Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 817: This is even more shocking, okay? !

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"Welcome everyone to the game site of the final night of "I Sing", and welcome the audience friends who are watching the live broadcast in front of the screen." Liu Yizheng held the microphone and said loudly, "I am the host of the decisive night tonight, Liu Yizheng."

The audience burst into warm applause.

Liu Yizheng said: "The final night of "I Sing" will be broadcast live. Whether it is on the scene or in front of the screen, the audience friends will watch the game at the same time, and will know the result of the game at the same time."

"First of all, let me introduce tonight's contestants!" Liu Yizheng said, "Let's talk!"

"Poetry and Dreams!"

"Jiang Hanyu!"

"Peng Yunning!"

The guests did not come out, but the camera cut to a close-up of the guests watching the battle in the background, and cleverly avoided all the supporting guests.

But this still does not hinder the enthusiasm of the audience.

Every time Liu Yizheng called out the name of a guest, the audience cheered enthusiastically.

Not only the talk, Jiang Hanyu, Peng Yunning and Shi Mengqiao all got very warm cheers.

In previous recordings, the venue was not so large.

The audience is not so much.

And even if there were cheers, they thought it was arranged by the program group.

But now, the stadium with tens of thousands of people is full.

With so many viewers, they couldn't all be babysitters invited by the program team!

The three couldn't help being excited.

For the first time, there are so many spectators cheering for them!

Cheering for them, shouting their names.

They have been transparent since childhood, and finally reached the point where they can be cheered by the audience by name.

The eye sockets of the three of them were a little red.

"Now then,

Let me tell you about the voting rules. The audience can also vote this time. Of course, we don't have tens of thousands of voting machines. "Liu Yizheng said with a smile.

The audience laughed, and then I heard Liu Yizheng say: "The audience who came to the scene will vote together with the audience friends who are watching the live broadcast in front of the screen. Of course, the signal in the stadium may not be very good. It depends on everyone’s character and the strength of the operator.”

This made the audience laugh again.

"The voting rules are like this. Each guest will have two rounds of performances. The first round of performances is to sing with their supporting guests. Immediately afterwards, the guests will perform by themselves. During the performance of the guests alone, there will also be That is, when there is an entire repertoire, audience friends can vote."

"When the first note of the music sounds, the voting channel is opened, and when the last note falls, the voting channel is closed. During this period, audience friends can vote or cancel the vote."

"And the same as the previous voting rules, when the next guest performs a personal performance, if the audience friends feel that the performance of the previous guest is better than that of the previous guest, after voting for this guest, the number of votes cast before will be invalid. .”

"Voting will adopt a real-name system, so it's best for everyone to log in in advance and bind your mobile phone number and ID card." Liu Yizheng said, "Okay, without further ado, let's start our performance tonight!"

After Liu Yizheng finished speaking, he left the stage.

The stage suddenly went dark.

I can't see it at all.

There are no lights on the stage.

The audience doesn't know why.

"What's going on? Is it a malfunction?"

"Why is the stage all black?"

"Hush! Listen! There's music!"

The crisp and clear piano sound came from the darkness.

Then, a clear boy sounded.

As soon as the sound was heard, the whole audience erupted.

"Lu Xiangchen!"

"It's Lu Xiangchen!"

"It's Lu Xiangchen!"

"How come! Isn't he on tour?"

"But don't tell me, it's a recording!"

"It's Lu Xiangchen!"

"It's him! It's him on the scene. I've heard him live. This is not a recorded sound!"

"The program team actually found Lu Xiangchen!"

"Ahhh! My ticket is worth it! It's really worth it! I actually heard Lu Xiangchen live!"

"There are no scalpers for this concert, because they don't know who the guests are, and the scalpers dare not resell. I didn't expect it! Such a big surprise."

"Those who didn't come, and the scalpers, regret it to death!"

"For Lu Xiangchen's concert, 588 tickets can be sold to 5888. I am now in the middle of the front row bought by Yuan's family in 1998. It's so cool!"

"Even if he only sings one song, it's worth it!"

The spotlight on the stage suddenly turned on and hit the person who was playing the piano.

Only then did everyone discover that there was a piano on the stage.

And the person who is playing the piano is Lu Xiangchen.

"Lu Xiangchen! It's really Lu Xiangchen!"

"Did the show crew actually invite him?"

"He is a guest of assistance, he should be invited by a guest of competition, right?"

"Don't make trouble, among the participating guests, who can invite Lu Xiangchen!"

"Ahh! I'm going to cry! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

The piano sound stopped slowly, and Lu Xiangchen stopped singing, but walked towards the center of the stage.

At the same time that the piano sound stopped, a guitar sound also sounded.

The piano sound is melodious, but the guitar sound is a bit uninhibited.

Obviously two completely different styles.

But after the melodious and brisk piano sound, the guitar sound that followed suddenly gave people a sense of surprise.

"This guitar sound...won't it be what I thought it would be?"

This time, without giving the audience any time to guess, a clear male voice sounded.

"No way!!!"

"My God! Is it Ji Jiayi????"

"I'm crying, no one should wipe my tears!"

"What kind of fairy combination is this! Is this a lineup that a variety show can invite?"

The spotlight was once again on the man playing the guitar, illuminating the man's face as well.

Then, it also appeared on the big screen.

The auditorium has never calmed down, and the boiling voice is louder and louder.

"Ji Jiayi! Ji Jiayi! Ji Jiayi!"

"It's really Ji Jiayi!"

"How could Ji Jiayi even have it!"

"I think the tickets I bought were cheap! I'm sorry for the appearance fees of Lu Xiangchen and Ji Jiayi!"

Ji Jiayi sang, walked to the center of the stage, and stood side by side with Lu Xiangchen.

"My God, they'll stand together for the rest of their lives!"

"I can actually see this scene!"

Just as Ji Jiayi's singing and guitar stopped, the music in the field switched back to the piano again.

However, it was not Lu Xiangchen who played.

Don't know who played it.

Because the light does not fall on the piano side, it cannot be seen by the audience.

But it was Liu Jingshen's voice that rang out with the sound of the piano.

Now, no one in the audience suspects that Liu Jingshen is not there.

It's just that this is even more shocking, okay? !

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