"It's nothing, just uneasy."

Han Yu replied casually, and then put down the hand covering her heart.

He fought back the discomfort and was confused.

Why is this so?

He could only wait anxiously, and he didn't know who to turn to for help at this moment. Besides, there was no fatal danger.

at the same time.

In Baiyue Xianchuan, Han Jue is still helping Xing Hongxuan conceive a fetus.

Xing Hongxuan's abdomen was the size of a normal October pregnancy, and it was still beating constantly. The fetus was very lively, and every beat would cause bursts of thunder, which appeared out of thin air and were deafening.

Xing Hongxuan was full of surprise, and she asked excitedly: "Our son must be amazing, this movement feels like it will pierce my belly!"

Han Jue is speechless, what is this called? .

Because of Han Jue's help, Xing Hongxuan felt extremely at ease, although she began to look forward to her son's aptitude.

Han Jue constantly transforms the supreme power for his son to absorb, which is equivalent to passing on the power.

This kid's Hongmeng physique is really amazing, Han Jue's star Hongmeng body is not so domineering.

Xingchen Hongmeng body is mainly to open up Hongmeng. Could it be that the son's physique is absorbed?

Han never knew, and his heart was full of expectations.

"Husband, what do you say our son's name is?"

"Well...let's call it Han Huang, pioneering wasteland, which means wasteland pioneering."

"Open up wasteland? What wasteland?"

Xing Hongxuan was puzzled and asked curiously.

Naturally, it is a wasteland to open up Hongmeng!

But Han must not say it directly, saying: "It is to explore everything from nothing."

Xing Hongxuan suddenly realized, and said, "This name doesn't sound good, but the meaning is okay. I'll listen to you."

At this point, the younger son has a new name, Han Huang.

As Han Huang continued to absorb the supreme power, the cloud of luck at the top of the Heavenly Dao surged violently, extremely terrifying, as if a catastrophe had come.

All the saints gathered in the Qiankun Hall, and they were all in a panic. The previous vision had just ended, and a new vision came.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu had to transmit his voice to Han Jue: "Tiansheng, I'm sorry, the way of heaven is abnormal, you have to see what happened."

Han Jue echoed: "Don't panic, I'm just creating supernatural powers, and I won't endanger the way of heaven."

Hearing this, Saint Xuandu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly informed the other saints of the matter, and the saints were relieved.

Fool Sword Sacred frowned.

Really creative magic.


Can't be pulled apart!

The Fool Sword Sacred disappeared immediately, returned to his dojo, and began to practice.

He seems to be convinced by Han Jue, but he has always had the ambition to surpass Han Jue.


Day by day, the luck at the top of the Heavenly Dao has been surging, but fortunately, it has not affected the heavens and the world.

In the past ten months, Xing Hongxuan is finally going to have a child.

Han Jue was in charge of the delivery himself.

The process was not difficult, and soon, Han Huang was born.

In Han Jue's arms, a burst of golden light shone, and in the golden light was a fetus, with a golden body, eyes like amethyst, and delicate facial features, but the overall appearance was rather strange.


A loud cry sounded, like a thunderous explosion, and the entire heaven, and even all sentient beings in the chaotic realm under the jurisdiction of the god-robed Taoist could hear it.

Han Jue was frightened, why was the cry so loud?

He quickly isolated Baiyue Xianchuan with the power of final Yuan.

A golden light penetrated the Taoist temple, penetrated the dojo formation, shot straight into the sky, penetrated the thirty-three layers of the sky, broke through the top of the heaven, and rushed all the way up, as if to break through the top of chaos.

Han Jue is helpless, can't stop this kid's movement?

Sanqing Holy Realm.

The saints of Sanqing were discussing the Dao, when they were interrupted by Han Huang's crying, and just stopped, the crying stopped abruptly.

"The cry just now..."

Tongtian Sect Master squinted and asked, his eyes flickering.

Lao Tzu counted with his fingers and said, "From the way of heaven, there are arrogances born in the world."

Yuanshi Tianzun asked curiously: "What kind of arrogance? Can the cry come here, and the sound is just born?"

"Yes, just born, his cultivation base..."

Lao Tzu frowned, paused, and continued: "I'm born at ease, never before."

Born at ease!

The leader of Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun was moved.


Inside the mysterious palace, the Taoist priest in Shenpao who was cultivating opened his eyes and frowned at the way of heaven.

"Born to be at ease... The way of heaven has such a character? Could it be the master's doing?"

The Taoist priest in the robe was shocked at first, but then he was pleasantly surprised.

This kind of arrogance will definitely be able to achieve good results in the chaos event. At that time, he will have a light on his face when he says that, after all, the way of heaven is in his domain.

He was full of admiration for Han Jue.

As expected of the master!

He made up his mind that he would have to meet the new talent in the future and win over a good relationship in advance.

the other side.

In a dimly lit realm, the Evil Heaven Emperor was meditating, and in front of him was the Great God of Invisibility and Formless Transcendence shining brightly.

"The way of heaven has changed, you are born at ease, and an extraordinary existence is about to be born."

The Great God of Invisibility and Formless Transcendence suddenly opened his mouth and said, and the Evil Heaven Emperor opened his eyes in shock.

This place is too far away from Heaven, and the Evil Heaven Emperor did not hear Han Huang's cry.

"What are you talking about..." Xie Tiandi asked cautiously.

The Great God of Invisibility and Formless Transcendence replied: "A newly born fetus, born at ease, has never been seen before, he is the son of Han Jue."

Born at ease!

Han Jue's son!

The Evil Emperor was shocked.

Han Tuo's aptitude has already amazed him, but he never expected that Han Jue would be able to give birth to an even more exaggerated arrogance.

Born at ease...

How high is the upper limit?

Xie Tiandi's heart beat faster, and his eyes were hot.

He wants to help Han Jue raise the child!

The Great God of Invisibility and Formless Transcendence followed and said: "This son will change the chaos, and I don't know what kind of change it will be."

Xie Tiandi said: "I will personally teach him."

"Hehe, if you want to teach him, that's not necessarily true."

"Why do you say that?"

"Innately at ease, his eyes and attitudes towards everything are different from those of other living beings. His birth is doomed to have a huge gap between his extraordinaryness and all beings. If there is a natural god, it is him. ."

The words of the invisible and invisible transcendence of the great **** made the Evil Heavenly Emperor fall into deep thought.


In the Baiyue Xianchuan, the golden light dissipated, and the thousands of disciples were still terrified, and they were all discussing curiously.

Xuan Qingjun, Fairy Xixuan, and Chang Yue'er came one after another, but Han Jue did not avoid them and let them enter.

The three girls were surprised when they saw the fetus in Han Jue's arms.

The movement just now was caused by this child?

"Let me give me a hug!" Chang Yue'er excitedly said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Han Jue shook his head and said, "No, this kid is already a saint of freedom, and he can easily hurt you."

Free saint!

The three girls were stunned.

This child is far stronger than them from birth?


They were all terrified.

At this time, Xing Hongxuan tidied up her clothes, walked over, stared at Han Huang, and frowned: "Why are this child's eyes so ugly?"

Purple eyes look evil.

Seemingly feeling his mother's dislike, Han Huang's eyes quickly returned to black pupils on a white background, and his skin became the appearance of a normal human child, but it turned white and suddenly became pink and lovely.

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