69 net 69, the fastest update of top-level luck, quietly practice for thousands of years! In the depths of the chaos, on a broken continent, two groups of cultivators are facing each other.

One side is Patriarch Xitian, Li Daokong, Shi Dudao and others, and the other side is Huang Zuntian and others.

Huang Zuntian has more, and the number is more than four times that of the ancestor of Xitian.

Huang Zuntian stared at the ancestor of Xitian, and said: "Ancestor, remember that we have the friendship of heaven, and you should join the fate, I am the orthodox life master, and the millions of people under his command will doom, you bring these down, Lonely trees are hard to support."

Shi Dudao and Li Daokong frowned.

Naturally, they had also heard of Huang Zuntian's prestige. From an unknown person to a life master, Duan was naturally powerful, at least they couldn't beat him.

Ancestor Xitian said with a smile: "Huang Zuntian, I didn't expect that there are people like you in the Tao of Heaven. Your talent is not in cultivation, but your potential is as immeasurable as that of the divine power."

Huang Zuntian smiled and said: "Thank you for your praise, I just want to integrate those who will determine the fate and look forward to the future together. Although the chaos is peaceful, our fate cannot be escaped. If we can't unite, we will be defeated one by one sooner or later. When we become the determinants of fate, in fact, we are no longer chaotic creatures, and if we want to survive in chaos, we must restrain ourselves and unite.”

Ancestor Xitian nodded, as if agreeing with Huang Zuntian's opinion, but he did not agree to the merger.

For a time, the atmosphere became grim and silent.

Shi Dudao thought to himself: "What is this situation, why hasn't the Dark Lord appeared? What are you doing?"

Suddenly he couldn't see through.

He thought that the Dark Lord and Shenwei Tiansheng were all one person. The Dark Lord first supported the forces of fate and helped the Shenwei Tiansheng to gain prestige. Now that the Shenwei Tiansheng has become famous and chaotic, the next step is to clean up the mess and unite the forces of fate. , developed into a potential force lurking in the dark.

"Old Ancestor, have you figured it out?" Huang Zuntian asked with narrowed eyes, and he was quietly playing with the right behind his waist.

It's ready to fight.

Ancestor Xi Tian stepped forward and said with a smile: "We can surrender, but as the life master, should you prove your strength? The upper ranks can't be convincing. If you want to lead the life force to prosperity, you still have to rely on it. Supernatural."

Huang Zuntian smiled and said, "Then ask the ancestors to teach me."

His eyes gleamed coldly.

Ancestor Xi Tian suddenly sensed a dangerous aura.

For some reason, he inexplicably thought of Han Jue's sword finger.

This kid is not easy!

No wonder he can be the master!

Years passed by.

One hundred thousand years have passed.

Under the old tree, Han Qinger is still meditating and practicing. Now her cultivation base has reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After hundreds of thousands of years of proof, this breakthrough speed is already exaggerated.

Qing Luan'er just finished her practice, she couldn't help stretching, she glanced at her daughter next to her, and couldn't help asking: "Qing'er, are you not tired?"

Anyway, Qing Luan'er couldn't keep cultivating all the time. Every once in a while, she would stop and rest.

Han Qing'er didn't open her eyes and said, "Why do you get tired of getting stronger? Maybe you just can't feel the speed of cultivation."

Qing Luan'er blinked, only to understand for a while.

This is mocking her spiritual talent.

Qingluaner patted Han Qinger on the back, but she didn't exert any force, for fear of affecting her cultivation.

Looking at Han Qing'er's profile, she was filled with emotion.

Both sons and daughters are eager to practice.

She didn't understand before, but now she understands, because it's all passed down from their father.

Han Jue's practice is even more exaggerated. Millions of years have passed in seclusion. Every time she thinks about it, her scalp tingles.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came.

I saw Han Jue come.

Seeing Han Jue, Qing Luan'er stood up in surprise.

"Husband, why are you here?"

Hearing this sentence, Han Qing'er also opened her eyes, she stood up abruptly, moved to Han Jue, and said, "Father, I want to fight with you and learn from each other!"

The creatures not far away also opened their eyes. After so many years, they only seemed to have grown by a few years.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Come out and see you guys."

He glanced at Han Qinger and said, "If you want to learn from me, you are not qualified."

Hearing this, Han Qinger was immediately dissatisfied.

"Impossible! I'm strong now, those disciples are not my disciples!"

"None of them have entered the Dao, just simple practice, how can they compare to you?"

"So, it's up to you to fight me."

"Well, I'll let Jiang Peishi fight you."


Han Qinger categorically refused.

She is not stupid, Jiang Peishi is a free saint, and the horror that brought her back to now is still vivid in her mind.

Moreover, Jiang Jueshi was only a disciple, neither serious nor serious, and her father could not possibly hurt her.

Han Jue smiled, then cast Dark Nightmare to pull Han Qinger into a dream.

Dreams are chaotic voids.

Han Qing'er looked around with a look of surprise. She thought she was brought to the void by her father, unaware that it was just a dream.

Han Jue said, "Since you want to fight, then come."

On the top of his head condensed a statue of the gods and gods. Each statue was raised to a million feet, and there were a hundred statues of the gods. All of them leaned forward and looked down at Han Qinger.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^.

Han Qinger was dumbfounded, she had never seen such a scene before, she looked up and was surrounded.

She was trembling with fear.


She suddenly thought of the word.

When she traveled in the fairyland, she saw that many children like to squat and play with the ants on the ground, surrounded by ants, it is exactly the same.

Han Jue said with an expressionless face, "Since you have to fight me, then let you see the power of being a father, how can a father be able to shock Chaos, take a look!"

The Tiangang Demon God roared, making Han Qinger tremble with fright. She subconsciously wanted to escape, but was imprisoned by a terrifying force, unable to move, even her soul could not jump out of her body.

how is this possible!

Han Qing'er's pretty face turned pale, and she could only watch the Tiangang Demon God punching.

That murderous aura is real!

Father didn't joke with her!


With one punch from the Heavenly Gang Demon God, Han Qing'er was destroyed both physically and mentally.

The dream is over.

Han Qing'er opened her eyes, gasped for breath, her face was full of cold sweat, and her face was terrified.

Qing Luan'er asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

The dream was too fast, Han Jue was fighting and chatting with her just now, so she didn't realize that Han Qinger was pulled into the dream by her father.

Han Jue asked with a smile but not a smile, "Are you still fighting?"

Han Qinger shook her head frantically, like a rattle.

Qing Luan'er saw her frightened like this, her face sank, and she looked at Han Jue.

Han Jue coughed and said, "It's nothing, I just had a fight with her in my dream, I didn't hurt her, I was just scared, sigh, you dare to challenge me with this mental quality, and you still want to surpass her big brother? "

Han Qing'er blushed, but when she thought of the scene just now, she couldn't help shuddering.

too frightening!

It turned out that my father was so terrifying when he was serious!

No wonder those saints in the Qiankun Temple respected their father, wouldn't they have been beaten like this before?

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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