Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 320 The golden toad spits out a pearl, and the divine object appears! Lu Changsheng's t

Chapter 320 The golden toad spits out beads, and the divine object appears! Lu Changsheng's Taoist body shook the heavens and the earth and shocked the world!

Jidao Martial Ancestor led Lu Changsheng to run wildly in the boundary sea.

Lu Changsheng was already familiar with Jiehai and didn't find it that new.

In Jiehai, even in the ancestral realm, you can only rely on your "legs" to travel.

And the journey this time is very long.

It took me three whole years to get there.

This shows how far away Kunwu Realm is from Xianwu Palace.

However, three years later, Lu Changsheng finally saw the Kunwu Realm.

"Is that the Kunwu Realm?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

At this time, Jidao Martial Ancestor had stopped.

Just far away from the two of them, a huge cloud can be seen.

Lu Changsheng had never seen such a huge "cloud" before.

In fact, the cloud is the Kunwu Realm.

A cloud represents a world.

The bigger the clouds are, the bigger the world is.

Lu Changsheng had seen the Immortal Martial World.

I have also seen many other worlds in the Realm Sea.

However, there is no world with clouds as big as Kunwu World.

This shows how vast the Kunwu world is.

"He who comes is stopped."

Suddenly, a voice came into the ears of Lu Changsheng and Jidao Martial Ancestor.

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He saw a man with blue scales all over his body.

A burly figure like a crocodile stood in front of the two of them.

The key is the opponent's aura. Although it is completely different from that of the warrior, its aura is not inferior to that of the Jidao Martial Ancestor.

Obviously, this is a foreign ancestral realm!

"This is the Jidao Martial Ancestor of the Immortal Martial Palace!"

The Jidao Martial Ancestor said coldly.

Then he took out a token.

This token was obtained by Xianwu Palace at a huge cost.

Without this token, there is no way to enter the Kunwu Realm.

As for forced entry?

That's simply impossible.

The top ancestral realms of the foreign races teamed up to blockade the Kunwu Realm.

If you don't have a token, if you force your way in, you will be killed without mercy.

Even the strong ones in the ancestral realm dare not break through.

"There is a token that allows an extreme creature to enter."

The tone of the alien ancestral realm with blue scales was still stiff and indifferent, and he did not give the Jidao Martial Ancestor any face.

The Jidao Martial Ancestor took a deep breath and told Lu Changsheng: "The Kunwu Realm is ahead. You can enter the Kunwu Realm with the token in hand."

"Remember, your first goal is to survive in the Kunwu world, and then you can explore opportunities."

"If you get the chance, leave Kunwu Realm immediately."

"There is only one way to leave the Kunwu Realm, and that is to be promoted to the Supreme Martial Arts, which is the realm of the Supreme Realm in the Realm Sea."

"As long as you become the Supreme Martial Arts Master, the Kunwu Realm will automatically exclude you from the Kunwu Realm."

"But once you are promoted to the Supreme Martial Arts, you will lose the opportunity to enter the Kunwu Realm again. Therefore, unless you have to, try not to be promoted to the Supreme Martial Arts, otherwise you will never have the chance again."

Jidao Martial Ancestor made it very clear.

Only one chance!

Unless you encounter a huge life and death crisis, you have to leave Kunwu Realm to resolve the crisis.

Or get a big opportunity.

Then you can be promoted to the Supreme Martial Arts and leave Kunwu Realm.

Otherwise, all the preparations made by Xianwu Palace will be useless.

Of course, Lu Changsheng understood what the Jidao Martial Ancestor meant, so he solemnly replied: "Don't worry, Ancestor, the disciple will weigh the pros and cons."

"Okay, let's go."

Lu Changsheng no longer hesitated and turned into a stream of light, instantly flying towards Kunwu Realm.

This time, the alien ancestral realm did not stop Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng was allowed to fly to Kunwu Realm.

Lu Changsheng flew closer and closer.

The closer he got, Lu Changsheng discovered that there were also alien races, most of them were humanoid, but some were not humanoid, and they were all kinds of strange.

They all held tokens and flew towards Kunwu Realm.

Lu Changsheng's heart trembled.

He could feel the powerful aura from these aliens.

Although they are both at the Heavenly Saint level, they are not inferior to him.

Obviously, these may be his competitors in the Kunwu world, all in order to gain opportunities in the Kunwu world.

"The Xianwu Palace spent countless years and paid an unknown price to win this token."

"The three great martial ancestors and the eight Mahayana saints only received one token."

"Tokens are so precious. For Xianwu Palace, they may only have this token for a long time. In the Kunwu world, we must be careful and try our best to get opportunities..."

Although Jidao Martial Ancestor did not say it clearly, Lu Changsheng knew how precious this token was.

Xianwu Palace is not the top power in the world sea.

Just one of thousands of forces.

In fact, it is quite ordinary.

It was the Martial Ancestors and Mahayana people who worked hard to get this token.

Just to give people from Xianwu Palace a chance to enter Kunwu Realm.

This opportunity is hard-won, so Lu Changsheng must cherish it.


The next moment, Lu Changsheng had flown into Kunwu Realm.

"On a full moon night, the golden toad spits out beads!"

Lu Changsheng strolled through Fengcheng.

Lu Changsheng entered the Kunwu Realm more than half a month ago.

After he entered the Kunwu Realm, he was twisted by a mysterious force and came to Fengcheng.

Later, Lu Changsheng gradually inquired about Fengcheng and roughly learned about the situation in Kunwu Realm.

Kunwu Realm is too huge.

The vastness.

I don’t know how many dynasties there are.

Among them, the sealed city is located in the heart of the Dagan Divine Dynasty.

The so-called "Divine Dynasty" means that it possesses divine objects.

In the Kunwu Realm, the most are divine objects.

These divine objects have various functions and are very magical.

The Dagan Divine Dynasty has a national guardian divine object.

Any national guardian divine object is very terrifying. Once it is used, even the martial arts supreme can be killed.

Therefore, although many powerful people from all races have entered the Kunwu Realm one after another, up to now, the Kunwu Realm has maintained overall peace, and the local forces of the Kunwu Realm are still the strongest.

The reason lies in these divine objects.

As a result, the powerful people from all races in the boundary sea dare not act rashly and do whatever they want.

There was a time when the powerful people from all races joined forces, and even the martial arts supreme could not resist the joint efforts.

But the Divine Dynasty dispatched the national guardian divine objects and directly killed them all.

After this, the powerful people from all races in the boundary sea became honest and did not dare to do whatever they wanted.

However, the number of powerful people from all races continued to increase.

It is still impacting the original order of Kunwu Realm.

As for the opportunities of Kunwu Realm, it is actually these divine objects!

There are often rumors in Kunwu Realm.

For example, mythological rumors.

Or all kinds of strange rumors.

These rumors may have the appearance of divine objects.

At that time, we have to find a way to fight for the divine objects.

The divine objects are not only needed by the powerful people of all races, but also by the local court or major forces.

Therefore, once the divine objects appear, various forces and various powerful people will go to fight for them.

Lu Changsheng has been lurking in the closed city for more than half a month.

He has always heard the rumor that "On the night of the full moon, the golden toad spits out pearls."

He vaguely guessed.

There may be a divine object in this rumor.

However, whether the divine object is the golden toad or the pearls spit out by the golden toad, that is unknown.

Moreover, this rumor has been around for more than a year.

But it seems that no one has found the divine object so far.

Tonight is the night of the full moon.

Lu Changsheng is also ready to take a look.

However, I wonder how many masters will fight for it tonight?

Anyway, Lu Changsheng could vaguely feel that there were many masters hidden in the closed city.

Not to mention the imperial court.

It is not so easy to seize the divine object.

It is even quite tricky.

"Boss, how much is this wood carving?"

Just as Lu Changsheng was thinking, a crisp voice sounded.

Lu Changsheng raised his head and found that it was a pretty woman dressed as a Jianghu person, holding a snow lotus wood carving in her hand.

Lu Changsheng was a great recluse in the city.

After arriving in the closed city, he simply opened a wood carving shop and then carved some wood carvings.

Not for making money, just to be less abrupt.

At least don't be easily targeted by people from the imperial court.

Anyway, business is also up to fate.

Unexpectedly, business came today.

"Ten taels of silver, no bargaining."

Lu Changsheng casually quoted a high price, hoping to scare off the Jianghu woman.

After all, tonight is the night of the full moon.

He is still preparing to fight for the divine object.

How could she still have the heart to do business?

"So expensive?"

The woman hesitated.

It was just a wood carving, but it was sold for ten taels of silver.

However, she seemed to like this wood carving very much.

In particular, she seemed to be able to see the "charm" in this wood carving, as if the wood carving had "come alive".

In the eyes of the woman, the snow lotus in the wood carving was not a dead object, but a lifelike living thing.

So, the woman gritted her teeth and directly took out ten taels of silver.

"I'll buy it!"

The woman handed ten taels of silver to Lu Changsheng.

"Really buy it?"

Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

He just casually quoted a high price, originally wanting to scare the woman away, but he didn't expect that the other party actually bought it.

At this time, Lu Changsheng took a good look at the woman.

Just an ordinary martial artist.

The native life of Kunwu Realm is actually in the "mortal" state.

They cannot practice any martial arts in the sea of ​​​​boundaries.

They can only learn some superficial martial arts.

Their life span is only a few dozen years.

At most, they can live to more than a hundred years old, which is considered a historical record.

But they are naturally able to master powerful divine objects and have the power to kill the strong men of the Venerable Realm.

It seems very strange, but this is the "rule" of Kunwu Realm.

Therefore, the so-called Jianghu warriors actually only know some superficial kung fu, have been training their strength since childhood, and have some fighting skills.

Unless these Jianghu warriors can master divine objects.

Once they master divine objects, these Jianghu warriors will become top masters in one leap.

Not inferior to the powerful lives in the sea of ​​​​worlds, it can be said to be a step to heaven.

This is the magic of divine objects.

However, although the woman is an ordinary warrior, Lu Changsheng vaguely senses that the woman seems to have a special temperament.

This temperament is very obscure.

If Lu Changsheng hadn't carefully identified it, he really couldn't find it.

It's as if something is gathered in the woman's body.


Lu Changsheng thought.

There are some native people in Kunwu Realm who have luck.

Once you have luck, it is easy to get a divine object, and you can rise to the top in one step.

Lu Changsheng did not expect to see a "lucky person" in the closed city.

Of course, there are many lucky people.

Every divine object often has a corresponding lucky person.

But only one person got the divine object.

Then it depends on which person with good fortune has more luck.

Especially now that the powerful people of the boundary sea are intervening.

Many people with good fortune cannot get the divine object.

Lu Changsheng's mind moved, and he immediately attached a drop of flesh and blood to the wood carving, and then handed the wood carving to the woman.

If the woman is a person with good fortune, there is a high probability that she will encounter the divine object.

At that time, Lu Changsheng can sense the location through the clone and rush over to seize the divine object.

Of course, this is just an idle move.

The key still depends on the competition between Lu Changsheng and other powerful people of the boundary sea tonight.

"By the way, boss, have you heard that on the night of the full moon, the golden toad spits pearls?"

The woman asked.

"I have heard of it, but it's just a rumor. This rumor has been around for more than a year, and no one has seen the golden toad. It is mostly groundless and nonsense."

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

The woman did not comment.

Then she turned and left.

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Even the local people in Kunwu Realm have heard the rumor that "on the night of the full moon, the golden toad spits out pearls."

It is conceivable that how many masters will appear tonight?

"When the wind and clouds gather, let me meet the top extreme masters among the myriad races."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

Then, he ignored it and continued to carve wood carvings.

Time passed quickly and it was soon night.

It was quite hot at night in the hot summer.

Many people went to the river for a walk to cool off.

Because of the national treasure, the Dagan Dynasty generally maintained a peaceful environment. There was not much chaos.

However, tonight was destined to be unpeaceful.

There were many people by the river.

There was a full moon reflected in the river.

The water was rippling, one circle after another.

The surroundings were very calm, and there was nothing special.


Suddenly, a toad sounded.


Black shadows flew out from all directions in an instant.

"There are toads chirping."

"It's the night of the full moon now, where is the golden toad?"

"The toad chirping is nearby, let's look for it!"

These men in black seemed to be a group, and began to search around the river in an organized and purposeful manner.

Seeing these men in black, the people who were originally walking by the river felt the danger.

These people in the rivers and lakes would come here every full moon night.

If they were not careful, they would fight and even bleed.

Therefore, ordinary people avoided them.

In a blink of an eye, the people by the river became sparse.

The riverside also quickly became quiet.

A group of black-clad people should be martial artists.

But they searched everywhere and could only hear the toad chirping, but could not find the golden toad.

"The toad chirping is nearby, but we can't find it."

"It should be in the river."

"Go to the river!"

This group of martial artists in the rivers and lakes were well-trained, and several of them went directly into the river.

With a "splash".

Several people dived underwater.

The moonlight was bright and the water was rippling.

Although there was only a group of martial artists, Lu Changsheng had actually been hiding in the dark, his consciousness staring at the group of martial artists.

Lu Changsheng could even sense that there were many people hiding in the dark like him.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

"There are quite a few people coming. They are all the strongest people in the boundary sea, no matter how hard they try to hide, they can't hide."

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

But the strong people in the boundary sea are very patient.

They won't take action unless they see the divine object.


"She's here too?"

Suddenly, Lu Changsheng sensed the woman who bought the wood carving during the day.

The other party actually came to the river.

And she was hiding in a corner.

She thought she was hiding very secretly, but what about in fact?

In the eyes of many masters in the boundary sea, the woman's position was undoubtedly exposed, and she couldn't hide at all.

"Wait, her luck has increased."

"Getting stronger and stronger!"

Lu Changsheng suddenly saw a strange scene.

The woman was hiding quietly in the corner, but her luck was getting stronger and stronger.

This is not normal.

But in Kunwu Realm, the more abnormal it is, the closer it is to the divine object.

"Cuckoo, cluck."

The sound of the toad is getting louder and louder.

It even echoes in the void.

At the same time, the full moon in the sky seems to be at its brightest.


A toad with a pale golden body jumped out of the river.

This golden toad is so big, almost the size of a millstone.

It jumped out of the river all of a sudden, and it looked very shocking.

"Such a big golden toad."

"It seems that the legend is true, there must be a divine object!"

"Could the golden toad be a divine object?"

"It is said that the golden toad spits out pearls, but where are the pearls?"

When this group of martial artists saw the golden toad as big as a millstone, their eyes were full of fanaticism.

Divine object.

It is rumored that once you get a divine object, you can ascend to heaven in one step.

Who doesn't want to get a divine object?

"Bring the fishing net."

This group of martial artists were well prepared.

They threw out the fishing net that had been prepared long ago.

They went straight to the golden toad.

But the golden toad opened its mouth.


A large amount of water gushed out.

It directly washed away the group of martial artists.



"What kind of water is this? My body is rotten..."

The martial artists screamed.

The water spit out by the golden toad is obviously not ordinary water.

It can corrode flesh and blood.

Divine objects are good, but it is not so easy to obtain divine objects.

This golden toad is obviously not so easy to deal with.


"A bunch of trash."

"I have waited for so long, it is my turn to get the divine object!"

A cold snort suddenly appeared in the void.

Then, a man in black suddenly appeared.

Judging from his dress, he was the same as the group of martial artists below.

"Your Excellency, it is Your Excellency."

"Your Excellency, help me..."

"Your Excellency..."

This group of martial artists was the subordinates of the man in black in the void.

Seeing the man in black, everyone was ecstatic and begged desperately.

However, the man in black was unmoved. He actually walked directly into the air and instantly arrived in front of the golden toad, and then grabbed it with his big hand.

This grab was like turning the world upside down.

The golden toad kept "cooing".

But it was useless.

It seemed that he could not break free from the restraint of this palm.

"Boom boom".

The golden toad seemed very angry.

It directly set off a huge wave.

The waves in the river swept over, and under the control of the golden toad, they hit the man in black directly.

"You dare to be violent in front of me?"

The man in black flicked his finger directly.


A stream of cold air came out of his hand.

It directly froze the huge waves in the water.

"Crack, crack".

The huge waves were frozen into pieces of ice crystals.

Not only the huge waves, but also the river water below was frozen.

The huge river was frozen all of a sudden.

This scene was very shocking.

Although it was not frozen for thousands of miles, it was a hot summer day.

A large river was directly frozen. What kind of power is this?

Even if it is a divine object, it is probably no more than this.

"What is that?"

"Why is a big river frozen?"

"It's midsummer now, not winter, and a whole big river is frozen. Such divine power..."

Many people were shocked.

Faced with such terrible cold.

The golden toad couldn't stand it and was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

The man in black was about to catch the golden toad that had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

A smile appeared on his face.


Suddenly, it seemed as if the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

A terrifying existence similar to a dragon lay across the void.

And stretched out a huge claw and slapped the man in black directly.

"The divine object is mine!"

"Whoever dares to fight for it will be swallowed!"

The huge dragon exuded a terrifying aura.

That was completely the aura of a top extreme strongman.

"Get out of the way!"

Of course the man in black would not give in.

The two collided fiercely in the void.


However, this collision, the man in black was defeated.

The whole body was blown up.

It was blown up with just one hit.

However, the man in black had a terrifying ability to recover.

But the dragon was even more ferocious. It didn't stop after beating the man in black, but opened its mouth and sucked.

It swallowed the man in black in one gulp.


The riverside immediately became quiet.

You could hear a pin drop.

Everyone, whether openly or secretly, was stunned and shocked when they saw this scene.

The dragon was really ferocious.

It actually swallowed the man in black in one gulp.

You know, the man in black is also an extreme strong man.

He died just like that.

It's all because of the danger in Kunwu Realm and the struggle for hegemony among all races.

Now it seems to be true.

Those gifted races are really terrifying.

However, while the dragon and the man in black were fighting, the golden toad didn't know what method it used, but it actually broke through the ice.

And it directly spit out a gem.

The gem exuded a bright light.

At this moment, anyone could feel the terrifying power contained in the gem.

Divine object!

This is the real divine object!

The divine object is finally born!

"Hahaha, the divine object is born, it's my chance!"

"Demon Flame Dragon, I have to thank you for letting the golden toad spit out the divine object, but now you have nothing to do, get out!"

"Whoever dares to fight for the divine object, I will kill him at the end of the world!"

As the divine object appeared.

Suddenly, the top masters hidden in the dark appeared.

Each one of them had a body of ten thousand feet.

Or had many treasures.

Or was extremely fierce.

In short, each one was an extreme powerhouse, even a top extreme powerhouse.

All of them attacked at the same time at this moment.

The golden toad seemed to have sensed the danger and wailed.

The huge golden toad suddenly expanded more than ten times.

Then it opened its mouth and blew.


The gem shot towards the distance.

The direction was the hiding place of the female warrior.


The female warrior was slightly startled.

She opened her eyes wide.

She never expected that the divine object would actually fly towards her.

And it really landed in front of her.

It was a huge gem.

It seemed as if water was flowing inside, which looked very magical.

At the same time, the attacks of many extreme masters also fell on the millstone-sized golden toad.


Looking at the mighty golden toad, it was actually directly blown up, turning into a huge blood mist, spreading in all directions.

The golden toad was dead.

It was directly blown up.

However, many extreme realm masters were furious.

Because the orb flew away.

It landed in front of a local female warrior.

"The orb is mine!"


"Whoever dares to touch the orb will die!"

A group of top extreme realm masters flew towards the female warrior again.

The female warrior was shocked.

She wanted to obtain the divine object.

But she just wanted to join in the fun before.

Has she ever seen such a scene?

Usually, she can only deal with three or five strong men.

They are ordinary people.

Facing these terrifying existences, she is like an ant.

She can't even think of resisting.

At this moment, she didn't even have the courage to pick up the divine object.

There was only one thought in her mind.

She is dead!

Lu Changsheng has been paying attention to this scene.

Even before the golden toad spit out the orb, Lu Changsheng didn't rush to show up.

He is still waiting!

The main reason is that Lu Changsheng wants to know which extreme realm masters are competing for the divine object.

And now, he finally saw it.

A group of extreme realm masters, their might was simply earth-shattering.

However, these extreme realm masters were indeed very strong.

However, they did not make Lu Changsheng feel "suffocated".

In other words, they did not make Lu Changsheng feel unstoppable.

Moreover, the divine objects fell in front of the female warrior.

Who was the person closest to the female warrior?

Not the extreme realm masters who appeared first, but Lu Changsheng.

To be more precise, it was a bit of Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood.


A bit of Lu Changsheng's flesh and blood attached to the wooden sculpture of the female warrior.

At this moment, this bit of flesh and blood quickly flew out of the wooden sculpture.

And quickly turned into the appearance of Lu Changsheng.

Grab it with a big hand.

The orb was in hand.

"What? Who took the divine object?"

"How did he appear?"

"Is there anyone hiding?"

Some top extreme realm masters were startled and widened their eyes, as if they couldn't believe it.

Someone actually grabbed the divine object faster than them?

But what if they grabbed it?

With their eyes, it was obvious that it was just a clone.

Just a clone, just blow it up!

At this moment, not only the female warrior was in danger, but Lu Changsheng's clone was also in danger.

The female warrior also reacted.

When she saw the appearance of the clone, she was slightly startled.

"It's you..."

The female warrior recognized it.

The owner of the woodcarving shop.

The other party was actually also a "god".

Yes, the Kunwu Realm calls the people in the Jiehai who have the power to fly and destroy the world as gods.

Similarly, people who have strange objects are also called gods.

In short, people who have power that mortals can hardly imagine are all gods.

But what if the owner of the woodcarving shop is a god?

Facing so many gods.

Such a terrifying power.

Even if the owner of the woodcarving shop is a god, I'm afraid he can't escape death.

"Miss, I have to thank you this time."

"Without you, I wouldn't have been able to obtain the divine object so smoothly."

"As for these people..."

"I have long wanted to see these top warriors, what are their strengths?"

Lu Changsheng's clone smiled at the female warrior, and didn't seem to be worried at all.

When the female warrior was about to speak.


The void shook.

Then everyone felt as if a huge stone was pressing on their hearts.

Depressed, terrified, and hesitant.

Everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked at the void.

Even the people in the sealed city were the same.

What did they see in the sky?

It was a giant standing upright, ten thousand feet tall.

Lying in the void.

The whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

At the same time, ten thousand kinds of martial arts directly surrounded the giant's head, forming a huge golden cloud.

It looked extremely sacred and terrifying.

Especially its aura.

It was so overwhelming that everyone could not help but crawl on the ground, feeling the fear deep in their souls.

ps: Recommend the book "The Return of the Ancient Gods, I Dig Through the Ruins of Gods in My Dreams"

The end of the Ruins of Gods, the return of the ancient gods.

On this day, people's dreams suddenly changed, and the dreams turned into fragments of the ancient gods' lives. The dreamers will walk the path of the ancient gods again...

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