully believe these words.

He asked, "Why did you choose me?"

"That's your luck. Every chosen inheritor has had such doubts. I can't answer it. It can only be your own luck."

The answer to the will to create makes Han by no means too satisfied.

He asked: "My dojo can be stronger than my cultivation, why is this? Why didn't the previous inheritors?"

"In the process of constantly changing inheritors, the system has been getting stronger. When you fall, this opportunity will find the next inheritor, and he will receive more help than you."

The will to create paused and continued: "The reason why I test you when you choose is also because you waste nearly 20% of a mortal's life for good luck. Such a situation is unprecedented." This time linGSHufanG Zhang Si

Han Jue said, "Thank you for your compliment."

"Not a compliment."

Han Jue was stunned, not understanding what the will to create meant.

He instead asked, "Can you manipulate the system?"

"No, I'm just a residual will, I can't have a substantial impact on any existence."

"Then do you have anything else to say to me?"

After Han Jue learned about the past of the system, the Tao's heart did not change. Anyway, it was right to maintain the previous attitude.

The creation of the will was silent, and the edge of the huge sun hanging in the distance of Hongmeng began to fluctuate, as if the high temperature scorched the sky.

a long time.

The voice that created the will floated slowly: "Like the way of heaven, although the way of heaven gives birth to the will, the way of heaven itself also exists. There is always a force that restricts the development of all this. What is it, I don't know. , even I can't imagine what is beyond all this, and what is the meaning of my birth."

"Maybe when you reach the mastery of creation, you can see the meaning of existence."

The voice fell, and the evolutionary illusion shattered.

"Remember, the strongest is not eternal. Even if you reach the strongest, if you stop practicing, you will be surpassed sooner or later. Among the previous inheritors, there is no lack of the strongest of all eras.

"Always remember how you got this far."

The voice of the will to create became more and more erratic.

Han Jue's consciousness returned to reality, there was still a lot of noise on Buzhou Mountain, and the Feitian Sect and the Han family had not yet reached a conclusion.

Han Jue felt boring.

It turned out that he was not the reincarnation of the Hongmeng Demon God, he was just one of the countless chosen inheritances.

Too bad he thinks too much.

Before that, he was still thinking that he was the reincarnation of the Demon God of Hongmeng, who made a golden finger for himself before he died, or that the system came from him in the future.

When he was on Earth before, he saw an online novel, and it was set like this.

The so-called will to create still has to be guarded against.

Regarding this fellow's self-introduction, Han Jue always felt a little dangerous.

Han Jue didn't ask the system, he couldn't tell whether the creative will can manipulate the system.

No matter what, he is doing his best to become stronger.

Creating masters is not enough!

In order to be stable, at least beyond the master of creation, in order to challenge the goal stated by the will of creation.

Han must not act according to other people's ideas, he must always be ahead of others and higher than others.

Han Ling couldn't help laughing and said: "Father, the so-called great powers in the immortal world are just as boring as the mortals in the downtown of the mortal world."

The patriarch of the Han family and the leader of the Feitian sect each bleed, and produced treasures to appease each other's disciples who were involved in this cause and effect.

The matter seemed to be over, but the calamity was buried.

Han Jue calculates that the cause and effect between the two is deep, and there must be a shocking battle between the two forces, which also involves Han Ye and Han Yao.

Especially for Han Ye, Feitian Sect will be a stepping stone for Han Ye to soar to the sky.

Han Jue began to look forward to that day, but when he next exits the customs, the cause and effect will be over.

The father and daughter got up and left, and went to Chaos to travel.

After decades, they returned to the third dojo.

Han Jue directly moved Han Yao into the third dojo, and created a clone to teach Han Yao, and the deity began to retreat.

Han Yao is handsome and handsome, and looks quite like Han Jue, which attracted Xing Hongxuan and several girls to come to watch.

At first, Han Yao was very panicked. After Han Jue's explanation, it turned into a surprise. He bowed to his ancestors and started the first chance practice in his life.

Han Ling was very interested in Han Yao, but he wanted to see how powerful his father's children and grandchildren were, but at first glance, it was not outstanding.

Conquering Tianxing requires fighting, and aptitude and strength can transform. At present, Han Yao and Han Ye have not shown their aptitude.

After losing interest, Han Ling stopped paying attention to Han Yao.

Han Yao usually meditates and cultivates, and whenever he makes a breakthrough, Han Jue's clone will pass on his magical powers and preach guidance.

Even Xing Hongxuan could see that Han Juehui and Han Yao were very important, and no one had this kind of treatment except for parents and children.

No, even parents and children can't compare, Han Jue treats Han Huang and other children, but he doesn't specially create avatars to treat them.

Ten thousand years later, Han Yao was sent back to the fairyland by Han Jue's clone.

This time, the peerless arrogance came into the world.

Thirty thousand years later.

Han Jue was still practicing in seclusion, and a prompt appeared in front of him:

[Evil Heaven Emperor asks you for a dream, do you accept it] Qiang Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

After realizing the creator of the Tao, it is difficult for all living beings to entrust him with dreams, but he specially grants privileges to those he cares about in case they are in danger.

Facing the Evil Heaven Emperor, Han Jue hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

The dream is a small forest outside the Yuqing Shengzong. When Emperor Xie Tian saw Han Jue, he immediately said: "I have something to ask you..."

Han Jue lost all his divine light and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

He can count, but he is too lazy to count. He has not seen it for more than 20 million years, and he really misses the Evil Heaven Emperor.

Xie Tiandi smiled and said: "I will not be polite to you. I want Han Yao and Han Ye. I really didn't expect that in addition to your own children, the descendants of your Han family have amazing people."

"Han Yao has been selected by Tiandao as the first arrogant of the contemporary era, and Han Ye is even more remarkable. He killed from the mortal world to the fairy world, and then to the chaos. It's the right way."

"You're busy cultivating, so you shouldn't have time to take care of them, right?"

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