Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 7 Everyone is shocked, the pharmacist apprentice!

Among the many apprentices, Lu Changsheng was inconspicuous.

Many apprentices don't even know Lu Changsheng or his name.

This time, they were really surprised to see that Lu Changsheng was actually going to take the pharmacist apprentice exam.

How long has it been?

After all the calculations, they were recruited into Miaoshou Garden for only about five months.

In five months, they could not even recognize the words, let alone become a pharmacist's apprentice.

You know, pharmacist apprentices have to memorize at least the names, functions, growing environments, etc. of hundreds of medicinal materials, all of which need to be learned from books.

How can I learn if I don’t know the words?

Even Manager Zhang frowned and asked with some suspicion: "Are you sure you want to apply for the pharmacist apprenticeship examination?"


"Then how sure are you?"

Lu Changsheng thought for a while. He didn't dare to say too much, so he could only say conservatively: "About 70 to 80%."

Manager Zhang had a look of surprise on his face.

70% to 80% certainty, in fact, this is quite certain to become a pharmacist apprentice.

Lu Changsheng is not very young, and he is sure to become a pharmacist apprentice in just five months. He is a child prodigy!

It is very possible to become a pharmacist or even a doctor in the future!

In Miaoshou Garden, the doctor who sits in the court for consultation has a very high status. Even the guards in the escort team are not as good as a doctor in Miaoshou Garden.

Thinking of this, Manager Zhang looked solemn, nodded and said: "I agreed, you go ahead."

After a pause, Manager Zhang said again: "Forget it, as a handyman apprentice, it would be troublesome to go by yourself. I will take you there myself."

Manager Zhang was obviously making friends with Lu Changsheng.

The future doctor of Miaoshou Garden has a bright future and is worthy of being friends with Manager Zhang.

"Then it will be up to you to take care of things."

Lu Changsheng bowed his hands.

Then he followed Manager Zhang and left the square.

Manager Zhang left, but the apprentices exploded.

"Are you really going to take the pharmacist apprentice exam?"

"I usually see Lu Changsheng holding those medicinal books and reading them. I thought it was just for show, but I didn't expect that he could really understand them?"

"I can't even recognize the characters, so Lu Changsheng can memorize medicinal materials books?"

"Master Mo likes Lu Changsheng very much and often teaches him in private."

"Oh, I didn't expect that Lu Changsheng has no talent in martial arts, but he is so talented in academics. Once he becomes a pharmacist's apprentice, he will have wages, and his status will be greatly improved, and he will no longer be the same as us..."

"No, I have to study hard and become a pharmacist apprentice."

The apprentices talked a lot, including envy and admiration, but mostly motivation.

With Lu Changsheng as a "role model", there will definitely be more apprentices among the remaining apprentices who will work hard to become pharmacist apprentices as soon as possible.

Lu Changsheng ignored the apprentices' thoughts.

He followed Manager Zhang to the medicinal material warehouse in Miaoshou Garden.

This is where the entire Miaoshou Garden processes medicinal materials.

There are many pharmacists inside directing their apprentices to dry and prepare medicinal materials.

"Mr. Wen."

Manager Zhang saluted an old man with white beard and hair.

Mr. Wen raised his head and glanced at Manager Zhang, then said, "What is Manager Zhang doing here?"

"Lao Wen, this is a handyman apprentice who has just been here for five months. He is here to apply for the pharmacist apprenticeship examination. Lao Wen is here."

Manager Zhang explained his intention.


"You've only been here for five months as a handyman apprentice. You didn't know how to read before, right? Now you're here to apply for the pharmacist apprenticeship exam."

A strange color flashed in Mr. Wen's cloudy eyes.

He stared at Lu Changsheng and asked, "What's your name?"

"Lu Changsheng."

"The name is quite good. How many kinds of medicinal materials do you know?"

"Five hundred and eighty-three medicinal materials."

"There are more than 3,600 medicinal materials in the Medicine Book. You can memorize more than 500, which indeed meets the standards of a pharmacist apprentice. However, I have to give you a test."

Mr. Wen got up and took Lu Changsheng to the backyard medicinal material warehouse.

There are medicinal materials everywhere here.

Mr. Wen pointed at several medicinal materials and asked: "Tell me what these three medicinal materials are? What are their main functions?"

Lu Changsheng replied directly: "Bupleurum has a bitter, mild smell and is non-toxic. It is mainly used to treat qi and food accumulation in the intestines and stomach of close friends. Cold and hot evil qi can push away the old and bring out the new. Long-term use can lighten the body and improve eyesight."

"Atractylodes macrocephala nourishes the spleen, nourishes the stomach, dries dampness, harmonizes the spleen and stomach, and prevents miscarriage. It can treat weak spleen and stomach qi, no desire to eat, fatigue and lack of qi, bloating, diarrhea, phlegm, edema, jaundice, dampness, difficulty in urination, Dizziness, spontaneous sweating, and restless fetal gas.”

"Fennel has a pungent taste and warm nature. It enters the kidney and stomach meridians. It is mainly used to treat coldness in the middle burner, nausea and vomiting, and spleen and stomach qi stagnation..."

Lu Changsheng spoke very carefully. He recited the words recorded in the Medicine Book one by one without missing anything.

Mr. Wen next to him also nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Mr. Wen had been examining for nearly an hour, and Lu Changsheng almost identified dozens of medicinal materials.

There were only a few medicinal materials, but he had not read them in the Medicine Book, so he did not identify them.

However, looking at Mr. Wen's appearance, he was quite satisfied.

At least, the pharmacist apprenticeship assessment should not be a problem.

"Very good! Being able to identify so many medicinal materials is not something you can just memorize by rote. It shows that you have really applied what you have learned."

"Manager Zhang, you have brought me a good seedling."

"Lu Changsheng, from today on, you are a pharmacist's apprentice."

Originally, when ordinary apprentices became pharmacist apprentices, they would be arranged by Mr. Wen to study with a pharmacist.

But Mr. Wen thought for a while and then said: "Are you willing to follow me as an apprentice?"

"Yes, of course I am willing. Thank you, Mr. Wen."

Lu Changsheng's face showed a hint of joy.

Judging from Manager Zhang's attitude just now, this elder Wen's status must be extraordinary.

Lu Changsheng could only dream of becoming an apprentice beside Mr. Wen.

"Lu Changsheng, it's your good fortune to be able to follow Mr. Wen. Mr. Wen is an old man in our Miaoshou Garden. He can identify more medicinal materials than those in the Medicine Book."

"Learn well from Mr. Wen. I hope that in the future you will not only become a pharmacist, but also a doctor, or even a famous doctor!"

Manager Zhang patted Lu Changsheng on the shoulder, encouraged him, and then left.

Lu Changsheng followed Mr. Wen and began his life as a pharmacist apprentice.

Pharmacist apprentices have a certain amount of free time and even have days off.

Take one day off every month.

And there are wages, three denarii a month's wages.

Although the money was very small, Lu Changsheng didn't care.

What he cares about is the one-month rest.

With some rest time, he can go to Woniu Mountain to take out the money.

Lu Changsheng was very patient.

He didn't rush, but waited for a month until the rest day before he made an excuse to go out.

Then we went to Woniu Mountain and found the cave.

The cave was full of dust, and there were no traces left by other people, indicating that no one had been to the cave in the past few months.

Lu Changsheng took out the hidden gold and silver.

Lu Changsheng did not take those jewels.

He only took gold, silver and silver notes.

Jewelry needs to be sold, and once sold, it may leave traces.

After all, these jewelry items are all dirty items of unknown origin.

Lu Changsheng took out the gold and silver and returned to Miaoshou Garden smoothly.

He roughly counted and found that apart from jewelry, there were not more than 800 taels, and only about 500 taels were left.

However, five hundred taels of silver is enough.

He only had to do two things next.

One is to go to a martial arts studio to learn or simply buy some simple martial arts skills.

The second is to buy medicated food to practice the Dahe blood-strengthening skill.

Lu Changsheng disguised himself a little, sticking a homemade beard under his nose, and using medicinal herbs to make his face waxy yellow, making him look like a middle-aged man.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng went out directly and went straight to the drug store.

ps: Two chapters are updated every day, at 12:00 and 12:30. If there is no update during these two time periods, it must be that the chapter has been blocked, and you can only wait patiently for it to be released around 5 p.m. Bill has been blocked today and will not be released until 5pm. During the public period, there will be two updates every day!

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