69 net 69, the fastest update of top-level luck, quietly practice for thousands of years! It was the first time for Han Jue to see clearly what his son would look like when he grew up. He did look like him, he was more handsome than Han Tuo, but he also had a bit more evil spirit.

This kid is very murderous!

Han Jue turned his head to look, behind him, a burly figure came with a strong light on his back.

He looked carefully, and his expression became strange.

The visitor is the Supreme Punishment God Venerable.

There are figures behind the Supreme Punishment God, and there are five major punishments, and there are dozens of Dao spirits.

They walked in front of Han Jue, all staring at the Qianzhang figure in front of them.

Han Jue noticed that the spirits of the Great Dao were very nervous, and their bodies were shaking uncontrollably. Han Tuo clenched his fists, his face was pale, and he seemed to be suffering.

"Hongmeng Demon God, you died here today. Before you die, do you have something to say?"

The Supreme Punishment God asked with a blank face, the sky above the entire palace was covered with dark clouds, and thunder shook. .

The thousand-foot-long figure glared at the Dao deities in front of him, and smiled contemptuously: "My good brother, do you want to kill me too?"

Hearing this, Han Tuo's face became even more ugly.

Yi Tian scolded: "You stinky brat has done a lot of evil. Your brother can't help you because he can distinguish right from wrong. Instead of complaining about him, you might as well complain about your own monstrous evil deeds!"

"Ha ha ha ha-"

The thousand-zhang figure laughed loudly, with a grim face.

"Who ordered the monstrous deeds? Wait?"

"I slaughtered a chaotic domain, but that domain is only a gathering place for practitioners. Those practitioners all have karma. Besides, did you kill a living being by mistake? Did you kill less?"

Facing his question, the avenue gods were silent.

The Supreme Punishment God Venerable said indifferently: "Once the rules are set, the past will not be blamed for the past, and we all have to abide by the rules, now and then, understand? Besides, you are just as simple as slaughtering the Chaos Realm? You trample the supreme rules and attract The number of lives is in chaos, you have stepped on the long river of chaotic destiny, cut off the past of countless practitioners, and made their Taoism disorder, you still have more crimes, need me to clarify them one by one?"

"Today, you must die."

The figure of a thousand feet stood up and said disdainfully: "Want to kill me? You take yourself too seriously, to punish God Venerable, do you really think that you are already the strongest in Chaos?"

The Supreme Punishment God is moved.

The figure of Qianzhang laughed and said: "There is still a realm at the top of the road. That is the realm that you, Lao Tzu, can't step into. The creator of the Tao, my father has already stepped into the creator of the Tao, and I am the same!"

"Today, you will see the power of the creator of the Tao!"


A terrifying aura erupted, and the entire palace instantly turned into flying ash, and the God of Punishment lifted it up to resist, but the Dao gods behind him were annihilated one after another, leaving only Han Tuo, but Han Tuo forcibly resisted, and the flesh could not bear it. Like a bloodbath.

The figure of a thousand feet rose up, shining with strong light all over his body. He looked down at the Supreme Punishment God, raised his right hand, and faced the Supreme Punishment God with his palm.

The face of the Supreme Punishment God changed drastically, and he found that he could not move.

"The Supreme Punishment of God, I respect you for your meritorious deeds to Chaos, so that you will not be destroyed. How can you dare to use the gods to commit crimes, you are really courting death!"

The Qianzhang figure said indifferently, and his tone was full of killing intent.

Han Jue was secretly startled.

Son, is this the creator of Tao?

The momentum is indeed terrifying!


A cold snort suddenly sounded, the momentum of the Qianzhang figure went out immediately, everything around him stopped, and even the space no longer twisted violently.

The face of Qianzhang's figure changed greatly, and he exclaimed: "Who?"

"Hongmeng Demon God, if you want to overthrow the chaos, your sins will be irreversible, your body and spirit will be destroyed, and your body will be completely destroyed!"

An indifferent voice sounded, the voice fell, and everything in front of Han Jue's eyes was broken like a mirror. He saw the thousand-foot figure shattered into countless small pieces, and then turned into flying ashes.

The evolutionary illusion shattered.

Han Jue opened his eyes and frowned.

The last one should be one of Chaos Ignorance, Formless and Intangible Transcendence, and the Ninth Chaos.

No matter who it is, it is undoubtedly the creator of Taoism.

Han Jue carefully recalled that the younger son was not completely degenerate. At least in the end, he was reluctant to kill his brother, but Han Tuo followed the Supreme Punishment God to kill his younger brother.

Of course, it is estimated that there are other things, and Han must not be blind.

One thing is for sure.

The youngest son is still wandering.

The creator of the Dao in half a step dares to run wild.

In addition, from the words of the younger son, we can know that Han Jue was also a Taoist creator at that time. Why did he not show up when the younger son died, was it because he was stopped by other Taoist creators?

Han Jue directly skipped the possibility of father and son's opposite goals. He chose to believe in the most dangerous possibility, that is, he was defeated and suppressed by other Taoist creators.

He felt a sense of danger in his heart.

Still have to practice hard.

Han Jue took a deep breath.

In addition, when the younger son is born, he must be well educated and not mess around.

Han Jue will not deny his son because of the future, because it is just a destiny of the moment, it has never happened, and he can change it.

Afterwards, he continued to practice.

Time passed quickly.

Forty thousand years later.

[Successful enslavement of turbid yin to eradicate world insects]

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

[The turbid yin extermination of the world bug has a favorable impression on you, and the current favorable impression has reached full stars]

Han Jue opened his eyes and teleported to the main dojo.

He moved the stone tablet in, and soon, he saw the female worm emerge from the stone tablet, twisting the body of the worm towards him to show intimacy.

This female worm is estimated to be the main body of the will of the turbid yin to destroy the world worm.

Han Jue used his holy thoughts to soothe it for a while and let it return to the stone tablet.

Later, Han Jue began to refine the innate prohibition contained in the stone tablet, and spent a hundred years refining it into his own magic weapon.

He threw the entire stone stele into the Hongmeng world, and introduced the qi of Hongmeng into the stone stele, nourishing the turbid yin and destroying the world's insects.

He then teleported to the first dojo and continued to practice.

Han Jue is still looking forward to the turbid Yin extermination of the world's insects.

The terrifying Zerg that devours the law and devours the mind is definitely a nightmare for practitioners, even more terrifying than the ominous evil.

In the pure white space, except for white, there is no other color. At a glance, there is no end to all directions. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In one part of this space, there is a huge head floating quietly, and around it, there are many rigid corpses, which are as small as gravel in front of this head.

The huge head is covered with long hair like withered grass, his face is red, and he has nine eyes.

He suddenly opened his nine eyes, his eyes were incomparably indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations, the breath of the vicissitudes of the years was revealed, heavy and lonely.

"Who is spying and making my fate?"

The huge head murmured to himself: "You can't count chaos, could it be that Pangu cut off the supreme cause and effect, not just to resist the divine general?"

"Interesting, chaos can still change, I want to see who can rise."

"Since it is going to change, then I will make this chaos even more."

The voice fell, and the eye between his eyebrows suddenly burst out and quickly disappeared into the distance.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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