Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 819: These 3 people, wouldn't they go to me to sing?

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In the end, after performing together with the supporting guests and performing alone, a total of eight songs were performed, and the voting results were announced.

Tan Jinsheng won the championship of the first season of "I Sing" with a huge advantage.

After that, considering the length of time, there is also a time limit for the program group to rent the stadium.

Therefore, it is impossible for each supporting guest to sing a song alone.

Still following the team pattern, they were divided into four groups and sang four more songs.

And Liu Jingshen sang another song together with Ji Jiayi and Lu Xiangchen, fulfilling the promise he had just made to the audience.

Three people singing in chorus can excite the audience more than three people singing alone.

The audience had never seen a trio singing in chorus.

But I didn't expect to see two shows at once today.

"This kind of momentum is not there in the New Year's Eve of those big stations."

"Donghua TV has made money! Donghua TV didn't invite three people at the same time during the New Year's Eve, only one of them was invited, but now because of the "I Sing" program, three people are on the same stage."

"I heard that "I Sing" was not produced by Donghua TV, but by Kefeng. Donghua TV only provided a broadcasting platform."

"Fuck, Donghuatai is really making a lot of money!"

"I don't know how "Song" is doing now?"

"If you don't tell me, I'd have forgotten, "The Song" is also the night of the decisive battle tonight. As advertised before, the lineup is quite luxurious."

"Can Luxurious live this show luxuriously? This is a live broadcast! It's all on-site with full mics, it's too stable!"

"Yeah, because it's a live broadcast, so I'll watch this first, and I plan to go back and watch the Cut of "Singing Voice". Anyway, it was originally recorded and broadcast, and it has already been recorded. There is no live broadcast atmosphere. There is no need to watch the live broadcast.”

At this time, Ge Guangzhen was at home, watching the live broadcast of "Singing".

But at the same time, I am also paying attention to the situation of "I Sing".

He doesn't want to contribute to the ratings and live broadcast numbers of "I Sing\

,"Then through Weibo to see.

It turned out that he didn't even need to go to Teyi search, and there were several entries related to "I Sing" on the hot search.

Among them, the highest one is actually the first in the hot search.

【Liu Jingshen, Ji Jiayi, Lu Xiangchen on the same stage】

Because of the names of these three people, Ge Guangzhen couldn't tell for a while, whether this trending search was bought or purely based on popularity.

But seeing these three people, Ge Guangzhen thought of talking about everything.

These three people probably went to "I Sing".

Because "I Sing" was not included in the entry, Ge Guangzhen was skeptical and didn't click on this trending search.

I just clicked on other hot searches with the name "I Sing".

[Talk about "I Sing" won the championship]

【Talk about the full stage】

【Jiang Hanyu Stage】

【Shi Mengqiao second place stage】

【Peng Yunning Stage】

Ge Guangzhen didn't click on these individual stage hot searches for the time being.

Anyway, it's just singing, no matter how fancy the stage is, it's almost the same.

He has organized "Singing Voice" for four seasons. What kind of fancy stage has he never done?

I have no interest in how well netizens comment on how well they sing.

He just wanted to see netizens' comments on the program "I Sing".

It's not too late to go back after browsing the other hot searches first.

So, Ge Guangzhen continued to look down.

[The stage of "I Sing", the eternal god. 】

After clicking on it, it is the exquisite stage special effects of "I Sing".

[How much regret can those who did not buy a ticket to go to the scene of "I Sing\

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