Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 919: Brothers meet, Dao Sheng is shocked

The battle between the ancestors of Tianxu and Laozi did not cause waves. After all, most of the saints of the Great Dao could not spy on this battle. How could this battle spread among all beings?

Han Jue continued to practice with great concentration.

Ten thousand years after ten thousand years.

Twenty thousand years later.

Han Jue is still practicing.

In the Taoist temple next to him, Han Huang, who was cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his brows and murmured: "This feeling...the blood resonates, and there are relatives who want to prove the Dao?"

He hesitated for a moment, closed his eyes, and made his will to the door of the avenue.

The gate of the avenue stands in the darkness, and it is extremely sturdy. At this moment, there is another person waiting here.

It is the God-robed Taoist. .

Han Huang greeted him and asked, "Senior, who are you waiting for here?"

Seeing that it was Han Huang, the Taoist priest in Shenpao immediately smiled and said, "Speaking of which, this person is related to you."

Han Huang's expression changed and he asked, "Could it be my brother?"

The god-robed Taoist nodded with a smile.

He sighed to himself.

The master's two sons are amazing.

Han Tuo is a Chaos Demon God and a Dao Spirit, whose talent and power are superior to all living beings.

Han Huang was even more outrageous. He achieved the Dao within less than 500,000 years of birth.

"You know my brother? Tell me!" Han Huang asked excitedly.

The eldest brother is like a father, and he is naturally curious about the elder brother he has never met.

The Taoist priest in Shenpao nodded with a smile, and then talked about Han Tuo's deeds.

Chaos Demon God!

Five God Punishments!

Regulatory Chaos!

Han Huang's blood was surging when he heard it, and he secretly said that he was his own brother. Han Tuo's deeds were what he wanted to do, but his father wouldn't let him go out.

At this moment, the gate of the avenue trembled violently.

Han Tuo is about to break through successfully!

Han Huang frowned and whispered, "More than one person broke through?"

"Hahaha! Brother, we are almost done!"

A bold laughter came, it was Yi Tian.

Han Tuo's voice followed: "You and I will join forces, how can it be unsuccessful, in fact, I don't need your help."

"I have heard that there are many great powers who will hinder the breakthrough of the younger generation. Isn't I worried about you?"

"Hehe, I don't know you? Are you worried about yourself? In fact, you don't need to worry at all. We are punished by God, who dares to hinder?"

"What if?"

The door to the avenue opened, and Han Tuo and Yi Tian walked in slowly.

Just as Han Huang was about to step forward, one after another silhouette appeared nearby, more and more.

"Congratulations to the two gods for attaining the Great Dao!"

"It's really a talent of heaven, and he has attained the Dao at more than seven million years old."

"That's natural, otherwise why would the head of the gods set them as divine punishment?"


"The two Lords of God's Punishment will definitely get the name of the top ten masters of chaos in the chaos event."

Dozens of avenue saints complimented Han Tuo and Yi Tian.

Before the five major punishments, they traveled all over the chaos, and the saints on the bright side have seen them. Now that the chaos is peaceful, there is the supreme punishment God Venerable to suppress it, and the sympathy that should be given will naturally be given.

Han Tuo had to start a friendly greeting.

Yitian pouted, but did not speak.

Han Huang looked at his elder brother, who was surrounded by the stars, with a smile on his face and a hint of envy in his eyes.

He also wants this kind of scenery!

He was born at ease, with unparalleled talent, how could he have been unknown all the time?

The Taoist priest in Shenpao noticed his expression and said with a smile: "Cultivation well, it will not be difficult for you to become a **** of the Dao when you participate in the chaotic event."

Han Huang nodded excitedly and clenched his fists.

Although the words of the Taoist priest in Shen-cloak were light, all the saints of the Great Dao were present and could hear them clearly.

For a time, everyone looked at Han Huang and the Taoist priest.

Han Tuo's eyes fell on Han Huang, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

The same is true for Yitian, his eyes wandered back and forth on Han Tuo and Han Huang, greatly surprised.

"Mother! Could this be my **** brother?"

Yi Tian came to Han Huang instantly and asked in surprise.

"Brother?" Han Huang frowned.

Yitian grinned and said, "I am the godson of the **** of heaven, the mighty Tiansheng, isn't it your godfather?"

The son of the gods and gods!

Dozens of avenue saints were moved.

Han Tuo followed, looked at Han Huang, and asked, "What's your name?"

Han Huang looked at him and said, "Han Huang, the son of Xing Hongxuan."

Han Tuo smiled, reached out and patted Han Huang's shoulder, and said with admiration: "As expected of my younger brother, he has an extraordinary bearing and is more like a father than me."

Han Huang couldn't hold back anymore, and said excitedly: "Big brother, I've wanted to see you for a long time, not only me, but Qing'er too, it's your sister with the same father and mother!"

"Hahaha, I want to show her off and let her realize the Great Dao as soon as possible, so that our brothers and sisters can meet here!"

Han Huang has never been so excited.

"Wait! When did you attain the Dao?"

Yi Tian suddenly called out, and he just reacted.

Isn't this kid born hundreds of thousands of years ago?

Han Huang said: "It's been a while."

Han Tuo couldn't help but be moved.

The Taoist priest in Shenpao smiled and said, "This kid is born at ease, and he has achieved the Great Dao in less than 500,000 years."


The sages of the avenues onlookers were all in an uproar, unable to believe their ears.

Achieve the Dao in less than half a million years?

how is this possible!

In the past, Pangu and Daozu were not so exaggerated!

At the moment, many Dao saints became malicious, but when they thought that this son was the son of Shenwei Tiansheng, they dispelled their thoughts.

Shenwei Tiansheng is the strongest in the chaos, the terrifying power of killing 20,000 divine powers with one sword!

Beyond the existence of the giant **** Pangu!

Han Tuo frowned slightly when he saw someone around him.

Seeing this, the sages of the Great Dao said their goodbyes one after another, and those who were enthusiastic stepped forward to chat with Han Huang and then left after getting to know each other.

Soon, only Han Tuo, Yi Tian, ​​Han Huang and the Taoist priests were left here.

Han Tuo looked at the Taoist priest in Shenpao, and frowned.

The Taoist priest in Shenpao is the **** of the Dao, equivalent to Han Tuo's subordinate, Han Tuo naturally doesn't have to give face.

"It's okay, eldest brother, this senior received my preaching at the beginning. He was on good terms with our father. I asked my father and said I could trust him." Han Huang said.

Hearing this, Han Tuo's brows loosened.

The Taoist priest in Shenpao praised: "With your two brothers, the name of Shenwei Tiansheng will only be stronger."

Yi Tian wailed: "I was surpassed by the younger generation, alas, brother, we might as well follow your father to practice!"

Han Tuo was silent.

He had to admit this, it might be easier and stronger to follow his father.

It's just that he doesn't want to be under the protection of his father all the time.

He looked at Han Huang and said, "In the future, you have to maintain your previous practice attitude, don't slack off, and don't let my big brother catch up with you."

This is true.

Han Huang was moved in his heart, and said: "That's natural, when I'm born, it must be invincible. At that time, big brother, whoever is unhappy, tell me, I will kill him!"

At the end, his tone was full of killing intent, and Han Tuo and the Taoist Shenpao were stunned.

This kid is so murderous!

Yi Tian was delighted, hooked Han Huang's neck, and said with a smile: "You kid is angry with me, and if your brother is unhappy, will you kill me?"

"No problem, wait for me to be invincible!"

"When are you invincible?"

"I don't know, but it definitely will!"

"Damn, so you're bragging!"

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