Long Hao and Han Yu swiped their mana to hit the black fog, trying to disperse it, but the mana was offset instead.

They were moved, and they could only watch Qin Ling being drowned by the black gas, and then the black gas disappeared in an instant, and Qin Ling was nowhere to be seen before the two of them.

"what happened?"

Han Yu frowned, very flustered.

Qin Ling is the disciple he grew up with, the one he loves the most!

Long Hao looked at Gu Huang and said, "Qin Ling should have been caught, and now he can only break in and see."

Han Yu immediately rushed into the ancient wilderness without any hesitation.

Long Hao followed closely.

The two rushed into the ancient wilderness one after another and disappeared into the majestic fog.

In the boundless void, the tower of the avenue slowly moved forward, and the cities and islands in all directions seemed to be escorting, and the momentum was magnificent. .

inside the tower.

Zhou Fan stood in front of a huge bronze mirror, and Mo Vengeance stood beside him.

The scene in the mirror is the ancient wilderness.

Mo Qiqiu asked: "You watched this ancient wasteland for a few days, what are you looking at?"

Zhou Fan returned to his senses and said with a smile: "From the outside, the ancient desert looks nothing special, but for tens of thousands of years, Tianjiao has often disappeared near the ancient desert. With my talent, I am afraid that I will disappear when I go there. ."

Mo Vengeance rolled his eyes, this fellow is so stinky.

"Compared with your master, what kind of genius are you?" Mo Fuqiu said in an angry voice, he deliberately emphasized the word "Master".

Zhou Fan was immediately embarrassed.

He used to hide his relationship with Han Jue, which made Mo Vengeance very uncomfortable, and now he often used this matter to run against him.

Zhou Fan coughed and said, "It's really nothing compared to the master, but compared to the chaotic creatures, I am indeed considered a genius. Although there is a call from the emperor this time, I still have to be careful. I always feel that something big will happen."

Mo Qiuqi asked curiously, "Does your master know about this?"

Zhou Fandao: "Of course he knows, but his goal is the ancient desolate gods. Now is the time for us little soldiers and pawns to compete. When the battle is over, it will be time for them to make a decisive victory."

He talked about how Han Jue had turned the tide in the past few calamities.

After Mo Vengeful heard it, he was very emotional.

"He's still the same person. When Yuqing Shengzong fought against the Demon Sect, he didn't take the initiative. He didn't take action until the enemy hit the mountain gate."

Zhou Fan nodded after hearing Mo's words of revenge.

"Although I don't agree with this method, but from Master's point of view, he just wants to cultivate with peace of mind. It's because others are causing him trouble. It's good that he can take action." Zhou Fan shook his head and laughed.

Mo Qiqiu asked: "You mean that the ancient desolate gods must hit the heavens before Han Jue can take action?"

Zhou Fan nodded and said: "That's right, so before this, when we showed it, now it's not just the way of heaven that wants to deal with the ancient wasteland, all the great masters in the chaos have this ambition, even the dark forbidden master. , In my opinion, the ancient desolate gods may not be able to reach the heavens, and the master also predicts this ending, so I don't care."

Mo revenge felt justified.

Time flies by.

Inside the Taoist temple, Han Jue, who was meditating, appeared in front of three lines:

[It is detected that you are over 8 million years old, and your life has taken a step forward. You have the following options]

[One, go out immediately, annex the seven supreme rules, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a heavenly spirit stone]

[Second, low-key cultivation, stay away from right and wrong, you can get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a creation spirit stone]

annexation of the seven supreme rules?

Han couldn't help shaking his head.

Isn't that courting death? The ancestors of Tianxu wanted to do this and were stopped by Laozi.

If he goes, will the creator of Dao take action?

How can the Ninth Chaos sit back and watch others swallow up his own Chaos?

Han Jue silently chose the second option.

[You choose to cultivate in a low-key manner and get a Dao fragment, a Hongmeng fragment, and a creation spirit stone]

A new round of quests for collecting fragments of Hongmeng has begun!

Han Jue was not tired at all and looked forward to it.

He took out the creation spirit stone and fused it with a cloud of demonic energy.

While merging, he paid attention to the Hongmeng Realm.

The Qi of the Demon God can give birth to the Chaos Demon God, but the reproduction cycle is long, but since he became the Ultimate Demon God, the Qi of the Demon God has grown faster and faster, and Han Jue can already feel their vitality.

"Perhaps the spirit stone of creation can be kept in the future."

Han Jue thought silently.

The plan can't keep up with the changes, the Demon God Legion is no longer so important, but this is also the best result.

If Han Jue needs to rely on the strength of the Demon God Legion, it means that he is already weak or in a desperate situation.

The three thousand demon gods are still useful, and in the future, they will help him manage Hongmeng and guard the way of heaven.

Today's Hongmeng world is extremely vast, and sooner or later it will catch up with Chaos.

It's just that Hongmeng Realm is independent of his soul, and he still can't escape from chaos. If he wants to surpass Chaos, I'm afraid Hongmeng and Chaos will meet sooner or later.

But that's all in the future!

Get stronger first!

Han Jue suddenly thought that Huang'er's one-million-year birthday was approaching.

He immediately sent a voice transmission to Han Huang.

Soon, Han Huang came to his Taoist temple to salute.

"Father, the movement of the ancient wilderness in Chaos is getting bigger and bigger. I heard that the ancient gods are going to level the heavens. Chaos is talking about who is stronger between you and the ancient gods. What do you think?"

Han Huang asked excitedly. Obviously, he learned about the chaos information through the gate of the avenue.

God-robed Taoist is really broken mouth.

That's fine, it's also a good thing that Han Huang can understand Chaos in advance.

Han Jue said, "I don't think much about it. Let's talk about it after a fight."

Han Huang followed: "I heard that many Chaos Tianjiao have been arrested by Gu Huang, among them the saints of Heavenly Dao, by the way, one of your descendants was also arrested, it was the Taoist priest in Shenpao who told me what he was called Han. Yu? Yes, Han Yu!"

Hearing this, Han Jue frowned.

Although he can't think of Han Yu on weekdays, but Han Yu is his descendant after all, or the saint he supports, how can he just sit back and watch.

He called up the relationship check and found that Han Yu's avatar was still there.

He checked the mail again.

Not only Han Yu, Qin Ling, Long Hao, Zhou Fan, and Mo Qiuwei were also arrested.

[Your apprentice Long Hao was seized by your enemy, the ancient gods, and his will was sealed]

All such emails.

Same as Taoist Supreme.

What does the ancient gods want to do?

Really want to drive Chaos Tianjiao to fight for himself?

Han Jue asked in his heart, "Will the ancient desolate gods kill them after they seized Tianjiao?"

[One hundred trillion years of life need to be deducted, whether to continue]


【Will not】


The ancient gods want to control the chaos and be the master of the chaos, so naturally they can't kill the Chaos Tianjiao.

Han Jue is not afraid, when the time comes, the disciples will be brought back and the absolute purification of the system will be able to restore them.

"Father, what are you thinking? Are you going to deal with the ancient gods? When? Where? I want to watch the battle!"

Han Huang asked excitedly, if the ancient gods who made the Great Dao sage terrified died under his father's hands, how majestic it would be!

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