69 net 69, the fastest update of top-level luck, quietly practice for thousands of years! Zi Guangzhi, Han Jue slowly raised his head, he could feel his own transformation.

The flesh is sublimating, an unprecedented powerful force is tempering the bones, and the Hongmeng Realm deep in the soul is expanding wildly and unstoppable.

Gradually, Han Jue's skin turned into purple light, and the black hairs faded to black, leaving only the slightest white light swaying. His eyes became extremely strange, like two universes, dotted with stars.

Han Jue felt the change in himself, and was extremely happy, without the slightest pain.

It's the ultimate experience, never before seen, above all pleasure.

His will jumped above Chaos, standing higher than before, looking down on the entire Chaos.

Chaos has become extremely small. At first glance, Chaos is surrounded by endless blanks. It is like ink dots on a piece of white paper, and this piece of white paper is so vast that there is no end in sight.

At this moment, the ink dot of Chaos began to change, rapidly becoming larger, as if time had accelerated. .

When the chaos reaches a certain size, the chaos suddenly shatters, turning into countless purple fragments and distributing in the blank area.

Could this be Hongmeng?

Everything just now is the manifestation of time and space?

After the purple mist filled the blank realm, the entire Hongmeng began to shrink, and even the blank realm no longer existed. Soon, Hongmeng shrank to the size before chaos, like a drop of purple ink, and the surrounding was absolute darkness.


How was Hongmeng born?

Han Jue had this idea in his mind, and his heart began to look forward to the next changes.

Hongmeng was still shrinking. After a long time, it finally stopped shrinking, but Han Jue was shocked.

Hongmeng turned out to be a human head!

A hairless purple head with nine eyes on it, empty eyes and no nose and mouth.

what is that?

Han Jue was curious, and everything in front of him shattered.

His consciousness returned to reality.

His physical transformation ended.

[Your star Hongmeng body is upgraded to the ultimate ultimate body]

Ultimate body?

Han Jue called up his attribute list to check, and found that the four characters of Hongmeng Demon God had become the Ultimate Demon God!

Above Hongmeng is actually the ultimate yuan!

Han Jue was secretly confused, this is not a brand new physique, why didn't he give him the name himself?

"I want to know that there was a final demon **** before?"

Han Jue asked heartily.

[It has never been, but some existence has put forward a hypothesis, and the system is evolved and created according to this hypothesis, so it is called the ultimate demon]

"Who made the hypothesis?"

[The last Hongmeng Demon God]

Han Jue suddenly realized.

It seems that the last Hongmeng Demon God also wanted to break through the limit.

In this way, the system is inextricably linked with the last Hongmeng Demon God.

"Isn't the system created by the last Hongmeng Demon God?"

Han Juexin continued to ask.


Not yet?

How deep is the origin of that system?

Han Jue could only hold back his confusion, since he couldn't ask the system anyway.

He began to perceive the change of his own body, the transformation of the supreme power, into another more powerful power, which was temporarily identified as the power of the final element.

His physical body is condensed by the power of the final element, which has exceeded the definition of the physical body, and the soul is no longer single. He found that he could easily create countless souls, and these souls could be manipulated by his will.

And the Hongmeng Realm in the depths of the soul is a hundred times larger than the original, and it is contained in the depths of his will, not the soul space.

The purple light on Han Jue's body began to change, and finally turned into a red light. The red light shrank, and he quickly changed to his original appearance, except that strange red lines were printed on his forehead, and his pupils were even more red, with a white head. The hair fell, and a shrunken sea of ​​stars appeared above the head, which was actually the epitome of the Hongmeng Realm.



Become a Buddha on the spot?

Han Jue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, his mind moved, black hair grew on his head, the red lines on his forehead faded away, only the color of his pupils could not be changed, his pupils could release the power of ultimate energy, once closed, the power would be greatly reduced , in order to maintain his heyday, he naturally would not hide.

In this way, Han Jue looked the same as before, but the color of his pupils changed.

He was so excited that he entered the mock trial and began to challenge.

The 25,000 Swords of Fools of the Great Dao Supreme Realm are holy!


Thousands, spike!

Forty thousand people, kill in seconds!

50,000 people, kill in seconds!

Han Jue continued to increase the number of the sacred swords, and he used the power of the ultimate power to directly destroy all enemies!

The power of the final yuan is extremely domineering, completely releasing the power of Shenwei Datian Palm!

The 80,000 Fool Sword is holy, kill it in seconds!

The 100,000 Fool Sword is holy, kill it in seconds!


Han Jue's heart is full of pride, and every time he slaps his palm, he does his best, hearty, and the endless power of the end of the Yuan crushes everything!

The holiness of the 100,000 Fool Sword is not the limit!

Han Jue wanted to continue, but he felt something, got up suddenly, and teleported to the main dojo.

He followed Xing

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Hongxuan's Taoist temple.

At this moment, Xing Hongxuan is holding her abdomen, her abdomen is getting bigger, and there is obviously a strong beating.

Han Jue felt a strong vitality, it was his son!

When he is no longer the Demon God of Hongmeng, his son will finally recover.

Xing Hongxuan was very flustered at first, but when she saw Han Jue, she felt relieved.

"Husband... I seem to be giving birth..." Xing Hongxuan said softly, her voice trembling.

She is already a saint, so she would not be afraid at first, but this kid is really prosperous, and he is still accumulating a strength that is enough to tear her apart. How can she not panic?

Han Jue came to her, stretched out on her lower abdomen, and wrapped the fetus with the power of the ultimate yuan to prevent the power of the fetus from hurting its mother.

"This kid..."

Han Jue was suddenly moved. He found that the fetus was getting stronger and stronger, and even wanted to absorb his ultimate power.

But where can his ultimate power be absorbed by the Demon God of Hongmeng?

Han Jue had to weaken his own power and convert part of the power of the final yuan into the ordinary power of supremacy for his son to absorb.

at the same time.

In the first dojo, under the old tree.

Han Qinger suddenly covered her chest and frowned.

Qing Luan'er noticed her abnormality and asked, "Qing'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Mother, I don't know why, but my heart is blocked and I feel like a catastrophe is imminent?"

Han Qing'er said cautiously, her face turned pale. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Not just her.

In the depths of the chaos, Han Tuo, who was cultivating, opened his eyes, and his face was also pale.

However, unlike Han Qinger, he already knew the existence of his younger brother, and he first thought of his younger brother whom he had never met.

"What is that kid doing?"

Han Tuo muttered to himself, fortunately there was no Yitian next to him, otherwise the fellow would have to babble again.

the other side.

Heaven, not Zhou Palace.

Han Yu opened her eyes and covered her heart. There was a woman in green beside her who was meditating. She felt his heavy breathing and couldn't help but open her eyes to look at him.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?" The woman in Tsing Yi asked in confusion.

Han Yu is a saint after all, so she didn't expect that Han Yu would be physically unwell.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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