Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 319: Lu Changsheng overwhelms the immortal palace monks and subdues the immortal palace!

Chapter 319 Lu Changsheng overwhelmed the immortal palace monks and conquered the immortal palace! The ancestors gathered, and the Kunwu Realm was hidden!

"Does the immortal martial world use this method to travel?"

Lu Changsheng was stunned.

What is this?

Just "running"?

This is simply... incredible.

I didn't expect to see such a "primitive and backward" way of traveling again in the sea of ​​boundaries.

The ancient mansion martial ancestor smiled and said: "The space in the sea of ​​boundaries is disordered, and various rules are in a disordered state. It is impossible to establish a magic circle or shuttle through space."

"As for flying? Maybe it's feasible, but for people like me who are in the martial arts, this way of traveling is the fastest. I take a step, and others don't know how long it will take to fly."

"Isn't it enough to travel fast enough?"

Lu Changsheng thought.

Indeed, the shadow of the ancient mansion martial ancestor was too huge.

It was so huge that it was unimaginable.

One step out, the distance was really too far.

In a sense, this way of traveling is indeed faster.

However, this also made Lu Changsheng realize how terrifying Wu Zu was in the boundary sea.

Lu Changsheng actually has the power of the supreme martial arts master now.

But compared to Wu Zu?

There is simply no comparison.

One is heaven, the other is earth.

It seems that they are completely two levels of life.

Obviously, the gap between the supreme martial arts master and Wu Zu is too big.

It is almost a world of difference.

No wonder the history of Xianwu Realm is so long, and the history of martial artists in Xianwu Realm is not short.

However, there are only three Wu Zu so far.

It shows how difficult it is to cultivate Wu Zu.

In this way, Wu Zu ran wildly in this way for a whole year.

Finally, Lu Changsheng saw a giant continent in the distance, floating in the boundary sea.

"We are here at Xianwu Palace!"

Gufu Wu Zu laughed and stepped into Xianwu Palace.

After entering Xianwu Palace, the huge phantom of Gufu Wu Zu gradually disappeared and returned to a normal human body.

Lu Changsheng looked around.

In the Xianwu Palace, there are magnificent buildings and caves everywhere.

There are all kinds of creatures everywhere.

Not only humans.

There are also creatures in the boundary sea.

Lu Changsheng even saw many martial arts supremes and martial arts supreme level boundary sea creatures at a glance.

In the Xianwu Palace, the corrosive force in the boundary sea is isolated.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng no longer has to worry about the corrosive force of the boundary sea.

It seems to be no different from being in the Xianwu Realm.

"Is this the Xianwu Palace?"

"It's simply a world of its own!"

"No, it's even more exaggerated than a world of its own. After all, the lives here are all very terrifying."

Lu Changsheng glanced at it.

He found that the creatures here, even the servants, are not simple.

The servants are at least earth saint level lives.

Of course, these servants are lives from other worlds in the boundary sea.

If they leave the Xianwu Palace, they can't even survive in the boundary sea.

"The Xianwu Palace is also a force in the boundary sea, not a weak one. Over the years, it has attacked countless worlds, and therefore captured many alien creatures and brought them to the Xianwu Palace."

"However, the core circle of the Xianwu Palace is still the warriors and immortal cultivators in the Xianwu world."

"The Xianwu Palace is actually divided into two forces. One is the Xian Palace, and the other is the Wu Palace."

"As the name suggests, the Xian Palace is led by immortal cultivators, and the Wu Palace is led by warriors. But whether it is the Xian Palace or the Wu Palace, everyone has the same interests in the boundary sea, and they are all members of the Xianwu Palace."

Lu Changsheng understood.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the other two Wuzu."

"Your Jidao Wuzu of the Jidao Holy Land has long wanted to meet you."

So, the Gufu Wuzu took Lu Changsheng to the Wu Palace.

Along the way, many martial arts supremes saw the Gufu Wuzu and saluted respectfully.

"Meet Wuzu."

The Gufu Wuzu just nodded.

There are really many martial arts supremes here.

In the Xianwu Realm, if you become a martial arts supreme, you may stay in the Xianwu Realm for a while.

But you will be bound by the Xianwu Realm.

Most martial arts supremes don't want to feel that kind of restraint, so they all come to the Xianwu Palace in the sea.

They are very surprised to see that the ancient mansion martial ancestor is accompanied by Lu Changsheng, and he is just a heavenly saint.

"I heard that the ancient mansion martial ancestor left the Xianwu Palace for two years and returned to the Xianwu Realm specifically to pick up this heavenly saint warrior?"

"How can a heavenly saint be escorted by the martial ancestor himself?"

"I don't know, it is said that this heavenly saint is very unusual."

"What is the name of this heavenly saint?"

Many martial arts supremes are confused.

After all, Lu Changsheng is the person favored by the three martial ancestors.

The three martial ancestors have no intention of spreading the word.

Therefore, basically, the martial arts supremes in the Xianwu Palace do not know the specific situation of Lu Changsheng.

As for contacting the Xianwu Realm?

That's too difficult.

Only the martial ancestor may have some way to contact people in the Xianwu Realm.

But it costs a lot.

Lu Changsheng also carefully sensed some of his clones left in the Xianwu Realm.

It turned out to be useless.

He could not sense the clones in the Xianwu Realm at all.

Soon, Lu Changsheng entered a cave.

There were two figures inside.


The eyes of the two figures instantly fell on Lu Changsheng.

Wu Zu!

Obviously, these two figures are the other two martial ancestors of the Xianwu Realm.

"Well, Lu Changsheng is worthy of being the true disciple of my Jidao Holy Land."

"He is a heavenly saint in the flesh, perfect in all ways, and even masters the method of breaking the way."

"From ancient times to the present, my Xianwu Realm has never produced such a powerful heavenly saint. Even in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, he can be regarded as the top."

The speaker is a burly man.

There seems to be a terrifying majesty on his body.

Lu Changsheng knows this burly man.

Or rather, he has seen the portrait.

After all, when he joined the Jidao Holy Land, he knelt in front of the portrait of the ancestor to join the holy land.

The person in the portrait of the ancestor is the burly man in front of him, the Jidao Martial Ancestor!

"Disciple Lu Changsheng greets the ancestor!"

Lu Changsheng bowed respectfully.

This is the real ancestor!

"That's great. Finally, a top Heavenly Saint was born in my Xianwu Realm."

"Over the years, although our Xianwu Palace has produced many talents and martial arts supremes one after another, there is really no top at the same level."

"The martial arts supreme is like this, and the Heavenly Saint level is even weaker. There is no way to compete with the top existences in those powerful tribes in the sea of ​​​​boundaries. There are many opportunities, but because our Xianwu Palace does not have corresponding top powerhouses, we are not even qualified to compete."

"But now everything is over."

The speaker is a kind man.

He is the Martial Ancestor of the Wanfa Holy Land!

The three martial ancestors, each of them looked at Lu Changsheng with relief and expectation.

"Three martial ancestors, the disciple is willing to go to Kunwu Realm!"

Lu Changsheng said in a deep voice.

He knew that the three martial ancestors gave him so much support.

They helped him practice with all their strength, with only one purpose, to go to Kunwu Realm to compete for opportunities!

Kunwu Realm not only has opportunities for Lu Changsheng, but also has great opportunities that are helpful to martial ancestors.

"Kunwu Realm is not in a hurry."

"Kunwu Realm is a world where all races compete for supremacy. The strong ones among the top races are very scary. Even Kui Niu and Zhuo Longshang are actually at the level of Heavenly Saints, but they are much inferior to those truly top races."

"Those truly top creatures can easily defeat the Supreme Martial Arts Master with their Heavenly Saint bodies! They are truly the pride of the Sea of ​​​​Boundaries!"

Ji Dao Wu Zu said in a deep voice.

After all, Lu Changsheng is the true disciple of Ji Dao Holy Land.

Ji Dao Wu Zu did not want Lu Changsheng to get into trouble.

"The pride of the Sea of ​​​​Boundaries..."

Lu Changsheng thought of Kui Niu and Zhuo Longshang.

In Lu Changsheng's view, Kui Niu and Zhuo Longshang are already very powerful.

However, in the Sea of ​​​​Boundaries, Zhuo Longshang and Kui Niu are not considered top.

There are not many strong people of the same level who can kill Kui Niu and Zhuo Longshang in Kunwu Realm, but they are definitely not a minority.

After all, Lu Changsheng may not be very clear about what the four words "Ten Thousand Races Fighting for Hegemony" mean.

"Lu Changsheng, we, the human race in the Xianwu Realm, are born with weak bodies and do not have strong bloodlines. We rely on cultivation to strengthen ourselves step by step to stand in the sea of ​​boundaries. But in fact, we are ultimately innately flawed and cannot compare to those sea of ​​boundaries with strong bloodlines of the Heavenly Saints."

"Your body is a Heavenly Saint, your Dao body is strong, and your ten thousand Daos are perfect. It seems that there is no further progress in the Heavenly Saint level. But in the Kunwu Realm, there are top masters who are ten or even a hundred times stronger than you are now. They are the real pride of the sea of ​​boundaries."

"So, you must first adapt to the situation in the sea of ​​boundaries. I will arrange some The sea life will fight with you to increase your experience, and then let you pay attention to the characteristics of some of the top geniuses in the Kunwu Realm, so that you can be prepared. "

"In short, when you go to the Kunwu Realm, your first thing is not to fight for opportunities, but... to stay alive!"

"Even if you can't win any opportunities in the end, you must stay alive. It took us countless tens of thousands of years to give birth to a top genius like you in our Xianwu Realm. We don't want you to die in the Kunwu Realm unless we have no choice."

"After all, you still have great hope to become the fourth martial ancestor of our Xianwu Realm!"

The speaker is the ancient mansion martial ancestor.

If it is said that it was a "transaction" with Lu Changsheng before.

Then now is the time to show the "warmth" of the martial ancestor.

This is not false, but the true thoughts of the martial ancestors.

They want opportunities.

But they want Lu Changsheng to live more!

After all, a top genius like Lu Changsheng has only appeared once in countless tens of thousands of years.

It is something you can encounter but not seek.

If it weren't for the great opportunity in the Kunwu Realm.

All races are fighting for it at all costs.

No matter what, the three martial ancestors would not let Lu Changsheng take risks in Kunwu Realm.

"Disciple understands."

"Everything is subject to the arrangements of the three martial ancestors."

Lu Changsheng responded respectfully.

"Okay, then you go and rest first."

"We'll talk about it later."

So, Lu Changsheng turned and left the cave, and the martial arts supreme arranged Lu Changsheng's cave.

Lu Changsheng lived in the cave with peace of mind.

He even walked around, observing and understanding everything in the Xianwu Palace.

Lu Changsheng found that the Xianwu Palace was dominated by the martial arts supreme.

The rest of the martial arts supremes were below the status of the lower ones.

They were either servants or disciples.

After all, in the Xianwu Realm, the Tiansheng was high above.

But in the Xianwu Palace, the Tiansheng could not even travel in the boundary sea, and could only stay in the Xianwu Palace. How high could his status be?

Those who can travel across the world sea can only be those who are above the martial arts supreme level.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng also learned that the division of realms in the Realm Sea was different from that in the Immortal Martial Realm.

The so-called heavenly saints, martial arts supremes, etc. in the immortal martial arts world all have other names.

After all, the boundary sea is too big.

It accommodates too many ethnic groups and has too many cultivation systems.

For example, the Giant Spirit Clan cultivates the physical body.

Another example is other creatures cultivating their bloodline.

What's more, the favorite of Tiansheng Rules specializes in practicing rules.

There is also the spirit of cultivation and so on.

There are just too many.

Each practice system has its own name, and it is too confusing and complicated in the world.

Therefore, there is a unified division of the realm of the boundary sea.

This unified division actually started from Tiansheng.

The heavenly saint level is called the extreme realm in the world sea!

It means reaching the limit.

In the world where ordinary living beings live, the limit is the Heavenly Saint.

If you go one step further to reach the supreme level of martial arts, you will be rejected by the world.

Therefore, as long as the limit of the world is reached, it is called the extreme state.

In the world of Immortal Martial Arts, Heavenly Sage or Void Refining Monk are the ultimate realm.

And the supreme level of martial arts is the realm of respect!

It means that the boundary sea is honored!

Once one reaches the supreme level of martial arts, one can break away from the shackles of the world and travel across the world.

There are endless possibilities.

As for the martial ancestors who are above the supreme martial arts, or the Mahayana of the immortal cultivation system, they are called the ancestral realm!

The Ancestral Realm Great Power is nominally the highest realm in the Boundary Sea.

If a world only gave birth to Zunjing, it actually only represents hope.

But you need to be careful.

It is possible to be destroyed by other powerful beings.

Only those born in the ancestral realm are qualified to stand among the thousands of races in the world sea.

Only then can it be possible to maintain the peace of the world and not be destroyed by powerful external beings.

The ancestral realm is the sea-fixing needle of countless worlds.

Just hope.

The reason why the Immortal Martial World is so powerful is also very simple.

Possessing the power of the ancestral realm!

In fact, there are more than ten great masters in the ancestral realm!

Even though there are only three Ancestral Realm masters in martial arts, there are eight Ancestral Realm masters in Immortal Dao.

The Immortal Martial World’s Immortal Dao and Martial Dao added together make a total of eleven Ancestral Realm great masters!

This is considered a relatively powerful force in the vast world sea.

Many worlds and countless races hope to give birth to an ancestral realm but cannot achieve it.

But the Immortal Martial World has eleven ancestral realm powers!

Among them, the three martial ancestors of martial arts are not ordinary ancestral realms.

Among the great masters in the ancestral realm, they are all very powerful.

It is precisely because of this that the Immortal Martial World becomes more and more powerful.

After all, three martial ancestors, eight Mahayana masters, and a total of eleven ancestral realms are not a bad thing.

In the boundary sea, there is no great master in the ancestral realm who is good.

Through continuous conquests, a steady stream of various valuable resources were obtained, most of which were invested in the Xianwu world, making the Xianwu world more and more prosperous and with more and more geniuses.

"Extreme Realm, Zun Realm and Ancestor Realm!"

"I should be in a desperate situation right now."

Lu Changsheng understood his positioning of strength.

"Lu Changsheng, come to the martial arts palace quickly."

A familiar voice came to Lu Changsheng's ears.

This is the voice of Jidao Martial Ancestor!

"Yes, Patriarch."

Lu Changsheng's heart moved and he stood up immediately.

He had been in Xianwu Palace for so many days, and Martial Ancestor finally came to find him again.

Lu Changsheng rushed to the martial arts arena as quickly as possible.

In the martial arts arena, Lu Changsheng saw the three great martial ancestors including the Jidao Martial Ancestor.

These three great martial ancestors are all in the martial arts arena, and besides the three great martial ancestors, there are actually many martial arts supremes.

In addition to warriors, Lu Changsheng also saw a large group of immortal cultivators.

Those are the people from Asgard.

Several of them had very terrifying auras.

And the position is similar to that of the three great martial ancestors.

There is only one possibility for immortal monks who can sit on equal terms with Martial Ancestor, Mahayana!

Moreover, there are eight Mahayana statues.

Are all the eleven ancestral realms of Xianwu Palace gathered together?

Today's martial arts performance field may not be simple.

"Lu Changsheng, come here."

"Yes, Patriarch."

Lu Changsheng came to the Jidao Martial Ancestor.

"Lu Changsheng, it must have been a while since you came to Xianwu Palace. Are you feeling overwhelmed?"

Lu Changsheng said nothing.

It's the default.

He was indeed panicking.

"Come on, no need to hold it in today."

"The reason why you have been waiting for so long is because the Immortal Palace has also trained a top extreme monk."

"They strongly advocated allowing the extreme monk to enter the Kunwu Realm."

"It costs a lot to enter the Kunwu Realm. This price is not trivial. For the time being, our Xianwu Palace can only allow one extreme monk to enter."

"So, our Martial Palace and Immortal Palace have discussed and let you two compete."

"Whoever wins will enter the Kunwu Realm, how about it?"

The Jidao Martial Ancestor explained everything today.

Lu Changsheng raised his head and glanced at the Immortal Palace.

A vaguely sharp gaze collided with his.

"Disciple, there is no problem."

Lu Changsheng said calmly.


"Remember, you don't have to hold back your hands on the martial arts field."

"No matter how serious the injury is, with so many of our ancestors here, it can be cured without leaving any injuries."

"I only have one request, victory!"

"Okay, go ahead."

The Jidao Wuzu waved his hand, and Lu Changsheng stood up and walked to the martial arts arena step by step.

At the same time, in the Immortal Palace, a young Taoist who had just confronted Lu Changsheng with his eyes also landed on the martial arts arena.

The eyes of the two instantly collided.

"Immortal Palace, Chen Daqian!"

"Martial Palace, Lu Changsheng!"

As the two finished speaking.

Suddenly, Chen Daqian made a move instantly.


A white light flashed between Chen Daqian's eyebrows.

The sharp flying sword flew out instantly.

And it was not just one, but a full forty-nine.

The flying swords in the sky formed a sword formation, covering Lu Changsheng in it.

It seemed that there were sharp sword energy in all directions, which were going to cut his Taoist body.

Moreover, each sword energy was very terrifying.

Even with his Taoist body, he could not resist it.

The opponent's flying sword is indeed at the level of Heavenly Saint, which fully complies with the rules of Kunwu Realm.


"Your Immortal Palace has cultivated a talent. Being able to control forty-nine flying swords at the same time and form a sword formation, Chen Daqian's spiritual awareness and magic power are extraordinary, and he is indeed qualified to compete in Kunwu Realm."

"And this Chen Daqian grew up in the Immortal Palace, not a cultivator in the Immortal Martial Realm. You have cultivated him according to the standards of the top extreme realm in the Realm Sea since he was a child?"

How sharp are the three martial ancestors?

They saw through Chen Daqian's background almost at a glance.

They knew that Chen Daqian was extraordinary, indeed far beyond those refining cultivators in the Immortal Martial Realm.

"That's right. Chen Daqian has indeed grown up in the Immortal Palace since he was a child. We have also devoted our efforts to cultivate him according to the standards of the top extreme realm in the boundary sea. It's a pity that he is still a little short of it. The top extreme realm is not so easy to cultivate."

"Talent, opportunity, cultivation system, etc. are all indispensable, and perhaps only then can a top extreme realm be created. The current Chen Daqian is still a little short of it, but compared to the Tiansheng warriors selected from the Immortal Martial Realm, I am afraid I don't know how many times stronger he is."

The Mahayana in the Immortal Palace all smiled and were very satisfied with Chen Daqian.


"We found an extraordinary Tiansheng from the Immortal Martial Realm this time."

"You watch carefully..."

The three martial ancestors were full of confidence and seemed to have no worries at all.

Sure enough, when forty-nine flying swords came towards Lu Changsheng, Lu Changsheng was calm and unmoved.

Even Lu Changsheng stood where he was.

Let the forty-nine flying swords slash at him.


The next moment, the martial arts roared in Lu Changsheng's body.

A full 10,000 kinds of martial arts, shining with light in an instant, were added to the Dao body.

This is just the martial arts plus the Dao body.

The two merged into one.

There was no fusion of flesh and blood, no burst of the law of heaven and earth.

Ten thousand kinds of complete martial arts, plus a terrifying Dao body.

When the forty-nine flying swords slashed at Lu Changsheng, they found that Lu Changsheng's Dao body was extremely powerful.

When the forty-nine flying swords slashed at the Dao body, they were directly bounced off.

Lu Changsheng was unscathed!


Chen Daqian's face changed instantly.

Not only Chen Daqian, but also several Mahayana in the Immortal Palace showed a touch of shock on their faces.

"Even the flying sword can't cut it?"

"What a Lu Changsheng! The Lord of Ten Thousand Daos! And he has cultivated all ten thousand martial arts to perfection. When did such a monster appear in the Xianwu world?"

"The Wu Palace has really found a shocking figure."

How sharp are the Mahayana's eyes?

At a glance, it is clear that Lu Changsheng is very strong.

In the martial arts arena, Chen Daqian's sword formation did not work, so he cast a spell.

"Ten Thousand Thunder Technique!"

The flying sword was drawn.

The sword formation can actually trigger thunder.

"Boom boom".

The huge thunder bombarded down.

But Lu Changsheng's Dao body remained motionless.

Lu Changsheng knew that it was almost done.

Basically, all of Chen Daqian's methods were tried out.

Chen Daqian is indeed very strong.

Except for Lu Changsheng, it is estimated that in the Xianwu world, it is difficult for a Tiansheng warrior to be Chen Daqian's opponent.

Unfortunately, Chen Daqian met Lu Changsheng.


Lu Changsheng's ten thousand Daos rang together.

Ten thousand kinds of martial arts are added to the body of Taoism, and they are perfect martial arts.

Then, Lu Changsheng punched out.

This punch shook the world.

Chen Daqian's sight seemed to be filled with this punch.

The whole world seemed to have only this punch.

Chen Daqian knew that he could not stop it.

Even if he tried his best, he could not stop it.


Finally, under this punch, Chen Daqian's forty-nine flying swords broke directly.

They fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng's fist had reached Chen Daqian.

But Lu Changsheng stopped.

At his level, he could control his own strength freely.

Therefore, if he didn't want to hurt Chen Daqian, he could stop in time.

There would be no accidental injury at all.

They were just sparring.

Or just competing for a place.

They were all for the immortal martial arts world, so there was no need to fight to the death.

Lu Changsheng stopped.

Chen Daqian had a complicated expression and slowly said, "I lost..."

Chen Daqian was in the Immortal Palace, and he was the hope of the Immortal Palace.

Revered by countless monks.

As a result, this was defeated before even helping Immortal Palace.

Although he was defeated by the people in the martial arts palace, he still felt very frustrated.

"Daqian, come back."

"Lu Changsheng, you have defeated Chen Daqian and can go to Kunwu Realm."

"This time, your martial arts palace is even better."

The Mahayana people in the Immortal Palace all acknowledged the result.

After all, Xianwu Palace is one.

There may be some competition between them, but they will not be held back indefinitely.

Now they have indeed lost.

"Everyone, whether Lu Changsheng or Chen Daqian goes, our purpose is the same."

"Now in the world sea, countless powerful races have set their sights on the Kunwu world."

"No matter what, someone from our Immortal Martial World must enter the Kunwu Realm."

The Jidao Martial Ancestor said slowly.

Several Mahayana men in the Immortal Palace also nodded.

In fact, at the beginning, Xianwu Palace did not realize the importance of Kunwu Realm.

After all, no one in the Immortal Martial World can enter the Kunwu Realm.

But later, they discovered that the powerful races in the entire world sea were trying their best to send the extreme monks into the Kunwu world.

He even wants to be sent to Kunwu Realm at all costs.

At this time, they realized something was wrong.

Later, they tried their best to inquire, and finally found out a secret about Kunwu Realm.

"Lu Changsheng, follow us to the main hall."

"Fellow Taoists from the Immortal Palace, please come together."

So, Lu Changsheng and others went to the Martial Palace Hall.

Also coming together were several Mahayana from Immortal Palace.

Obviously, it is in the overall interest of Xianwu Palace for Lu Changsheng to go to Kunwu Realm.

In the main hall, the expressions of Jidao Martial Ancestor and others became solemn.

"Lu Changsheng, do you know what your most important goal is when you go to Kunwu Realm?"

Jidao Martial Ancestor asked.

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

He just knew that Kunwu Realm contained secrets.

However, Lu Changsheng didn't know what the secret was.

Before, the martial ancestors had not told him what kind of secrets there were in the Kunwu Realm.

"Lu Changsheng, when you enter the Kunwu Realm this time, you will be able to compete for all kinds of opportunities."

"But the most important thing is to find out the most important secret of Kunwu Realm, the road to heaven!"

"Remember, if there is news about the road to heaven, you must find every way to find out, and even fight for the secret of the road to heaven."

Lu Changsheng's heart trembled.

The name Dengtian Road is too familiar.

Lu Changsheng thought carefully.

He remembered.

When he was refining the immortal blood, he seemed to see the figure of the ancestor of the giant spirits.

The ancestor of the giant spirits seems to have mentioned the "road to heaven".

However, according to the words of the ancestor of the giant spirits, the road to heaven seems to be broken?

Lu Changsheng asked with confusion on his face: "Ancestor, what is the road to heaven?"

The three great martial ancestors and several Mahayana looked at each other.

This is the secret!

However, Lu Changsheng is about to go to Kunwu Realm.

If they want to know the chance of reaching heaven, they still have to rely on Lu Changsheng.

Therefore, there was no need to hide it from Lu Changsheng.

Therefore, Jidao Martial Ancestor took a deep breath and said word by word: "The road to heaven is the place that countless monks in the entire world dream of."

"It is rumored that the road to heaven leads to the heaven, and the ancestral realm can reach the heaven."

"It's a pity that for some unknown reason, the road to heaven was blocked. No one can enter the road to heaven again, let alone the heaven."

"However, whether you can enter the heaven or not is secondary. It is said that the reason why countless ancestral realms are fighting for the road to heaven is because the road to heaven contains secrets above the ancestral realm."

"Once someone finds the way to heaven, he might be able to break the shackles and ascend to the ancestral realm. By then, it is not impossible to overwhelm the entire Boundary Sea and become the Lord of the Boundary Sea."

Lu Changsheng was shocked.

Lord of the Boundary Sea!

No wonder so many races are flocking to it and must madly enter the Kunwu Realm.

How big is the boundary sea?

It's just unimaginable.

Lord of the Boundary Sea?

This kind of temptation is really hard to resist.

Of course, whether he can become the Lord of the Boundary Sea is another question.

But the road to heaven contains the secrets beyond the ancestral realm, which is something that countless ancestral realms cannot give up.

Which monk doesn't want to go a step further?

The sea of ​​​​boundaries is vast and boundless.

But countless ancestral realms are trapped in the ancestral realm and cannot break through.

Only by finding the way to heaven can we hope to go further and break through to the ancestral realm.

That's the real reason!

"Disciple understands."

"When I go to Kunwu Realm, I will definitely find out the secret of the way to heaven."

Lu Changsheng also looked solemn and said solemnly.


"Let's go now, I will personally take you to Kunwu Realm!"

The Jidao Martial Ancestor spoke.

Lu Changsheng is the true successor of the Jidao Holy Land, and can be regarded as his descendant.

Naturally, Jidao Martial Ancestor paid more attention to Lu Changsheng.

"Since we are going to Kunwu Realm, it is for the Xianwu Palace, so we can't help but express our feelings."

"Kunwu Realm can only carry treasures below the level of refining the void. This magic weapon is called the Xuanhuang Pagoda. I modeled it on an earth-shattering spiritual treasure in the world sea. It can withstand all attacks below the level of the ancestral realm. Of course. , if the attack is too strong, you may only be able to withstand it once!"

"I also have a magic weapon, the famous light boat. It is extremely fast. If you encounter danger, you can escape in the light boat."

"I have the Endless Life Pill here, which can be used to kill human flesh and white bones. As long as you have one breath left, no matter how serious the injury is, you can heal it. Even if you are seriously injured mentally."

"These magic weapons don't require your magic power to activate them. You just need to bring more spiritual stones and spiritual crystals. Crush them to activate the treasures."

Lu Changsheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw these treasures.

It is indeed a fairy palace.

There is one difference between the Immortal Palace and the Martial Palace, that is, there are many treasures and they are very wealthy.

Looking at it now, it is indeed the case.

Compared with the Immortal Palace and Mahayana, the three martial ancestors of the Martial Palace have all become "poor ghosts".

There's no comparison.

With these treasures, Lu Changsheng has more confidence in Kunwu Realm.

"Thank you seniors."

Lu Changsheng collected all the treasures one by one.

He looked at the three great martial ancestors eagerly again.

But the three great martial ancestors shook their heads and said: "We warriors fight in the world and rely on ourselves. We don't have that many treasures to give you."

"Okay, I will personally take Lu Changsheng to Kunwu Realm."

After saying that, Jidao Martial Ancestor did not hesitate.

He took Lu Changsheng directly out of the Xianwu Palace and entered the depths of the Boundary Sea.

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