"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Jiang Peishi asked in a deep voice, the left hand behind his waist clenched into a fist, the power of great fortune is already gathering momentum.

Xiao Yaoxian looked down at them and said with a smile: "Han Huang, the son of Shenwei Tiansheng, is born at ease, unprecedented, amazing, really amazing, if there is no accident, you will dominate the chaos."

Han Huang glared at him and said nothing.

Xiaoyaoxian looked at Jiang Peishi again, and said, "Born with great fortune, the road that no one has traveled before is a supreme road, and your fate is also an invincible road."

"Both of you are invincible, but you walk side by side, and sooner or later one of you will die."

"The person standing on the head of the two of you is also invincible. It's not a good thing to meet the three invincible lives."

Han Huang laughed angrily, and scolded: "Yunyan confuses the public, so I was trapped and waited to deal with my father? You are really over the top, if you don't have that treasure, you are definitely not my opponent, that's the strength. , still want to be an enemy of my father?"

Han Qing'er nodded and taunted. .

Jiang Peishi didn't speak, he was ready to take action at any time.

Xiao Yaoxian smiled and said: "You are still young and can't understand my words, but you must understand one thing, since ancient times, there has been only one person who is the strongest. It's the God of Heaven, do you think he can sit down all the time? And you don't want to sit on this throne?"

He raised his hands, and in an instant, the sky above the woods changed, with lightning and thunder, and terrifying visions loomed among the thunderclouds.

The three of Han Huang were nervous, not knowing what this fellow was going to do.

A half-moon ruby ​​flew out from the top of Xiaoyaoxian's head, spinning at a high speed, reflecting thousands of rays of light shining in the world.

"Come on! It's that thing again!"

Han Huang cursed, his tone a little helpless.

Xiaoyaoxian showed a strange smile, the Banyue Hongyu suddenly shattered, the sky suddenly collapsed, and all the trees were turned into flying ashes.

Immortal world, within a city of the human race.

Han Jue, who had restrained the magic weapon of divine light, was in an inn listening to an old Taoist narrating the grand occasion of the Hidden Gate Conference.

Today's immortal world is prevalent in the wind of cultivation, all the major events in the heaven will spread, and even occasionally hear some chaotic things.

After finally coming out, Han Jue naturally wanted to relax.

He has been walking in the fairyland for decades, and he has seen too many interesting things.

At this moment, Han Jue suddenly felt something and frowned.

The blood is throbbing!

An offspring is in trouble!

Han couldn't help but guess, and found that Han Huang, Han Qing'er, and Jiang Peishi were missing, and his cultivation was not enough.

Strange indeed!

Han Jue had to use the evolution function.

"I want to know where the three of Han Huang are now?"

[Cannot evolve cause and effect]

Han Jue frowned, he called out the relationship, and found that the three heads were still there.

Since it's still there, how could it not be counted?

Is there a place in the chaos that can't be counted?


"There is no cause and effect in the blank field, and the system cannot evolve, right?"


This word made Han Jue's heart sink to the bottom.

Ordinary creatures can't go to the blank realm!

Could it be that the three of them were attacked?

He pulls up the mail to check.

[Your son Han Huang was attacked by a mysterious power and was seriously injured]

【Your daughter...】

All three are the same, seriously injured!

Han Jue asked in his heart, "I want to know who attacked Han Huang."

[The other party has the ultimate Taoist treasure and cannot evolve]

Han Jue frowned.

His ultimate red robe is the ultimate Taoist treasure, which can prevent a blow from the creator of Taoism!

In other words, the ultimate Taobao is already equivalent to the power of the creator of Taoism.

Could it be that the creator of Dao has taken action?

No, he can even count the ninth chaos.

At least the other party is not the ninth chaos, chaos and ignorance, no form and formless detachment, could it be the other two mysterious creators of Tao.

Han Jue kept asking in his heart, trying to find the flaw.

However, no matter how he asked, he could not evolve into the cause and effect of the other party.

In desperation, he could only wait.

If the other party really wants to kill the three of Han Huang, the three of them should already be dead, possess the ultimate Taoist treasure, and have murderous intentions, how can they be entangled?

Han Jue didn't have the heart to listen to the Taoist in the inn again, and was about to get up and leave when a six- or seven-year-old boy suddenly came to sit in front of him.

The child ignored Han Jue and immediately picked up what was on the table and started eating.

Han Jue didn't stop him either, just stared at him quietly.

for a long time.

The child was full, mouth full of oil, and looked very sloppy.

He looked at Han Jue and said, "Anomaly, too sharp, disaster is coming."

Han Jue smiled and said, "What anomaly?"

The child picked up a jar of wine and drank it directly. The jar of wine was bigger than his upper body and looked rather strange.

Han Jue was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

After a sip of drinking, the child's face flushed red, and he put down the wine jar. He looked at Han Jue with drunken eyes, and said with a smile, "You are an odd number, you shouldn't exist, and your appearance disrupted everything in the way of heaven. You have broken the inherent situation of Chaos, you have threatened Chaos, and trouble is coming."

"Oh? What exactly is the trouble?"

Han Jue propped his chin on his right hand and asked with great interest.

The child's voice was loud, but the surrounding diners didn't seem to hear them, and no one paid attention to them.

The child grinned and said, "Everything you care about will bite you back. How happy you are now, how much hatred you will be in the future."

"Once, I also encountered UU reading www.uukanshu.com, junior, the next one will be your most important disaster. You may have been able to see the whole chaos, but you may not be able to see the essence of chaos."

Han Jue restrained his smile and asked, "Daozu?"

The child got up and left, waved his hand and said, "Daozu? That's just a name given to me by all beings. Beings don't need Taoist, and Taoist naturally doesn't exist."

Han Jue watched the child leave.

He could feel that this child was just a mortal without any special destiny, and it was estimated that he was possessed by the will of the Taoist ancestor.

The Daozu really hid in the Dao of Heaven.

As soon as the three of Han Huang had an accident, he met Daozu.

So weird!

Han Jue did not leave, and asked in his heart, "What is the catastrophe that Daozu said?"

[One hundred trillion years of life need to be deducted, whether to continue]


Han Jue's consciousness then fell into the illusion of evolution.

He opened his eyes and found himself standing on the mountain of immortality.

Looking around, countless figures are suspended in the entire sky, all of them are hidden disciples. At the end of the horizon of Baiyue Xianchuan, there is a stalwart giant tree connecting the heaven and earth.

Hibiscus tree!

Han Jue's eyes swept away, and he saw Han Huang, Han Tuo, Xing Hongxuan, Yang Tiandong, Jiang Peishi, Dao Zhizun, etc. All his relatives and disciples hated him, and the hatred in their eyes went deep into the bone marrow.

Han Jue turned his head to look, and there was a figure standing behind him, it was himself.

The future self is dressed in a treasure, and looks indifferently at the disciples and grandchildren who are surrounded by all directions.

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