Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 6: Transformation of understanding, the appearance of an average person!

At night, the moonlight fills the earth.

In a secluded corner of Miaoshou Garden, an attribute panel appeared in front of Lu Changsheng.

He saw that on the attribute panel, the Tiger Fighting Hand had been perfected, and the value of Comprehension had suddenly increased by two points.

This could not help but make Lu Changsheng surprised.

"The comprehension value increased by 2 points instead of 1 point."

"Previously, the basic boxing technique only added 1 point of understanding."

"Could it be that the tiger punch is a little more advanced than the basic boxing technique, so it adds an extra point of understanding?"

Lu Changsheng thought about it, and it seemed that this was really the case.

The more difficult and advanced the martial arts, the more comprehension values ​​can be added once it is perfected.

This makes perfect sense!

Lu Changsheng closed his eyes, and his mind seemed to be clearer.

Some things that were complicated and difficult to understand in the past now seem to be understood after just a little thought.

Previously, Lu Changsheng was still a little confused about the "strengthening of Qi and blood" in Dahe Zhuangxue Kung Fu.

But now a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he understood immediately.

Dahe Zhuangxue Gong actually uses a special "vibration" method to continuously exercise the body.

Allow the body to replenish Qi and blood, thereby strengthening Qi and blood.

The body must in turn strengthen the body by consuming various nutrients, such as meat and nutrients in medicinal diets, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

The doubts that had lingered for many days were instantly solved.

Lu Changsheng immediately checked the properties panel.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 101 (Zhongrenzi)

Basic knife skills: Xiaocheng

Basic swordsmanship: Xiaocheng

Basic stick skills: Xiao Cheng

Tiger Fighter: Perfection

Dahe Zhuangxue Gong: Level 1

On the attribute panel, the comprehension has changed from 99 to 101, and even the evaluation has changed.

It used to be "unremarkable", but now it has become "out of the ordinary".

Obviously, this improvement is a "qualitative" transformation.

Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice: "Is this the improvement of understanding? The appearance of a middle-aged person may sound very ordinary, but this improvement is really immediate and the effect is so good..."

Lu Changsheng practiced the Dahe Zhuangxue Kung Fu again.

Improving your understanding to the "middle man's posture" cannot make Qi and blood grow rapidly, but it can feel the state of Qi and blood when it is running, and even analyze it, so that you can move Qi and blood more reasonably.

Over time, this will actually help the growth of Qi and blood.

Lu Changsheng was very satisfied.

This is just "the appearance of a middle-aged person".

If you continue to improve your understanding in the future, the results will surely be even better!

Lu Changsheng also practiced basic knife skills, basic sword skills, and basic stick skills. Improved understanding would be more helpful to martial arts.

I believe it won’t take long for these three martial arts to be perfected.

At that time, the comprehension can continue to increase by 3 points!

After finishing his work, Lu Changsheng reviewed the battle with the two thieves during the day.

Although he killed two thieves, Lu Changsheng was actually very dangerous.

The other party is not a warrior, just an ordinary person with strong body.

Even so, it is quite dangerous for him to use the tiger attack hand. If he makes a slight mistake, he will die.

"I need weapons."

"It's not convenient to carry a sword with you, but you can bring a dagger."

"With the perfect tiger fighting hand and a dagger, it is enough to deal with ordinary opponents."

Lu Changsheng thought for a while, and with his current status, carrying a dagger was obviously the most appropriate choice.

In the following days, Lu Changsheng resumed his usual schedule.

Busy every day, from morning to night.

There was no time to rest in between.

Lu Changsheng wanted to buy medicinal food to practice martial arts, but with his current status, it was difficult to even get out.

The status of a handyman apprentice is too inconvenient.

"I have to find a way to get rid of my status as a handyman apprentice and have some free time of my own."

Lu Changsheng guarded the treasure mountain but couldn't use it, and he felt very painful.

Obviously there are more than 800 taels of silver that can be used to buy medicinal food and practice martial arts, but there is no chance to get the silver.

Identity restricted Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng is now a handyman apprentice in Miaoshou Garden, and there are only three ways to go further.

One is to become a guard apprentice, which is the best option, but he has performed poorly before and this path is not feasible.

The second direction is to become an ordinary apprentice. The so-called ordinary apprentices are actually subordinates assigned to the accountants, shopkeepers, etc. of major pharmacies. They go wherever there is anything.

This type of apprenticeship has a lot of work, and there is no prospect of promotion. There is not much free time, so it is not a good choice.

The last direction is to become a pharmacist apprentice.

A pharmacist is not a doctor.

Pharmacists are people who specialize in preparing medicinal materials. Although they cannot treat doctors, the medicinal materials in the pharmacy are prepared by pharmacists, and their status is only slightly lower than that of doctors.

To become a pharmacist apprentice, you only need to identify and prepare medicinal materials every day, and you can also learn from the pharmacist. Even the salary is much higher than that of an ordinary apprentice.

Moreover, becoming a pharmacist apprentice also has the opportunity to be spotted by a doctor and become a doctor's apprentice.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng had already made a decision in his heart.

He's going to become a pharmacist's apprentice!

However, it is not easy to become a pharmacist apprentice. You must be proficient in knowing the names, years, and effects of various medicinal materials.

This requires a lot of hard work and a flexible mind.

My brain is not flexible and I can't remember so many medicinal materials.

"It seems that the silver in the cave cannot be withdrawn for the time being. We must first strive to become a pharmacist apprentice."

Lu Changchang breathed a sigh of relief.

I had been thinking about taking out the silver before.

Now it seems that there is no hope in the short term, but I feel relieved.

So, for the next time, Lu Changsheng read books and learned to read while Mo Fuzi opened a small stove, while holding books on various medicinal materials and memorizing them by rote every day.

After more than ten days of this, although I was not physically tired, I was mentally tired.

If you don’t have enough brains, reading is a kind of torture.

Fortunately, in more than ten days, Lu Changsheng's three basic martial arts skills were perfected again.

"The three basic martial arts are perfect, and three more points of understanding have been added."

Lu Changsheng's comprehension value has increased from 101 to 104.

104's comprehension is not only effective in martial arts, but also has great effects on reading and memorizing various medicinal materials.

Lu Changsheng even felt that his memory was much better.

However, it is a pity that after the three basic martial arts, Lu Changsheng cannot find other basic martial arts.

After all, although there are eighteen kinds of weapons, those niche weapons or niche martial arts have no "basic martial arts" at all.

Only very popular martial arts, such as knives, swords, and boxing, have basic martial arts.

If it is weapons such as whips, spears, hammers, etc., there are only Zhao's whip method, Ma's spear, Wang's double hammer, etc.

These relatively niche martial arts are not so easy to obtain.

At least, not what a handyman apprentice like Lu Changsheng could get.

This made Lu Changsheng even more furious, hoping to become a pharmacist apprentice as soon as possible.

Three months passed in a flash.

"Finally finished carrying it."

"Master Mo said, I know all the words I need to recognize now."

"The rest is some article interpretation and so on, which will take longer."

"However, there is no need to rush this. I will learn it slowly when I have time in the future. The various types of medicinal materials I have memorized in the past few months, there are at least hundreds of them, which should be enough to become a pharmacist apprentice."

"No wait, let's go take the pharmacist apprentice exam today!"

Lu Changsheng thought for a while and decided to give it a try to see if he could become a pharmacist apprentice.

He no longer wanted to waste time with the handyman apprentice.

After all, he hadn't acquired any new martial arts skills in three months, and his comprehension level had been fixed at 104, with almost no improvement.

Due to the lack of dietary supplements in Dahe Zhuangxue Gong, the progress is appallingly slow.

In the morning, when all the apprentices gathered in the square, Lu Changsheng took the initiative to come out and said to Manager Zhang: "Manager Zhang, I would like to apply to examine pharmacist apprentices. Please allow Manager Zhang."


Not only Manager Zhang, but also all the other apprentices' eyes fell on Lu Changsheng, with surprise on their faces.

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