"Sect Master, I decided to stay in Tiandao in the future. Chaos is really exciting, but I also got a big opportunity and don't need to take risks anymore."

Qing Tian Xuanji smiled, with a confident look on his face.

The leader of Tianjue smiled and nodded, and said: "It's good to come back, there are still more than five million years, you hurry up to cultivate, you must grab the throne of the eternal!"

Qingtian Xuanji smiled proudly: "That is inevitable."

The two saints looked at each other and laughed.

Qingtian Xuanji turned to ask: "Recently, there has been a major event in the Dao of Heaven. I feel that many saints of freedom have arrived, and they have no luck in the Dao of Heaven."

The leader of Tianjue smiled and said: "The hidden door is preparing to gather the disciples to meet, and the movement is naturally big. Now the hidden door is spreading its branches and leaves in chaos, not to mention the second and third generations of disciples, even the fourth, fifth, and sixth generations of disciples are in chaos. It is quite accomplished, and this gathering is naturally a thunderous one."

Qingtian Xuanji became interested and asked with a smile, "Can I participate? To be honest, I'm also very interested in Hidden Sect."

The leader of Tianjue shook his head and said: "The way of heaven must be lively during this time. If you want to contact the hidden disciples, you can naturally contact them, but if you want to enter the Baiyue Xianchuan, you can't. You are not a hidden disciple."

No one dares to make jokes about the divine power and heavenly saints, especially in the circle of heavenly saints.

For the gathering of the hidden door, the saints were just curious, not nervous.

If Shenwei Tiansheng wants to seize power, he does not need such trouble at all, one sentence is enough.

There are still countless chaotic forces staying in Tiandao. Most of them come to investigate Tiandao. If they want to cooperate with Tiandao, they can just use the hidden door to deter all chaotic parties.

For a time, the hidden door was busy, and the saints of the Tao of Heaven were also busy.

Ten thousand years after ten thousand years.

Han Jue opened his eyes and stretched.

Another hundred thousand years have passed, which is really comfortable.

Han Jue began to check his emails. The circle of friends in the past 100,000 years has been very calm, calmer than ever.

After reading the email, he began to observe the Hongmeng Realm again.

After a few hours, he slowly got up.

He took Qing Luan'er and Xing Hongxuan to the main dojo together.

The two women opened their eyes and were stunned when they saw that the scene in front of them had changed.

Han Jue smiled and said, "The Hidden Sect Conference is about to begin. I'll show you guys. Let's go out first."

The two women suddenly smiled, and they naturally wanted to join in on the lively things, and they should have a breath of life for how many years of hard work.

After the two women left, Han Jue summoned Li Xuanao.

There is a clone of Han Jue in the main dojo, who can contact Li Xuanao at any time, and let people go in and out. At present, many direct disciples have returned from Baiyue Xianchuan, such as Chu Shiren, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan and others.

Li Xuanao entered the observation, resisting his excitement and bowing down.

This Hidden Sect Conference is unprecedented and has a great influence. He is the person with the most face, because he is the host, all the disciples have to give him face, even the saints of Heaven and the great masters from Chaos have to smile. welcome.

Han Jue asked, "When can we start?"

Li Xuanao said: "Just wait for your order and give me a few days' notice."

Han Jue said with a smile: "Get ready to start, I will stay in Baiyue Xianchuan during this time."

Li Xuanao nodded, and then ordered to retreat.

Han Jue teleported to the second dojo again, and strictly ordered all demon gods not to reveal their bloodlines, and then sent them to Baiyue Xianchuan.

Fifty-three Chaos Demon Gods joined in, and Baiyue Xianchuan immediately jumped, especially the Black Prison Chicken and Chaos Tengu, clamoring everywhere, as if the Tuba King was patrolling his territory.

Han Jue began to pass the edicts to the disciples in succession, and they talked individually, and everyone talked for a period of time, which was regarded as cultivating feelings.

It can't be seen all at once.

Han Jue also wanted to hear their stories, which looked more interesting than the text messages in the circle of friends.

Three days later, he had seen all the second-generation disciples. As for the third-generation disciples, there was no need. They had their master as a link.

The Hidden Gate Conference was launched with much anticipation. The Baiyue Xianchuan was very lively, but the outside world could not spy on it.

The second generation of disciples came on stage one after another and delivered speeches, raising the atmosphere of the banquet.

Su Qi's only disciple, Zhao Shuangquan, also attracted the attention of his classmates, and his aptitude was indeed incredible.

Because Zhao Xuanyuan had the same surname as him, the two got close and even made an appointment to go through chaos together.

On the last day, Han Jue appeared just now, allowing all the disciples to witness his true appearance.

After a few simple words, Han Jue preached to all the disciples for ten years before it ended.

This Hidden Sect Conference was successfully concluded, and there was no **** incident that someone smashed the place. All the disciples had to behave in front of Han Jue and did not dare to mess around.

After the conference, the enthusiasm of the Hidden Sect disciples did not dissipate, and even the way of heaven became lively.

Han Jue paid attention to Zhao Shuangquan, but did not show it.

This Tianjiao who was reincarnated in the Eighth Chaos is truly amazing.

Although it has not yet reached the level of Crown Jue Hidden Sect, it is definitely one of the best. Su Qi is also envied by other direct disciples because of this. He did not show it on his face, but he was very satisfied.

After the Hidden Sect Conference, Han Jue did not go back immediately, but turned into a mortal and traveled in the world.

Decades later, outside the thirty-third layer of the sky, Dao Zhizun took the lead and held the first Tiandao Tianjiao Conference in Long Hao's dojo, inviting Tiandao Tianjiao to gather together, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not about fighting skills, but chatting about the general trend of Taoism and the chaos pattern.

Qingtian Xuanji also came. He was quite disdainful of the three Dao Zhizun, and felt that these three guys were playing tricks, but the other party was really powerful, a veritable Dao saint.

After the Tianjiao Conference, there was Tianjiao who proposed to learn from each other. Everyone was Tianjiao, arrogant and arrogant, and no one obeyed.

Zhao Shuangquan became famous in one battle, and successively defeated several saints in the same realm. After the conference, Qingtian Xuanji did not leave, but after the others left, he proposed to challenge the three of Dao Zhizun.

No one knows about this fight.

The purple sky is covered with red clouds, and there are rolling forests below. The trees here are thousands of feet high, like straight mountain peaks, and the bark is cast like molten iron.

Han Huang, Han Qinger, and Jiang Peishi hid under a big tree.

"Damn, I can't go to the Hidden Sect Conference, and I'm still trapped here!"

Han Huang scolded angrily, his anger could not be suppressed.

Jiang Peishi's face was solemn, and he said, "I always feel that something is wrong. The other party doesn't kill us, but just forces us here. I'm afraid there are calculations."

Han Huang scolded: "If he didn't have that treasure in his hand, would he be my opponent?"

Han Qinger said with emotion: "Indeed, but I didn't expect to have such a powerful magic weapon, it's really amazing."

At this moment, Han Huang suddenly felt something, looked up suddenly, and saw a figure standing on the top of a tree not far away.

If there is a mystery in the sky, you must know it.

Happy fairy!

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