Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years

Chapter 920: The formation of Hongmeng, the spirit of creation

Inside the Taoist temple, Han Huang opened his eyes and showed an uplifting smile.

He immediately rushed out of the Taoist temple and came to Han Qinger.

"Qing'er, I have seen my eldest brother and my god-brother!"

Han Huang said excitedly, recalling the previous encounter, he was still very excited.

Han Qing'er was stunned and asked, "Where did you see it?"

Han Huang didn't hide it, and told everything one by one.

After Han Qinger heard this, her heart was extremely complicated.

The eldest brother she has always admired is not as fast as the second brother?

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became.

Why is my second brother so powerful?

Han Huang asked with a smile: "Qing'er, why don't you talk, don't you want to see Big Brother the most? You didn't see it, Big Brother is so majestic, when he broke through, dozens of Great Dao Saints came to meet the wind, and all of them were in awe of him. Plus."

Han Qinger was aroused by curiosity and asked, "Why is this?"

"Big brother is now the leader of the five gods, supervising all the gods of the avenue, and the gods of the avenues control the chaotic realm. One of my predecessors is the gods of the avenues. No matter how high, that god-brother is also God's punishment, which is equivalent to two of the five God's punishments are our elder brothers."

Han Huang smiled proudly, as if he was God's punishment.

Han Qing'er became more and more curious and began to ask Han Huang's knowledge of Chaos.

Han Huang knows everything, and he has never been to Chaos, but he can spy on a much wider range than Han Qinger. Coupled with the stories of Taoist Shenpao, Han Tuo, and Yitian, his understanding of Chaos is very rich, as if he had once Traveled by myself.

for a long time.

Han Qing'er sighed: "Oh, I really want to go out, but my father is right, it's easy to cause trouble for my father when we go out."

Han Huang patted Han Qing'er on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's fine, when I achieve the Great Dao, my father will have no reason to stop me. Wherever you want to go, the second brother will protect you! The second brother is not afraid that you will cause me trouble! "

Han Qinger rolled his eyes, this kid wanted to be a younger brother since he was a child, but now he considers himself a second elder brother.

Although she is a little jealous of Han Huang, she is also full of trust in Han Huang, she believes that Han Huang will protect herself.

From childhood to adulthood, Han Huang never hurt her.

The two brothers and sisters began to imagine the chaos in the future.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and after another 100,000 years of seclusion, his ultimate power has been skyrocketing.

During this period of cultivation, he focused on the power of the Ultimate Demon God itself.

In addition to being stronger than the supreme power, the power of the final yuan must have its own unique power, but he just needs to study it.

He is the world's first ultimate demon god, and his bloodline has just formed, so it is impossible to fully grasp its secrets.

The Final Demon God is like a huge treasure, waiting for Han Jue to dig.

In the past 100,000 years, he discovered a characteristic of the power of the final yuan.

Can offset the power of the rules of the Three Thousand Avenues!

This trait alone is very domineering!

It fits perfectly with the Divine Power Great Palm!

The Shenwei Datian Palm seems to be tailor-made for the ultimate demon god.

The secret of the Divine Power is to destroy everything, and the power can destroy the rules!

The Hongmeng Realm deep in Han Jue's soul has undergone earth-shaking changes. Countless stars have begun to evolve into a sea of ​​stars, one of which is a sea of ​​stars, making the Hongmeng Realm splendid and magnificent.

More than 2,000 groups of Demon God Qi are distributed in the non-stop Star Sea, because they are getting stronger and stronger, they will resist each other when they are next to each other.

Han Jue had a hunch.

When the rules of the Hongmeng Realm are formed, Hongmeng will become a reality, and the three thousand demon gods will be the first batch of creatures, even the gods of creation!

At that time, Han Jue was just like the ninth chaos that created chaos, supreme and scorned all beings.

Thinking about it is still very exciting!

Han Jue called up the email and started to check the recent circle of friends.

He noticed that Han Tuo and Yi Tian realized the Great Way.

Not surprisingly.

After all, both of them are Chaos Demon Gods, and they live in God's Punishment and Destiny.

Recently, Zhou Fan and Xie Tiandi have become active again, and Han Jue is looking forward to what they can do.

After reading the email and making sure that no one around him was okay, Han Jue continued to retreat and practice.

He only has one goal now, and that is to sprint to the avenue to achieve perfection!

He has a hunch that after stepping into Consummation, his strength will take off again, which is equivalent to breaking through the great realm!

Above the stars, Jiang Peishi suddenly opened his eyes and got up.

Liu Bei couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Jueshi said: "Come with me!"

When the voice fell, he disappeared where he was.

Liu Bei quickly chased after him.

The two came to a star in a corner of the star universe. This star was full of flowers and trees, with mountains and lakes, and it seemed like a complete world.

Jiang Peishi stood beside a lake, and when he looked around, he saw a lotus flower slowly blooming in the middle of the lake.

This lotus body is crystal clear, with white snow falling in a radius of ten feet, like an enchantment, which is incompatible with the surrounding heaven and earth.

When Liu Bei appeared, the Lord noticed the lotus and could not help frowning.

"Life! Is this lotus going to transform into a spirit?"

Liu Bei muttered to himself.

Jiang Peishi smiled and said, "Congratulations, Brother Liu, this world is about to be completed."

Heaven and earth are formed only when living beings are born.

The spirit of the sky, the bounty of the earth, and the birth of all things.

Liu Bei smiled and said, "Congratulations indeed. If you accept him as your apprentice, it will be considered an inheritance, and he will be my son."

Jiang Peishi hesitated.

At this moment, a beam of light descended from the sky and landed on the white lotus.

"This is…"

Jiang Peishi was moved and his expression lifted.

The breath of creation!

He couldn't help but think of the time when he had achieved great fortune. UU reading www.

"Okay, I accept this apprentice!" Jiang Peishi said with bright eyes.

Liu Bei scolded shamelessly.

If there is no such good fortune, are you going to reject me?

Chaos, ancient wilderness.

In the void, the ancient wilderness is surrounded by the aura of chaos, looming, even in the vast and boundless chaos, the ancient wilderness is extremely huge, like the chaotic beasts that created the world.

Han Yu, Qin Ling, and Long Hao stood on a meteorite and looked at Gu Huang from a distance.

In the sky above the ancient wilderness, there are countless ghosts circling, roaring silently in the thick fog, which makes the scalp numb.

"The ancient wilderness is ahead, do you want to go in?"

Qin Ling asked, he raised his hand and took out a long spear wrapped around a golden dragon.

Long Hao shook his head and said: "Don't worry, look again, there are other auras nearby, it seems that it is not only Heavenly Dao who is afraid of Ancient Desolation."

Han Yu said: "That's natural. The main goal of the ancient desolate gods is to control the chaos. Stepping on the way of heaven is just revenge. The lord of heaven and earth should understand this truth."

Qin Ling frowned and said, "Do you want to join forces with others?"

at this time!

call out!

A black arrow shot from the depths of the ancient wilderness, with an extremely fast speed, hundreds of millions of miles, and the target pointed directly at Qin Ling.

Qin Ling raised his hand and blocked the black arrow with the tip of the spear.

The black arrow dissipated and turned into a black mist to surround Qin Ling.


Qin Ling's face changed greatly, and he found that he couldn't move, so he could only watch the black mist drown him.

Han Yu and Long Hao immediately shot.

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