Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 818: These 3 people are talking about group talk!

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"Liu Jingshen! Liu Jingshen!"

Now the voices rising and falling in the field turned into Liu Jingshen again!

"What kind of luxurious lineup is this, are they just responsible for mobilizing the atmosphere at the beginning?"

With this lineup, can it be a helping guest?

Of these four participating guests, which one can invite these three as supporting guests at the same time!

Definitely the opening.

"But, didn't Brother Zheng just say that he was the first guest to appear?"

"Yeah, Brother Zheng has so many years of experience in hosting and controlling the field, so he will never make such a mistake."

Just as he was talking, the voice of the end of the conversation sounded.

When the spotlight hit him, Tan Jinsheng could be seen playing and singing.

"Damn it! It's really a contestant, Liu Yizheng is right!"

"It's so awesome to talk about!"

"Is this the power of money? To be able to invite Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen at the same time."

"Win, he is sure to win. With this lineup, how can we compare!"

"Suddenly feeling sorry for other guests, this is not in the same dimension."

Not only the live audience, but even the audience watching the live broadcast kept posting barrage.

There are more traditional viewers who are still watching the live broadcast on Donghua TV on TV.

And the younger viewers are willing to interact with bullet screens, even if they can enjoy the atmosphere of watching the live broadcast with others, they all use Kefeng to watch the live broadcast.

Kefeng's live broadcast was slightly delayed by twenty or thirty seconds.

But generally as long as there is no problem with your own network, it is generally not a big problem.

After Tan Jinsheng played for a while, he got up and walked to the center of the stage, standing with the three brothers.

The four will sing together tonight.

The three of Liu Jingshen left the most amazing part to Tan Jinsheng.

"Did you see the subtitles just now? The original song is about talking, and the adaptation is Liu Jingshen!" said a barrage.

"Liu Jingshen even specially arranged music for the chorus of the four of them!"

"Fuck, it must be a different price."

"I'm envious of the people who are here today. If I knew this, I would have gone too! I heard that the tickets in the front row are very easy to buy, and no one is grabbing them."

However, although there is no need to grab them, they are all sold out in the end. There were no seats left.

Because although the program group did not announce the guest list, it gave some guest tips.

However, in order to guard against "Singing", the program team still reserved a hand, treating Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen as secret weapons and did not announce them.

But the hints given by other guests were all guessed by netizens.

Because even without the addition of Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen, the lineup is still good, so the tickets are not worried about selling.

It's just not to the extent of grabbing, and there are no scalpers making a difference in the middle.

When the song ended, the audience was still in shock.

Especially the audience at the scene.

Those who bought tickets in the front row stared intently at the four people on the stage. If it wasn't for the pain in their eyes, they would not be willing to blink.

The audience in the middle can see the four people on the field through the lens zoom function of the mobile phone camera.

Generally, I watch while videotaping, and don’t forget to take pictures while videotaping.

Regardless of whether the shots are duplicates or not, when the time comes to filter, I find that every shot is the same, and I need to delete it.

Anyway, at this moment, just shoot and it’s over.

The audience who are far away will pass through the four people in the stands on the big screen.

Even if the lens was pulled far enough, it was not clear under such light, so I continued to take pictures on the big screen.

After the song ended, Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen were not in a hurry to continue.

Liu Jingshen said: "Time is limited, let's talk briefly. The three of us are here to support our junior brother."

Ji Jiayi: "That's right, Jinsheng is our little brother."

Lu Xiangchen: "When all the voices start singing, remember to vote for all the voices."

Ji Jiayi: "Okay, let's go down first, the host is coming to arrest people."

The audience in the audience was reluctant to let them leave like this, and couldn't help laughing.

These three people are talking about group talk!

Liu Jingshen: "Everyone, don't panic, as long as you vote with all your voices, we will return it."

Lu Xiangchen: "Yes, if you want to hear us sing again, just vote."

Barrage: "Damn it, this is the first time I've seen someone threatening the audience to vote."

"But I did get threatened by them."

"The point is, I'm not angry after being threatened."

"Vote, vote, vote."

"Give it, give it all to you."

The three of Liu Jingshen went backstage temporarily, leaving Tan Jinsheng to sing the second song.

The voting channel is open at the same time.

Backstage, Jiang Hanyu and others looked at them helplessly.

With such an appeal from them, how many tickets are left for the three of them.

Unexpectedly, after it was all like this, Lu Xiangchen even slapped his thigh, "Oh! I forgot to remind them not to change the ticket!"

Peng Yunning said helplessly: "Leave us some way to survive."

Shi Mengqiao nodded, "That's right, even though we lost, let's make it look better for us to lose, and leave some votes for us."

Jiang Hanyu said with a smile: "However, Jinsheng, you are too low-key. You are a student of Mr. Liu Shengtai, and you have three such awesome seniors, and you never told us about it."

"It's fine if you didn't tell us before, but you didn't tell us when you invited them here this time." Peng Yuning said.

I don't mean to accuse you of talking all the time.

Especially when his senior brothers are still there, how dare he!

Shi Shulei smiled and helped Tan Jinsheng out of the siege, "I didn't let Jinsheng say it. It's not that you can't trust the three of you, so you definitely can't tell the outside world. The key is that we have too many people here, and it's easy to spread if people hear it. Go to "The Song". Let them know, and then think of a way to guard against it. So I told Jin Sheng to hide it, just to catch "The Song" by surprise."

"When inviting guests, the three brothers Shen were not included in the list of guests provided." Shi Shulei explained.

When everyone thinks about it, it really is.

Especially Jiang Hanyu, who has just experienced what happened to Wu Jinghuan.

Didn't Wu Jinghuan dream of opening the show because he didn't know that Liu Jingshen and the other three would be guests?

I am not the only one being kept in the dark, so I feel much better.

As soon as Tan Jinsheng began to sing, Tan Mo and the others began to vote.

It's just that there are too many people in the stadium, and everyone gathers together, which makes the signal really bad.

Especially since everyone was crowding together to vote at the same time, it was impossible to get in.

No matter how good the phone is, it's useless.

But fortunately, they refused to give up, and finally succeeded in casting a vote for Tan Jinsheng.

Even if they talk about it, it's not bad for them to have a few votes.

There are calls from his three senior brothers, plus Tan Jinsheng's own fans.

To put it in a very confident word, Tan Jin Sheng is definitely a sure win, and they are really not short of these few tickets.

But if they don't vote, they feel weak, as if they have lost their strength and intentions.

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